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Your dream job

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I was thinking what would make me super excited to get up every morning and go to work with great passion. After visiting the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory last week, I realized that would be Astrophysics. How cool it would be to look into space all day long finding more and more about the universe, stars formation, galaxies, searching for life out there, etc. Well, if I was a little younger, I would enroll in college to get that degree.  I missed my chance, but for all of you that have opportunity to study, please find your true passion and obtain that degree. I still enjoy doing clinical research, but Astrophysics would have been the ultimate joy.

So, how about you guy, what would be your dream job that would give you the ultimate fulfillment.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I think something I would tell a young person is that if you want to work in a field, find someone who actually does the job you want to have, and see if you are able to shadow them for a day.

A young person's interpretation of what a job would be like is often an idealization. But seeing the work in the flesh is super helpful in evaluating if it is something for you!

I am lucky enough to have a sort of dream job myself these days... and it just sort of happened by accident. One day, while being between architecture jobs, I just started making computer games with friends. Now I can do just about every job that goes into creating one, and help manage a really fun team, and we've published some successful titles. I guess the takeaway from that life experience that becoming really good at something you both like and can see yourself doing every day often pays off. No one hired us, we never went to college for it... we just studied a craft and ended up with elite skill after so many years of work. If you realize that in some fields the barriers are non-existant, I think that can be very empowering. 

And oddly enough I get to have fun doing what I wanted to do as an architect, but with far less constraints.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: extracrispy on February 15, 2020, 02:14:49
I would suggest for there to be a balance struck between what is realistic and what you enjoy doing. If the job is too practical and thus boring, you will burn-out. If it's too un-grounded -- you may have trouble earning money. I am definitely leaning a little to the practical.
You post somehow indirectly suggests that combining both aspects and thus finding the middle ground would not be possible? I think however that it is. Although many people never reach this state and it might be difficult for most of us (I include myself here).

One of the 'rules of manifestation' is always said to be the 'follow your bliss / passion' strategy which teaches as that at least at some point the money will start flowing if you really like what you do and do what you like - and are persistent with it.

It's the ideal case. Reality if often different unfortunately for the majority of people forced to be doing the usual 9-to-5 humdrum because in this world and time you have to 'pay to live', that much is true.

Thread Killer

I've always wanted to try dictator for life somewhere...anywhere...and that's mostly because I just have a thing for sycophants...yes, yes,YES!!!
Pedant. Pedagogue. Prick.


Oh man... if I knew back in high school what I know now, I certainly would have pursued a different career.  LoL
Something to do with Space, for certain.

At this point in my life... I think my dream job would have to do with something regarding the ocean somewhere warm, like Mexico.  Haha!


I hope some lower realities have the do-over function but with the knowing.  :-D
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


All good answers and good ideas, excepting maybe the cigar smoking guy protecting his precious bodily fluids, lol ( love the movie and the sentiment! ). A popular radio personality offered great advice in saying choose the most enjoyable profession you could wish to be in, something that excites your passion, and just get in the door, even if it is sweeping the floors. Just get started and you will find your place somewhere within doing something towards what you care passionately about.

I wanted to be a fighter pilot, or a race car driver or join NASA in some fashion. And I still like all those possibilities. Managed to do one.

But the truth may be regarding space travel is that the physical constraints may be too much, too limiting. So actually, we as consciousness explorers may be in a position to take Humankind much further than space travel can hope to in the next hundred years. Sadly, we have wasted so much money, resources and human potential in needless wars and general corruption...we have exhausted our present ability to move beyond the planet. Maybe a good thing for the outer locality...

So, it may not be paying our bills, and it's instead a hobby, kind of, we are already doing our best and most beneficial work right here on the Pulse, and individually in our own development...sharing our thoughts about how to explore the 'Wider Reality'....

We are the explorers to open the next frontier. Not space. Consciousness.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on March 03, 2020, 04:18:44
All good answers and good ideas, excepting maybe the cigar smoking guy protecting his precious bodily fluids, lol ( love the movie and the sentiment! ). A popular radio personality offered great advice in saying choose the most enjoyable profession you could wish to be in, something that excites your passion, and just get in the door, even if it is sweeping the floors. Just get started and you will find your place somewhere within doing something towards what you care passionately about.

I wanted to be a fighter pilot, or a race car driver or join NASA in some fashion. And I still like all those possibilities. Managed to do one.

But the truth may be regarding space travel is that the physical constraints may be too much, too limiting. So actually, we as consciousness explorers may be in a position to take Humankind much further than space travel can hope to in the next hundred years. Sadly, we have wasted so much money, resources and human potential in needless wars and general corruption...we have exhausted our present ability to move beyond the planet. Maybe a good thing for the outer locality...

So, it may not be paying our bills, and it's instead a hobby, kind of, we are already doing our best and most beneficial work right here on the Pulse, and individually in our own development...sharing our thoughts about how to explore the 'Wider Reality'....

We are the explorers to open the next frontier. Not space. Consciousness.
Where's that damn "LIKE BUTTON" when you need it, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I've always wanted to be an explorer; space, the oceans, other worlds. I'm a prime example of what happens to women born back in the day. We mostly tend to just take life as it comes and put our inner desires on hold for the sake of family. I am not complaining. I am also not blaming men, lol. But if I could do it over knowing what I know now I would most definitely take the family with me kicking and screaming :-D
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.