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3 dreams from 2008 that ultimately lead me here

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I didn't want to start a separate journal but I did really want to share these dreams. The journal I am sharing was written in 2010, I'm just going to copy and paste. I will add to this thread a little later because I had a dream later in life that goes with this and I am really excited to show you the connection to Al'Khidr aka the green man and how my material reality would be manipulated in order to lead me to discover this connection 10 years later. The color green and the picture of Al'Khidr really brought it all together. I am also curious if anyone has an interpretation of their own they'd be willing to share. Lastly, I believe during this "initiation" I had some unregulated access to manipulate and move about in the astral realm that I don't have today. It was kind of like a glimpse of things I'd be experiencing in smaller dosages later in life and I think the giant hand ripping me out from my experience had something to do with this.

So here they are, slightly altered over the years as an attempt to correct my poor grammar and other inconsistencies  :-D

3 dreams that have lead down a spiritual path
« on: Feb 21, 2010 07:30 am »
in 2008 i've had three dreams that have really caused me to look within- i will never forget them and felt like sharing
they happened back to back- 1 dream and then 2 dreams the next night
i will save the 1 dream for last

the first dream(of the 2 dreams) takes place in africa, somewhere amongst a shoreline. i remember, "floating" from one set of eyes to another- watching through other people- having an awareness that i am not this person. it starts with someone who is trying to teach the group a tribal dance. we were told that the dance was very important and must do as he does. once i began to dance- i warp to another set of eyes.
i am now standing on the shoreline with a group of, "watchers." we were told to keep a look out for any intruders. i spotted someone- in the distance, slowly it came from out of the waters. i say it because i could not see who it was- there was no definite detail, only a person covered in seaweed. after this i warp yet again to a different location, this time i am alone. a women is in the distance walking towards me. she is cut and bleeding- she fell into my arms and began speaking. i do not speak any other language but i am sure we spoke french to one another. i began asking her questions in french- as soon as she started responding- something very hard to explain happened. this feeling of- being pulled out from the middle of what i was doing. i am no longer in africa. it was as if i was being stared down upon- i could hear faint chanting. after regaining full awareness from being, "pulled" i noticed what looked like natives circled around me. once i made eye contact the chanting stopped. they were masked- either with the skull of an animal- or shadow covering their face- but i could still feel their eyes on me. there was a long moment of silence- and then, they were gone. nothing was left but the silhouette of a dead tree(many branches and no leaf's) a few crows, and an orange sky. behind the tree was a rainbow with colors ranging from purple, blue, and green. the orange was glowing- giving an ambient feeling- after this i woke up.(so its a bit choppy... but this is what i recall after 2 years heh)

in the next dream... i don't know where i was- or how i got there, but i was sitting down. there were people around me- making me feel as comfortable as possible- the thing is, i had no idea who anyone was. one of the men in the group came over and pulled me aside to talk. after wrapping his arm around me he says, "isn't it obvious eric? you're dead."
i didn't know what to think- but for a minute, i was shown my family- they were still alive and mourning. it was a very sad, heavy feeling- but the person with me helped me get through this- helped me understand. i do not remember how, but after some time had passed the scenery changed and the feeling of being sad was gone. now, the same man was teaching me things that might seem impossible while back on the material world. he was explaining to me, somehow- i wish i could remember the description- how physical objects have little meaning that i'd come to understand. for example, he had me turn something into a green towel. after this he tells me we can go anywhere as long as one focuses hard enough.
in an instant, i am in japan- i am in a building. i am in an elevator and hit 46- after going up all the way to my destination- i remember the elevator doors opening and walking out to a glass window. i took a glance out only to see everything covered in a massive, powerful green ocean. the building i was on was the only thing visible within the ocean- after this, i woke up.

during this time i'd been experiencing some sleep paralysis and tried to use that to induce out of bodies... in this last dream i think i had a mixture of lucid dream/sleep paralysis

it starts with being on stage- but, with the snap of a finger- i am pulled out and am somewhere else. i am in a small wooden boat in the middle of an ocean. there is a person sitting across from me and an old man in the back with his arm wrapped around a cannon. the man tells us to look for it... to look in the sky and point it out. i remember looking up and pointing at a star- the old man smiled and fired the cannon- next thing i know, i am being shot out of the cannon- no longer do i see myself as a human being but a geometrical shape. i am a green arrow- the person whom sat across from me was also fired out of the cannon- i don't remember his/her shape... but i remember the color, red. it was almost like a race at first- we were racing higher and higher in the sky- shooting through clouds. who i was- mentally, was contained within the object- my thoughts, my being- i remember communicating with the other object despite not having lips to talk. we were talking about energy... i don't remember what we said- but something said accelerated the rate i was going. i started moving faster and faster- going past the clouds and into space. at this point i'm not talking to anyone- i can hardly contain myself due to the speed i'm going. things become overwhelming- the stars become a blur- i kept going deeper and deeper into space- i could not hold the speed- something was about to happen and soon- another rush of being overwhelmed and then- i explode. at this point, i'm no longer looking at stars but other geometrical shapes. there were tiny particles and objects swaying up and down in one motion- inhaling.. exhaling- they moved together this way. the color contained in the arrow reaches out and covers everything in sight. all the objects around me, the particles- are draped in green. after this- that same feeling of being pulled out from what i was doing, as mentioned in the first dream, happens again. a bit rough, it feels as if i am being slammed down onto a table- i remember watching images of who knows what flash before my eyes. its like someone trying to hide a subliminal message by sliding in a quick image over a steady image. it was that, "quick image" different things flashing before me(it's hard to explain... that's the best i could do) again, i feel overwhelmed. i feel my eyes twitch and i notice i am laying in my bed but can not move. i must be experiencing sleep paralysis(is what i think) but how am i still dreaming and able to recognize my body?(my body was laying in a very weird position in the bed- as if i might have been tossing and turning all night)... there i am, unable to move feeling overwhelmed- the dream i had begins to fade but something in my chest sends waves of uneasy impulses to the brain. i begin to think i'm having a heart-attack. i can't move- i felt trapped- as if all i could do was lay there and watch my body die. not to shortly after i am free and able to sit up. i began to cry and ended up skipping class that day feeling very impacted by this dream...

between the dreams, sleep paralysis, OBE's/astral projection and the 11:11 prompts- it was around this time my journey inward really took a dominant role in my life