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Is Reality Real?

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 This new season of Through the Wormhole has been very informative.

In this episode they take on the question "Is Reality Real".

This season they have taken on topics like "Are you Dreaming right now?", "Near Death Experience" and "Do we have Free Will?, just to name a few.

This is one of the best shows on TV in my opinion.

Here's a link to the website:


Thanks Lionheart! I will watch it here in a sec... I thought before I watched it I would put in my two cents of how and what this topic made me think of.

I think that this "Physical world" is just a dream, but just like the non physical is as well. Like it all boils down to awareness. You experience these places with other points of consciousness. If that made sense...  :-D There's no doubt in my mind we are creators, if not co creators.


I think that we are just the manifestation of an intelligent system growing. almost like a very advance computer periphery designed to take in information to feed to the whole. The law of thermodynamics states that the universe is alway in increasing entropy meaning that disorder is growing. One could Stipulate that this increase in disorder is only possible with the increase thought, energy and possibilities. Our particle are waves of the whole meaning that we are parts of the sum. I think that these part are simluation to play out every possibility, allowing for the increase of entropy. The Big Bang only happen because it could so will everything else. We could easily say none of it would even exist without us.
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