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Weird idea for an experiment

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So, this idea came to me while surfing YouTube a few moments ago. So, paranormal investigators use something called a spirit box for talking with spirits guides entities angels demons what have you.

I was thinking about it in ap I could somehow learn to effect one so that I might learn to speak using the scanning frquencies,. Supposedly spirits can manipulate the auditory effects of random scanning channels to speak? I have no clue if this is true but idk.

I haven't been getting the results I want in ap lately because as much as I want to I have just been feeling very fatigued and scattered lately dealing with a lot of things. I ap so little right now it would be practically impossible to set an app or something like that on my phone and then have someone watch or record it for posterity let alone if the dang thing would even be there when out of body...

Usually when I go out of body everything is very very nearly exact within like twenty feet of my body and then things change as I transition around corners and through doorways so there is a chance.

Well just a kooky idea ..


 Go for it Dark!  :-)

Tell us how it went when you are finished your experiment. I love to experiment. I usually don't make a thread here about my own experiments until I have already began to see favorable results in them. Then I open it up to others to see what happens with them. That way if someone participating in the experiment needs help in some way or another, I will usually know how to fulfill their request.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


You have a voice recorder on your phone I'd guess. This can be used as an EVP device. The NP can manipulate recordings but it takes time. This is also true with photography. There's been instances where a picture was viewed instantly and later miniature faces appeared.
If you set up a strong intent for extras on your recordings of any type, give them a while before viewing or listening.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thanks guys! Lumaza I was watching this guy on YouTube called huff paranormal and he incorporates chrystals into his evp machines he even has a home made box called the astral doorway lol. But yeah made me think of you and so I thought, if spirits can do this intuitively, well I'm a spirit why couldn't I as well?


By the way while I'm here I wanna say how much energy work has been helping lately. When I was meditating twice a day cuz me and the missus were both home a lot I was doing energy work but once I was ap'ing a lot I kinda took it forgranted and I fell out of practice. I been meditating lately again and can't even get hypnogogia but I been sick and very stressed. Anyway tho I figured maybe I just need to get back to energy work and visualizing and it's been coming back slowly but surely. When I was ap'ing a lot I could just get into that state of mind very easily and begin seeing things hearing things feeling things and didn't need much effort.

Anyway I feel I am getting back there this place helps a lot!


All the spirit box is ,is a radio set to keep scanning . All your getting is random bits of am/ fm broadcast . Now there is true evp . I saw one paranormal group where one guy tried to go out of body and get his voice on a recorder . And there is what Frank Kepple ,a passed on member of this forum who has some evp on audio . Posted hear a number of years ago.