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Hello Keeth [:)]
That sounds familiar. I have been "born again" with all the trimmings eg : full immersion Baptism, recieving the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, healed people with prayer etc . Funny thing is at this time of spiritual awareness  I contended with my own lucid dreams and astral projections, as it was the Churchs reasoning that it was bad. I really wish that instead of fighting my spiritual awakening   I learnt from it and explored the astral. Who knows I could have called Jesus while in the astral and learnt from him. I have missed much because of what others have said. My only excuse is I was young and naive, don't let it become your exuse for missing such a great opportunity Keeth.
Think deep, fly high

Risu no Kairu

Sounds more the church is "Satan's" tenticle, than lucid dreaming and full conscious projections.

I mean, why would they try so hard to hold back your spiritual development? Just so they can keep you in their grasp.

They only fear what they don't understand. Rather than explore it further to find out what it is, they just label it as the work of Lucifer.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


This woman is very convincing to be honest I think what she is saying is far fetched but when someone tells me they know god and feel god and they talk to god and have done for years the few projections i've had don't mean anything really. But you are the first person I've met who has experience with this religion and astral projection and i'd really like to know how you've gone with projection over such religion which is so tight there seems rigid in there beliefs with the bible.





tells me they know god and feel god and they talk to god and have done for years

Keeth they all say that to empower them selfs, to some extent  it is true as I have been their but I learnt not to control others by my own fear . The Holy Spirit is a powerful presence but this fear of astral projection dose not come from God but ignorance. I don't want to start quoteing from the Bible but he's one, John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship him  must worship in spirit and truth".
So why not obe, why not astral project. satan deceives but should that stop you from worshiping God in the astral in spirit. I for one think it should be apart of Christian  teaching to astral/obe. What a formidable astral presence one would have being full of the Holy Spirit and power instead of fighting alone in the lower astral realms because you think your not suppose to be here.
You have a gift Keeth, something this Lady should learn.


Well said, Krome. [:D]

A lot of Religions are fear's a shame.[:(]

Nay. [;)]



Hi krome,

can i just ask you one more thing. you say that you have recieved the holy spirit and that you have the ability to speak in tongues. i asked god into my life and felt nothing but because i have a belief in god which by the way is only through projection I asked him whilst trying to project to take away the ability if it was not from him and a about 10 minutes later i got a tight pain in the top of my head which is obviously stimulation of the crown chakra do you think that this was a sign for god to go ahead.


Hi Keeth
I'm not a guru or advanced spiritual being but there are many on this forum who can give sound advice. I have also asked God through Christ to take away things like lust, deception of truth etc as most people have since the Holy Spirit came to humans,eg (2 corin 12:8). But we have to go through all these things...your crown chakra was probably activated by you, go with it astral project and ask in person/spirit. Signs are not recommended for wise decisions in my opinion. Search though the forums Keeth there are many good post about the spiritual side of AP/obe and none of thoughs that have made contact in the astral with higher beings/angels even Christ, none have been condemed or turned  away ashamed to even dare go there. All are welcomed and have had great experiences. Try not too worry so much life is a learning experience. Enjoy it, live life to it's fullest.


ps find out more about the main chakra's in the forums there is still a bit to learn when trying to AP/obe .
oh and Welcome to Astral pulse Keeth [:D]


Just out of interest how long have you been projecting


I was waiting for that to come up, lol checking my creditably [;)]
ok I spontaneously astral projected as a child to my school in real time I'm not sure if that should be classed as an obe.
I have awakened from sleep, in real time flying above my childhood home several times. I've had countless lucid dreams were I'd be fighting demons with a sword ( I used to think of it as the sword of truth [;)]) in my Church days .
I became aware in a dream to astral fly in a beautiful sea side landscap (not of this world). There maybe others that I can't think of right now but anyway I went through a time that I didn't or couldn't remember AP/obe'ing. but for the last 3/4? months I've been trying techniques to regain the ability and vividness of my past experiences with great success and progess. Until  4? weeks ago (see my post on mysticweb). Well.. now I am having trouble even seeing vivid astral visions while practicing, sad because I almost always had great visual responces and astral movement every time. I still have some good practise experiences but none as good as before mysticweb. well that's it in brief and I probably left out some think important that I can't remember right now but I hope that it answers your question. Like I said earlyer there are many ppl who can help on this forum, with alot more experience than  me in the astral I'm just a novice in training I guess [;)]


Keeth "when you project satan appears and attaches a tenticle to your forehead and sucks out the holy spirit making you unholy"

Thats true. You should also be good all year so santa clause will give you presents.


Hey Krome,

I have been doing this since a child..ummmm around 6-7yrs I just didn't know WHAT I was doing.  I can remember lying in bed, looking over the side and seeing what I can only describe as bugs, crawling around on the floor.. I would say, turn green..they would turn green, then say red, they would turn red..well, you get the idea.
I also would see faces floating around..that.... I didn't really care for..cause I didn't recognize any of them.  I have also had countless dreams of vivid, lucid, pastlives, and flying.
I started meditating/relaxing about 15yrs ago.. I think that has helped me a lot these days..[:D]  Only the last 3/4 months have I been trying to actually have a conscious AP, OOBE..ect..Now if I can only stay out for longer than a minute....Arrrrggghhh..

quote from Krome,
"I have awakened from sleep, in real time flying above my childhood home several times. I've had countless lucid dreams were I'd be fighting demons with a sword ( I used to think of it as the sword of truth ) in my Church days"

I find that extremely shows that our dreams adapt to whatever are beliefs are at the time..did that make sense.? have that stupid cold hubby gave me, and medicine is making me loopy...whoo hooo, loopy...[:P]

Nay. [;)]

neg removal5

To Keeth

   The Church is moving out of the dark ages and into the future in this world.  Right now the Church has been slow to catch up because of legalism in the Church, and because of friends like the friend you mentioned.  The Church since the Apostles has progressed from new ideas from new Christian leaders from Zwingli to Calvin to Martin Luther.  It's made some advancements in some areas from where it was when it first started with the Apostles.  The Church has had to tackle such tough questions such as the how does God exist in time, does God have to create us where he always knows the future, the members of the Godhead and how those members are related to each other.  The Church has also tried to analyze with their limited knowledge such things as the spiritual realm and beings such as Angels.
    The Church is about to make a lot of major changes, it must keep pace with the future and new technology that's coming into existence that is showing us more about reality.  The Church already knows well about "negs", but it has not yet experimented with finding a lot of different approaches and techniques for helping people who may be dealing with them.  It's true that prayer by a Holy Spirit filled Christian can help in most situations.  But there may not always be a Holy Spirit filled Christian around when a person who has encountered a neg needs help.  And sometimes in certain rare situations it's possible that prayer may not work directly, but other techniques could maybe easily force the neg out.  The Church is going to begin to learn more and more about negs, and how to counter them and defeat them.  
    I do not believe there is anything wrong with Astral Projection.  I believe eventually that in the future there will be a large number of Holy Spirit filled Christians astral projecting and exploring and researching the spiritual realm so as to find ways to better help men and women dealing with problems on this earth.  I believe it's possible also that the Holy Spirit will possibly even be guiding some of these Christians while they are in the spiritual realm obtaining information.  I can guarantee you this much what your friend said did not come from God.  God did not tell her to say that to you.  It sounds like your friend has a problem with legalism, and is close minded and goes around seeking to influence people to do what she wants them to do, and to try to get them to believe the way she believes by trying to intimidate them with false and made up information.  I wouldn't be surprised also if she goes around saying bad things about certain other Christians whether they be Protestant or Catholic.  It's wrong to put down other Christians preferences of worship, just because their preference may be different from yours.  Protestants should not say bad things about Catholics, and Catholics should not say bad things about Protestants.  It's all about different denominations preference of worship.  It's a sign of immaturity by your friend that she is close minded and seeks to impose her beliefs upon others by intimidations and made up fantasies. Your best thing is to not allow her to get into conversations with you about it anymore, as she sounds like a close minded person, or to find you some new friends all together.

                                      Have a good day


Hey Keeth
There has been alot of discussions on the boards about religion recently, much of of it like that of Neg removal's post here, I can see were they are coming from and added my own post here and there. I'd like to know how your reacting to the forums in general, are you more at ease with your own AP/obe experiences and want to learn more about it?
I would like to clarify my opinion with religion and AP/obe, I respect ppl's opinion if they wish to believe in a religion, philosophy as long as it dose not  harm, control, deceive, condemn others. I myself try and learn, live   without falling into the above mentioned traps. Spirit filled  I am, religious I'm not. Simply because for me religion is putting blinkers on and not see the environment evolving around us. The Bible but more importantly Jesus can have a profound inpact on a persons life, to what level is up to them eg: they could believe with faith alone, they could receive the Holy spirit as in the new testament or beleive in the philosophy of Jesus.In one of my post I tried to draw ppl's attention to Jesus's ego, to  my knowledge no one has thought about that and I haven't had any replys to it sadly, as I think it is a good point open for discussion and deep thought. It dosen't take anything away from the spiritual side of Jesus. but in my opinion ppl would wise not to base all their ideals/ hopes on one person or one religion or philosophy as at different times all might be wrong.

Nay "wow"    is't funny how as kids we experience this sort of thing so effortlessly. I think there is a moral to that [;)]
Think deep, fly high everyone [;)]


Oh my god! how can a chat about religion take place in this boards ? aren't we suppose to fight ignorance ? sorry i didn't even read... i am out of anything wich kills everything that is pure.


hi teeth

some church nut told me that also , she said they (the demons) look like something of star trek and if your not carefull they will try to make love to you through the testcl;e opn your head , anyway the nut is now bald and has been made a nympho so what do u think of that

neg removal5

Hey Thing

    If you have something against people in religions, then you have something against over three quarters of the world's population.  Also by knocking other people's religions you are attempting to invalidate about three quarter's of the world's population.  Whether a person is religious or not, they should not go around knocking other people's beliefs just because they are different than their own.  I can understand saying things maybe against cults or people who hold beliefs or philosophies that seek to harm other people.  But the 5 main religions of the world Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity are respectable religions of the world, even though only one of those religions may have actually received their revelation from the one true God, if one believes in a one True God.  And I happen to believe there is a one true God, who is the designer of this Cosmos, and other Cosmos besides this one.  I also believe He is the designer and creator of our Earth world, and has imaginatively created man and woman, his offspring.  We each have to search for what we believe to be the truth, and we need to do it as respectfully as possible for two reasons.  One there may be a God who is actually watching, which I believe there is, and two we don't want other people attacking our beliefs for no reason at all, especially when we have done nothing to attack their beliefs.  Their is plenty of room for discussion and exploring between people of different beliefs, but it should be done respectfully, especially if none of those religions or beliefs are doing anything to try to harm others.


Sorry but... how can you talk about something that isn't real ? we all know that religions are all lies, for example, eachs says there is one god... there can only be one, so 4 of those 5 would be wrong.
I agree with some "cults or philosophies" because they can bring something real, i have been a satanist but i don't make any kind of stupid ritual wich does nothing. Believe in something that you don't know is real and making things (pray, etc) that do nothing i think that is like lowering a human life to a dog life.


Hello Keeth
  I always say that anyone can have a opinion. It is that until I have Jesus appear to me and say that Satan puts tentacles in peoples foreheads to suck out the Holy Spirit. I figure that since he still hasn't reappeared to say that to everyone then it is a opinion.
  The next thing is people who are Holy don't have to tell everyone how long they have been practicing a religion. It is obvious. You yourself can be the only judge of this. Have you Astral Projected? Did you notice  Satan and any tentacles? Have you seen Satan lurking around others who astral projected with a happy smile and tentacles coming out of their forehead? How did she get this opinion and what part of the bible does she use to back this opinion up?
  If she can't answer any of these questions and you have never had any experiences proving this to you why worry about it or believe her opinions?




"when you project satan appears and attaches a tenticle to your forehead and sucks out the holy spirit making you unholy"
I am new to this forum but your post and all the replies catched my attention. While I am still exploring all the words you use to define things, I know what "NEG" is. Have anyone ever thought about the matter NEg consists of? it's structure, constitution, morphology?As for me, sometimes it may appear as a cone, or a "tentacle" which attaches itself to a persons aura. sometimes (often!) head. Could doing Astral Projection (whatever you mean by that) mean actually surrender while there's a NEG clawing at your defense? surrender to neg, e.g "satan"? I don't think keeth's friend should be mocked at that readingly


Hello Shaper
I'm a little confused my your post

As for me, sometimes it may appear as a cone, or a "tentacle" which attaches itself to a persons aura. sometimes (often!) head

Are you saying you have seen this while 'out of body'(oobe) ?

I don't think ppl are mocking...maybe some but healthy criticism shouldn't be suppressed you yourself have that same privilege [;)]
What we are trying to do consciously people all over the world do while asleep, any dangers that exist are already there to contend with we are just more aware of them...which is good IMO.
Welcome to Astral pulse Shaper [:D]


no, I've not yet seen it while "out of body" - don't yet have the required perception/ the "tentacle"-like structure of negs is yet theoretical knowledge for me and has to be proved. I just thought while keeth's friend may have sounded as no more than religious fanatic to some of the people here, but it IS possible she is making some sense after all. there are bits of knowledge in every religion, imho
thanks kromeknight, I am glad I found you all [:)]
PS. as for astral projecting, this term is rather new to me, I guess I will just browse your library to gain 'enlightement' on this [:D]