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What I think of the death penalty

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I wrote this after watching the latest documentary on the West Memphis three. That story is a real tragedy on so many levels. Arkansas screwed the pooch on this one.

No tree can deem itself unworthy of the next season's growth,
a forest for the tree.
the stronger can choke out the weak with it's roots.
Taking just what it needs to grow, can leave too little for another.
This too,
is the forest of man.
a tree can not withdraw it's roots,in search of fertile land,
a man can.
The bark of a tree is it's cover.
The cover of man is choice.
Strip a tree of it's bark-
and a man of his will
you will learn of defiance.
they both stand strong.
Still deserving of the next day's light.
Let no ax fall onto either,
judged fit of only the fire.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain
