last night's phasing experience

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i smoke and drink coffee

Ok, last night, well, it was early morning by the time I got to bed.  I was fully intentioned to have an astral experience.  I was drifting off into sleep, and somebody in the house started moving around and making noise, and I almost shot out of sleep.  And as fast as I shot out of it, I was going back into it, and it felt like I had puked.  My body felt fuzzy like a ball of static, and I was wrenched in bed.

So I woke up, rolled over, and started going back to sleep.  Next thing that happened, I was actually phasing.  There were all these images bombarding me.  I remember one image distinctly, the character Ayla from CT standing in her traditional picture's stance, only she was very thin, and shiny, like glossy.  And she was standing up in the air with a grand forest in the background.  She told me something, and the image became animated as she spoke.  Then, there was some kind of fire demon, and I was back in my body.

So, I was only partially aware of my body, mostly, I was aware of my penis.  I thought, 'what the heck, make it grow', and it was growing and growing, typical of my more sexual types of dreams.  Thing is, I could hear the radio in the front room, someone had turned it on.  So I was half hearing the radio, and touching myself in the half phased state.  I woke up a bit, nope, how could I be touching myself, my hand is up here by my chest.  So I went back into it, and sure enough, i was touching myself again.

Then I had some crazy dream, I fell asleep, and could still hear the radio in the background, but it wasn't clear.  In the dream, there was this garage, and it had all these sawdust shavings in it.  I got naked, and made a giant penis, then I grew to like twenty feet tall and fell over, knocked over a table and it snapped all the way around the garage like an unloaded spring.  That scared me, I didn't know what was happening.  So I went into the house which the garage was attached too, and mom and dad were there, but they couldn't see me.  So apparently I fixed a bowl of rice krispies, ate it, then went and looked in the mirror.  Well, the ugliest thing with the smallest head I'd ever seen was staring at me in the mirror.  I choked, and was trying desperately to get my head back into shape.  There was a strange shower, so I took a shower.  Then it started to fragment as I was returning to consciousness, I warped out of the building and was running with these huge strides, then rocketed off into space way out there, way passed Jupitor.  There were these islands in space that were on fire, and they had Egyptian symbolism intertwined with the floating moons that were above them.  Each orange moon meant Jupitor, and the blue one was Neptune, and the green one was Uranus, and the yellow one was Saturn.  I went passed about five or six of these burning islands, then woke up.

So when I woke up, still terrified at the shrunken head that I had seen, I immediately cracked my jaw and tried to stretch my face.  Got up, had a smoke, came online, then went back to bed.  When I went back to bed, I was having these visions, my appearance was like that of my original incarnation.  And I was singing a song, it was the best song I had ever heard, and I had the honor of singing it.  Don't remember it I wish I did I would sing it on computer and put it somewhere for people to listen too.  It involves the old love that men had for women, and how in those days nobody ever wanted to rape or be raped or any of that stuff.  And the visions were of 911, a graveyard, a fireball in space surrounded by smoke, a weather balloon in space, and the guy from AC/DC.

So that's it.


All I can say is WOW!  Are these types of dreams normal for you or was this unusual so it stands out for you?

i smoke and drink coffee

It doesn't normally happen.

Seeing as how I have a strong imagination, I can focus phaentia at any time, and given enough time and focus, phaentia becomes an astral plane.  Currently, I'm working on healing myself, and restoring my youth, break the yoke and bands, and possibly spawn a missing tooth.  Soul Power. 

Usually when I sleep, it's a dead sleep until about a minute before wakening.  Then there are info-loaded dream fragments that filter in.  Apparently I've got a wicked astral vampire draining off of my phaentia, seems to be a tyrant aligned under Malice.  I'll fix that up, I won't be rendered spiritually impotent forever, got faith beyond all flesh, this world my life and your's.  What else is Heaven supposed to be? 

Some people prolly think that the astral is Heaven.  In terms of a multiverse, it all depends on your own choice, focus, and intensity of vibration.  Try a "Ultimate Psionic Explosion", and see what it does.  I figure, in terms of a particle effect, it would explode with massive protons and neutrons, and suck in electrons from existing reality. "Ultimate"  being, the full soul power as a unified, universal resonance, "Psionic" as, soul and mind as one, one mind, liberating all other minds into infinite positive existence, and Explosion, as the fact that it happens in 0.02 seconds without a moment to spare! LOL!  All this bogus stuff they are doing with technology is just killing the planet.   We don't need technology to stay alive.  Look at the trees.  They grow even in winter, and you get out there, makin sweet love to the trees, what's this!?  Suddenly, you look around, wtf, there's more trees.  It's not hard to see, 'creation' is generative, creative, it isn't entropic or limited. 

i smoke and drink coffee

Ok, this wasn't a phasing experience, more of a nightmare.
Last night I was up all night.  Till about three in the morning, maybe four.  I don't watch time anymore, it's not worth it to me when it's everything the world has done to negate my 'time sense'.  So much for being a 'lich time lord'.  Heh.  So, after acting stupid, chanting 'om manni padme hum' and barely watching a few minutes of Avatar, I started to go to sleep.  Twice!  I woke up hearing footsteps in my house.  Didn't see or feel anything, so went back to sleep.

So, I entered a dream.  I was playing Final Fantasy 7 again, but it was different, and my house was slightly different too.  In the game, I was trying to activate the debug mode, attacking the main character (Cloud) with his own Bolt and Ice spells.  But when I did that, there was this tremendous noise and vibration.  So then, the dream split into two different time periods.  The vibrations of the Bolt spell were holding one part of my soul in place, while the other was heading over to Mom's to make coffee.  On the way over to the old church, I seen these shadows behind me, but I couldn't see anybody.  They were 'demon children'.

The demon children began to attack me, and soon, I was back playing the video game.  More thunderous vibrations, loud sound effects like I'd never heard or imagined before.  The demon children were now present, and they were molesting me, biting me, clawing at my face and arms.  I tried to escape, suddenly, there was a man dressed in black with a black bandanna over his face, and he came up to me and said, "Hey, Lord Of Demons!!  You like those demon kids huh!!  Come, taste my blade, I shall whet it upon your soul."  So I thrashed off all of these invisible demon things that were all over me, the game didn't exist, and, it was lighter outside.

We began to do battle.  He was cutting off my arms but they wouldn't completely detatch, I grabbed onto his sword and started bending it, but couldn't break it.  I bent the sword so bad that he had to leave to go get another one.  The demon children rushed in, and there were other people showing up, some young, some healthy and vibrant but older.  They were all trying to kill me, calling me, "Demon Chad".

So I was dying and waking up in bed, going back into the astral dream scape thing, and there they were, ready to destroy me.  Some were shooting pins into my body, trying to tranquilize me, others had these strange wands and were beating on me with cursing spells.  The man with the black bandana came back with a new sword, and we proceeded to do battle.  I was outright disgusted, "Has this been happening every time I go to bed?"  I wondered. 

Shortly, I was running away, there were just too many attackers.  One of them I recognized, I've seen him before in my dreams.  I think he's actually a friend of mine.  He looks like a normal guy, wears a ball cap, nothing too unusual.  So I was running, and now, we were way up in the sky, in some kind of floating castle.  I thought, "This is my castle!" and I was so proud, but at the same time, I realized that this floating castle was my prison.  I ran across a draw bridge, then leap as my body was nothing but tattered 'flesh'.  Falling through the sky, the demon children pursued, and I died, and woke up back in bed.  But it wasn't bed, it was some kind of ritual chamber in the back of the castle.  So I got up, trying desperately to fight, but I just couldn't fight them off.  Soon, they were eating me, and I died to the astral until just before I woke up.

As I was waking up, i tranced or phased into my old school, and I was walking around, but as usual, I was Sonic The Hedgehog.  So I was telling these little kids about my adventures, The Magic City, Emeraldia, and all kinds of crazy stuff.  Even a power generator that ran on silence and opening and closing shutters.  I watched two girls have a contest walking on some kind of planks, then sang them a song, and Sonic Spun out of there.  Then I woke up.

So apparently, whatever is attacking me is trying to make me stronger, so that, when I do finally manage to astral project, I will be absolutely invincible. 
1. Set your intention, empower it.
2. what you see, see, but keep you mind fully focused on the desired reality
3. don't worry about guys with swords, if you wake up in a dream, nobody can mess with you unless you are 'inviting demons'.

(((Personally, I think the dude with the sword is some 'shadow' of Cloud, the sword he was using looked like the one from the movie of the game.  It does seem that he's trying to train me, and that he, or, it, this shadow or astral fragment, lives in my filthy kitchen day by day, getting more angry towards me.  Could be built in psychological conditioning of the character into my own psyche, but it would explain why I hear a voice in the kitchen almost daily.  I'm always asking him, "Are you Charles Manson??"  and he says, "Noo, Chad.  I'm NOT Charlse Manson.  If you would only let yourself think, you would remember too.  You've got to stop worrying about things you can't change."))))