Are there any do's and don'ts?

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Is there anyone out there who knows if there is any do's and dont's in the astral as in consequences, karma, depending on what you do on that plane, as if you were doing it on earth?


Quote from: flymetothestars on December 12, 2022, 11:36:52
Is there anyone out there who knows if there is any do's and dont's in the astral as in consequences, karma, depending on what you do on that plane, as if you were doing it on earth?

I have found that there are sometimes "rulesets" attached to certain areas. The problem is, you don't find out what they are until you break one of them!  :| I found one by simply flying. I didn't know that that reality was a "no-fly zone". at least for people that is. I soon learned though.

I always go with the adage "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I have also found some planes to have some rules like Lumaza said. One time for example I got into a fight with some astral bullies. Well... we were all marched down to the courtroom for judgement. There was a judge and everything. I was supposed to be locked up for 40 days but I woke up like normal and nothing happened. So... being that we live in a physical reality and have a wake/dream cycle maybe allows us some freedoms that override plane rulings.

I also remember one time my cell phone freaked out and started screaming, "Absolutely no technology allowed in this area!!!" Then it melted into a little tiny aquarium with a little fish.

I think it's common sense tho... I like what Prot said in KPAX. "Every being in the Universe knows right from wrong."  :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


It is interesting how an answer to a question like this can require more than just an immediate response. It can take days, weeks or months for the right response to the right person...or circumstance.

So, my response is yes, there are do's and don'ts, regardless of the energetic plane you are acting on...even the ones you realize that you have barely acted upon, that beg a whole series of another set of questions..

I'm not sure I agree with it or accept it, but it may be the case...and I will admit that the questions have occurred to me as well...I have had experiences where the actions and outcomes have not nearly been within my control...and I have wondered, and the outcome remained in question, as to the outcome and what my responsibility was within a particular situation...and I have been left wondering as to the resolution.

This is not the answer-

The truth is, you have to figure it out.

Everything you have read or come across, is only, at best, an approximation. The truth is your own, singular understanding of the Truth.

You know the difference...

You know...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Hi Everyone!
Thank you all. Enjoyed all your words, and the story of marching to the courthouse. :-D