Spiritual Awakening! Ground breaker!

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My first AP was the kick in the spirit that I needed. I had no spiritual experience before hand, and I am told by my mentor that the experience I had can only be described as divine (not me being divine, but an intervention on the Masters level).

I went to bed abnormally early, and I fell fast asleep quite quickly. I remember feeling a jolt, and I was looking at my ceiling. I felt light as a feather. I rose to the ceiling and my POV switched to me looking at... Me! Deep in slumber. I also saw my gf fast asleep. Another fun detail, I will elaborate later, is my two year old cat was on the foot of the bed, staring at me. Remember this fact!

I remember leaving my room, moving outside my home. I continued higher until I saw the woods, roads and other homes. I continued upwards, until I actually LEFT Earth atmosphere! I moved on until the Earth and presumably our galaxy, was fast out of site. My POV then switched again outward, and a rush of speed so great was thrust upon me. I moved in a tunnel of purple/blue haze, until I slowed and came out the other "side." I saw a galaxy unrecognized by me, and I moved towards it yet again at blinding speed. Next I was placed in front of a planet, when a great flash if white light blinded me. When I could see again, here is what I saw:

I was sitting in a cafe-type environment, where "people" were sitting drinking beverages out of sea shells. They had clothes relative to the 1950's and cars outside did not touch the ground. Oddly, it was like Earth, just... Different. Nobody anknowledged me either... In an instant, I was back in my bed. Oddly, I woke with a stunning fever, couldn't drink water and I could not get out of bed for two days, only short trips to the restroom.

I told my coworker, who would become my mentor later, this "tale." She gasped and smiled and declared it an "astral projection." She also commented I jouneyed so far that my body lost so much energy that my immune system failed for a time. Wow!

The last thing she said was based on my cat. She giggled with glee. She told me the cat was watching over my body, making sure my "trip" home was uninterupted by dark energy. Apparently, cats can see into higher conscienceness levels. I have been researching this, still inconclusive

That was my first AP!



 Hello and Welcome to the Astral Pulse, Selande!

It sounds like you definitely had a successful AP and an "eye" opening one at that.

Here's to many more!  :-) :wink:

For now, don't over analyze it, there will be plenty of time for that later.

Now is a great time to start a AP Journal, if you haven't already done that!  :-)



Quote from: Selande on July 16, 2013, 00:57:25
What is the journal for?
Keeping track of your possible failures and your successes.

You will start to see after awhile that various patterns start to emerge.

This also gives you a chance to experiment and have a way to your track results.


I will attempt to keep this journal! I do not attemp projection often. I usually rebalance my Chakras, focus on healing and love. I enjoy keeping my mind fresh, clear and ready for the next challenge!

Often, I find myself meditating to Kryon seminars, more for guidance and contemplation.


Congratulations for your first AP. You should keep a journal for this. Well done.