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Quote from: Mydral on July 20, 2007, 02:08:34
Overall Christianity isn't that bad of a thing in most places, although its still beeing heavily abused in some countries, it should just be noted that this religion is copied from older ones and was used to justify bad things in the past. That probably was its main purpose in the Roman Empire and in the Dark Ages.

I wont take it the wrong way, but feel compelled to draw your attention to the fact that Christians are not the only ones to take advandage of religion. It is a known fact that Religion, being hardwired into the human nature, as it appears to be , has been used by political rulers ever since the beginning of time. Nothing new there. The fact is that since Christianity is the major religion and the base of western society, it gets the brunt of aggression from intellectuals, scholars and internet users. Once people attain a certain amount of education they rebel against hypocrisy where they see their own lives. This is also the reason so few rebel against Islam, they are smply uneducated. That and maybe the fact thet they most likely will get executed for doing so, in a Muslim state at least :-D

It is thought provoking to me that so many attack Christianity but few people bother to question Islam, a system and religion which is in every way more warlike and totalitarian. The teaching of Jesus center around love, the love of God and the love of your fellow man, anyone parting ways with these elementary Christian values are easily exposed as parting ways with the Spirit of his life or teachings. The same people who attack Christianity often tend to excuse Islam and Muslims in general, though the teachings are so clearly violent. Sura 9:5 is still the main verse in the Koran as pertains to the association Muslims are taught to have toward infidels. The spread of Islam by the sword is a command as well, hence the term Jihad.

This nauseous liberalism and political correctness gives way to some very interesting discussions, with western youngsters who have never lived in nor been subjected to a social order based on Sharia.

In my opinion Christianity is not revealed as a myth, but those who use Christianity as an excuse to mount wars kill the innocent and slaughter whole populations, are revealed as the hypocrites they truly are. This cannot be said about Muslims who attack these same imperialist forces in their own lands, and abroad, who defend their faith and spread their religion by killing the innocent with suicide bombs and worse.........they are at least not hypocrites but are following the teachings of the Koran and the Hadith very accurately indeed. The fact is that Osama is a very good and faithful Muslim, this is the reason for his appeal. Was he not following the Koran and the Hadith he would not have so many followers. He is also a monster mass murderer and a despicable person........but certainly a good Muslim.

I think it is time that the discussion in general starts to move into actual teachings of the various religions "on the market" instead of stopping short on social issues and behavior, of various followers of these religions. What do the Books teach. What is accepted behavior and how should a follower interact with the world around him or her.

We are in my opinion seeing the end of civilization as we know it, and as I stated in another thread, watch and learn, for the clouds are black with warning. Most of you on this forum has only perifial experience with Islam, but lots of experience with Christianity. Be careful who you attack and carefull who you support, in word or deed. If you want to see and feel how it works in a different Religious system, take a trip to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Have a nice trip  :-D.

Regards Mustardseed   
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Wow, this is a long thread! To begin, I must state that I read very little of it. When it comes to trying to figure out what Christ is about through academic debate, the results are uncertain. So I tried to find out through spiritual means, and had various experiences and received messages which showed that Jesus Christ did in fact live, was in fact crucified, and is a key part of divine reality. I couldn't tell you all of the specifics, but not in a fundamentalist way. I received messages and experiences in a manner where it is clear that they weren't the result of my mind spinning out hallucinations.

I know of other people who are not fundamentalists by any stretch of the imagination, who also had experiences with Christ.

I figure just about any person can find out for his or herself, if he or she humbly asks, and opens his or her self up to such an experience. One will accomplish far more this way, than relying on academic study. 


Christianity has been pagan ever since it was accepted in Rome and the general church accepted Sunday worship and other pagan customs and traditions. This is how the catholic church was born. Many doctrines in the bible became distorted by pagan bias and now we Christians believe they are inherently immortal souls when their bible doesn't say that. As far as I know, most Christians are worshiping a false Christ. It's true that all over the globe there are other versions of the same kind of religion, but they might also be pagan version of some religion they originally had. The messiah who would come to die sinless for the sins of all humankind was prophesied in Eden when God talked of the enmity between the serpent and God's people (something like that...o.o), but before that were to take place, there was burned sacrifices of lambs and anything else kosher to even eat (like cattle such as bovine and fowl such farm birds i guess) o.O In China they used to worshiped a God of Heaven (Shang Di) which was much like the Hebrew God and their alter of heaven (Temple of Heaven) remains in China to this day.

the dead have to be resurrected to go to heaven
The soul in the bible (nephesh) isn't an inherently eternal immaterial entity (note i said inherently)


Very interesting about the word Nephesh.  After taking a look at it, it struck me that the word 'individuality' would have fit quite well in many instances.  Jung would have been proud.   :lol:


Not a myth, but the greatest miracle of all. The astrological alignment of stars that tell the story of Jesus' birth and death was all planned by God!

Also, I believe religions are essentially the same. For one, Horus and Jesus' stories are very similar, yes. So what, if Christians are Egyptians? Stating those similarities is not debunking the religion, it's just saying, "hey, we believe the same as what they believe!"

Jesus was possibly a Reiki master, an explanation for all his healing miracles. He also probably a master of AP. He was probably so damn good he was able to keep his vibes high, yet on such a low-level plane, to appear ghostly but to appear to be walking on water. Use your knowledge of practices we use today to figure out the rest of Jesus' miracles. It's not hard.

Just my little input for all the Christians that need a good argument to go by.


The similarities are indeed very strong, not only surrounding the stories of Jesus, but specially the stories of the Old Testament fit in with Sumerian legend.

Taking the different time frames in consideration though, any comparison between Jesus and Horus, or Akhenaten, becomes unfounded. So little is known about Ancient Egypt, and at this point I'm not sure if it is a deliberate attempt to dumb down the crowds or if they really have no clue as to what the egyptians were about.

Horus, for example, is more indicative of a position, like bishop or priest, than to a person or deity. There were many 'Horuses', those were a race of beings, they had different characteristics, and they were extremely tall, I haven't heard stories of Jesus being a giant.

By the way, has anyone read the Nag Hammadi texts, and if so, what's your take on them? To me those writings are the real deal, simply because they say things that no one else could know except for a real God.

For those that are unfamiliar with the texts:
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


I've read the Nag Hammadi library (I used to work in a church) and the problem with everything (or anything) to do with religion is that we tend to rely on the written word to work out how people used to live, and the Bible, the Sumerian codexes and other literature of the  pre biblical, biblical and new testament eras (most of which I've read a lot of) mixes ritualistic stuff (after all religion was significant in the way things were written in almost all known human eras) with historical stuff and literary stuff:  Teaching stories, poetry, etc. etc. into a mishmash of information.  And then we, who  come from cultures extremely different than the ones who wrote them, try to understand them from our cultural points of view, are not equipped to get any kind of accurate representation of how things were- what probably did happen, what probably didn't, and what could have.
That's why I applaud and endorse everyone reading everythng they can (if it interests them) to read all these ancient texts, to compare them with what we think we know about them, but to always realize that just because someone wrote something 6000 years ago doesn't mean it has some sort of overwhelming significance- other than what one person wants to make of it.
So when you read the translations of ancient texts- enjoy them.  Be amazed at them.  Find yourself having a glimpse of something extraordinary.  But don't build a worldview on it.  And for God's sake, don't make a religion about it.  Remember that anything that ever was written by anyone- no matter when, where, or how- was written by God.

ps. on edit:  Imagine the phrase today "Howling at the moon"
How many people in the future (if there is one, lol) can read some fine literature or science fiction, read a phrase like that and get a completely different idea of how we live?  That's just one example.


Here are some of the experiences I had with Christ:

Years ago when I was an atheist I had what I refer to as a night in heaven experience. I found my self in space, but not physical space. I was very surprised to find out that God, Christ and the afterlife are realities. Not in a fundamentalist way, but in a wonderful way. Not only did I understand how God and the afterlife are true, I completely understood how it was possible for them to exist without having to think about it. It was like, "Oh yeah, of course!" It was a natural knowing that pervaded the realm I was in. The happiness level was wonderful. I understood that everything works out wonderfully in the end.  I didn't see nor hear anybody, but I understood that many other beings abided in this realm. It seemed as if we were bodyless beings.  The realm seemed to be permeated with light. At the end of the experience I saw a bright light, which I understood to represent Christ.

I can't recollect the full feeling of the above experience by thinking about it. However, I know that during the experience I had no doubts about what I was experiencing. I can't say how I managed to have the experience. My spirit guidance probably helped me have it. My guidance has helped me in numerous ways.

Here's another example. One night I was reading an Elaine Pagel's book and she wrote that the Gospel According to Thomas speaks of Jesus as if he is an enlightened being; the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke speak of him as if he is a messenger of God; and the Gospel of John speaks of him as if he is God incarnate. Before I went to sleep that night I asked for a dream that would tell me which gospel is accurate. In the middle of the night I woke up from a dream and got ready to take some notes.  But then I saw a light flash. Before this experience I had seen spirits appear as flashes of light many times. This is how I see them when I see them through my crown chakra. The light I saw on this occasion was much larger and radiated much more energy than any of the light flashes I've experienced before. The energy felt divine. It felt more real than the physical World.

I forgot about my dream notes, turned off my night lamp, laid on my side, and was overcome with the energy I felt. This energy worked on my energetic system for about fifteen minutes. I have awakened kundalini and this energy felt more powerful and more directed than kundalini ever felt. I didn't see or hear Christ, but I felt that this energy was his presence.  I had strong feelings of love, reverence, humility and gratitude towards him as this experience took place.  Ever since the energy flow in my upper chakras has been more alive, clear and balanced.

Regarding which gospel is correct when it comes to who Christ is, I figure it is up to each person to decide.  Whatever the case, this experience showed me that Christ can appear anywhere he wants to appear and in as many places as he wants.  He has also appeared to me while showing me his human image. Or anyway, the image that history has recorded.

About a week ago I started to re-experience what I experienced when I had my night in heaven experience. I felt the reality of Christ. I couldn't feel it completely, because I had an energetic block in my third eye area. I believe this was due to my mental confusion about what type of authority Christ represents. During this experience I could feel his divine authority. I'm not certain how to reconcile that Christ is about authority and love at the same time.  During this experience--I should say series of experiences--I'd experience something positive when I'd open to the truth that God has given Christ divine authority, and I'd experience something negative when I didn't. These mini-experiences went back and forth according to how I changed my perspective. For example, when I opened up to the principle of Christ having divine authority, my heart chakra opened up and my awareness expanded.  Another positive example is I experienced myself walking up a flight of steps, a symbol for ascension. When I took on a perspective that didn't accept his divine authority, I'd experience something negative such as being in a claustrophobic room and I couldn't get any of the lights to turn on.  My inability to turn on a light is a symbolic equivalent to not being able to open up to divine light. My spirit guidance has used such symbology in the past.

Don't take my word for it. This is something each person has to figure out for his or her self.