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Who and What am I

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This question often comes up when we try to analyze our experiences. Here is my understanding using analogies. Feel free to express your ideas.

-The "little" me is the version of my physical persona that I perceive myself to be in this moment/frame of this version of reality.  I am MVB born in the 20th century in EU, Planet Earth, linear version 100007654.                                                                                                                                                                                (In my view, there are infinite versions of every single point of consciousness existing simultaneously in the multiverse.)

-The "big" me is what we call the oversoul/the higher mind. It perceives itself is all personas all at once that it chose to express itself as and their infinite versions, including the "little" me. I am MVB born in 20th century EU, Earth, linear version 100007654 I am  a potato digger born in England in the middle ages Earth linear version 984557786565444, I am a roman soldier, I am the King of Scotland in 1398 AD, I am a member of the galactic confederation from Orion, I am  a blade of grass, I am an insect on planet  Mars, I am a stream of color in realm 18765 frequency, etc. I am all the above all at once without being confused. I am able to perceive myself as this large entity, not viewing myself as one character at a time linearly, but all at once as one being.                                                                                                                                                                              (In my view, the "big" me is the main programmer of the themes and experiences of the "little" us. But the "little" us have the power within their themes to evolve, learn, gain knowledge, expand, etc through situational lessons set up by the programmers, cooperation with other points of consciousness, tests to re-discover themselves from many points of view, testing their pre-programmed and acquired  beliefs within their enclosed game environments, testing how many self-imposed filters they can shed with each experience, choosing certain sets of lessons within each "life time", etc)

-The "all" me is All That Is perceiving itself as all versions of all points of consciousness and their infinite persona expressions including the "little" me and the "big "me simultaneously in one infinite moment. (In my view, the "all" me is the ultimate creator of everything". The big" me and the "little" me are fragmentations of consciousness. Each fragment though is never separate from All That Is. It just places filters/cloaks to block certain perceptions for the purpose of experiencing individualized story lines and expressions. All That Is is always in a state of becoming. It has no beginning and no end.

The best analogy (on a much smaller scale though, but you get the idea) to understand how the fragments perceive themselves and how can I/you imagine what is it to be the "big" me and the "all" me is the following:

-I am a child and I can not understand what it is to be anything else, although I am told by others what it is, I simply cannot comprehend because I am not within that other frame of reality (this is the "little" me)

-Now I am an adult and I understand what it is to be a child, but also an older sister, an aunt, a friend, a student, an engineer, a researcher, a mentor, a piano player, a karate master, etc. I can perceive all these roles as a part of me all at once without being confused or without the need to experience all these roles one at a time.  (this is the "big" me)

-Now, I am an adult and perceive myself being all these roles but in addition, I have learned how to AP and perceive parts of me that I never knew existed. I have the ability to perceive myself as ONE with everything. (this is the "all" me), and I am not confused, I am not lost within the infinite characters, no persona is ever lost or sees to exist, it is and always will be a part of the ONE, and the ONE will always know each "little" me as the ONE. Just like I am aware of my childhood, my adulthood, and I perceive both with the same validity, none is ever placed aside, both go in tandem of who the bigger me is, the same way no persona is ever "blended" or "dissolved" within the ONE. But all fragments perceive themselves as one entity

Conclusion: The only difference between the above various "me" is the filters that create the illusion of separation. To understand this and to know that at this very moment I/you ARE "All That Is" and to give the "little" us the ability to peel away more filters and within the enclosed game environment to actually see from far above and understand not only ourselves but all other personas and their purposes within our vicinity and collectively.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


It appears my attitudes change, a natural expression found through out life. Presently, I do not think we can really perceive the nature of reality. We may believe we come close to, and we may change our ideas about what constitutes reality and who or what we are. Lately, realizing this- it's been more important for me to move in the direction my Heart desires. I don't have much time for those who like to debate, I think everyone has an opinion. And everyone has an opinion for someone else. It seems whenever I share ideas about reality and who or what I am- there are some who appreciate and some who are ready to debate my perspective. What's being debated isn't actually needing debated. It's someone else finding something to hold on to assuming there's some conflict with what they know. We sometimes hear and read things(or people) differently than what's being presented. How we interpret others is subjected to whatever it is our Hearts and minds are focused on in the present. I have witnessed someone think I was saying one thing, when in reality I was saying another. Someone takes my words out of context to prove their point- another assumes my words are directed at them. It all seems to come from this realm of desire, maybe a love interest goes unreciprocated- maybe someone feels they have had this idea on their chest needing validated. Maybe another thinks their answers should be heard and respected. It's really interesting, I feel like(at times) I am witnessing the unspoken energies of past and present as I interact with others. Online or in person. It isn't necessarily reality, but a feeling of an individuals timeline like some indicator of- where they're at in this journey.

It's quite strange. Who or what am I? I'm not sure I know the truth behind this. I have idea's, I have aspirations. Lately I just hope I am growing in the desired direction, aligned with Divine Love. What do I think to be divine love? Compassion, courage, proper action, foresight, discernment, gentleness, patience, strength.

I am desire, action, repose and Will.
I am a traveler, I am here for the ride. I am seeing, I am learning.
I am seeking, I am letting go...  I am unlearning.
I err and I strive.
Ultimately... I am alive.


Great perspective, Tides! There are infinite things to discover and infinite ways to discover them. That's what makes existence truly fascinating! :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow