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Fire the Grid - New Information - Debate

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Uhhh... I felt I had to update this, as more information is coming around. Currently there is a debate whether this "Fire the Grid" event is good or bad... go figure :|

But it is my firm belief that this information should be looked over and contemplated on nonetheless.

First, the website of some woman named Peggy Kane who says this Grid is our "prison", that the *ahem* reptillians (or lets say shadow government, which DOES exist... the reptillian thing is questionable, but possible) are keeping us in. And that 2012 and Planet X will rip apart this magnetic grid and set us free.’t-fire-the-grid-it-is-our-prison/

Ok, so that is an interesting perspective... I have a hard time believing that focused intent on "love and healing" on a mass scale is going to strengthen negative energies... it could be more disinformation by the powerful elite attempting to stop a positive event such as this? What do you think?

And here is discussion on one mini-forum...

W-T-F Is all I can say... Thoughts:
1. The reversal thing seems a bit sketchy, though I have never come across it before.
2. This seems to be propagating FEAR... while the event propagates LOVE
3. Shelley Yates seems to be thinking of a 'one world government', which to me personally is somewhat frighetning, seems to go with the whole power elite\new world order issue... but who knows, maybe it could work if we all became awakened beings of love and light.

Well, thats about all the thoughts I have for the moment.

Please, feedback :)

P.S. - Consult original thread for info about the event

P.P.S. - If mods & members feel the need, it could be moved to 2012...



I got a good giggle from the whole reptilian thing, and the 'reverse speech' reversing someone's speech and then saying "Oh, but it SORT OF sounds like this! <insert evil statement here>" grasping at straws?
All men are equal in death.


I don't think so that the grids were created by the reptiles. The grids is what creating our reality, without the grids there is nothing that will exist. It's also a lie to say that the grids are trapping our souls when we leave our physical body.

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Here is some pretty good information about the Earth's grid system by Kryon who is a nonphysical spiritual entity channelled by Lee Carroll:

Quote from: Kryon
The Magnetic Grid and You
The grid system of the earth is specific in its purpose. It is fine-tuned, and it exists for only one reason: Human setup. Although you might think it is a geological attribute of the physics of the planet, it is more than that. It is a DNA delivery engine! That is what the grid system does. It talks to Humanity Human-by-Human, and it is part of who you are personally. It helps to both separate you and also unite you. It gives you setups, challenges, solutions, and love. It is what some of you relate to even when you think about God! Some would say, "Kryon, I don't like that idea of physics entering the realm of spirituality. I don't like the grid of the earth being part spiritual." I will say to you... it is the way of it! For as creators that you are, you have created everything that you have before you, including the test, the duality, the contracts, and the engine that administers them to your cellular structure. You cannot separate Spirit from your reality. You might wish to believe that it is somehow above that which is physical, but the truth is that it is the center of all that is physical. You can't leave God out of anything!

We are going to reveal some of the attributes of what you call your DNA. The magnetic grid of the planet is complicated, but it has remained chiefly as a delivery system to Humanity for many, many years. There has been very little change in terms of what it does, for Humanity never looked "up" to consider that the grid might be a changeable thing. Humanity never gave intent to claim the power of what was at the cellular level, or to consider what might be changeable within their lives. Even the prophets of old gave you information that you could change everything, yet you did not. Only seemingly at the 11th hour of the plan you created did you decide to change your reality, and you did. In order to do that, a grid-changing entourage arrived in 1989, which to me is now. In your time frame, a shift of the magnetic grid began, and now you know why. Your intent to create a new reality of Earth demanded that the "engine" of magnetics be changed to allow you to excel. Let me continue.

In order to accomplish the New Jerusalem - in order for solutions to begin - in order for you to change the very essence of why you are here - in order for longer life - in order for revealed science - in order for Spirit to speak through Human Beings as a normal event of life, all of the communication through the posturing of the magnetics that speaks to your DNA had to be "changed." And so it was that the grid system began to move! You moved it! Those that called themselves Lightworkers felt it, and those who were spiritual felt it. It began gradually to change and then accelerated. The actual changing of the grid was far more than the magnetics that you can measure on a compass. The very spiritual aspects of the ley lines, their shape, their uniformity, their synchronicity with other ley lines, changed to create a new setup, and a new earth potential. Instead of termination, you rode this wave of change, and here you sit one year away from its completion, lightworker! We know that some of you have felt the move of the grid. We know of your anxiousness, but there are things that are beginning to fall into place as the move settles and the new posturing of this magnetic energy comes to a close, where it will begin to affect the planet differently and finally become stable.

Let me tell you about the grid. In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have said that you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. That is so. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not see-able in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Do you see? Ten you cannot see, and two you can.

Let me tell you about your DNA. It is magnetic, and therefore it responds to the grid! With respect to magnetics, gravity, time, and matter placement: There is a puzzle here that has never been unraveled. It never could be within your old 4D paradigm. Now, suddenly in this new energy, your science begins to understand that there are at least 11 dimensions at the heart of every atom of matter. (We have told you that there are 12.) And suddenly you are beginning to understand that even time is variable. Later, there will also be the acknowledgment that the displacement of matter from one area to another is also part of this equation. There is one specific formula whose attributes are gravity, magnetics, time, and the location of matter. They all come together in a grand dance that will be the "mother lode" of physics when it is discovered and understood. When it is ready, this information will be brought to you, but for now, let me tell you about the "pattern" of how this works for your DNA.

The entire channelling in case anyone is interested.


Yes of course... the evil aliens  :lol:

How stupid to blame aliens for spiritual unawareness... go blame humans if you have to blame anyone.
In somnis veritas


Quote from: kailaurius on July 10, 2007, 11:05:25
Here is some pretty good information about the Earth's grid system by Kryon who is a nonphysical spiritual entity channelled by Lee Carroll:

The entire channelling in case anyone is interested.
Thanks for that m8, interesting read ;) +1 karma

I never know what to think about channelings, and dont "fully trust" that kind of info, but it was enjoyable to read nonetheless.

@ DNA and Intent:
I am a firm believer that, just as our minds can manipulate reality, we can do it even MORE POWERFULLY within our own bodies, which our mind affects with even the most subtle of thoughts. And, I also believe that you can reprogram your own DNA, and that it is just a "base blueprint" to keep things running smoothly.

As you can imagine, this causes quite a bad reaction from people who are of the modern school of thought that DNA is unchangeable and we just have to accept what we were "genetically programmed" to be, and have no control of the matter.

I hate hearing excuses from these people "its genetics", "genetics dude, can't do anything about it"... says you, not I! :-P

Anyways, it was interesting to hear similar beliefs from this Kryon entity.

@ Reptilians, and the FTG Event
Shortly after I started this thread, I was already already coming to my senses and it became clearer and clearer that this Peggy Kane person is pretty whacked in the head, or at least trying to find things that she WANTS to find. Either way, I thought "man, this is a clear choice... positive intent, love and healing, soothing music ... vs ... propagating fear, reverse speech, reptilians...." ;) I'm sure you can see what I mean, hehe.

Thanks for the replies,


QuoteOk, so that is an interesting perspective... I have a hard time believing that focused intent on "love and healing" on a mass scale is going to strengthen negative energies... it could be more disinformation by the powerful elite attempting to stop a positive event such as this? What do you think?
I agree, and I do think certain people who immediately try to put a stop on global consciousness-raising efforts suspect.  If there are not 'evil' crusades to expose, what will they do with their time?


This is ridiculous, and even with the evidence on her website of audio files, they could easily be adultered.

And even if they weren't I'm sure there are many positive, or normal things that could be said and if played backwards sound 'evil, & demonic' or however one would like to label it, It means nothing. They are merely words.

Intent and action speaks louder then words and the intent of this event is to spread love, and help in restoring the Earth. Right now, I feel as if I sound a little psychotic as well, and leaning more towards the side of Fire the Grid but I just don't 'Don't Fire the Grid - It is Our Prison' to be in any way, shape or form valid.

I am a open minded person, but when it comes to some conspiracy theories, I am cautious because I wouldn't want to lose my mind in all of it.


i just believe that no bad thing could happen from positive thinking about the Earth, and just dedicating an hour to this wonderful planet we live on, and just being grateful for it...i also belive that the changeing of attitude towards nature and our enviroment is the most crucial thing to change the way we have been treating our planet, and i don't see who would have anything against it...

and the whole reverse speech thing, well its scary that a person can devote her life to just manufacturing paranoia for herself..its just bits and pieces cut out of a much bigger thing and manipulated that still don't make any sense until you read what it supposedly says, and even then its reeeeally sketchy

anyway i'm just looking forward to firing the grid :) 

P.S. I think the site has trouble when it calculates the timezones, cause it says that my time is 1:11PM wich is GMT+2 and my timezone is GMT+1 so maybe its better to calculate it for yourself


Quote from: Principle
I am a open minded person, but when it comes to some conspiracy theories, I am cautious because I wouldn't want to lose my mind in all of it.
I know EXACTLY what you mean! Back in late 2006 I spent months getting into the conspiracy stuff... it made me a little nuts, I had to cut myself off because I wanted so bad to start a revolution! :X ... after some time off, the info was better "processed" and I weeded out what was the most important, and calmed down.

Sometimes I kind of wish that I never got into it, and not have to know all the messed up BS that is going on behind the scenes, how the "shadow government"\bankers\elite treat their fellow bretheren is just sickening... but hey, at least it clears up so many things, makes life more transparent, and enlightens you to the reasons why the world is so messed up and why people live in "service-to-self", why they are working several jobs to make ends meet, etc...

Quote from: xblimeyx on July 12, 2007, 17:33:33
well its scary that a person can devote her life to just manufacturing paranoia for herself
LOL, indeed it is ;)

Quote from: xblimeyx on July 12, 2007, 17:33:33
P.S. I think the site has trouble when it calculates the timezones, cause it says that my time is 1:11PM wich is GMT+2 and my timezone is GMT+1 so maybe its better to calculate it for yourself
Yeah, IIRC you posted in the other thread before the site lost a bunch of data. I replied too :P

Basically what I said was "Yeah, it could be various reasons, maybe Daylight Savings Time error, or misreading Timezone info via your Browser" and "Just trust yourself :) You know better than any computer program!"




J/K, These people are ridiculous, lol


Take a read through this...

Particularly the part below:
by Engtovo Bhodsvatan"

Now, on Jul 17th 2007 I did meditate at the time, but I made sure before I did to tell my subconcious that I am sending love for X-purpose (healing the planet, the people, etc...) and that I do not give permission for anyone to channel my energy, and only give permission "fire the grid" if its for the greater good of humanity and only for the purpose of love and light. (basically-- I figure the subconcious mind knows the TRUTH)

Anyways, this guy makes some good points... perhaps some of you might be interested in the read.

I am not going to sign up to Shelly Yates 2nd part, never intended to, I feel the best course of action for us as spiritual people is to:
- Meditate daily, keep our energy body clean and vitalized
- Share love with others, even Send Love ala Klaus Joehle
- Keep positive thoughts in mind and live our dreams

Thats about it ;) A daily thing, integrated into our lives, not on some special date, but a little bit of love every day.



Remember you're sharing the can't use love to force people to change - even if it's for the better, that goes against "free will". It has to be "unconditional" love...This was something I had difficulty with when I first started the love meditation a year ago (I was not aware of it at the time - not until I listen to Klaus)....*I read a lot of people sending love etc, but they tend to neglect the issue of "free will" and "unconditional" love, don't be one of those people...


No worries, I understand it well.

I have had my struggles in life, and realized that changing people is futile. You may offer help, and try to guide them a bit, but nothing will come about unless they are willing -- allowing change.

And its their life journey, not yours, as well they may have different belief systems of what is "right" and "wrong"... and IMO thats perfect in its own way. I really dont believe in some black and white "right and wrong" concept.

I have been listening to Klaus' talks, read his Messenger book first, and now 1/2 way through the Drunken Leprechaun. He talks alot about FEELING the outcome, rather than visualizing EXACTLY how it would be. Giving the universe more leeway on finding something PERFECT to you, without setting too many limits. Great advice I'd say, though interestingly contrary to alot of what others teach: Visualize EXACTLY what you want. Though I see both as very valuable techniques.

But yeah Orgybus, very good point we should all remember, you can send love, and let it do it's thing... but the person has to allow it, accept it. And just give love with the intent it will be used for what is perfect for that person at that time, not necessarily what you feel is necessary of them (ie. forcing).


P.S. - Its fascinating that you 'coincidentally' pasted that link in my FTG thread. Why? Well I had a strong feeling for the past month or two that LOVE IS THE ANSWER. And I started sending love and [moreso] gratitude to people instinctively, before I knew any of this. And songs like "Beetles - All you need is love" and "Blessid Union of Souls - Believe" [I believe, Love is the Answer] started coming into my life and becoming some of my favourites haha.

And my bike was stolen a while before... and I was a bit upset at first, but I am positive so that quickly passed... and eventually I decided to send love & forgiveness to the person that stole it, and hope they are enjoying it... soon after I got a family member to donate their bike to me that they werent using. Interesting to say the least ;)


Why does everybody call him Orgybus?

Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


hahaha, oh man, I have looked at it SEVERAL TIMES and every time I saw: ORGY BUS.

I figured the name had something to do with sex & love of many people, on a bus, hippie style o_0

Note taken ;)


I guess we see what we want to see and not what is.....