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Astral Phasing questions

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Hehehe, I'm the exact opposite.  Not only do I never see my guide, but I'm always free to roam wherever I wish!  Although I think in my case, my lack of interacting with a guide is only a phase.....I think once I learn a few more things on my own, they'll be ready to show themselves to me.

As for you, I don't think you could ever offend a guide, simply because they know more than you, and they know the human nature.  I suppose that if you insist on doing things your way and ignoring their instruction, they may distance themselves, just so you can see that you're not as smart as you think you are.  Who knows, though.

I imagine them to be like parents....who might tell the child what to do (and what not to do).....and when the child insists on doing things their way, the parents silently observe in the background, making sure the child doesn't get hurt, but also watching as the child learns lessons on their own.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Tracy: you are free to explore wherever you like. Simply be intent on doing so and it will come about (as you think, so it becomes). Though there are natural limitations that apply. These limitations largely depend on the extent to which you can remain emotionally closed and/or keep your thoughts under control. But, as far as your exploration is concerned, it is *you* that's in the driving seat.

That is why you often read people's early obe experiences and they always tend to follow along the lines of, "First I was here; then suddely things changed; but before I knew it I was somewhere else; then I thought I saw someone I recognised; then everything changed again... etc... etc... and then I woke up."

The person hasn't yet learnt that, on the Astral, thought equals instant action. Which means they allow their minds to flit all over the place and, each time it flits from one line of thinking to another, the scenary changes with it. (Though it is normal for these people to think it's the other way around, i.e. their thoughts are a reaction to the change in scenary.)

I would suggest the problem in your case could well be your thinking that, "every time I project it is always in a lesson. I can never go out and explore" As I say, thought equals action and if you project thinking that everytime you project it will always be in a lesson and you can never go out and explore: then such will become your Astral reality.

You say you want to go out and explore. But where do you want to go exactly? You need to have a fair idea of what it is you want to do, to the extent where it will fuel your Intent to do that thing.


James S


It was interesting to hear you telling me of your OBEs as being lessons. With one exception each time I have successfully phased it has been pretty much for the purpose of learning, I always seem to end up at this one place, and my guide has always been there to instruct me on something.

I would agree with Frank that it is more to do with our expectations than what is "supposed to be". I don't see it as frustrating though. Each "lesson" my guide has shown me a little more, taught me how to get closer to that next step, and I am grateful for her help. Besides, I like the little chats we have, and I find each experience fascinating. That's my fun!

I agree with Jeff too that I doubt we could ever really offend our guides. They know us too well. Tease yes, there's a good deal of teasing goes on, but offend? No.

And as far as teasing goes - Frank, I seem to recall your guide knows how to stick it to you a bit also.

It's all good.


To all,

 You are so right; it is very easy to become entangled in expectations.  I didn't think I was going to have a problem with the emotional control and Intent problem but Geez  was I ever wrong. These rules are hard to really and truly control.  Truthfully, I had a small suspicion I was programming my projections, but I also think that my guide is partially responsible with her intent to teach me lessons.  I didn't mind this at first.  

 I  do see it as a great opportunity for learning and the lessons have  been useful info.  But after a couple weeks of this and numerous lessons later, I want to go out and explore the great Astral.     Now that I know I am in control  (thank you Frank!)  I will whole heartedly say and feel that I will go to the Astral to meet new people and totally expect to be there after I Phase.  I hope the lessons still resume but not ALL the time.

Yes the guide thing is totally new to me  and it is a BIG relief" border=0> to know that I will not offend them if I feel I must be bold.  And is a real comfort to know that they are guiding and watching over us, I guess we could call them our Astral Family.  Neat!!

Thanks for the help for this confusing problem  It was upsetting that I felt locked in these lessons ,and  a relief to know  it is an "intent"  problem on my behalf .  So knowing I won't have to be bold with the guides (not yet anyway) thank goodness I can relax with them.

 I will tell my first astral tale (when I actually have one).




Tracy: Think of the ground-rules as being easy once you get the hang of it. The tricky bit is teaching your sense of conscious awareness that a different set of ground rules apply. After a while it becomes easy to switch from one to the other.

It becomes, like, in Europe, when we in the UK nip across the Channel to France we have to drive on the opposite side of the road. At first it's a bit tricky having to constantly bear in mind that everything is the opposite. But regular visitors simply get into the habit of switching from one driving mode to the other.

That's how it gets with the Astral. You just switch from one set of thinking to the other. The one big thing to always bear in mind is thought equals instant action. Which means it is ever so easy to get into a situation where everything experienced around you is merely being created and fuelled by your own release of thought-release-emotion.

We had a classic example of a person who came onto this BBS telling of how he, at first, thought obe's were "real" but after a while he discovered that what he was experiencing was just his own mental meanderings. So he concluded that the whole "out of body" phenomenon was ultimately just a Lucid Dream. Sadly, what this person failed to realise is the basic rule that: Thought Equals Instant Action.

I've spent a number of years researching the basic mental pitfalls and have made most of them oodles of times. Even now I can get caught out and have my experience scuppered. Perhaps one of the most common pitfalls (I mean apart from the very basic stuff like releasing emotions such as fear) is getting caught in a Confusion Loop.

Once you can keep your basic emotions in check, the Astral becomes a much more stable place. This offers you the opportunity of having a wander around and interacting with the locals. (Well, those that are open to you that is.) But this, in itself, opens up the possibility of coming across yet more subtle pitfalls. And one of the most common is, as I say, a Confusion Loop.

What happens is, you see something that might be perfectly normal on the Astral, but something that you'd never see on the Physical. In an effort to make sense of it all, your conscious awareness will automatically call on your critical faculties for an explanation. Obviously, no explanation will be forthcoming because all you have to compare against (in your early days of exploration) are Physical-based phenomenon. Hence the confusion that subsequently arises.

Once you get into a mental state of confusion, it is very difficult to get out of. Because your release of the thought of confusion, becomes the fuel that makes the situation you are in ever more confusing. Then you find yourself locked in an ever-worsening downward spiral of confusion which, ultimately, scuppers the experience.

The key is to avoid getting into these loops in the first place. This is where Guides come in *mighty* handy. What you do is, the moment you come across something that looks remotely confusing, stop and ask for clarity. Understand that Guides are with you at all times. Even though you may not (at first) be able to perceive them around you, they are there.  

So you don't want to get into a frame of mind where you close yourself off to Guides entirely, as they are most useful. I've said before on this BBS that, in my early years of exploration, I thought all the Guide-stuff was mere mystical mumbo-jumbo. Problem was, my thinking that way severely curtailed my progress.

In a sense, your situation is the basic opposite to how I used to be. In that I was once totally closed to them, and now you appear to be smothered. And both of us found it difficult to make progress. The solution is to try and find a happy balance between allowing your natural sense of curiosity to guide you; but always having the security of a Guide, at arms reach, for when situations get sticky. Which they *will* often do.



I am really curious, what are the sentences that relate back to parts of your house? What do these lessons consist of?

I've only met my guides once- I feel neglected sometimes.



The one big thing to always bear in mind is thought equals instant action. Which means it is ever so easy to get into a situation where everything experienced around you is merely being created and fuelled by your own release of thought-release-emotion.

I had an experience with this yesterday afternoon.  I was in my bed meditating in the afternoon and some kids were playing outside riding bikes over a wooden ramp.  What a terrible racket that made.  I got to the point where I was drifting through the void but just kept drifting because I kept hearing the kids.  All I wanted to do was project, if I only would project into the astral.

The thought and intent was so strong that after I finally did project, my astral being didn't realize this, it also tried to project and succeeded into another plane (I think).  Non-the less, now I know how strong intent can be.  I felt like I was mirrored in three different places at once, this was so strange.

-Confusion Loop-

Yes, your definition makes total sense!  And is exactly how it feels, like an unending circle of confusion and no real clue on how to stop it.  My problem is I depend on guides to much for guidance on my Astral experience, and I should just ask for help when I get stumped.  Ok, I can do this!  Positive thinking....

So, first,  stop (this will take some getting used to) when I come across something unknown.  Second, ask my guides for clarity (very important).  Third, accept their answers and not fall back on my own conclusion.

--I was wondering how much the unconscious suggestions come to play in projection.  I was thinking  the reason why I project into various rooms in my house is because I used this thought while learning to project.  "I will project into my living room" knowing it is a safe , comfortable place.  And later on became an unconscious suggestion.  This suggestion manifested itself in my projection unknowingly.  Who knows if this is true.

Well, I hope I get the hang of switching the different ground rules.  This is another challenge that is difficult to figure out.   I like your flipping the switch idea, so if a switch is flipped moving  your consciousness from the physical into your astral body during an OBE, then we should be able to flip a switch in the mental processing for these astral rules while phasing.  ...interesting....   Maybe my guides will help me ease into this.  They have played a very important part in everything I have learned so far.

Thanks so much for your help!  It would have taken  months to figure and sort through all this, if I ever could sort through it. It is so wonderful to have a great site to go to for spiritual help.  I definitely do not feel so  confused as before and am ready to give it a fresh new start.  


Mostly all the lessons are, of course, educational.  The other day I found myself close to my living room floor as if I was sitting up straight.  I sat there for a minute taking this all in, and is when the book flashes.  This particular lesson was about meditation.  "Meditation is a window for communication to the soul."  (How review can they get)   I only get to read one or two sentences unlike earlier I could read a paragraph or two of text.

In another projection I found myself in the living room again and this book appeared.  It revealed different yoga exercises. I actually read a couple of sentences but for some reason I can't recall them.

And in another projection I'm in another room and the book read:  (don't get freaked out)  "meditation can be used in Tarot readings and Tarot cards are used in meditation states to give readings."  Now understand, I haven't ever used Tarot cards and I don't ever know if I want to.  These lessons are used as an opportunity not a demand or feel as if I must do these things.  It is just a realization saying that these things are out there.  

Good luck with your guides, I bet they will reveal themselves a lot more the more you project.  Just keep communicating to them.

Ever appreciative,  


ps.  Sorry about the double posting earlier" border=0> I hate it when that happens.



The thought and intent was so strong that after I finally did project, my astral being didn't realize this, it also tried to project and succeeded into another plane (I think).  Non-the less, now I know how strong intent can be.  I felt like I was mirrored in three different places at once, this was so strange.

With the Phasing approach, once you become practised at it, it becomes possible to have awareness of both Physical and Astral. For example, I used to wonder how, when reading accounts of people who had travelled to Focus 27 at TMI, these people could be at Focus 27 yet still follow instructions given to them through headphones attached to their Physical ears.

Now, of course, I realise that it is just as possible to Phase to Physical from Astral in a controlled way. Whereas, at first, going back to Physical is, more often than not, forcefully initiated as a means of escape. :)


--I was wondering how much the unconscious suggestions come to play in projection.

Very much.


I was thinking  the reason why I project into various rooms in my house is because I used this thought while learning to project.  "I will project into my living room" knowing it is a safe , comfortable place.  And later on became an unconscious suggestion.  This suggestion manifested itself in my projection unknowingly.  Who knows if this is true.

Yes, that is basically how it works.


Well, I hope I get the hang of switching the different ground rules.  This is another challenge that is difficult to figure out.   I like your flipping the switch idea, so if a switch is flipped moving  your consciousness from the physical into your astral body during an OBE, then we should be able to flip a switch in the mental processing for these astral rules while phasing.  ...interesting....   Maybe my guides will help me ease into this.  They have played a very important part in everything I have learned so far.

All it takes is practice, practice and yet more practice. Also, the moment things get sticky I found it is far, far better to come back to Physical and start again rather than try and sweat it out.

Because it normally takes beginners ages to project each time, the tendency is to try and hang on to the projection for as long as possible. But I found that the main aspect of projection, which makes it all get progessively easier, has nothing to do with the actual length of projection but is all to do with the frequency. As such, it is far more beneficial, longer term, to have (say) three short, controlled projections per day rather than one long one.

Also, doing this cuts down on the number of scary circumstances you create for yourself. Each one of these leaves a strong imprint in your mind. However, normally these should be wholly outweighed by all the positive experiences you should be having. Please be aware that serious mental problems can arise when the opposite is the case (as is often clearly demonstrated on the PSD forum, for instance).

Taking your point about it taking months for you to sort out, when I first started (20 years ago) there was no such thing as the Internet. It actually took me around 5 years to realise that thought-release-emotion went to creating and fuelling the circumstances that surround you. Nowadays, thankfully, this kind of basic information is getting to be common knowledge which accelerates a person's development no end.



Greetings everyone!

This is turning out to be a very useful topic in our quest for information on "phasing", and so I am locking it in place as the basis for further "phasing" oriented questions and information.

My objective is to have a core set of topics all of which are directly relevant to the whole issue of "phasing", which has enormous potential.

As an aside, I have been fortunate enough to have lengthy communications with Bruce Moen, who is the author of several books, and who is making extensive use of phasing for work such as soul retrievals. Significantly, Bruce does and teaches this without the need for anymore than basic relaxation.  It is clear however, that the deeper the trance state, the more interactive and objective the Astral interaction is. Nevertheless - Bruce's core methodology is very similar to that described by Frank james, Jeff and others here, but without the hemi-sync. Bruce came from TMI and then developed on to that very successfully.  I hope to bring more about that later.

With kind regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I'm not quite sure which focus....  focus 27 is, could someone briefly describe it?

Because it normally takes beginners ages to project each time, the tendency is to try and hang on to the projection for as long as possible. But I found that the main aspect of projection, which makes it all get progessively easier, has nothing to do with the actual length of projection but is all to do with the frequency. As such, it is far more beneficial, longer term, to have (say) three short, controlled projections per day rather than one long one.

 Yes, It is really nice to read this and is a comforting to know.  Right now    I mainly have short projections and have been thinking  of drawing  these small projections out and  make them longer. But,  I don't feel stable enough yet to have a long projection.  So this is nice, no pressure being felt.

--That projection where I was in three places at once, ended up being longer than usueral and quickly became quite confusing.  Not realizing I had projected twice, I was trying to "wake" out of the second  projection into the first projection not realizing I was still projecting and couldn't "wake" out of it.  

After several tries, I finally realized I had double projected and actually finally came out of it where I was back in the real physical.  Very confusing. You probably had similar experiences.   Is there an easier way to avoid confusions in circumstances like this?  Maybe I should just think......."There's no place like home,  there's no place like home!.....  Ok, that's just a little silly.


Thank you for writing about Bruce Moen, his work sounds very interesting.  I'm going to have to go look up some of his books.

ever appreciative,




I'm not quite sure which focus....  focus 27 is, could someone briefly describe it?

Focus 27 is called the true afterlife region populated by people who are dead and fully realise it (dead and proud of it, as I say). It's a region where you can discover all kinds of things about life, itself and everything. An Internet search should bring up all the explanation you can muster.

Briefly, the near-Physical regions are jam-packed with all manner of human crud and it gets better the further out you go. If praying to Gods is your thing then you'll love the Belief-system regions of Focus' 24; 25 & 26 where you find Gods galore in all shapes and sizes. In fact, there are many sad characters in these places that actually believe they are God.

Basically, these regions of F24/25/26 are the literal definition of the phrase: like attracts like. It's interesting observing all that goes on and it teaches you a lot about life in general. But you can't really learn anything of any major value.

The problem with these regions is people tend to be locked in their everyday activities which means, a lot of the time, they are closed to you. When they do see you, they more often than not view you as if you were one of them. Which means you can have a lot of fun, entering into their world as some character or other, simply enjoying the role-play. As I say, it's all immense fun (especially if you like drama) and the opportunity to play a practical joke or two is difficult to resist.


Yes, It is really nice to read this and is a comforting to know.  Right now I mainly have short projections and have been thinking  of drawing these small projections out and make them longer. But, I don't feel stable enough yet to have a long projection. So this is nice, no pressure being felt.

Rather than working on the length, work on the stability. The more stable your projections become, the more meaningful they become. Think of it that people project for *hours* every night in their sleep, but it's all meaningless as it's virtually all uncontrolled.

Far better to project for just 2 minutes of Physical time with total awareness and control, than drift along for hours on end not realising it. And because there is no such thing as "time" on the Astral, a fully controlled 2-minute projection can often feel like you've been out for days.

--That projection where I was in three places at once, ended up being longer than usueral and quickly became quite confusing.  Not realizing I had projected twice, I was trying to "wake" out of the second  projection into the first projection not realizing I was still projecting and couldn't "wake" out of it.  

After several tries, I finally realized I had double projected and actually finally came out of it where I was back in the real physical.  Very confusing. You probably had similar experiences.  

Remember, it's always "as you think so it becomes". So if you get confused thinking you projected twice, such will become your reality. All that happened is you became subject to the typical kinds of reality fluctuations that can occur in a typical Confusion-loop, and the circumstance you describe is commonly called a False Awakening.

There have been times when I would have staked my life on the fact that I had returned to Physical and was laying in my bed, in my room, with my wife sleeping next to me. But no, it was all a false awakening and I was actually within the Astral. I posted a thread a while ago on this. I think it was called, "Astral experience example" or something like that. EDIT: Found it, here's the link

That kind of experience can get very spooky, especially when you do return to Physical but don't believe it. Many times I've got out of bed, gone downstairs, listened to music, made some tea, walked around the garden, etc. All to make absolutely certain that I AM truly in the Physical.

Again, the way to overcoming it is to gain more control which only comes with practice, practice and yet more practice.


Is there an easier way to avoid confusions in circumstances like this?  Maybe I should just think......."There's no place like home,  there's no place like home!.....  Ok, that's just a little silly.

No, not silly at all. You actually got it in one. The way you get back to Physical proper, in one go, is to think about something Physical that is very close to you, or has some kind of special meaning. Or it could be anything really, provided it has some strong link in your mind to the Physical realm.

Then, what you do is practice phasing from Astral back to Physical in a controlled way and using whatever Physical thing it is you are thinking about as a kind of trigger. Then, if you have a sticky moment, you immediately pull the trigger and instantly you are back to Physical.

With me, I open my physical eyes while projecting. This superimposes the image given to me by my physical eyes on the Astral scenary. Then I just think of mentally stepping into this image whereupon I phase right back to Physical in an awakened state.

Once you get more control you might feel a kind of null-zone in your Astral awareness. With me I felt like there was a kind of "shadow" right alongside me. Wherever I went, it went. The feeling become so strong I even started to think that all the talk about "attachments" and so forth, you often read about on the PSD forum, may actually be real entities. Because that is how it felt, like something was attached to me.

After a while I realised what it was: it was my physical body. Not literally, of course. Like I say, it came across as a feeling of a kind of null-zone where the Physical lay. Like, step into that zone and... zoom... back to being Physical again.

With my Astral sight, for example, it seemed like just a little way off from the place I was viewing from was this kind of null zone. It was a feeling like I'd get with my physical eyes if I were to look with one eye closed. So I tried mentally going into this zone and was rather surprised when my physical eyes opened and I zipped back to Physical right away.

So now I use this method both to reliably phase back to Physical and to quickly get me out of trouble whenever the need arises.



Ok, All the focuses are posted on the Internet.  I feel like a "kick in the pants" for not looking earlier....All this time they were right at arm's reach, a few computer key strokes away. Personally, I thought that the Monroe Institute had a tight rein on any info pertaining to their products.  This is nice, I wonder what other pieces of phasing info are hiding out there on the web just waiting to be discovered.  I feel a research weekend coming on!

With the Phasing approach, once you become practised at it, it becomes possible to have awareness of both Physical and Astral. For example, I used to wonder how, when reading accounts of people who had travelled to Focus 27 at TMI, these people could be at Focus 27 yet still follow instructions given to them through headphones attached to their Physical ears.

Yah, I wonder how that is possible.  I know that I still have the feeling of my body being in my bed  during a projection, but I don't remember having the ability to hear  connection yet.  So, after much practice in projecting does the awareness just develop and happen on it's own?

----False awakenings---

I just finished reading your thread recommendation in your previous post, and all I can say is "amazing!"  The power of the emotions must have been quite overwhelming as they went floating around each room testing your stability and composure.  It is incredible that you stood your ground and worked through each event as it came and remained an observer and not a participant.

I thought the huge contrast in the same room between the celebration of purity and the darkness of greed interesting.  Not only were you shown the ugliness of greed but the huge gap that exists between the two.  

----I am curious why we experience false awakenings.  Do you think it is just a part of our mind not quite ready to come back from the astral and another part in the brain that wants to be back in the physical.  A sort of split wanting.  

With me, I open my physical eyes while projecting. This superimposes the image given to me by my physical eyes on the Astral scenery. Then I just think of mentally stepping into this image whereupon I phase right back to Physical in an awakened state.


This is a great idea, It sounds like you made your own portal back to the physical.  Does this make you dizzy  doing this?   When I come back to the physical, I feel a little dazed coming right out of trance (I think most people are like this).

With my Astral sight, for example, it seemed like just a little way off from the place I was viewing from was this kind of null zone. It was a feeling like I'd get with my physical eyes if I were to look with one eye closed. So I tried mentally going into this zone and was rather surprised when my physical eyes opened and I zipped back to Physical right away.

Yes, I know exactly what you are describing!  It is a kind of dark space between the physical and the astral.  I bet it is the same stuff that we float through while in Focus 12.   I never tried to go into this, of course, mostly because I haven't been phasing for very long.  So, I'll definitely have to keep this in mind!  I'm also thinking that a physical trigger would be better than a mental one (the "there's no place like home").  Opening your eyes would be a definite instant bring back.   Since it is such a physical awake movement, there isn't any doubt of whether you are activating a trigger or not.

--- Well, I think I am finally running out of questions.  Thank you for bearing with the million and one I had asked.  Oh, I tried requesting music while floating in Focus 12 and always find  myself floating to one of my favorite songs.  This is so comforting that sometimes it pushes me over(relaxes)  enough to project.

Taking your point about it taking months for you to sort out, when I first started (20 years ago) there was no such thing as the Internet. It actually took me around 5 years to realize that thought-release-emotion went to creating and fuelling the circumstances that surround you. Nowadays, thankfully, this kind of basic information is getting to be common knowledge which accelerates a person's development no end.

I've been reading (in the usual OBE books) about how difficult it was for spiritual development before computers and that even talking to others about their  experiences was a I'm not sure how you managed during those times to keep going and find info ,but we are so grateful that you had.   I think this is the start to a new spiritual movement, a step up from a world of almost majority non-believing populous to a new "awake" one.  Maybe I'm just being hopeful.   I think if we all help each other advance spiritually, things will change.

Ever appreciative,




I'm not freaked out. I'm a tarot reader, and a darn good one. So I understand their therapudic value and how helpful they can be to provide insight into people's lives and help them solve their problems.
What a wonderful thing your guides showed you.


Originally posted by Tracy:



Mostly all the lessons are, of course, educational.  The other day I found myself close to my living room floor as if I was sitting up straight.  I sat there for a minute taking this all in, and is when the book flashes.  This particular lesson was about meditation.  "Meditation is a window for communication to the soul."  (How review can they get)   I only get to read one or two sentences unlike earlier I could read a paragraph or two of text.

In another projection I found myself in the living room again and this book appeared.  It revealed different yoga exercises. I actually read a couple of sentences but for some reason I can't recall them.

And in another projection I'm in another room and the book read:  (don't get freaked out)  "meditation can be used in Tarot readings and Tarot cards are used in meditation states to give readings."  Now understand, I haven't ever used Tarot cards and I don't ever know if I want to.  These lessons are used as an opportunity not a demand or feel as if I must do these things.  It is just a realization saying that these things are out there.  

Good luck with your guides, I bet they will reveal themselves a lot more the more you project.  Just keep communicating to them.

Ever appreciative,  


Hi Tracy,
It is good for me to hear that others are being told by their guides (teachers) to study some of the "out of the mainstream" spiritual knowledge. My teacher told a group of us students to study the occult and esoteric writings and learn the tarot to help our spiritual growth. She/he said that a lot of information has come to many in the last one hundred years or so to help us learn of the higher realms. So much of this (that I have read) refers to the out of body experience, and many of the old writings refer (as a prophecy)  to a time when we all would be able to acconplish this at will.


Leyla and Donna,

 Well, that's one thing about my guides they like to teach.  I am very grateful to them and let them know at the end of my projections how much I do take their teachings to heart.  Lately we have been able to work out a nice balance (like Frank suggested) of lessons and briefly meeting others or going on a flying trip.

 I didn't mean any disrespect about Tarot, it is just some people are sensitive about this subject with everything happening in the US.  Actually I am feeling the opposite since I last wrote that post.  There are some books that I've been reading and they suggest picking out a tool to help develop spiritual development  and well being (just like your teacher suggested, neat!).  So, gathering all the varieties of the lessons, I'm going to pick one or two.  I thought before I totally decide, I should go on my first Tarot reading to see if exploring the possibility of Tarot is the right path to take.  

By the way, it is interesting that you wrote about esoteric writings.  Are esoteric writings  written in another language?  The search that I ran on the Internet was very vague ,but I didn't search very hard either.   Earlier this week I was shown a couple of sentences in a language that I have never seen before.  It was beautiful the way the letters just seemed to flow together in a soft fluid motion.   I would love  to compare the writings out of curiousity.

Thank you for writing your posts, it was wonderful to read about  your experiences with the different spiritual arts!




Originally posted by Tracy:
Leyla and Donna,
 I didn't mean any disrespect about Tarot, it is just some people are sensitive about this subject with everything happening in the US.  Actually I am feeling the opposite since I last wrote that post.  There are some books that I've been reading and they suggest picking out a tool to help develop spiritual development  and well being (just like your teacher suggested, neat!).  So, gathering all the varieties of the lessons, I'm going to pick one or two.  I thought before I totally decide, I should go on my first Tarot reading to see if exploring the possibility of Tarot is the right path to take.  

When I heard our teacher tell us this my mind yelled "You want us to study WHAAAT?" But this teacher had told us much about the realms and different states of conciousness and how to gain them, that I could not help but trust him/her. So my research began, I was led to many sites and helped along the way by these beings.

By the way, it is interesting that you wrote about esoteric writings.  Are esoteric writings  written in another language?  The search that I ran on the Internet was very vague ,but I didn't search very hard either.   Earlier this week I was shown a couple of sentences in a language that I have never seen before.  It was beautiful the way the letters just seemed to flow together in a soft fluid motion.   I would love  to compare the writings out of curiousity.

Actually our teacher explained that in the past writings had been passed from the higher realms to authors who used a "lisp", making it hard to understand the meaning of what was written, but at present everything woud be clearly understandable to us.This teacher also taught us that ridding ourselves of "belief systems" was a major path  to the higher realms.
I found these two libraries with much to study on them:


There are also the Alice Bailey writings, within the last 100 years.

The Gnostic Writings are some of the old ones uncovered in the last 100 years.

There are also the Emerald Tablets to research (very old, recently discovered in the library found in the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Thank you for writing your posts, it was wonderful to read about  your experiences with the different spiritual arts!



I know that is a lot to read, and it has taken me a while, but like "Blossom", I love to read. I did not accept it all as truth, but by my own experience have found much truth in a lot of it.


Thank you Donna for the sites and booklistings." border=0>  I was surprised that a lot of the books listed are the basis of major religions.  I had taken a course in college two terms ago ,and we actually studied in a couple of those books.  Your teacher sounds like he/she really knows the arts.




Interesting- I also was shown a language recently that I could not read- I posted it on here somewhere.

My mystical studies also began with the Gnostics, and the Cathars. Then the Kabbalah. Then I branched away from judeo-christian to explore the egyption book of the dead, and older sumarian text.

Might I suggest some of my favorite books of all time?

The Dark Side of Christian History - Helen Ellerbe
(details the slaughter of the Gnostics/Cathars by the Catholic Church. And describes other early alternative forms of christianity that were wiped out- many even had women as priests!)
Sacred Sexuality - A T Mann & Jane Lyle
(Full of beautiful ancient artwork- uncovers surprising details of history and mythology. Includes lot's of ancient Gnostic and Egyption and Sumarian texts)
The Womens Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets- Barbara G Walker
(The title says it all- you can get lost in this book for hours)

Really- these three are the best and most entertaining books out of my whole library. Enjoy your studies.


Hey thanks Leyla!  I heard some nice  comments about the first book you recommended "The Dark Side of Christian History."   I can't wait to read them.

I read your earlier thread  on the unknown alphabet and I added  a post to it  under the OBE Experiences forum.  It was very interesting to read!




Since we can have an OBE in the RTZ, is it possible to go to the RTZ while phasing?  

I have a lot of experiences where I am in different parts of my house (living room, hallway). But there is a catch to this, when I project I am forever under guide (control?).   I am shown parts of my house as a lesson to be learned and am shown a book where I read the first couple of sentence and the book is taken away.  The sentences relate back to the area just viewed.  This is maddening because every time I project it is always in a lesson.   I can never go out and explore.

I wasn't going to ask this here but since it relates to the phasing question, here it goes:

Does anyone find guides very sensitive where if you accidentally offended them that they wouldn't come back to you?  I have asked her to let me have a little fun along with the lessons but it doesn't seem to be happening.

I would love to read your responses.

