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How to OBE by LD

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If you LD well, then you could tell yourself during the LD that you'd like to slowly awaken in you bed or chair (where ever you were when you LDed).  Slowly awaken so that you're not startled awake as we usually are.  Then, since you are already in a very relaxed state OBEing should be a cinch.  Some people are reading this and saying "huh?", because the other way is to actually OBE from your LD, which I think is a little tricky...   because I think LDs are OBEs ;-)  I've had a few chances to try to OBE from LD, and I honestly can't tell the difference.  Sure, the worlds can act differently, but how do you know for sure that you're not always in a "real" world no matter what state of mind?



Greetings Kozi,

I would further differentiate between an OBE, LD and Astral projection. An OBE is an etheric projection into what is often known as the "real-time zone" closest to the physical world. A Lucid dream takes place in a very low level of the Astral corresponding with either the personal psyche or the group human consciousness, i.e. it is not the Astral proper. An Astral projection takes place in the main Astral realms where deceased people reside as well as other beings.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


I only can say what I heard cause i'm still working on it myself[:)]
There seem to bee different ways to induce a obe out of a lucid dream:
- imagine beiing close to your real body, but don't think about your real body, caus that will wake you up, I found out myself[:(]
for example the kitchen or beiing in the living room
- simply wish to obe during the LD, maybe close your eyes, hopfully I'll wake up in your astral body above your bed
-Fly from the LD into the astral realm simply by just doing it
please keep me updated how you progress, since I'm trying to do exactly the same thing[;)]
all the best Tom
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross



Why do you believe this to be the case?  



I have successfully changed a LD into an AP.

When you are lucid simply fly back to your house (or if your good enough you can materialise yourself there). Go into your room and you should see yourself lying asleep on your bed! If this is the case then you are now having an AP.


LD=Lucid Dreaming..

How do I OBE or AP from a LD?