One right relgion?

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I was thinking of this for awhile. All cultures have religion and they all believe in their own ways. Some also believe in theirs being more "correct" than others. But is there one correct religion?

I personally feel higher you go there is no "correct" religion, and that if you want to move higher in your next life you are tested on your past action, and not on the religion of your choice. I also feel higher , there will be no "religion" just the goodie goods.  :-D

Now I personally believe in god and also believe in my religion, but if I feel my religion is correct then it must make the other religions wrong for me? or vice-verse for other people. So this part doesn't make sense, how it can be that my religion is the only correct one, or your religion is the only correct one, and that if I don't pick the religion you picked then I have made a wrong choice that would affect my next life.

The reason I think of this is because I have heard people say that they read the Vedas and because it is one of the oldest scriptures, it makes it the right one. ( I am Hindu)

I do believe in religion, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in other peoples choices/religion. I feel that all these religions will be together right or all of them, together, will be wrong and not be some right or some wrong.

I was wondering what your guys thoughts are of religion and what do you guys feel on different religions other than your own.
Also I am sorry if this didn't make sense, it is really hard to explain what I am thinking!  :|



Religions were created be men according to their own views and beliefs. And as you can see the different cultures have "rules" and dogmas in their religious texts, reflecting that culture's historical characteristics.  I believe religious values were inspired by spiritual experiences,  but again each person having ability to access astral or spiritual energies and realms, will see and perceive things through the lenses of their own individual thoughts and beliefs. So, you see these different religious findings so to speak were someone else's experiences and documentation, summarized and forced upon the masses. I do not have a religion and do not want to be limited in accepting one theory and rejecting another. I do not like the fear based religions and I do not like aggression in others, or limits and absolute conclusions that extraterrestrials do  not exist and humans are superior in the universe. My conclusion about studying different religions is that they are limiting our full potential to experience All That Is. I do believe in the existence of a Source (equivalent on what other people call god), but I am finding my own truths through personal experience and I feel free to explore with open mind without fear or false beliefs forced from some line of religion created by men.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Is there one rite car or p.u. to drive ?  Is Ford better than Chevy , or Dodge ?  Are Honda's or Toyota's , built better ? Yes some are a built a bit better than others , but they can all break .   As my yoga teacher would say all relgions are rite .


It's soooo human.

People always try to see the DIFFERENCES and take things apart, make borders and limits between "us" and "not-us".

Why not look for COMMONALITIES instead?  :-o

Then you might indeed come to the "true" religion for yourSELF (subjectively) - a kind of personal "philosophia perennis".



If religions starts wars, how can ANY be good?
Imagine life on Earth if each person alive could totally annihilate any other for the most pathetic of reasons.
Bye bye humans in less than an hour.

Be agnostic. Then with this frame of mind your skepticism may see more than indoctrinated beliefs.
Enigmatic isn't it?
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

Thread Killer

Look! The Reformed Druids have the corner on all truth. Disagree and we'll mock and deride you. Maybe get violent. We'll see. Join or die!
Pedant. Pedagogue. Prick.


Hear is a post on another forum that is kind of related , it you want religious vs. atheist post , I can find you some .


Thanks for the reply guys  :-D

Yes , I too am against religions where people are often restricted to certain "ways", or even where they sacrifice animals. I believe we ARE higher than animals/trees, but we shouldn't abuse them or take them for advantage, although some animals values override some humans.
I guess religions are all correct, in a sense we all are worshiping God, although some religions rules may be unhealthy for others.

I guess it is best to show a true fair view for all religions, and decide what rules YOU yourself feel are right / wrong, and go on from that.


Religions are as correct and incorrect as the people who practice them.

All a religion provides to you are a set of ground rules in order to become a better person. 
ANY religion holds the chance for spiritual growth... it's how you learn and live the religion which determines that.  It's YOUR choices.

For example, believing that you're "higher" or "better" than another creature... that's called an "ego trap". 
You're no higher or better than a tree or a snail... you're just different.  Differences should be celebrated, not separated.  :)

Life is all about becoming a better person... not better as in compared to someone else though, this isn't a competition... we're all one consciousness after-all (how can you compete with yourself?).  Living a life of Love instead of Fear is what I believe it's all about... and you don't need a religion to tell you what's right and wrong.