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Healing request for me

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Hi everyone!  :)

I feel hesitant about posting this request because I don't like many people knowing about my health issues, except those I feel need to know for some reason.  However, I have become concerned about the way things are going.  Instead of improving, it seems I am getting complications.  Let me explain what I've been diagnosed with.

About two weeks ago, I found a medication I was taking became toxic, affecting my liver.  A few day later I discovered I have drug induced hepatitis, also called toxic hepatitis, caused by an overdose or toxicity of a drug.  The medication is toxic.  At that time, it was assumed I just had liver inflammation which was causing all the symptoms I had been experiencing.  Now it seems instead of the acute phase of hepatitis it was assumed I had, it has apparently developed into a worse case.  My feeling is it will be chronic hepatitis when all the tests and exams are completed because I have realized that the symptoms did not start in the last month like I thought (when they got worse) but began months ago, which I also have realized involve my kidneys.

I had been improving two days after the drastic decrease in the medication which brought on this [bleep] condition.  But I soon started getting a fever, chills, eye pain, migraines and the other signs indicative of kidney involvement as well as all the other draining symptoms of hepatitis.  I am concerned about the involvement of my kidneys, which can take a LONG time to recover in addition to the healing of the liver.  So I've got a long road ahead of me.  

Of course, I am apprehensive about my condition.  OK, I'll say it . . .  I hate to but I will . . . I am scared.  I am scared of all the months that passed as I took the medication as prescribed, noticed certain things, told my mom or my sister and they brushed it off because I felt they were right.  I didn't trust myself and I should have.  Over the last 4 months, I learned that lesson but in a different way and realized it applies to this situation too.  Now I might have damage that cannot be reversed.  

(The medication that caused this condition has brought on drug induced hepatitis in other patients taking the drug.  I found a website with actual referrals WHERE I LIVE to get an attorney and sue the doctor and the pharmaceutical company.  :shock:   If I had only known about it before I started taking that damn pill!!! :idea: )

Please pray for me or send white light or positive energy or thoughts my way both for the illness and the area I live in.  

I live in an area with a great amount of negative energy--more than just ghosts/spirits.  Since our neighbors moved into their homes they have had bad luck (more than is normal), strange occurrences in their homes and yards, like my property, and one neighbor has lupus and has gotten worse.  My sister told me she thinks the energies in the area are complicating and exacerbating my illness--and other people's lives too.  

Concerning all the things that have happened to me, my sister, and mother; our neighbors; and the warring neighbors using witchcraft and Santeria against the other; well, it's obvious this area is not going to improve anytime soon so we are seeking another place to live.  Actually, we've found a better area with land that is 'receiving', calming, and generally the total opposite of where we live now.  I'm calling about two homes in that area tomorrow despite how [bleep] I feel.  I remembered a premonition I had over a year ago and I was in the state of health I am in now and getting worse, I was doing things to pack because we were moving.  I sense it falling into place--finding the home and unfortunately my health.  

I know a drug reached dangerously high toxic levels and I'm paying for it with my health right now but drug induced hepatitis eventually clears up.  It just depends on how long the drug had been at toxic levels in the body, what damage is done if in the chronic stage, and how long to recovery or how to live with the liver damage.  I just know the environment I live around now is not conducive to healing and progress, some neighbors never get better or not much, or they get worse.  

Send any positive energy or thoughts my way to have a complete recovery.  I am comforted in a way.  I have seen my guide and felt my guardian angels near.  I feel a positive presence around me all the time--I don't know if it's the same 'presence' or if different ones come, but I sense the latter.  I know other things are around too but I pay them no mind.  I do my thing; let them do whatever they do.    

I will continue to visit AP forums and post.  I can't resist coming and seeing how people are and what's on their mind in case I can answer something or offer something that might lead them in the right direction.    

Take care everybody! 8)  

Love and Light,
Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own. ~ "Soar" by Christina Aguilera


Hi Juliet
This might sound weird, but it's been two days since I finished reading a book that was describing the horrible effect allopathic medication has on our bodies and how important it is to try more natural means of healing. Now it seems that besides your original sickness (for which you took the pills in the first place) you now have to confront the second one. now if you will cure the second one with other pills, they will have other side-effects and so on. it's exactly as it was described in that book. that author described a common holistic solution, to follow a completely pill-less treatment that would detoxify your body. and this may include fasting completely, or having an all-natural-juice-only diet, or the famous oshawa no 9 diet. there were lots of praises about another type of therapy that might make you say "bleaaaah", shivambu kalpa. it was told that it performs miracles, but that any detoxification cure will trigger unpleasant and sometimes scary symptoms that need to be dealt with, pill-less. so maybe you'd want to see a doctor that is specialized in any of these types of treatments.
anyway, i wish you well, i felt like sharing this with you because it is a twist of synchronicity that i just read a book about people getting "pill-poisoning" and you posting that question.

PS. and also you might want to try and make some meditations imagining that you and all your surroundings are (i'm sorry i don't know english all that well, to describe what i mean) impregnated with a bright white, the brightest white you can imagine. it would give you a barrier from the negative influences you feel in your habitat



I'm generally not fond of medications for that very reason.  Of course that doesn't mean that you should completely ban them, because that can bring forth other issues, but that's not the point.  This feels to me like one of theses things which you had to go through.  Something you were programmed to do; for a lack of a better word.  What you should look forward to is the lessons that brings (not so much on a physical level).  Notice how your attitude will change in the next 2 months or so.  As a final word of advice; the *fear* you carry with you is what slows down the healing process.  Start believing in it; in yourself; shake theses fears aways and you'll feel much lighter, much happier =)


Quote from: JulietHi everyone!  :)

I feel hesitant about posting this request because I don't like many people knowing about my health issues, except those I feel need to know for some reason.  However, I have become concerned about the way things are going.  Instead of improving, it seems I am getting complications.  Let me explain what I've been diagnosed with.

About two weeks ago, I found a medication I was taking became toxic, affecting my liver.  A few day later I discovered I have drug induced hepatitis, also called toxic hepatitis, caused by an overdose or toxicity of a drug.  The medication is toxic.  At that time, it was assumed I just had liver inflammation which was causing all the symptoms I had been experiencing.  Now it seems instead of the acute phase of hepatitis it was assumed I had, it has apparently developed into a worse case.  My feeling is it will be chronic hepatitis when all the tests and exams are completed because I have realized that the symptoms did not start in the last month like I thought (when they got worse) but began months ago, which I also have realized involve my kidneys.

I had been improving two days after the drastic decrease in the medication which brought on this [bleep] condition.  But I soon started getting a fever, chills, eye pain, migraines and the other signs indicative of kidney involvement as well as all the other draining symptoms of hepatitis.  I am concerned about the involvement of my kidneys, which can take a LONG time to recover in addition to the healing of the liver.  So I've got a long road ahead of me.  

Of course, I am apprehensive about my condition.  OK, I'll say it . . .  I hate to but I will . . . I am scared.  I am scared of all the months that passed as I took the medication as prescribed, noticed certain things, told my mom or my sister and they brushed it off because I felt they were right.  I didn't trust myself and I should have.  Over the last 4 months, I learned that lesson but in a different way and realized it applies to this situation too.  Now I might have damage that cannot be reversed.  

(The medication that caused this condition has brought on drug induced hepatitis in other patients taking the drug.  I found a website with actual referrals WHERE I LIVE to get an attorney and sue the doctor and the pharmaceutical company.  :shock:   If I had only known about it before I started taking that [edit] pill!!! :idea: )

Please pray for me or send white light or positive energy or thoughts my way both for the illness and the area I live in.  

I live in an area with a great amount of negative energy--more than just ghosts/spirits.  Since our neighbors moved into their homes they have had bad luck (more than is normal), strange occurrences in their homes and yards, like my property, and one neighbor has lupus and has gotten worse.  My sister told me she thinks the energies in the area are complicating and exacerbating my illness--and other people's lives too.  

Concerning all the things that have happened to me, my sister, and mother; our neighbors; and the warring neighbors using witchcraft and Santeria against the other; well, it's obvious this area is not going to improve anytime soon so we are seeking another place to live.  Actually, we've found a better area with land that is 'receiving', calming, and generally the total opposite of where we live now.  I'm calling about two homes in that area tomorrow despite how [bleep] I feel.  I remembered a premonition I had over a year ago and I was in the state of health I am in now and getting worse, I was doing things to pack because we were moving.  I sense it falling into place--finding the home and unfortunately my health.  

I know a drug reached dangerously high toxic levels and I'm paying for it with my health right now but drug induced hepatitis eventually clears up.  It just depends on how long the drug had been at toxic levels in the body, what damage is done if in the chronic stage, and how long to recovery or how to live with the liver damage.  I just know the environment I live around now is not conducive to healing and progress, some neighbors never get better or not much, or they get worse.  

Send any positive energy or thoughts my way to have a complete recovery.  I am comforted in a way.  I have seen my guide and felt my guardian angels near.  I feel a positive presence around me all the time--I don't know if it's the same 'presence' or if different ones come, but I sense the latter.  I know other things are around too but I pay them no mind.  I do my thing; let them do whatever they do.    

I will continue to visit AP forums and post.  I can't resist coming and seeing how people are and what's on their mind in case I can answer something or offer something that might lead them in the right direction.    

Take care everybody! 8)  

Love and Light,


Hi Juliet,

I'm going to send some Reiki Healing Energy to you.  I'll need your first and last name and a general location of where you are.

Give me a day and time that you would like to receive it.  As I send at that time don't cross your arms or legs as I'm sending.

I don't need to no any medical conditions as I send my spirit guides and Healing Angles will be working with me.

Arch Angle Raphael is one of my Healing Angels.  If you would like to see some of the people that have receive it and read their comments you can its open to the public.

The reiki that I send is free,  this is not an advertisement to sell any products on this page.  As you go to the site page down and see two white square icons and the left one is the guest book.  You click on that one to go in and read or post comments.

You can let me know here on Astral Pulse in PM to let me know when to send. Hear from you soon.



Hi Juliet,

I was sorry to read about what you are going through. It's always difficult to imagine why we go through these painful events here in the physical, and it isn't usually comforting to hear something like: "there's a reason". Here in Arizona the doctor I see is an osteopath, which is more holistic minded than others. If you get a chance, you may want to do a Google search on doctors of osteopathy, and see what you think.

So what I'll do is send good healing thoughts your way, and all the positive healing energy that I can gather.

Best regards,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hi everyone!

First, I appreciate the kind posts and encouraging words.  Thank you very much and I sincerely mean that. :D   I would have responded sooner but I haven't been on the computer since I made the post.  So I am slowly getting better, which is good.

dpop--  I didn't even know medications could cause these kinds of illnesses.  When I heard of medications becoming toxic, I assumed the patient needed hospitalization and an IV.  I was never told the medication could cause this illness.  Maybe a detailed website should be created offering information about medications and what dangers they can cause to the body.  

It took my sister two weeks to find the warning concerning drug induced hepatitis by the medication I was taking but it was all the way at the way down the page written in a font even someone with perfect eyesight would need glasses to read. :roll:

Legend--  I understand what you meant about *fear*.  I've never had an illness like this.  The closest thing was chicken pox, but I was 4 and thankfully can't remember it.  

I realized fear is just as draining as anger and worry.  I just did not think it was a negative and draining part in this instance because it was related to a health issue instead of a life crisis.  I hope I am explaining it right.

hypnotist1--  I appreciate your offer. :D   I'll let you know, OK?

Nick--  I believe you are right about "there's a reason".  Since I found out about the drug induced hepatitis, I had slipped into a state of constant worry, fear, then anger, and finally acceptance that I can learn from this as I have everything else.  Maybe I needed to slow down and take time to read and think . . . to see where I am now and what direction I should take.

I have been showing my mom and sister the bigger picture in their current circumstances but I have failed to look at mine. LOL  Funny how life teaches lessons to you to help others only to have the one's you help teach you in return. :)

Thanks again to everyone!  

Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own. ~ "Soar" by Christina Aguilera



My prayers are with you and your family. I think you have just the right kind of spirit to see this through. I'll also send prayers for a good attorney, should you need one ;)