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Spells and rituals for abtaining money

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Spells and rituals are worthless. What you think (while you do a spell) determines if it works.

Risu no Kairu

That's what I thought, beavis, but then I read a few posts from that T girl here that does spells 'n' stuff, and others, and I thought...

"Hmm. I know will is what can affect reality. If lots of people think a certain symbol will do X task for them, eventually all of their wills will combine into symbol X and give it more power than one person's will alone."

So, uh, they might not be completely useless...

I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Then spells and rituals are like communism. You pay your energy to do the work of other people's spells and their energy attached to the symbol does your work.

Cruel Tendencies

While it's true that intent and focus of will are what powers spells and rituals, the act of performing a ritual is far from useless.  There are lots of approaches to magick, but the underlying mechanics, I believe, are the same.  I'll try to outline a few that I'm familiar with, and see if I can't get at what makes them all work.

~ Ceremonial/ritual magick is the use of (usually) long and drawn out rituals for calling forth various spirits or energies.  A proper temple space, as well as tools, robes, altars, etc, are usually a basic requirement.  They all serve the purpose of altering the mage's consciousness, from that of daily life to that of the magician, whose Will must be obeyed.  

The tools over time gather and hold a charge of the element that they're associated with, and really do have power in and of themselves after they've been used for a bit.  Various incenses and candles are used to draw up associations from the mage's subconscious.  The covering of the altar will be a specific color that's associated with the mage's goal - everything in the temple, when perceived by the senses, should bring out subconscious associations for the goal at hand.  The goal of this style, put briefly, is to let the subconscious mind direct the flow of energy into the desired results, or to let the subconscious mind call forth the various spirits that are being summoned, for whatever purpose the mage has for them.

For more info on ceremonial magick, is pretty good.

~Chaos Magick is more or less the opposite of ceremonial magick, but with similar functions.  Though there are a lot of chaos magicians who do full-blown rituals, because they see the use of them, their creed is more or less "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."  What this means is that beliefs are only a means to an end, and any paradigm (Christian, pagan, Tolkien, video-game, whatever) can be used to accomplish a magickal goal, as long as the magician believes it for the moment.  

One of the basic methods of magick that Chaotes use is sigil magick.  This is where you make a basic statement of intent, such as "My will is to get laid more often" or whatever it is you want, and convert it either into a verbal incantation/mantra to recite, or transform it into a pictographic sigil.  If you go with the mantra option, you're basically going to arrange the letters of the state of intent into nonsense that only your subconscious mind will understand.  If you go with the picture sigil, you're doing the same thing, but making it a visual aid instead of auditory.  Once you have the sigil, you charge it by attaining "gnosis," or a state of no-mind.  Chaotes have various, usually very creative ways, of attaining gnosis.  Some that come to mind are whirling in circles to the point of exhaustion, or waiting to pee until you feel like you're going to burst.  

Whatever method is chosen, the point is to put the intent into your subconscious mind, so that it can direct the energy toward your stated goal.  More or less the same as any spell, though the more elaborate the ritual, the more powers that are evoked by the subconscious.

For more info on chaos magick, try

~Practical Kabballah is the use of divine names to alter reality.  The basis of it is that the correct pronunciation and vibration of Hebrew divine names charges energy with a specific intent.  Correct understanding of the divine names and their intricate meanings is necessary for this type of magick (or some would call it 'miracles'), and is not really looked highly upon by orthodox Jews.  In my experience with divine names while in trance, correctly vibrating a name actually moves and directs the energy in a specific direction, kind of "tuning" it to the intent of the word.

Talismans and amulets are also a big part of this paradigm, again serving the purpose of holding a charge of energy and tuning it to a specific intent.

Unfortunately there are not many good resources on the Net for Practical Kabballah, though its uses kind of come naturally if you study the Hebrew alphabet and Kabballah in general.

~Direct magick via energy manipulation will add enormous amounts of power to any of the above methods, and can in fact be a paradigm in itself.  Through energy work, we learn how to consciously move the energy around and put it into our stated goal, without having to make our subconscious do all the dirty work.  Though in my experience it takes a bit longer to get results with, in my opinion it can be very effective.

My personal experience is with direct magick (and a bit of practical Kabballah), and I'm by no means an expert at it.  I'm currently working with creating energy constructs and servitors, and am having some success with it.  Servitors and constructs are created beings (sometimes "thought-forms") that exist to serve a purpose for their creator.  For instance, the first one I created looked like a dove and served the purpose of putting people in a cheerful mood when I called it.  It worked relatively well, but was unstable due to my lack of technique, and so I dissolved it after a week or so of use.

Anyway, my point is to try to illustrate (in a round-about way, I admit) that all magick is about manipulating and programming energy.  Rituals, spells, incantations, sigils, whatever, are all a means of drawing up energy of the appropriate type, and focusing and imprinting Will upon the energy.

You'll have to forgive me for my not-so-great explanations of the above paradigms of magickal work, but I'm trying (though I seem to have failed) to keep this somewhat brief.

Oh, and as to the original topic of the thread, most cases of money spells I've seen are kind of like "greasing the track."  What I mean is, they're more or less blessings on a business, or to secure a new job, or something similar.  A mechanism usually needs to be provided for the spell to work through, or it probably won't do much... And of course there's the old warning of doing a money spell with no restrictions, because you may encounter the untimely death of a loved one or something equally as bad.



Don't you think that Chaos magick idea is a bit strange? That's like saying " I'm going to fill my car's tank with orange juice and it'll work ; I just need to believe it ". Magic is like any other cience.


KoolGZe, if a million people (not just you) beleived your car would run on orange juice, it probably would. I think that because of what I've learned from telekinesis.


Yeah, those million people would knock their heads together and design an engine that runs on sugar-water!

Anyway, I know of three (maybe more) effective ways to increase prosperity in one's life.  Prosperity, after all, means more than just money, but money is a good start, especially if you ain't got none! (PS: I am presuming everyone is responsible and either has a job, or is looking for one!)

Simplest:  Burn a green candle.  Think about prosperity. Wear green.  Not because it is the color of money, but because it is the color of health and prosperity.

Small effort:  Read up on Feng Shui and clean up your money corner in your house, and add something moving (wind chime or a small electric fountain), alive (plant) and/or reflective (mirror or crystal). While standing in your doorway, the money-corner is at the far left, in the back.  If that corner is a dark mess, your finances are probably a mess too.

Little bit more continuing effort:  Get a large silver or crystal bowl. Fill it 3/4 with clean water.  Put it in a high-traffic area in your house.  Every time you pass by the bowl, raid your pockets and throw in your loose coins.  Interestingly, others will pass the bowl and start throwing in their own coins (like a wishing well).  There is something about the play of water, light and silver that is irresistable. Touch the money only when the bowl is filled or you have to change the water. It adds up fast! Magic, wow!


Originally posted by beavis

KoolGZe, if a million people (not just you) beleived your car would run on orange juice, it probably would. I think that because of what I've learned from telekinesis.


And what does telekinesis have to do with that.

Cruel Tendencies

< Don't you think that Chaos magick idea is a bit strange? That's like saying " I'm going to fill my car's tank with orange juice and it'll work ; I just need to believe it ". Magic is like any other cience.>

Well, belief is an important part of magick, though it doesn't really seem to matter what system you use, as long as you believe it to be true.  Chaotes are usually focused on results.  Whatever works, is true, because it worked.  Working in different paradigms gives you access to different energy systems and egregores, but all of them are made out of basically the same stuff and are capable of doing what they exist to do.

Magick is generally referred to as more of an art than a science, and I tend to agree.  A painting is no less a work of art than a sculpture, or a drawing, or whatever.  If the end result is what you envisioned before the working, then any method you use to get there is valid.



KoolGZe, the car (without modified engine) would run on orange juice because the telekinesis power of the million people (small, but it adds up) would make the car run. The laws of physics are enforced only when people think they are true.


No, the laws of physic are unmutable. The Sun didn't go around the Earth before people started to think the opposite.


Yes, there must also be magickal laws; there are undeniable vibes produced by people, who I don't necessarily respect, by specific practices.

Risu no Kairu

Originally posted by Tisha

Small effort:  Read up on Feng Shui and clean up your money corner in your house, and add something moving (wind chime or a small electric fountain), alive (plant) and/or reflective (mirror or crystal). While standing in your doorway, the money-corner is at the far left, in the back.  If that corner is a dark mess, your finances are probably a mess too.

Oh, no! That's the messiest corner of my room! :/
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/

The AlphaOmega

I think it would be better to do a spell where you don't want money.
"Discover your own path to enlightenment with diligence".
              - Buddha


I once drew a circle in the sand in the darkest of night as the menacing clouds blocked out what few stars shone. I lit black candles, sprinkled herbs and oils. Screamed infernal names into the silence and thus from the shadowy abyss came one shining with terrible fire.

I asked it then im low and dour tone to grant me great wealth and that I would pay any price. The beast opened it's gargantuan maw filled with rows and rows of teeth. Its eyes blood red glared at me. It spoke to me in thunderous tone which shook my soul to its core. it said.

"Go to college then get a JOB in your feild."

I turned pale white and shreiked like a girl. "A JOB!?!?!" "It is true! The grimoires were right, you are a vile feind."

Twas too late I had already signed the deed and the beast laughed wickedly as it descended back into the abyss. and here I sit waiting for next semester to start. Ihave only seen the beast once more so far. It said to me "After this, GRADUATE school!"

Xander the Brave

Ceriel N

Originally posted by Tisha

While standing in your doorway, the money-corner is at the far left, in the back.  If that corner is a dark mess, your finances are probably a mess too.

I sleep in that corner. Is that a bad idea? I've been thinking about putting the bed in another corner to get out of line with the door (saw that one on TV), but it would incorporate a rather major refurnishing of my room. (Student-house. Three guys sharing kitchen and toilet, each with a rather small room of their own.)
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James


Hmm A ritual that gains money and gets results every time. Sounds like work[:D].


i bet that atleats  a few witches out there have done this and im kind of curious. Does anyone think that maybe the money spell is fake? i mean i havnt seen any witches in the paper or the news about being billionaires,or even being rich enough to be known to others.
what does everyone think about this? and what about healing rituals, i know they are real because i have done a few myself to some of my relatives and they work well. but why havnt any of us been at least curious about maybe  taking on a job for others in th healing works. maybe like advertising our works and making some money out of it. this kind of stuff is very good for the path you maybe taking. of course i know many are very private in their spell work and wystical life. and i realize its not very good to show others your powers because they could get stupid and try the stuff theirselves and end up killing someone.

Does anyone have an oppinion on these kind of things?
if so please post it.

"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart