Recent dream/projection

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Go somewhere interesting - check out the pyramids at Giza or something, those stars you saw, have a go at visiting them. [;)]


I had this last night and thought i should post it since a couple replies i did recently were about dreams and projections.I my experience I was laying in a somewhat cramped space and experienced a series of 3 projections, coming back to my sleeping self and reprojecting without waking. The first one was more dreamlike or low energy so i don't recall much of it. The others went out Through the building I was in, which was basically the same both times. I went out and basically flew around the woods behind my house, seeing some lights here and there in the woods. Since I had an experience where i went into an astral world by looking up at the stars and finding a portal, I looked up, saw stars saw some swirl around but did not go anywhere. The world i was in was somewhat dark, since there is almost a full moon there should have been a lot more light  in the trees. At one point I thought i saw a blob on the ground that may be a lifeform, which is unusual for me because I never hardly encounter any other beings. At one point i thought i should make an astral sword in case that was an entity i saw, then as it was materializing I had a second thought that maybe a sword would attract it.
I awoke after this, finding myself on my side with my arms somewhat tangled under me, maybe this is why i felt like I was laying in a crowded space.
Anyone have any suggestions for having a less boring experience?
In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.