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Why Love? Love vs Fear

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** I wrote this a few months ago and posted it on my sub reddit r/AstralAcademy - but wanted to share it here too - just my growing perspective **

You start off as a small bit of consciousness called an "awareness" and you're asked, "Do you want to go to Earth? You'll have this amazing chance to experience a wide range of emotions and experience things you could never imagine... but only for a small time, just a blip."

"Hell ya!", you say with enthusiasm.

So you're born here...

Now that you're born here, your job is to learn and grow and become as good a person as you can. As you live your life, you make choices - those choices have a certain Intent behind them.
We can look at it in terms of Entropy - or the measure of how much order is within a system. The more towards love that your Intent is, the lower the entropy becomes, the more towards fear that your Intent is, the more the entropy becomes.

I see at least two levels of Entropy here.

The individual awareness level - which is each of our individual awarenesses and there's consciousness awareness level - which we call The One, The Oneness, or you could even call it "god" if that floats your boat. Now, The One learns and grows in the exact same way as our individual awareness does - afterall, you ARE a part of it. You are formed in the image of that oneness, that's not to say your physical form, but the awareness which is the true you is.

Eventually, your physical body will cease to function and the awareness which you identify as you will return to The One and you'll share your experiences you've had with it. Your individual entropy will then be merged with The One, lowering or raising its overall entropy.

In this way, the choices you make in your lifetime affect everyone. You're either helping to lower your entropy (become love) or raise your entropy (become fear). Which, in turn, lowers or raises The One's entropy.

Your life changes The One in such a small amount, which is why The One has to create all of these individual awareness units (an infinite number) in order to interact with itself in order to grow and learn to become a more ordered consciousness.

So think about that the next time you're making a decision, the Intent behind your decision, ultimately, affects everyone, everywhere, in every reality stemming from consciousness.

Our species overall average entropy has slowly been increasing over the last ten to twenty years and you can see it in our interactions with each other. You can see it in our politics, the media, just about every aspect of our lives. We're becoming less ordered, more chaotic.

Choose love. Always choose love. The world needs it. All of consciousness needs it.


I'm gonna have to think on this one Xanth. From what I have seen of souls/spirits entering Earth's atmosphere it appears we are each a complete and separate entity in our own right. I'm beginning to think differently or at least question many of the 'gurus'.

Of course we are all very aware of the role love and fear play in our lives. I wonder if we haven't pinned a little too much on that idea.

Entropy, now that's another subject and it appears that is the natural way of things. To everything there is a season. Our (human) existence seems to be in a time of harvest and/or laying fallow.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.