The Astral Pulse

World Cultures, Traditions and Religions => Welcome to World Cultures, Traditions and Religions! => Topic started by: Fourthdimension on May 22, 2009, 20:58:44

Title: corrupt religions
Post by: Fourthdimension on May 22, 2009, 20:58:44
To start off i know am going to get alot of hate mail becuase of this post becuase religon is valued.
but these present times are times of free speech and expression so without meaning to offend anyone i will start by saying.


in most relgions there were prophets and people who could foresee the future and claimed to be from god.
those that could preform miracles and those who had visions of speaking to god.

i think that people like jesus and other prophets where just very talented projectionists and psychics whom understood what we dont. Also when he says hes the son of god i think he means that we are all part of god not just him.

anyhow so it starts off with those people getting the data and experiences from the astral or other methods and then relaying the information to normal civillians.

we then pedastilise this man or women and take there experience word for word (if you can project you know theres alot of things we cant word or describe)

and then they right it down in some biblical text years after the death of this prophet

they dont try to learn the source of the knowledge
they dont try and keep texts and scripts from when he lived.

and so inevitably the knowledge is lost or becomes corrupt over the years.

for instance if i tell you am a tall man
and you tell someone else and they tell someone else eventually i ll be made out to be a giant because that the way peoples minds work and how words degrade.

and in ancient times word was how the majority was of information passed around.

also in modern days why dont we see so called prophets like jeesus and moses?
its becuase of society.society know has main stream religons to cater for most believes at least partially and so people dont want to here new concepts
society puts limits and restrictions on our thoughts so that puts us at great dis advantages where projections and dreams are cast aside
and if there were a prophethere on earth he would most likely not be pedastalised but rather drugged and placed in a menatl home becuase its not the norm in society and thats how society treats new ideas

oppinions and hate mail welcome lmao

what is everyone elses oppinions on this?
Title: Re: corrupt religions
Post by: AmbientSound on May 24, 2009, 23:57:04
Unfortunately religion has been and always will be a means to control the masses, but that is not to say that there is not something valuable to be gained from them. I think they are there for a reason, and some of us are meant to break free from them while others are not. It is unfortunate that a number of them are fear-based, which I equate to the very evils they proclaim to save people from. Do this, or else. Do that, or else. Might as well put on red horns and a cape and just poke me in the butt with a pitchfork.

We are all equipped to discern truth from lie, and within us is that undeniable burning sensation when we know something is wrong. However, sometimes when we try to tell someone such as a priest, they deny it, brush it off, etc. This of course depends on the person you are talking to and not their title.

Those with the eyes to see past the symbolism can benefit from the knowledge contained therein, but who has the knowledge that allows you to see the symbolism for what it really means? Whose arse do you have to kiss to get that knowledge, and why isn't it available to just anyone? Maybe because you have to have the will to question authority, and maybe it is that proactive approach that gets rewarded. Too often most people are reactive instead of proactive. They wait for something to go wrong and then fix it, rather than taking preventative measures.

Anyway, I do see your point, but in order for the world to become free, a stronghold must first be established, protected, and then the generation of freedom can originate from it to expand outward, along with the protection, until it covers the entire earth. The trouble is, creating a space with the kind of protection necessary is nearly impossible. I imagine it would have to be a place in nature, far removed from anything close to human civilization, and well-hidden from all of mankind's technology (even the really advanced stuff we haven't even heard about yet).

America could have been that place, if (1) we didn't kill off all the Native Americans and desecrate the land by spilling the blood of innocent people, (2) we were already free from the corruption of religion, and (3) holes weren't made in the original founding legislative documents that allowed banks and corporations to seize control. To this day, no laws have been made to sufficiently curb their power- which has only increased.
Title: Re: corrupt religions
Post by: mcdwg on August 27, 2009, 16:32:43
I do agree with you for the most part but I do have to say that growing up as a Catholic I did feel a sense of relief and peacefulness when we attended mass but as I grew older I started to question everything and it just became a chore to go to church bit still felt good most times so in a way it does have a value of controlling the masses and in ways helping some with problems of many kinds but of course it also has the bad things as well such as not able to question things because then you are told you should believe just by faith or you are a sinner because you question things.

I do believe Jesus was in fact a human being in the flesh from the higher realms who came to make us aware of the fact that we are all one with God but we just don't get it to this day.
Title: Re: corrupt religions
Post by: Xanth on August 31, 2009, 11:47:01
You hopefully shouldn't get any hate mail from here based upon your opinions... we all have opinions afterall, and they all should be valued and learned from, even if some don't agree with them.  :)

With that said...
I personally agree with your opinion, and is one of many reasons why I don't follow religion at all.
I'm spiritual not religious.  :)