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Why do I attract people who are opposite

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I find that I go through periods where I attract people who are very negative I understand people complain about their own problems sometimes but I mean people who say things to make me feel less.

I go through periods every now and then where I attract people that make me feel like I am a lesser person.
The people are sometimes nice in front of my parents. And they do it subtly. If I get mad at them they come with a better come back.

I am not even trying to bother these people at all.
They are usually complete strangers but at the moment for the third time in life I am living next to some. I just moved apartment because of it.

This is worse than the sort that are antagonistic. You bounce back up after they have upset you.
The other sort you have to move away from.

I cant stand it.


There could be a couple reasons.

You might "need" these people in your life for some reason, perhaps to learn tolerance.

Or... these people might be a reflection of you.  Or at least how you perceive them is actually what's with you.   We recognize things within others that are within ourselves easier.   Just food for thought.  :-)


Well you know what they say, opposites attract, haha.


Ooooh one I might have the answer to!

I did a few mediatations and healings with an intuitive healer who told me that when we aren't ourselves and on our true paths we attract the wrong people .. so if you're going against the grain in any manor you'll find yourself meeting said people. It works the opposite as well, get on the right path and like will attract like :)


Do you have the belief that people should be nice to you? And you expect this?
If so, this is a sure way to attract negative people.