Same voice on evp that I heard before AP attempt

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This is going to sound a little strange, but it really happened. A few months back, while attempting an obbe, I heard a strange mechanical voice coming from my hallway, that startled me so much it knocked me out of my trance and I sat up in bed, and quit trying. I had head strange sounds before and knew they weren't at all uncommon right before APing, but this voice was so eerily robotic, I sat right up in bed and quit trying to AP. I found it so disturbing in fact, that I no longer could relax as I once could. So I decided to order a digital voice recorder for meditation, and binaural beats. When I received it, something told me to try placing it in the hall where I heard the voice and to see if I could pick up an evp. I only left in on about 5 minutes. and when I went back to play it, I was shocked to get something right away. I head a woman shouting in distress, and a mechanical mans voice speaking back to her. The same robotic voice I heard while in my bedroom without a voice recorder. I made a few more attempts at recording and got more, they were quite menacing sounding, with cursing back at me, The whole thing left me so shaken I erased them, but later made another recording one night in my yard, once again, After playing it on my sound organizer I head the mechanical voice speaking again in a menacing way, about me being one of them one day, and even heard Hail Satan. I said Hello and got a Hello back in a very deep dark tone and another voice saying welcome to your dreams.. It sounded very lower astral. Can anyone explain how I was able to hear the voice before getting the recorder?  Has my experiences with Astral projection simply attuned me more with the astral realm? And have my vibrations been so low that I have attuned myself more to the sub planes? So many questions? I don't even think it would have bothered me, had the messages been less scary. I still am a great believer in Astral projection, and have gained so much insight from it, though I am wondering, if I need to work on raising my vibrations? Also, has anyone else here every experienced any thing like this? Thanks:)