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I was watching the new Fantastic Beasts movie and I thought what makes Albus Dumbledore the most powerful wizard? Why there are different levels of "power" among people.  Then I took this further into the real world and I thought why there are different levels of success regardless if driven by good or selfish thoughts.

I believe that every spirit has equal power. So, why do we see differences? The answer is INTENT.
We've already discussed intent many times here, but I wanted to bring this back and dive a little deeper.

Power is unlocked ONLY by the "knowing" that you have it and the level of desire and intent you apply of achieving things with that power.

Success also may be driven by selfish thoughts to have money for example and splurge for yourself on luxuries. If you don't give back and help others with a portion of this money, you falls under the selfish category, but nevertheless it was achieved by strong intent and knowing that you can do it. Confidence that you have what it takes. Such person perhaps doesn't know the technicality behind creation and don't think about the spiritual aspect or where the power comes from. They just have that drive to go and get it. It is the intent that matters.

Now, behind the intent is actually the DESIRE. Perhaps the desire must come first to trigger the intent and start the motion of creative thoughts.
If you find yourself without any desires, but know that you want certain things, then I believe the only way is to meditate and ask to receive the desire to motivate you to start acting on it.  Then once you detect even the faintest desire, start enhancing it with thoughts on what could you create and how will it feel to have what you want. Start enhancing that desire to become as string as possible. Then apply the intent. The intent will start showing you clues on what paths and actions to take that will lead you to your goal.

Just have fun, don't take life too seriously, because the moment you start fearing that you won't achieve your goal, this becomes an automatic barrier that will always stay on your way. Just have fun creating! We were talking about Infinity on another thread, so know that there are infinite possibilities and probabilities that one can experience. The thoughts will create immediately from raw energy, but they can only be actualized into physical worlds by intent. The intent feeds them to give them continuous stream of energy and if held strong, that energy materializes in forms of scenarios, events, objects, experiences, adventures.

Of note, dark chocolate boosts dopamine and serotonin production. Healthy eating and exercising also boost big time mood and promote healthy brain which is important for us physical creatures as it is it our translator apparatus. Forgiveness and love give us peace to focus on the good and create what we focus on. Focus on something that makes you happy. If the news stress you out, don't watch them. If disturbing movies bring about unpleasant feelings, don't watch them. Watch something that inspires you. Read about things that make you happy.

See the best version of yourself with your inner eye, as what you see with your inner eye at this moment is your present. What you see with your outer eye at this moment is your past. Can you understand what I am saying?
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


You're hitting a very deep and misunderstood aspect of WHY WE'RE HERE.  First, you're 100%, LOVE your post LB.  :)

Intent comprises, probably, a good 90% of why we're here and how we judge ourselves upon our assured demise.
Ok, what I say here is just my opinion... but why we're here is to learn to become closer to Love (CAPITAL L - Love).

Intent is almost everything in terms of this concept.  It's the difference between instantly doing something nice because it's just the right thing to do... and doing something nice because someone important is watching and you want them to think good of you... is HUGE.  <-- understand the difference here.  The difference is the *INTENT*... and that is what you will ultimately judge YOURSELF on after you physically move on.

It's always summed up as "dude, just don't be an butt".  ;)

Then, the next best thing you can do for yourself is learn how to place your Intent.  Learn how to say "BANANA SPLIT!!", but mean "CLARITY NOW!!!".  Learn that, and you'll have found a power greater than anything for your own spiritual growth.  <3


Quote from: Xanth on June 02, 2022, 21:45:12
why we're here is to learn to become closer to Love (CAPITAL L - Love).

Oh yes, that is THE TOP reason there is journey of the soul in the first place. This is the alpha and omega.

And the good wizards/beings are always more powerful than the dark ones because of LOVE  :-P
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Yes, I've used the Law of Attraction for my own benefit. And it's absolutely crazy how things sort themselves out. Here is my own personal view of it.

A lot of people live in pure survival mode, I used to as well. If you can live in survival mode, and replace the fear mindset for abundance, set goals, setup that desire, change your intent, and just live in the now regardless of what happens, that is huge. Also giving, if you can, to some organization you believe in, even if it's a small amount. These actions changed my life and lifted me out of the survival mode.

Changing the INTENT of, "I have to work to survive and pay my bills so I CAN LIVE." (selfish survival mode mentality), to "I am working at this job to help a large portion of humanity with my service and donation of time and labour and I believe in what I do and I'll do the best I can." (selfless beneficial attitude towards the WHOLE)

And you may not believe 100% in what you do (like you may not be doing your "calling"), but as long as you know you are helping people in specific ways, that's what truly matters. Even something as simple as cleaning tables at a restaurant. Maintain that mindset for a prolonged period (could be a few years depending on your intent), and you'll set yourself up for success. Obviously, you have to do what you think is best at the same time to get to your goals. Logical thinking and intuition are gifts we should be using as much as possible. So there will probably be lots of pivoting and changes along the way.

And then once you get out of that survival mode, you are already completely used to your new reality as you've already been living it in your mind. And now you have to push your limits more. Now I have to keep focussed on spiritual development to push my comfort zone as much as possible.

I recently moved to Brazil from Canada, and how things worked out was nothing short of a miracle. We were definitely meant to come here. I'm not going to go into details, but there were many, many, many obstacles in the way of this but I knew it was meant for us. And if it wasn't we wouldn't be able to go and so be it. Having that amount of faith in your desires is important. Within 2 months of deciding to go, everything lined up perfectly, mind you, at the very last second which added some stress/excitement. It was like teetering on emotions of anxiety/stress, but reminding yourself to just let go and trust that everything will work out. And it did. Literally the biggest miracle I've personally witnessed in my life. The magick of intent.
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on June 03, 2022, 09:53:22
The magick of intent.
Focused will and intent is "Magick"! Just as focused will and intent is "Prayer" too. It's funny all the religious people I know that cringe when the word "Magick" is brought up. Yet, they are okay with the word "Prayer"!  :| Oh well!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla