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Audio From a Spontaneous Possession - Freaky!

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Whoa, this is the freakiest thing I've heard in a while. You just gotta go to the link. Someone from another forum I go to linked it and I thought I'd share.

I'll sum up what happened, but you REALLY got to go to the link and read everything, download the audio clips, and read the descriptions of what happened in the clips. They had actual video too, but they can't post it because of certain privacy agreements they made. Basically what happened is these bunch of ghost researcher people were at this haunted place (they can't give out the name or address, again the privacy thing), doing some ghost hunting with cameras and stuff, when all of a sudden one of the crew members get's really tired and sits down against the wall, and then......that's when all the freakish stuff happens. Ooooooooh I'm still getting chills from thinking about it all and the audio.......Anyway, make sure you listen to all the audio. Comments? Anyone got a vibe about this place? I wonder what the spirit's agenda was........And what was going on behind the scenes in the spirit world when all this was going down. Like why and how did the batteries get drained, and how and why did she get suddenly tired, why the abnormal amount of orbs at the time she was laughing, and stuff........hmmmmm very interesting. Anyway, check out the link, especially if you need a good morning chill to help wake you up, I know, it certainly woke me!