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Searching member started topics?

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I guess the title says it all. I am looking to know if there's anyway to see the topics a specific member has started as I only seem to be able to find member's posts. I've tried to figure it out or find a topic explaining but didn't found a way, is it impossible or am I missing something? Thanks!
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


 You could go to their personal profile and review every thread and post they ever made here on this site.

Just go to the profile and click on "Show the last posts of this person".

Putting key words of said topic in the top right hand corner search engine, will also bring any posts or threads containing said subject. Just make sure you do your search from the Astral Pulse "Home" page. Otherwise your search will be limited to whatever subforum you are currently in.


Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Who exactly are you looking for?  Perhaps we can assist?


Quote from: Xanth on May 20, 2014, 20:53:42
Who exactly are you looking for?  Perhaps we can assist?

Well I guess it's not really something specific. I tend to like to investigate the info on experiences, methods and breakthroughs of people that I somehow relate to and that normally are more experiencied than I am. I figure that sometimes the quickest way to do that is to find the discussions the person started.

Right now for example by what I've seen recently and my experience on this board about 4 ou 5 years ago you Xanth, and Lionheart along with Stookie and some others are people that I find interesting in that sense and would like to find a way to explore your data easily, not just in relation to perhaps the daily questions that you answer but also your direct input. But even if there's no direct search mechanism there are alternatives, I'll do just fine. Thanks for your assistance.  :-)
Certain things you just gotta know to experience. Certain things you just gotta experience to know.


Quote from: Micael on May 20, 2014, 21:15:44
Well I guess it's not really something specific. I tend to like to investigate the info on experiences, methods and breakthroughs of people that I somehow relate to and that normally are more experiencied than I am. I figure that sometimes the quickest way to do that is to find the discussions the person started.

Right now for example by what I've seen recently and my experience on this board about 4 ou 5 years ago you Xanth, and Lionheart along with Stookie and some others are people that I find interesting in that sense and would like to find a way to explore your data easily, not just in relation to perhaps the daily questions that you answer but also your direct input. But even if there's no direct search mechanism there are alternatives, I'll do just fine. Thanks for your assistance.  :-)
Well in that case, when you find someone you want to ... stalk (;))... go to their profile, and at the bottom of their profile is a link called "Show the last posts of this person.".
That link will give you ALL of the posts that individual has made.

If you want to search through their posts, you use the search feature ( at the top of the page (the link not the box).
Then put in the keyword(s) you want to search for, and the username of the individual.  And you're good to go!

EDIT: So yeah, I just read Lionhearts post above and he pretty much covered most of this.  :)  WOOT LIONHEART!  :D