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Where do we end up after we die?

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I've had lots of astral experiences but I still don't know where I'll end up after I die. I've been to the lower planes where the permanent residents where ghouls and hungered for vitality by chasing me down. I've been to the higher worlds where soul groups gathered in communes to learn and practice the Light.

And I've also experienced my own nirvana where I lived in my own beautiful world with a magic house that saw to my every comfort.

So I wonder where we do end up after we die. Can we choose? Can we have it all? Explore the universe and then recess to our own dreams of heaven.

I've also heard if our karma is ripe enough we can achieve the highest heavens and float inside an ocean of pure Love next to God.

Also, I've always wondered why some souls end up in the trenches of the lower planes. How did they get there? What do you have to do to end up like them? If I knew what not to do I would feel safer in my astral explorations.

Is it as simple as having choice where to go? Or is there something that limits us from achieving certain existences? What is that?

How does vitality fit into it? I've seen some beings that are dark and without Light and life. Again, how did they get that way? I've seen angelic beings that could make me laugh hysterically in bliss by splashing me with pure Love. How did they get that way?

What do you think?
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."

Chaos Mage

Ok, I'll try and answer some of those questions you asked in this post.

Now, I think that things that are created out of magick, or conjurations of some form, become things like ghouls.  That would be things like thought forms, servitors, and such.
The reason I came to these boards atm, was to post about the very things you are asking.  I just had an experience with a dead man!  I went for a drive, reclaimed my tobacco, came home, seen my friend there by his truck, so I stopped there, and we were changing his tire.  We were just going to go look for a socket at the neighbor's house, and another guy was coming towards us.  So my friend walked out halfway to see him, while I stayed in the truck.
All of a sudden, as I'm debating to drive up to them, I hear that man's voice from inside of the house, "Well go! Drive to them!"  so i started the truck and drove up to them.  What happened after that was we changed the tire, or at least got it loose.  The point is, I distinctly heard it, his voice, from inside of the house.
I don't want to violate my friend's privacy, I will just say that this man that I heard just now had commited suicide a few years ago.  Apparently, he's living in some kind of parallel reality.  I don't think that he became a suicidal wraith hellbent on feeding on life energy, I really believe that he died, and transmuted his reality into his own paradise.  He, like many other ghosts and dead people, can see into our reality, and I'm sure that watching us gives them great pleasure or sorrow depending on what's happening.

It's also like with my dead grandmother.  Sometimes, I can hear her voice, and she is always instructing me on what to do with my sexuality.  I also hear her voice coming out of the cat when the cat is asleep, as though she can take control of the animal and produce close to real english words by speaking through the cat.

Perhaps it's simply that we reap what we sow, either that, or everybody goes to the astral when they die.

I know that after I reentered the Shattered Shadow, an event which occured during my teen years, and for the second time, I pulled a girl out of there, people could see her, but I had to visualize her.  One time, when I was worried about a child that might have been trying to escape the village, I was looking for her in my despair, and I turned after going into the garage, and behold, there was my chick slipping out of the door.  I've also seen chick like images in that area, which greatly appear to be the same girl that I 'resurrected', although, she was only a phantasm, yet, had been given immense energy.  I think she lives in one of the back sheds.

So let's do a quick run down on the different types of netherworldly entities.
and beyond that, I don't know what they are.

Where we go in the afterlife could depend on our want to experience a reality after we are free of our incarnate bodies.  I don't really understand it, ask me about it twenty years ago, I could prolly have told you anything and it would have been very close to it.

Maybe karma plays a role in it, or, when we die, we become like gods.  I don't know really, I just know that there are dead people hanging around here, and I'm not scared.  I'm glad about it, it means that there is a constant witness of all the crap that happens, and I know, after suffering so long and watching others suffer, something gets done about it.

Maybe I should just relax, but with this 'thing' constantly watching me and bothering me, I don't know what to do.  What if it, is a dead guy?  Like some kind of astral knight of some kind that is testing my powers, and if he can, shut me down entirely?  Well, whatever, but I think that there is some kind of phenomenon here that means that you can't abuse your powers, or you do suffer the consequences.  Just think about it, if every soul that ever lived dies and then, exists in the astral, then we have every reason to rejoice.  Buddha, Christ, Martin Luther King, we can still have our heroes that we use and admonish for inspiration and power, correcting the mistakes in religion so that people can have a better life on Earth.

Makes me think that I better get ready... and really live my phantasy dream here on Earth, to better prepare for the freedom of the astral when I finally do die.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control