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World Cultures, Traditions and Religions => Welcome to World Cultures, Traditions and Religions! => Topic started by: Master X on July 18, 2004, 10:57:59

Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Master X on July 18, 2004, 10:57:59
here all the lost books of the bible for you to read

have fun....
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 15, 2005, 02:26:41
Lost Books or Removed Books?????

Thanx for that Master X

Love & light

Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Logic on February 16, 2005, 01:02:10
Yea, they can't be too lost if you found them.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Palehorse on February 16, 2005, 04:57:18
I wouldn't trust much of the stuff on the CARM website -- it's extremely biased to a conservative evangelical viewpoint, and the webmaster is a devout Calvinist.  What's more, I've personally witnessed a lot of questionable activity on his part, from intellectual dishonesty to censorship of dissenting views to the sort of namecalling we thought we left behind in third grade.

Better site on all the "lost" books available to us:

I like it because not only does it have all the texts, it often has multiple translations, background info, commentary, and all sorts of other fun stuff.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Shimon on February 18, 2005, 15:34:46
I'm sorry but the books are not "lost". The books some of them were not entered because the books were not trustworthy. Some of them are still important in the Jewish religion, like the Maccabim book, but they were not suitable for the bible. Still, some of them are very important as a part of the "Jewish canon", but not as an integral part of the bible.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 18, 2005, 15:44:15
There are some lost Books as my mother has a 100 odd year old bible that is completely different to that of today!!!

Not known to many but reincarnation was in the bible till the catholics decided to lose that bit otherwise they couldn't control people by threatening people with eternal damnation in hell.

Just another way the great catholic church has deceived man & still does but for how long....ummmm

Love & Light

Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Palehorse on February 18, 2005, 18:58:56
Quote from: MrBurgoThere are some lost Books as my mother has a 100 odd year old bible that is completely different to that of today!!!

It might be a Catholic Bible.  Catholics still consider the Apocrypha part of their scripture, whereas Protestants don't.  

QuoteNot known to many but reincarnation was in the bible till the catholics decided to lose that bit otherwise they couldn't control people by threatening people with eternal damnation in hell.

The reason it's not well known is that it simply isn't true.  Rather than reinventing the wheel however, I'll simply point you to Berserk's excellent post ( that covers the topic in depth.

You are correct about the idea of eternal hell being false, however.  I cover that subject in an essay  ( mine if anyone's interested.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 18, 2005, 19:16:44
It is a Church of england Bible....

It is a falsehood that reincarnation was not in the Bible...

"They will wander to & Fro" is still in todays New Testament.

If eternal Hell is a lie how much of the Catholic bible can you believe???

Lie once & you will lie again....

Jesus destroyed the Temple(Church) 3 days later he restored it in Man...(The Body is The Temple or church if you like) 470+ yrs later the Catholic Church was Born.

They Call the Pope The Holy Father!!! lol

Holy Father as I understand means God, well thats who I talk to when I pray.

Where you aware that in 1998 in America they appointed a new pope???
Pope Pius Xiii because they reckon the Holy see has been vacant for over 40 yrs...Check it out on Google!!

The Catholic Church blames Luther for protestants but in actuality it was Henry viii who started protestants by kicking the Catholic Church out of England mainly because the Catholic church took to much money out of England back to Rome.

I know my history & The Lord knows the rest between us.

I personally don't care for reincarnation because I'm going home when I leave here but what about all the Earth Bound Spirits???
To many people have experienced these so called non existent things for religion to say its false.
I will however keep an open mind but for religion...NO THANKYOU..Been there .. Done That.

Love & Light To all mankind

Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Palehorse on February 18, 2005, 19:34:19
I'm not positive, but I think Anglican Bibles might still contain the Apocrypha too.  It'd make sense, since they're technically not Protestant.

Quote"They will wander to & Fro" is still in todays New Testament.

Perhaps you could cite the actual verse you're referring to, as I'm not sure what you're getting at here.  

Other than that, I'm still pretty much going to have to side with Berserk on this one.

QuoteIf eternal Hell is a lie how much of the Catholic bible can you believe???

Quite a bit, but that's because I continuously research to find out more about what's been mistranslated, what was forged, what I would consider legitimate, and so forth.  How much YOU can believe is, of course, up to you.

QuoteThe Catholic Church blames Luther for protestants but in actuality it was Henry viii who started protestants by kicking the Catholic Church out of England mainly because the Catholic church took to much money out of England back to Rome.

Henry VIII was PO'ed because the Catholic Church wouldn't grant his divorce, so he basically named himself the leader of the Church in England, instead of the Pope.

Luther posted his 95 Theses in 1517, which is generally recognized as the event that ignited the Protestant Reformation.  Henry VIII's break with the Catholic church did not come until 1534, seventeen years later.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 18, 2005, 20:00:46
Look the fact we all accept is That God Unconditionally Loves us All???OK

We are sent to Earth to learn lessons that can only be taught here on Earth???OK

Now if there is no reincarnation then all those people who take their own life's or those that commit horrible crimes or those that are innocent & given death penalty's etc or who are murdered possibly have not learned all lessons required to ascend.

Bearing in mind that A lot of these lessons can only be taught here on Earth wouldn't it seem more feasible to give these people a second chance than just stay at the level they are at for eternity??

There are documented cases of reincarnation...Children knowing things or that say no my name is????
A movie was made on one such case but I would have to ring my mum to find out.

People undergoing regression therapy etc...I myself have experienced this & what I saw was not made up because to many things fit into place for me.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Palehorse on February 18, 2005, 20:07:45
What you said is all well and good, but it's beside the point.  I make no claim about whether or not reincarnation is true, and I leave it open as a distinct possibility.

However, that doesn't change the fact that the Bible does not teach reincarnation, and neither did the early Church.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 18, 2005, 20:09:19
No the Catholic Church was Kicked out of England..St Abbeys Ruins are a example of this....I was Born in England & have visited these places.
You are right about the divoprce part but a huge part was Money.

Its back there now but look at england & Ireland!!
Technically not protestant...Well we ain't Catholic.
The Church of England is totally separate to the Catholic Church.

Aaaaghh i have had enough of religion...who cares its all a load of crap & not one religion on this earth has the truth otherwise there wouldn't be so much crap in the world!

Love & Light
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: MrBurgo on February 18, 2005, 20:12:00
How is it known that it wasn't taught???

Perhaps you where there in a past life??? lol

Love & Light

Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: Cyrus on March 07, 2005, 12:26:43
Quote from: MrBurgo
Now if there is no reincarnation then all those people who take their own life's or those that commit horrible crimes or those that are innocent & given death penalty's etc or who are murdered possibly have not learned all lessons required to ascend.

Learning a lesson does not necessarily need "in-carnation". According to what i see we can keep learning even with spiritual bodies after death. It means i also believe universal restoration of all things (aka universal salvation).

Bearing in mind that A lot of these lessons can only be taught here on Earth wouldn't it seem more feasible to give these people a second chance than just stay at the level they are at for eternity??

What are the lessons what we can learn only in physical body, and what cannot be learned by spiritual body? I mean that we "learn" not with our body, but with our mind and consciousness. But both of them are included in our spiritual body too.

There are documented cases of reincarnation...Children knowing things or that say no my name is????

Alternatively we all can have access to collective consciousness, or to some "library" where all the knowledge is (like Edgar Cayce's readings). Because of that in certain cases we can access to information we had no previous knowledge whatsoever, and what some people interpret as the memories from past lives.

When saying all that, i do not say that there is no reincarnation. I want to point out that the cases where many people see reincarnations, can be explained in alternative way also.
Title: here the lost books of the bible!!!!!!!
Post by: misterethoughts on March 26, 2005, 04:45:29
Thanks, This was needed....