Examples of successful treatments for neg attacks

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Quote from: Mick
Quote from: G3MM4EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've only woken up for something to eat, and before I went to sleep this evening, I saw grey tentacles (loads of them) in front of me, with a black entity that looked like it was hanging upside down behind the tentacles. This scene took place behind closed eyelids, and it was sudden, I was not expecting to see this. I woke up with pain in my left hand, feels like my nerves are on fire. Also woke up with a headache.
Dropped by to see whats happening these days and this one caught my eye. Did you see this as a big critter or something fairly small? Have on occasion seen these but they seem to have become more observed of late. A number of people that I know have seen something similar. They also feature in the Matrix movies :)

They were just lots of tentacles lined up in front of me. Like a wall of tentacles. I don't know if it was one creature or just lots of them.

I don't watch the Matrix movies. :)
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.


Ais, thanks for the detail :)
Quote from: AisI became very psychically aware: I was able to sense people's and plants' auric energies, the energies of places and flowing water. When you are opened up in this way, a direct channel is created between yourself and the lower astral plane where, as you probably know, all such negative entities belong.
The manner of kickstarting the experiences is interesting, particularly that it opened a wider view into the physical world. I go along with the idea of a lower astral for conversation purposes, there are enough terms bandied about anyway :) I however tend to the idea that much of what is experienced is often much closer, as you say your awareness of the physical also increased so perhaps some of its normally invisible denizens simply be came more evident :)
QuoteOnly physical medicine - anti-psychotic medication - could really help me. The energies I experienced were so powerful that on a number of occasions I was nearly knocked out of my body by them. Scary stuff.
I can see how the reach into yourself would become difficult and temporarily hard to manage, due to my experiences and those of others that I have met I would suggest that these experiences because of its nature (strangeness and intensity) overwhelm the mind and it becomes hard to reassert perspective, particularly because experiencers have no working definition of the boundaries of such experiences.
QuoteThere is a karmic reason why this happened. Many lifetimes ago I was an Egyptian priest in charge of training young sensitives,
I don't do Karma :) but have been told of past lifes and have some experiences of such but I keep those to one side as I also see too many other methods to explain why such experiences might occur.

QuoteRudolf Steiner did his best to warn us about this.  I think it is very unwise to do any sort of work which accelerates your psychic sensitivity, as this can open up a nasty can of worms. I was just naive when it came to doing the crystal healing course: I had no idea it would open me up in such a way.
I think using tools is the risky part, such things are easily imbued with connections and provide linkage for potentially anything  on a bad day :(
Don't see Steiners name mentioned too often these days but I do find it interesting that there are so many diverse sources with pointers at our actual environment.

QuoteI had my first neg attack at the age of sixteen, just after a performance of some of my music. Of course, at the time I had no idea what I was experiencing.
I think it possible and my experience is that some cases where some state is explained as physical illness are possibly the product of some external influence, in some of the cases I pick up on some grim connections with these people is evident which they are totally unaware of except for illness condition :( Back these connections off and the person will promptly talk of feeling better/ uplifted.

QuoteUnfortunately there is no 'off' switch, but the exercises I am doing are helping very gradually to get me back to normal sensitivity (or what's normal for me anyway).
I would perhaps add that this does seem to be our fuller environment and staying in touch with it is possibly a reasonable goal, however minimising the apparent attraction for those that burden is no bad thing :) The cause of the attraction being of particular interest in that it appears very diverse with no single solution.

QuoteThis is a serious answer to a serious question - hope it's clear.
Clear enough for me :)

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Pre-coffee thoughts in response to G3MM4 and in light of last nights journey:   sketchy thoughts about the human condition, and death being the key that releases us from this confining thing we insist is reality, and the idea that the spirits (neither good nor bad) that continue to remain "in touch" with this world are those that even in death cannot let go of their concerns, their needs, their desires, and beliefs.  The idea that beings who function on a higher level have little if no concern for the individuals or states of lower functioning.  The question of diluting ones energy by opening ones self up to lower frequencies, and whether we are in general evolving or devolving as a race?  

"I think therefore I am"?...and the coffee is slowly starting to kick in, and with it the confusion...more questions, and no answers.  Wouldn't the idea of moving towards a higher state of consciousness involve "letting go" of it all?  Is that not what the most profound spiritual seekers of our past have tried to pass on?  Laying with dogs, and getting fleas?  Still I feel that many of us are choosing to stick around and do the work...healing others.  Yet, are we are truly prepared, and are we sure that our "compassion", and "charity" are not contributing to the increasing disturbances? Are we part of the solution or part of the problem?

QuoteHmmm, you do have a logical point there but somehow I just can't see how it's harmless. Don't ask me how I know but I just know that it's not harmless at all.    G3MM4

I'm not saying it's either...I'm just prying at the frame of mind...the idea of "self" that we measure all other things against.  What is that function?  What will be lost by changing perspective?  If you are unable to view this entity as anything other than negative...then that is where it will remain; where you will remain as well.  I JUST CAN'T SEE...you see?!?  You think it's negative...therefore it is.  It's not really important, because in grasping that understanding it opens one up a entirely new mess of problems that in the long run...the long way round...won't necessarily bring u to a higher function.  

there is a link: http://www.hawaiian.net/~larryw/html/shaman.html that isn't too far out of the box, that explains better than I...this path of being open, and J. Krishnamurti is well respected when it comes to the limitations of belief systems.  I wish all the answers came in little red pills, to satisfy the human need for immediate solution and control, but nothing that comes easy is ever truly respected.  I don't feel that the mind has to be left at the entrance to the rabbit hole, but there is a definite benefit to leaving the baggage of it behind if you wish to survive.

We can easily understand the logic where Neo had to release 'what he believed to be real', so that he could embrace a higher function, a truer power...something "more" or something "less"?  something simpler?  We're bizarre animals that walk into houses flipping switches and expect light, hot water, and cable. We go to unfulfilling jobs, so we can expect a paycheck every week or two to pay for the luxury of flipping switches.  It's easy to see how these things could one day no longer exist, and what would we do then? do you know how to generate your own electricity? We can look back and appreciate the advances made from the time when people chopped wood, and carried water, used the wood to build fires, and boil the water to bathe...but as individuals we know nothing of these struggles, and the self-discipline, and wisdom that comes with self-sufficient, independent living...so dependent we are, so free we pretend to be, as we chose which channel to watch, what color hoody to wear, and what type of coffee combination best represents us at starbucks.

haunted: there is a reason why, and i won't be so quick to believe that it's something exterior. "i'm a good person with a hole in my heart, that lets the little devils in", "why me?", etc.  there's a whole hell of a lot more going on than meets the eye. we're conditioned to be victims with slave mentalities, conditioned to constantly be on the look out for something outside ourselves to rescue us...a messiah, a knight on a white horse, etc.  of course this isn't working and there's another problem boiling away on the back burner that has to do with empowering victims.  (re: something along the lines of the teachings of ramtha)  What happens to Neo "after" the last reel quits rolling?  Does he take up smoking and baking cookies alongside the Oracle???

I'm rambling, and the lucidity of coffee is telling me scrap this entire post, but if this is "your" life...then just take a moment to look at what you've created...not as a victim, not as a god, but as an artist.  look at it objectively and just notice it.  SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS, and then for what it's not, and somewhere in between look for subtle clues.  

everyone looking for answers to the neg attacks, and yet there does not seem to be one single thing that seems to work all of the time, or even a fraction of the time.  what is that really telling us?  ask someone to point to their mind, and nine times out of ten they'll point to their head. wherever they point to...it's in their body, and though your mind might be yours...it seems that a whole lot exists that can easily hack into it.  things that exist that know how to use our minds a whole lot better than we do.
is that scary???  you'd be grateful if someone came along that knew a hell of a lot more about cars, while you were broken down on the side of the road, but if they declared salvage rights and drove off with it...that would be another matter.  maybe something is claiming salvage rights to our minds? we're not really using them anyway...maybe it's been going on since forever, and only recently are we rising to notice?...............

.......starting up again...yada, yada, yada. ENOUGH!