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New terrorist attack (yeah, I know... Hey, Adrian)

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Okay but you have to think of the knife theory in another light. If they gave out knives to everyone on the plane, if a terrorist were on board we would be giving them a weapon. Even though there would probably be only 3 or 4 hijackers and a hundred or so other people armed with knives, we never know what could happen.

We could just have special units on the planes armed with knives, pepper spray, etc.


I already understand that the terrorists would be given a weapon. My point is, everyone else will have one too. Shielding is easy to find on an airplane (i.e. a seat cushion) to block a terrorist's blows and slashes. A terrorist is more likely, in my opinion, to have explosives or something of that nature. If the terrorists are going to send the plane slamming into the side of a building, then at least everyone on the plane will have a knife and they can do something about saving the people in the building, even if they're going to die anyway. I think special units would be a good addition to my idea; I see what you're saying about anything being able to happen, but personally, I'd rather have something to fight back with. I have some martial arts training (many people have at least some basic concept of fighting), which would be a lot of help. What people need to know is the mentality of a terrorist. If they were challenged to a fistfight, would they accept? If it was for their honor they would (not that they have any), but generally I think they'd just start killing people if the other person won. Their job is to scare the shiznit out of everyone they can as much as they can. That's what keeps people from fighting back. The only way to understand a terrorist is to think like one.

Did you ever see Bowling for Columbine? Same idea. Sort of. Obviously nobody under a certain age would be able to obtain a knife unless given one by a parent or guardian once on board the plane. All of the crew would be armed with something as well (I'm thinking air-taser stun guns because it's a projectile weapon that won't put a hole in the side of the aircraft), and the cockpit should be guarded by two specially trained units. How much this is all going to cost is a good question. Whether or not it is feasable I do not know. The knives could be made of composite plastic, which is cheap enough, but the specially trained units need a decent amount of pay, and for the likelihood of a terrorist being on a plane, I don't think that the airline corporations would be willing to pay them- until people stop flying.

The terrorists would probably not use the same tactic twice. There are a lot of nuclear materials that disappeared from Iraq and are still unaccounted for; obviously they are likely in the hands of terrorists. We don't know where all of their hideouts are, but I think the U.S. is certainly technologically advanced enough to go after them and find out where every single one of the hideouts are. Tracking down each terrorist is another issue altogether. They still haven't gotten Bin Laden, which I think is weak on Bush's part. What an idiot, going from Afghanistan to Iraq. The whole world was behind us when we attacked Afghanistan, but Iraq was uncalled for.

Bush being an idiot is another issue linked to this one, and is an issue I am so sick of. He better not get re-elected or I'll just stop voting for republicans and democrats and go third-party.

I don't know what the terrorists are planning (if they are even planning anything at all). I don't know if Bush is just saying these things to get people scared and get himself re-elected. I wouldn't put it past him, as he did fabricate documents about Iraq having weapons of 'mass destruction.' What we need is to be educated on terrorism and how terrorists think. There are many sleeper agents in the U.S. and in other countries- that's a given. How and where they communicate with their contacts and what they use as encryption for their messages is something the CIA and FBI need to find out.


Please dont bring politics and society here. This is one of the few places I can escape from that insanity.

Euphoric Sunrise

I don't like the knife idea at all. It's not just that you're giving a knife to a terrorist, but accidents can happen too. Say somebody drops a knife and hurts somebody badly, then what? I'm sure little kids would be able to get their hands on one somehow. Maybe if dad falls asleep or something, they can take it and then who knows what they will do with it?
Just say a terrorist does obtain a knife and use it. Sure, there are lots of people with knives who can fight back, but that doesn't change the fact that the terrorist may have just killed a person, let alone with one of the knives the air service supplied them with.
I would imagine there would be a lot of legal action taken and protests etc.
Sorry, i know i'm not being much very helpful, just thought i'd share my thoughts on the knife thing.

I think the best thing to do at the moment is just to let the passangers know that they should be on the lookout for anything suspicious or out-of-place and inform security or a host/hostess. A step-up in security at airports wouldn't hurt either.
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


I have a question for Adrian and everyone else:

Yeah, I know people are sick of all that terrorist and war stuff, but do you think there should be a section on here for politics and society? I mean, isn't society such a huge influence on our lives and the way we see the world and other people in it? I think it's important enough to be a topic on this site and how it relates to the astral world. Perhaps we can learn more about these problems, how they are caused, and how to summon spirits to destroy all the terrorists, muahahahahaha! So anyway, I was thinking, maybe there should be a section devoted to stuff relating to politics.

The original reason I was going to post this was because I had some concerns on the new upcoming issue of the 'real' possibility of a terrorist attack.

I think that people should be required to be armed on an airplane, with some sort of standard knife or something that was issued to each passenger by a guard at the entrance to the plane. I also think that the airlines should keep track of the exact number of knives given out and the knives returned at the end of the trip. No one should be allowed to leave the plane until they've turned in their knife. It's not likely a terrorist is going to sneak on a gun, with today's technology. Hopefully some security guards are doing their jobs.

If the terrorists manage to buy out all the tickets for a specific flight, then what's that saying about our security? I think Ashcroft should be fired and and put on trial if anything like this happens.

Whether people are brave enough to fight back is another issue. Most wouldn't, probably. This is a problem. The solution to this problem is not within my grasp at the moment. As far as the world's people go, we are a sheltered bunch. Everything is sugar-coated for most of us and we don't see the reality of things. We live abstract lives compared to the civilians of third-world countries. So when it comes to direct life-or-death situations, we are not prepared. This is a big problem. I think if we had a threat every day, we'd do something about it.

Anyway, that's enough for now. If anyone has any problems with this post, please have it deleted because I don't want to start another flood of political issues in the Astral Chat section unless it's going to directly relate to the Astral or metaphysical or other things this site is about.