Karma is very interesting

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Basically...I agree! [:D]
What was the book?


There is only one problem: when you do goodness, you must do it without expecting to have anything in return. You just do it because you have compassion for other beings and because you want them to be happy, ending with their suffering.

If i give money to a poor man just because i want go to the Heaven or because i want a favor from god, i am acting in a egoistic manner. Now, if with no second intentions, i help the poor man just because i want him to be happy, i am acting in a good manner.

Karma it is indeed a very interesting theory, but it is vey complex. Sometimes doing good things can atract bad ones, and vice-versa. This will happen because karma it acts, in my view, according to some physical rules of the universe, like the "Chaos theory".

According to this theory, some minor changes in a action can have completly different results from the expect, just because we made that little change. This means that as a general rule, good actions will bring good things but in some rare ocasions it can be the oposite. This is not relate with rewards. I mean, if you do something good you get good things like a reward from the heavens.

No, instead, if you do something good you will have a good retribution because you are making good to yourself too. When you act good, you are transformng yourself in a sea of tranquility, and that can only bring you good things. Thats one of the main reasons i think.

For example, a good people will die (lets suppose that this people will die from age not from accident) more peacefully than a bad one. If someone dies more peacefully than other people, her counscious will be more calm and will atract (and be atracted) to more positive forces. This means that her reincarnation will be more good than someone that dies with evil in her hearth.

Why? because bad people are just beings with no "vision" about the reality. As so, when they die, their counscience will be confused and atracted to a bad reincarnation.

Let me explain with an analogy (my english its not goood enough to make me undestand...i speak portuguese): imagine 2 persons in a boat going through a river. One of them, Mr. Quiet, it is very peaceful and with high self control; the other. Mr.Nervous, it is (you guess it...) very nervous, with little self control.

Suddenly the boat will sunken. Mr quiet it is in the water, but he his very calm and he can get control of the situation: "Ok, let me see, i can go this way through the river and reach that safe place quickly".  But Mr Nervous cant see a thing because he is so nervous, flaping the arms and moving the legs (trying to not sink) that he will give no attention to anything.

Mr Q will reach quickly and with ease the safe place bt Mr N. it is going in random directions and he is not saying that he is going to a dangerous place in the river....

With our death it will happen the same. Good people will reach "safe places" (i mean: have good reincarnations) because they can see (i mean: they are good and have wisdom). With bad people it will happen the oposite.

I love you!



Is not doing bad good enough?


Interesting.....but not always true.


Alpine9, you underestimate "good enough".

Not doing bad is way not as easy as it sounds. An example from my own personal Pandora's box: on the way to work (or school, or wherever) traffic is nuts and nearly everyone on the road seems determined to run you off it. "Not doing bad" entails remaining cool and calm, and having it together enough to let someone merge onto the freeway instead of closing the gap and making them go in behind you. "Not doing bad" in just this one instance also means not following through on (or even feeling) the urge to review the parentage, probable destination, and mental abilities of the drivers around you. I am still very much working on this little baby-step. Most days I almost get out of the driveway before I fall into bad habits! [;)]

I agree with others here that Karma is a complicated subject. Kazbadan also has a good point. If you try for "good Karma" with the aim of gaining by it, then maybe you aren't really gaining (I don't pretend to know for sure). [?]

Interesting topic.


The funny thing with karma is the fact that people believe it without thinking to much and without really knowing what they talk about. Once you start to think about the whole karma-theorie you might realize, that things are not as easy as you wished them to be.

For example: How did the whole thing start? what part does the free will play? If you get hit by a car is that karma? If yes, does that mean that everthing is predestinated ? If no, what is karma and what is it not?.........
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


Yes, good points too. Normal people that seems to have a good karma, can dye without warning in the most stupid ways: car accident, disease, hearth problems, etc. For example, Feher the football soccer players, that played in Portugal (in Benfica team) ded suddenly (this year i think) suddenly from hearth problems. He was healthy, with a nice girlfriend, money, car, etc. Suddenly he dyes without warning! Why? How can we relat that with karma?

The truth is that you will not see (i think) great budhists masters dying young...why?

Well, at least i think i found a reason for they don not having any car accident or other kind of accidents: they pratice mindfulness. They are with their mind and their senses fully awake and aware of everything (that part of meditation training) and this will obviously make them more cunning, more evasive and able to avoid such perils. Just a guess of course.

btw, for the 1100 time, if you are interested in budhism, check the following website. There, click on the ebook section. There are many free ebooks, good ones, speakinh on budhism. Myself printed on of this books. Ok, here is the link:

I love you!


"He was healthy, with a nice girlfriend, money, car, etc."

that does not mean that he is a good person, look at most wealthy people. who are they most concerned about. I tend to agree more with the tyler durden theory (for those of you who have seen fightclub) that says "when you have lost everything, then you are truly free". Probly why the poor are usually the most humble and the rich are the most selfish. It makes me want to do more good with my money so i dont become a selfish person.
- Me


You are partially correct, because in my opinion poor people are bad as rich ones. Rich people only car about their wealthy, money rtc, but poor people want that too and they will commit crimes to have it.

Poor people dont have anything and they are very bad too. I know people (normal wealthy) that gave food and cloths to poor people and they rejectd it in a bad way.

People living in guetos are more inclined to do violent crimes (robbering, assaul, murder, etc) than others. Of course that rich people commit another kind of crimes (more related with money and negotiations).

I dont wanna say that poor are worst, i just wanna say that poor and rich are as bad as any other person.

Now, it is true that good men in general are poor, but that doenst not mean that poor men are good people.

Whith this excpetion, now that i am thinking better i see that what you say its true: wealthy does not mean a good karma.

For example, people living in Tibete dont have any money but i bet that they live more happy than Western countrys that have lots of money. We live in a world with lots of stress, depression, competition, egoistic people, etc, but people livingin peaceful places like Tibete dont have any money nor wealthy but they dont have two one half of our problems. So, maybe thats a good Karma.

Karma its a very complex thing and i believe that it will affect our next reeicarnation. If we want to free ourselves from illusions, if we want to see other beings in the same state, we need to start working now, in this very moment.
I love you!


I have been reading a book about karma and what the author talks about is so true.

I have come to the conclusion that the reason I havn't projected for over a year is because of Karma, I did alot of ill deeds this past year.

The sayings are true, "What you put forth you get in return"
"The recompense of evil is evil likeoff -Kuran"

I think the more good we do the more good energies we recieve to help us in our journeys to become spiritually evolved.

The Bible and religious books were right indeed, their rules are the simplest technique that one can follow to start ascending.

If you can resist stealing and harming others even if you are very poor, then your being is one step towards spiritual purification.

It's all about control, we have to live as spiritual beings if we want to get new energies and reap the benefits.

Do something out of the ordinary like sending a little bit of money overseas to the poor, and do it for God's sake alone and not for wordly show off.

Doing good deeds definately has physical effects, and Karma is a universal balancer, a system of Justice that is not only for those who do evil but also those who do good, its like ordering something online with your own money and then waiting for the product to come, you have to get back what you gave to.

I hope that made sense to you.