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World Cultures, Traditions and Religions => Welcome to World Cultures, Traditions and Religions! => Topic started by: lifebreath on December 09, 2003, 14:00:10

Title: no bended knee
Post by: lifebreath on December 09, 2003, 14:00:10
Personally, I think it needs to be a bit of both ...

One needs, after all, to take a little time, in the midst of the journey, for refreshment, nourishment, solace, communion, repentence, reverence and rest. Then, the trek resumes.

In fact, I recall, it was one night many long years ago, when I was on MY knees in prayer, that I discovered within a rather pitiful creature huddled in the dark corner of some deep interior cavern. Withered and cowering - kind of like Gollum in Lord of the Rings. At first, I recoiled in loathing, my initial impulse, the desire to banish this ugliness from my sight.

But, on my knees, the love of God in Christ Jesus, compelled me to reach within that darness and take within my palm that reviled Gollum-self and hold him close to my breast, loving him, healing him, weeping him into life.

Perhaps some of those who reviled you had not yet had the courage or grace to find that love within themselves. Why hold your animosity so tightly, like a prize won at the carnival?

Peace be with you on the way ...
Title: no bended knee
Post by: TheSeeker on December 09, 2003, 15:34:51
What is a fundie xian?
Title: no bended knee
Post by: James S on December 09, 2003, 15:39:24
Very nicely put Xander!

In my opinion, this is one of the main areas where christian dogma has gone right off on a tangient from the true teachings of Jesus himself.

Title: no bended knee
Post by: phi on December 10, 2003, 06:34:48
Originally posted by TheSeeker

What is a fundie xian?

Fundamentalist Christian
Title: no bended knee
Post by: onefromsomewhereelse on December 21, 2003, 17:03:17
Right on.  There is a time to pray, and a time to get up and get on with it.  That's what the Lord told Joshua anyway, and it makes common sense also.

If more Christians got involved with things this would be a better place to hang out.
Title: no bended knee
Post by: jc84corvette on January 15, 2004, 13:46:23
Why do you want to be a fundamentalist?
Title: no bended knee
Post by: xander on January 15, 2004, 13:57:04
Originally posted by jc84corvette

Why do you want to be a fundamentalist?

Is this to me??

I'm far from a xian fundie, most would probably burn me at the stake.
Had one claim I was a demon once.

Title: no bended knee
Post by: The AlphaOmega on February 22, 2004, 20:21:13
God answers prayers.  It is necissary to kneel at times and devote the moment to talking with God.  But if you spend all your time praying to God you will not get to apply the things you are praying about into your life.
Title: no bended knee
Post by: xander on December 09, 2003, 11:45:47
When i was still a fundie xian I was angry, depressed,lonely. I prayed to God, I read the bible unceaseingly. Finally one day after being verbally torn to shreds by fellow xians I wept and that nightI had a dream in which Christ walked up to me and asked me how I thought I could walk the path he had for me if I was busy kneeling all the time. He told me to walk with him in the places he used to walk, not just the gardens but the desered places as well.

Any idiot can fall on their knees,it takes a REAL seeker of God to walk beside him in his footsteps,it takes a REAL seeker to courageously face the creatures that dwell at the edge of the abyss.

It's funny how many xian denominations claim jesus descended into hell and spent three days there. One should ponder what he was doing for three days in hell. Jesus didn't run like a coward away from his path adn neither will I even though I have many who desire to pull me off the very path Christ has set up for me.
