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what is kundalini?!?

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Kundilini awakenings can render a person, in the most psychologically descriptive term, "psychotic".

If you don't understand exactly what is going on and have little restraint of your ego, it can open you up to, what I can best describe as an explosion of unconscious outpourings. This has happened to me, once. It's practically the reason why I am even on this forum at all. I never knew what was happening until I finally researched  Yoga disciplines and I am still working on understanding this way my mind has just began to work.

The cause of this "awakening" was the fact that I lived with a highly rational and emotionally strong (RARE) individual, whom helped me to learn to restrain my ego. The emotional layers all came down eventually, and there I was, seeing everything, everything, everything... I started suddenly going on about how it just hit me like a train, that I understood god. Then, there it went from there.. It was like gaining an understanding of the Kaballah and full on serpent fire-all-7-chakras-on-full-blast of the Kundilini saying "HELLO!" all at once.

I'm quite sure it was extremely terrrifying to ALL the people who witnessed it.


Neo, u got a lot of life to live yet.  You seem young, eager, and from what  I've read, Kundilini ain't no place u wanna dapple in.  I hate snakes, there's no way in any dimension I'd ever want to 'wake one up' no matter what I may gain from it.  Try some other safer things, aura reading (lotta fun with ur friends :D ), Telepathy (look up Zener cards on the net), maybe even do some  Focus levels?  That's what helped me to have a projection to the Real Time Zone, weird experience and something I would like to repeat.   I'm sure you want something like that to occur but if you're Kudilini Krazy, you probably won't ever get there.  Do some NEW work cause it's simple and everyone can at least get something in the beginning.

I've read quite a few of your posts and you ARE rather eager but seem to leap around from topic to topic and you don't seem to stick to something for too long.  You have to start with the basics and build up.  I also know you don't really like being told to take it slow and not to do something that could be dangerous but listen in this case.

If want some help with pacing, PM me.  Maybe find a close friend to work with, compare results and research as much as you can.  If you have knowledge on what you're doing, you won't be so confused with things start to happen.

Do any of your friends or relatives know what you're doing?  A good way to 'break them in' is asking them to do the brushing excersise from the Astral Dynamics site.  It usually works better with creative minds I've found but anyone should be able to do it if they honestly try.

I'll PM you with another suggestion.

~*~*If you long for your dreams and your dreams cannot wait, turn your life into dreams and control your own fate...*~*~