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I'm not trying to. I just wanted to give a bit of general advice that might save you and others a lot of time. It's up to the people who read it if they want to take that advice or not!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


Quote from: ProjectorWhat do you mean friendly?? Or waz that a joke? That guy is an A-Hole I will fight him any chance I get. Lucifer wants to take me out of the astral or join him. He kept promising me 'impossible' things like being able to project anytime and stuff. He is a liar.

Why didn't you accept it? Being able to project anytime must awesome. :roll:


I already can do that.

-The Projector-
"Sic vis pacem para bellum"-Latin

My Forum..

"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance,
but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel."

Proverbs 20:15


same thing happened to me with a spontaneous kundalini awaking in the presence of lucifier/satan/devil (whoever we're talking about). we have a fairly intimate relationship in the astral, but this time he actually manifested in the physical. crazy...any i did the same was like really bad drugs. my body went ice cold. i was sweating like mad...and i cracked!!! totally out of left field and very scary.

here's a link i think some of you will enjoy


Dr Anti-Christ

La Vey, did some good with his pointing out the scam of christian priestcrafters and alot of the nine satanic rules  are  a saner way to live. Alot of the satanic bible was taken from Might is Right. I give credit to the spiritual satanist's they helped me find what I had been looking for, for awhile.
This world is no Nirvana, where peaceful pleasure flows. It is a gruesome butcher-shop where slain men hang in rows.


Regardless of how you cut it....

Satanism is an extremist sect of Christianity.  

What does this mean?  This means that Satanists need the bible and the dogmas of Christianity to even exist as a 'religion'.  

If Christianity disappeared one day in a 'poof of logic', then Satanism would disappear at the same time.

Become a Critical Thinker!
"Ignorance is the greatest of all sins."
                   --Origen of Alexandria


Extremists of any kind  disappoint me, their is just no room for other peoples view points. Makes me think of Brave New World. Yech!!

also,  is this off topic? Defiantly. But I was wondering if it really is possible to change your appearance in the astral. How could you trust anyone?

"Hello, I'm this person, trust me."

"Oh know, I've been tricked!"

Don't want to end up like that since I hear so very often that people have met all these dead people in the astral and it could all be a trick...

Is there any kind of question you can ask that can verify who someone is?

Like asking a question you Don't know the answer to then researching the info to make sure its correct.

Not asking something you already know the answer 2 because some creatures can pull the information from your mind?
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley


Quote from: ProjectorI already can do that.

-The Projector-

Projector, my dear sir, you are a jewel. Your once sentence responses and close-minded boasting are truly without parallel. I especially liked the bolding, that was a nice touch.

See, I find myself in doubt that you can project at all. *smile* If you could, I would hope very much that you would have brought back something a little more meaningful than "kicking butt with King Jesus."

But of course, my expectations may be too high...?


Quote from: BethRegardless of how you cut it....

Satanism is an extremist sect of Christianity.  

What does this mean?  This means that Satanists need the bible and the dogmas of Christianity to even exist as a 'religion'.  

If Christianity disappeared one day in a 'poof of logic', then Satanism would disappear at the same time.


Christianity needs Satan to exist more then Satanist need the Christian god to exist. Who would follow the Christian god with all the rules if the punishment wasn't so terrible, especially when the other guy is offering Godhood.
licet indo fragmen incolumis per verum.
(A just cause cannot be harmed by the truth)

James S

Good point Mindless!
Very good point!!


Yes, mindless, now that so much time has passed since these ancient texts were written and people's beliefs have taken over their ability to think rationally, it works the other way around as well.

But...the fact remains that:

The writers of the bible INVENTED 'Satan'.   Without Christianity, 'Satan' would never have been an image in anyone's imagination.  

In other words, Christianity made 'Satan' in the image of the 'ultimate bad guy' that they needed to 'save people from'.

This does not mean that there are no 'bad guys' out there.  But rather, that the image of Satan is purely Christian.

Become a Critical Thinker!
"Ignorance is the greatest of all sins."
                   --Origen of Alexandria


Actually I'm fairly sure from what I've studied the original idea of the horn-god Jews called "Satan",as that is their word for adversity, was a pagan god of fertility...and sex outside certain conditions is clearly a terrible sin  :roll: . The bible originally never actually referred to the snake in Eden as Satan, he is only directly called that when he is the leader of the "fallen" who very well may have be the people that worshiped the god of fertility, and to challenge God on the obedience of Job. In my opinion there were many "Satans" and the idea of this enemy turned into the concept of a actual being over time.

That doesn't argue with what you said, just wanted to give my thoughts on it.
licet indo fragmen incolumis per verum.
(A just cause cannot be harmed by the truth)



And what you say is pretty much true, i.e. 'stn' means 'adversary' 'opponent' or really anything that 'gets in the way' of truth and righteousness.  In the bible, the word was first used as the different verbs/nouns that it represents, then it became personified as 'The Adversary' in The Book of Job, and then in the New Testament, the word became an actual proper noun by transliterating the Semitic word into Greek making it 'Satan'.  

I cannot verify what you say about the whole pagan fertility thing within ancient Judaism, except to say that in later Christianity, that was indeed the case; this may well have been where the 'images' for Satan originally came from and yes, they could have been forming as such over many centuries.  

It was the success of Christianity, however, that the survival of such characters was ultimately ensured.   That is why I 'credit' Christianity with the propagation of 'Satan'.  They are mutually dependent upon one another through the shared myths and stories of the bible.

Become a Critical Thinker!
"Ignorance is the greatest of all sins."
                   --Origen of Alexandria


I don't believe in anything i just know things from experience, "Enki" that god is a nice and good god who trys to show people that u can become gods yourself but using the powers u are born with to an advantage, i like judicial Satanism, i just don't get why people actually think they will hang with Enki after they die, I'm sure they can but its like that's all your living for is it? good meditation methods and power usage from the site very good site u should all check it out, and check on the "Sumerians" and find out some real info about how humans were created, why, and whats been going for past few thousand years, really interesting stuff, also go read "the 12Th planet" really good book :)

"Those who know wat they're looking for, havn't even begun to find wat they really need." -Mega-


Well Mega, I don't quite know what to say...except...with more knowledge and more experience in life perhaps you will outgrow that nonsense...I sure hope so.  

By the way...Enki was a make-believe character too...!

Take care,
Become a Critical Thinker!
"Ignorance is the greatest of all sins."
                   --Origen of Alexandria


I cannot verify what you say about the whole pagan fertility thing within ancient Judaism, except to say that in later Christianity, that was indeed the case; this may well have been where the 'images' for Satan originally came from and yes, they could have been forming as such over many centuries.

Well the christian image of 'satan' complete with horns and trident IS a pagan throwback: to be exact, later christian writers assimilated pre-christian pagan symbols such as the 'horned god' (european forest god archetype/Greek Pan) and trident (Poseidon/Neptune) and equated them with the christians' 'satan' figure. The idea was to discredit the earlier pagan religions.. a propaganda campaign basically.

The popular medieval image of satan with cloven hoofs and horns etc (still popular today) is quite obviously the pagan 'pan' of greek mythology.

Indeed even the name 'Lucifer', later used by christians in their formulation of the satan mythology, used the name of a minor Roman god: Lucifer, meaning 'light bearer'. He was originally nothing sinister. He actually represented Venus in her morning aspect as the Morning Star, hense the name. Later on the name Lucifer was pasted on to the christian image as the name 'light bearer' made a good translation.
I feel sorry for the original Lucifer however, a minor and quite innocent god of Roman antiquity (He is mentioned in the poems of Ovid for example)... now he is the prince of evil... what a character assasination!


PS I agree with Beth: 'Satan' is very much a christian deity and part of the christian pantheon. Of course christians do not like to refer to him as a deity properly speaking, as they say that only a creater 'first cause' being is properly a 'god', but that is only the judeo-christian definition of a god. If you think outside of the christian box for a moment, satan is very much a deity in the common mould.

For this reason, 'satanists' are actually deviant christians and the hilarious irony is, their very act of rebellion is actually serving to reinforce what they claim to oppose as they are still operating very much within the judeo-christian framework. (btw I'm talking here about teeny goth 'satanists', not the 'Church of Satan' people who are quite different.. they are actually not 'satanists' in the usual christian sense but are more 'chaos magicians', using the satan figure as an archetype- it's actually an interesting read if you check their site, its not exactly the church's perception of 'satanism').
"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


...'satanists' are actually deviant christians and the hilarious irony is, their very act of rebellion is actually serving to reinforce what they claim to oppose as they are still operating very much within the judeo-christian framework.


Nice Pith for the Goths!!!...

:?  Oh groan.....I know....that was not a very good wordplay...  Alas!  Would that I could be as creative as James!! :wink:  

And of course, you are right.  Thanks also for futher explaining how the image of Satan was essentially created through pagan symbolism.  

Beth :D
Become a Critical Thinker!
"Ignorance is the greatest of all sins."
                   --Origen of Alexandria


Satan is the back-side of Christ and Christ is the back-side of Satan -- the two are one and the same.

The mind is what it thinks be it SATAN or CHRIST.

If this is difficult to swallow then: to the Jews Jesus personified Satan because he defied everything they valued -- like their "chosen race." To the gentiles he was a savior.

Hitler was the same story: to the post WW I Germans he was an utter savior, but  to the rest of the world he was Satan himself.

Again the saint is always the back side of the same sinner... he has to be  because the mind is always what it thinks, be it the saint or its back-side, the sinner.
both unlost and unfound

Kreiger Theodoric

why so much terrible history here ?  :lol:

lets see here....
the name 'lucifer' used in scripture to refer to satan actually has nothing to do with the minor roman god. And that is obvious because they have nothing in common! 'lucifer' is just the roman word for 'light-bearer'. Its just a description of satan!
Also, there is really no such thing as judeo-christianity and....
hitler was not seen by the rest of the world as satan, quite the opposite in fact. He had alot of financial support from british and americans. Lots of europeans admired him. Hell, even when his armies came to the eastern front the slavs welcomed them as liberators.

Anyway thats off topic..hmm lets see here satanism..satanism..
well its like a pair of clothes,
you grow out of it and throw it away.


Hell, even when his armies came to the eastern front the slavs welcomed them as liberators.
This is simply a lie. Germans were always regarded as enemies after first world war. People remembered the terror of first German occupation.


It seems we cannot have a topic about anything that seems bad that isn't these days. Sigh.

I don't personally believe in the concept of fullfilling your personal desires first. I just can't seem to cross that barrier for some odd reason.
I come prepared...with COOKIES! No, you can't have one!