False Catholic doctrine

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The Roman Catholic church is the largest cult in the world, it a has a false teaching on Marry as Co-redeemer!And its Only Jesus!

<bigot-rant link removed>



James S

Didn't the Roman Catholic church first start with Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea?

Wasn't it also the first establishment of Christianity as a religion?

If my understanding of this portion of ancient history is correct, prior to the 4th century CE,  christianity was an informal offshoot of judaism which split into the gnostic & literalist factions, who were too busy fighting amongst themselves to really decide on anything.

What we know as christianity today, came from Constantine and the Council of Nicaea, which adopted literalist christianity, mixed it up with some pagan religious observences to make it more palatable to the general public (Constantine was a clever politician after all), and made it the formal religion of Rome - the Roman Catholic (lit. Greek kata - according to, holos - the whole or universal) Church.

So I do find it funny when christian sects, especially the Pentecostals who believe theirs was the first christian church (yeah right!), frequently rubbish the RC church as being false, when you see that modern christianity started with the Roman Catholic church.

I guess the christian sects never really did stop arguing over who was right!  :violent:



Wasn't it also the first establishment of Christianity as a religion?



From Webster
Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

Not really sure why you believe the definition of 'cult' would apply to Catholics but not Protestants.  

I can only speculate that it is because you believe they have a false doctrine.  However, if that is what we use to decide who is a cult and who is not a cult would not every protestant denomination call the other a cult too?

It's my understanding that we have all of these protestant denominations because they can' seem to agree.



Quote from: Neutrino4344The Roman Catholic church is the largest cult in the world, it a has a false teaching on Marry as Co-redeemer!And its Only Jesus!

How dare you walk in here with your hand-fed prejudices and call a loving religion, a religion so similar to your own, an evil cult? Why do you focus so intently on the small differences and ignore the fact that 99% of the doctrine is exactly the same?

I promise you that Catholics do not worship Mary. They are simply looking to her as an example of how they as followers of Jesus Christ and the Lord should do whatever God asks them to.

Catholics do not worship Saints, they also use them as examples of how to better serve God.

50% of priests are not homosexual pedophiles, and I would like to see that website's sources. Did they do a survey? "Are you a homosexual pedophile? Y/N." Are you that blind?

Artistic renditions painted by certain Catholics should not be taken as dogma. If I interpreted Christianity by your inane mutterings, I would think it an evil, closed and divided religion.

Why are you so brainwashed, sir?



For a start: Ranting about 'idolatry' and 'false religion' vs 'true religion' doesnt cut it here, as the definition varies depending on the individual bigot: what is 'false' for one bigot might not be so for another. This kind of language belongs to the middle-ages.

This board is not a forum for sectarian rants. Not everyone may agree with all the teachings of Catholic (or Orthodox) Christianity, but equally, many don't hold too much with all the various and sometimes bizarre protestant offshoots, some so odd that catholic doctrines can't hold a candle to them, eg 'Rapture-ready' beliefs anyone?

Yes, many people have been harmed by the Catholic Church over the years, but many have been harmed by the influence (direct or indirect) of various protestant sects over the years too: Native Americans, tribal African cultures and the witch hunts to name a few choice moments. Everyone has skeletons in their closet.

In some ways the splintered protestant sects in their myriad forms can actually be more dangerous, as at least with catholicism there is one uniform organisation to approach and deal with, but the myriad protestant sects have no single, all embracing heirarchy to provide a check upon themselves, apart from secular authority.

The link you provide is an essay in bigotry (which is why I have removed it) and a demonstration of the refusal to accept the cold hard fact that others have just as much right to believe what they like as you do.

So while you may not like Catholic Christianity, plenty others do. Remember also that even amongst the 'uniform' Catholic Church, individuals can vary their interpretations widely, just as in many other religions, so be careful about blanket statements.

Discuss yes, rant no.

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


I totally fail to see the point in asking a "believer" THE TRUTH about anything.

Beliefs and "THE TRUTH" have nothing in common.
Always follow your conscience, instincts and intuition, trust your feelings, go within, be discerning.
Pay attention to your intention.
Beliefs and THE TRUTH have nothing in common.


well, my opinion is that basic problem lies in a lot of dogmas...
you can't actually make religion that concentrates on imaginery person or god, i think that you have to search for god in your own body and mind in order to achiev piece and satisfaction...
Free your mind & body...


QuoteWhy are you so brainwashed, sir?

thanks for good laugh there  :lol:
