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Have been wondering about one technical side of clairaudience, so if anyone here has some concrete experiences with it, it would be great to get an insight into it.



it comes from your heart like emotional intelligence
when you are super quiet in your mind you can hear/feel your emotions easier
and you will be able to sense voices and actions from all over life via there emotional content

its easy if you can quiet your mind



What do you mean by "and you will be able to sense voices and actions from all over life via there emotional content"?

Just in case of clarification, by clairaudience I meant the psychic hearing. It basically entails hearing spirits from the astral level that is closest to the physical.


you don't actually hear anything with your ears
your heart receives the information and your mind decodes it into words so you understand

and messages can come from all over life and all time



NoY are you sure what you say is clairaudience? Because there is also a telephatic communication which is different than clairaudience.


Quote from: stan on September 19, 2011, 15:16:56
NoY are you sure what you say is clairaudience? Because there is also a telephatic communication which is different than clairaudience.
Different metaphors... same thing...

Try not to get bogged down by "terminology".  Recognize the metaphors people use in relation to your own... then build upon that.


It's not the same thing Ryan. There are many different extrasensory perceptions releted to non-visual messages , and they are labeled differently for the sake of understanding. Labels such as intution, telephaty, clairaudience etc. refer to different forms of messages perception. They cannot be put in the same basket.


Actually, I can... and I do.  :)
If you believe they're all different... by all means, do so.  I'm just telling you how I see it.


Clairaudience is when the part of the brain that you use for regular hearing is activated to work on a higher level.   The effect is similar to regular hearing.  Sorry to say that it is a different thing that was mentioned about the heart.  Not the same. 

Clairavoyence is like clairaudience when the area in the brain related to vision is developed to receive a different/higher level of stimulation.  From what was given to me, these areas in the brain are brought to a higher state though the use of the energy commonly referred to as kundalini.  There are people with varying levels of both clairaudience and clairavoyence that have them due to factors including astological and former life development, that are not activated by raising the serpent but are activated just by meditation.  We all have them to a degree, just not fully developed.


Gdo, that's basically the information I wanted to confirm, if one perceive non-physical information through clairuaidence in an "earlike" manner. I'm not sure if you are aware of it, but it is said that clairauidence is a faculty of a throat chakra. I don't know which gland is its physical counterpart, but all chakras have their own faculties and they all have its physical apsects, same as pineal gland is physical aspect of third eye chakra, or pituary gland is a physical aspect of the crown chakra.

Thanks for help.


The phenomenon as described by NoY is usually termed clairsentience by mediums. Clairaudience is more akin to hearing, similar to the way one "hears" one's own sub-vocalisation, and "objective clairaudience" is indiscernible from normal hearing. Similarly. there is clairvoyance and objective clairvoyance, pertaining to seeing and to visions.

A medium with objective clairvoyance and objective clairaudience could be talking with a spirit and be blissfully unaware that the other is spirit, rather than flesh.


Nothing technical, just descriptive:  I can remember a sound, and I don't consider it clairaudience- however, when I get it, I actually physically hear the sound or voice or piece of music- sometimes it can be very clear, sometimes not- volume varies, but the common thread is that it sounds like it's coming from my ear, or whereabouts in my head- possibly the temporal lobe.


so you think there is air in the astral and sound waves?


Not sure if you're asking me, so I'll answer as if it were-
No, I'm not sure there is anything physical in the astral (although I think information and possibly energy exists in some form)- but when I receive information from the astral, I process it with my physical brain, and the proper cerebral systems are engaged to give me the information.
That's why I don't believe form in the astral is objective- I think it's how my psychology interprets the energy and translates it in whatever makes sense to me (by comparing with my memories) and the result is a picture or a sound that I understand- consciously, anyway.