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was this the ghost of my grand father?

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no this might sound strange but one night about 3 months or so after my grand father died(back in 2006-2007) i saw something outside my door here is the layout of my house you have the front door, you enter the living room, then there is a hallway the first door on the left was my room the next door was the bathroom then at the end was my parents room, ok well on this night when i was in bed i saw something coming from the living room side of the house then fast walk past my room to the back of the house, i was 12-13 at the time i run back to my parent room but nothing was there expect my parents that house never felt to good and one of my friends said they felt something in that house too and i would hear my name being called, something crawling on me

years later it happend(my name being called and stuff crawling on me when nothing is there) when we moved house last December and this house feels like there is a dark presences in the attic, one day when i was about to take a shower i thought i heard my mom call to me and say "baby I'm home" and walk up the stairs creepy thing is when i asked her once she got home from work why did she come home for a few minutes then leave again she looked at me strange and said she didnt come home.


In short; No, this wasn't the ghost of your grandfather. A human spirit is most often unable to manifest itself so strongly as to create visual and sensual apparitions; also, negative entities are immediately recognizable in my experience, in that they immediately fill the room with a sense of fear, and from your description, it sounds like you know deep down that it isn't your grandfather. Trust your instincts.

I personally had an experience eerily similar to yours. My grandfather died when I was nine years old, and all throughout my childhood from that point on I had a negative entity which attached itself to me. It would not only, on several occasions, visually manifest itself, but also cause small objects to be thrown across the room or moved--sometimes in the presence of my entire (four person) family, and none of them denied it's existence. I mean I could go on for hours listing off all the ways this thing made itself known.
In my late teens, when I went through some of my grandfather's old drawers, I found a sketchbook with drawings of the same entity I'd been seeing. I cannot say for certain, but my theory is that, what happened was that it was passed on to me after he died. I was raised nondenominational Christian, and the pastors I spoke to about it referred to it as a 'generational curse'.
I cannot say that that's what happened to you, but if you really believe there is a connection between the entity and your grandfather's death, you may want to do a bit of research on what he was doing and experiencing before it.


Quote from: substituteapple on February 03, 2016, 16:42:14
In short; No, this wasn't the ghost of your grandfather. A human spirit is most often unable to manifest itself so strongly as to create visual and sensual apparitions; also, negative entities are immediately recognizable in my experience, in that they immediately fill the room with a sense of fear, and from your description, it sounds like you know deep down that it isn't your grandfather. Trust your instincts.

I personally had an experience eerily similar to yours. My grandfather died when I was nine years old, and all throughout my childhood from that point on I had a negative entity which attached itself to me. It would not only, on several occasions, visually manifest itself, but also cause small objects to be thrown across the room or moved--sometimes in the presence of my entire (four person) family, and none of them denied it's existence. I mean I could go on for hours listing off all the ways this thing made itself known.
In my late teens, when I went through some of my grandfather's old drawers, I found a sketchbook with drawings of the same entity I'd been seeing. I cannot say for certain, but my theory is that, what happened was that it was passed on to me after he died. I was raised nondenominational Christian, and the pastors I spoke to about it referred to it as a 'generational curse'.
I cannot say that that's what happened to you, but if you really believe there is a connection between the entity and your grandfather's death, you may want to do a bit of research on what he was doing and experiencing before it.

thank you for getting back to me, every since i first saw it there as been things that have been going on. i started to hear a voice that would just call my name every now and again usually when i was doing something at first it died down after a couple of years the voice was there every now and again, nothing too strange.. but here lately i felt a presence around me something not human i would look to the door way in the evening bright as it can be around mid day and would see a figure again, it was gone in a blink of an eye. another thing i have witnessed rather heard was something i call the "mimic voice". the voice would repeat things my parents would say when they got home such as "honey i am home" and "jonathan i am home, baby". on the first time the "honey i am home" i responded with "ok" thinking it was my mom then i heard our stairs creek like someone was walking up then.... i really do not know what to do. i have a bible, but i am worried it will just make this thing even you have any suggestion


Quote from: thedigi321 on February 05, 2016, 05:13:27
thank you for getting back to me, every since i first saw it there as been things that have been going on. i started to hear a voice that would just call my name every now and again usually when i was doing something at first it died down after a couple of years the voice was there every now and again, nothing too strange.. but here lately i felt a presence around me something not human i would look to the door way in the evening bright as it can be around mid day and would see a figure again, it was gone in a blink of an eye. another thing i have witnessed rather heard was something i call the "mimic voice". the voice would repeat things my parents would say when they got home such as "honey i am home" and "jonathan i am home, baby". on the first time the "honey i am home" i responded with "ok" thinking it was my mom then i heard our stairs creek like someone was walking up then.... i really do not know what to do. i have a bible, but i am worried it will just make this thing even you have any suggestion
Okay, I'm going to go ahead and list off some general things that are relatively well known to cleanse evil spirits from various different belief systems etc.
A lot of these you may heard of before, they're fairly common and relatively mild means. It's likely that one, a combination, or all of these will be effective; but I'd advise you to keep a notebook and keep track of any activity that might occur during or after practicing any one of them.

For cleansing a physical space (note that all of these should be done while saying or repeating a quiet prayer to whomever you believe):

Burning a sage smudge stick in every room of your house

Anointing each door and window post with holy oil or water (You can theoretically bless it yourself, but when you know you have a negative entity I personally think it's best not to chance it and just buy some from a local church, it's five dollars put to good use)

Sprinkling salt in the entrance ways of the house

Having a group of people pray for, or positively meditate towards your house

Setting religious motifs around the house

For cleansing yourself:

pray and be prayed over

Meditate and work on your energy, bringing yourself to a higher vibration makes it harder for lower vibrational entities to attach

Anoint yourself with the previously stated holy oil or water, or be anointed

Stop listening to negative music if it's been part of your lifestyle thus far, and put the entity out of your mind as much as possible, don't think about it. You want to give it as little of your time as possible, and make yourself so different from it that it's impossible for you both to coexist in the same space.

In my experience* the entity itself was attached to me, as it would follow me to places outside my home, however I was able to cleanse one room in my house with prayer, religious motifs, and anointing oil to create somewhat of a safe space for myself. I had tried on several occasions to cleanse the entire house, but for some reason, I was only successful with one room (my bedroom). Perhaps I was not powerful enough, or my intentions were truest in my own space, but I would suggest taking as much action as you can to at least make a single room safe. Though in my case, that was not to say that voices and manifestations would not occur outside the doorway in view or earshot.

If at any point the entity manifests while you're taking action to get rid of it, immediately stop and seek help from a Spiritual leader, as, while the reactions means you're effectively doing something that it doesn't like, if it's strong enough to manifest in that situation it's not something you should be handling alone.

Keep me posted, I'd like to hear what happens, and if you have any questions feel free to ask away either on here or by email :)


Quote from: thedigi321 on February 05, 2016, 05:13:27
i started to hear a voice that would just call my name every now and again usually when i was doing something at first it died down after a couple of years the voice was there every now and again, nothing too strange.. but here lately i felt a presence around me something not human i would look to the door way in the evening bright as it can be around mid day and would see a figure again, it was gone in a blink of an you have any suggestion
Yes I have a suggestion. Instead of just blindly fearing it, ask it what it wants. Possibly this spirit feels that you may be able to help it with something.

This is the same with Sleep Paralysis. People fear what they don't understand. There is a reason this "entity" is "targeting" you and you need to find out why that is. Possibly it is because you are "open" enough to feel it and it knows that.

Now if it was throwing plates and glasses through the air at you I could understand your fear of it. But it sounds to me that it just wants you to know it's there. In other words it could be your "Guardian Angel" or something like that and now you are getting instructions here from members telling you to "banish" it. That's not going to help anything.

You communicate with it by closing your eyes and meditating on it. Create a intent to be open to it and then listen to what it has to say. You will soon see whether it has "good" intentions or not. Do not fear it. Try to understand it. in other words confront it and explain your wishes.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla