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We've had this conversation here a few times, that drugs could be useful or are too dangerous to use or are plain useless. My perspective was that drugs can have their uses at various stages, but because of the difficulty in getting reliable drugs I have not had a chance to try this. Naturally it would be wrong for me to ask if anyone living near me has a good source of LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, etc.


Right, I do not promote the use of psychadelics by any means, but they do have a sort of 'prying open the 3rd eye' cause, sometimes.  I've had bouts of intuition that I've later confirmed in reading.  I just like to hear trip stories.

Secretseeress'd take too long!
I always have clearest visions while tripping - full on astral sight and sound too. The most vivid one was seeing an enormous white horse burst out of the wall in front of me, like it was swimming in all this blue astral stuff - it swam right over me, its hoof was about 12 inches above my face! Wow!
Love and Light,


I've never seen anything that wasn't there, but I have seen my friend transform into a Rat-Man, which was terrifying, but in no way spiritually enlightening, hehe.

Anyway, the first time I ever took acid.  I sort of "lost it".  I remember I was sitting on the floor at some point and I looked up to see time flowing in reverse and swiftly, I saw my friend walk backwards out of the room and flip the light switch in the opposite position.  I heard the tv playing in reverse and the general actions of everyone going backwards.  Later on that night while watching tv, i felt like i could change my percetion of the flow of time.  If I thought I wanted to hurry up and be through the commercials they'd start playing fast and sounding like chipmunks.  When it got back to the show, I'd slow it to normal.

One time I looked at the clock, then looked away for what seemed 10 minutes and was in deep thought, when I looked back at the clock, it ticked to the next second.

Once while watching a movie with my friend, I said "It seems like .. " and he finished ".. the movie is playing backwards."  And, we both knew that we had the same thought, or one of us picked up on the others (that happened about 4 times that night).

-- These are just a few examples, hope they are entertaining or insightful to someone.


Okay, I'm new here, and I hope I don't offend anyone with talk of drugs but here goes.  I basically got turned onto to this stuff by experiences I've had (like dejavu, dreams happening exactly), and from tripping on acid/mushrooms.

I was just wondering if maybe anyone wanted to share some 'trip' experiences they've had as I do believe they unlock 'abilities' so to speak.

For instance, I've seen time flow in reverse, time slow/speed up, my roomate and I were pickin up on each others thoughs, i.e. he would finish a sentence outloud that I started in my head.

P.S. I know longer take hallucingens as they make me depressed for about a damned week afterwards, and just aren't good for you. (And, am attempting to phase other toxins out of my life)