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Attacked by a Professionals.

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now i have more time to post, so ...
split is illusion, however in our spliting we gave subconscious and high self different characters, and, agendas
so it is possible that high self can be acting against your development, as well as subconscious
i'm my ultimate authority all right, but that doesn't mean that i don't listen, nor should anyone
i am only talking about things i experienced now, i don't believe in anything
you are still in we and they concept ...

but you can be drained, for that matter (confirmed)
+ demons have high vibrations, so it's not really against evil, but low level stuff, nor there is evil anyway ... ;p

another reason to train telepathy
and as you see, you attract them like flies (no disrespect whatsoever :D)
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


It is kind of senseless to put defense straegies in one direction, it is just a
simply defense, which one will be easyly overrun by strong psychical folks.
Remember, evry war has got rules, but tricky strategies.
They are much trickier on the mental spheres.

A good defense strategy need to be modulated, you know this.
don't try to throw with stones in a glass house!
Shields are senseless, too, as they also tend to build one-dimensionally and  suck energy, when they don't needed.

search a good doctor, not the cia

analyze first, what an attack is and prove, how much you amplified this attack by your own energy.Not every attack need to be an attack, as you decide if this is an attack or not.


Quotesplit is illusion, however in our spliting we gave subconscious and high self different characters, and, agendas
so it is possible that high self can be acting against your development, as well as subconscious

Yes, it is possible for the so called Higher self to have different characters and agendas--because it isn't necessarily you.  You can be fooled and you can be led astray by what you think is your Higher Self--so don't give your power to anything other than your own truth.  Your conscious self.  We are not all One--the darkness says that because they want it that way--but we are all connected--there is a big difference.  Do you really think we would have so many individuated consciousnesses if individuality were not important/valuable to Spirit?  

Unless you have embodied your Divinity already, your source of wisdom is your own truth-- an honest accounting of your experiences, feelings, thoughts.  Don't disregard your human self and sensibilities so carelessly--they are considered priceless everywhere else.

(I consider "embodying your Divinity" to mean all knowing and being empowered--don't know anyone like that although we always "hear" about it don't we?  The ever present carrot before the horse, the ever present Savior so many are waiting for, with differnet names in different cultures).

I think it's awesome that you can look negative beings (those who seek to infringe on your or others free will) straight in the eye so to speak and send them real love.  And that they respond in the hoped for manner.  My correcting you is in the fact that when I did this, the Beings liked it.  And they wanted more.  And they are still around.  And still seeking to influence and manipulate both my thoughts and my emotions.  

I have found some negs to be spiritually, like children.  Playful, and unmindful of suffering.   How could they be--many have never been physical and don't know what it means to feel pain, to feel confined.  Whatever you are doing, if it's working, great.  I just wanted to broaden your perspective.  Our experiences are subjective.


i know of everything you have written, and i agree with you except for:
on lower levels i am one with everything (but don't know (or percieve, i'm limited to my senses) everything yet, this is a matter of time ..), however higher level beings, light or darkness, are not me
this would be adressed in ascension to full consciousness, current body is unable to hold the soul, only parts of it (and knowledge they contain is really interesting ...)
darkness comes from the light, after all

if you disagree with me on details post it, the "devil lies in the details"
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hi all,
I'm sure there are countless words out there to describe what we call the higher-self.  Over-soul, over-self, Soul, etc, etc.  

We know it exists at a level 'higher' than the Astral because it is a totally different experience level we have and it is experienced outside/beyond the Astral or mental bodies.

There also seems to be some misconception of what relationship we have with the higher-self.  We read the words.. Higher... and ... Self.  It is very self explanatory....  

When you do have the experience of connection with your higher-self, the illusion that you are separate, and powerless, will disappear quickly.  The possibility that this huge and extremely powerful being that YOU are a portion of, could be doing anything AGAINST your best interests would knowingly become an illogical thought that didn't fit the reality of this particular Higher-Awareness experience. (geez, that was a mouthful)  :lol:

Should you then experience re-emergence and totality with the great being we call our higher-self, it will change the way you look at everything in this world we are living in.  

Keep the emergence, knowingly, while in your human3D awareness and you are more able to see from the bigger picture awareness level, IN, to this heavily confined and structured 3D reality.. effectively altering your day to day perceptions of it all.  

It's a hard task to knowingly function in this 3D reality as well as the Astral and higher awareness levels, all at the same time.  The amount of data and communications you are actually part of pushes our little human awareness around a fair bit, so we have life stuff-ups too.

The idea that we are separated into different consciousnesses does appear to be valid in the 3D Perception and even the Lower Astral.  Yet, maybe it isn't separation at all.....   perhaps it is more that we are smaller portions of the Diversified Whole.  No real boundary between us except for the ones we perceive and create ?  In this way we are all One, only not the slightest bit aware of the fullness of our Combined Awareness.  

I do see what you are saying to me.  I wonder if the difference we experienced with this technique is because of something Daem0n pointed out to me in previous conversations.   Maybe, it is only that we have each been open to completely different awareness levels.   And experience of these levels of ourself makes the method work so very well for me and those I teach it to than for others who may not be open to the immense power we are open to, Yet ?  Just a thought.

Thanks everyone for your valuable input.  I have learned some things from these conversations with you all.

Love Always.


i agree with what you said except for that detail we argued before, namely omniknowldge (whatever it should be properly) of high self, but i doubt that there are many (any?) here that want to explore further
lol, i merged with him and i say: high self doesn't know everything, and may not know your best interest if you want to explore beyond your soul's purpose (IF..), it doesn't concern me anyway now
take care
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hi Daem0n,
Yes, I too agree that the Higher-Self is not the be all and end all of our awareness levels (Omni-knowledge).  There must be even bigger pictures beyond that awareness level.

But in all honesty, merging with the Higher-Self knowingly is probably the highest experience of our greater self that we might experience for now ??  It is still a massive step up in our evolution Daem0n.  Not many people will even come to experience this level of awareness, let alone re-merge again with the Higher-Self.

I read where you had thought you must have merged with yours, at Kerri's forum.  I could tell from the wording that you actually have done so too.  The thing that showed this to me was your saying how It wasn't able to be contacted again, as if it had left...  I had the same experience after re-merging.  It seems that way only because we have assimilated It into our self... so in essence it now knowingly resides within us while also being active on the higher planes/levels.

Haven't used the best words to describe this here, but I am confident you know what I mean by these words.

Thanks Daem0n.  :D


There is a book out called "Dear God!  What's Happening to Us?  Halting Eons of Manipulation".  The woman who wrote the book was a best selling author who experienced at least three years of hell at the hands of what she calls "the Others".  

She learned from her experience and her guides, that when we choose to incarnate into this world, we do not necessarily choose our consciousness mix--nor our spirit guides or what she calls the primary guide, or Higher Self.  We are a mix of the dark and the light, but we have been manipulated in an extreme manner by these non physical beings who feed on us and have been using us for experiments so that they too can experience physical life in a similar body matrix.  Apparently our DNA is extremely valuable, priceless in this universe,  and they know that soon the raised consciousness of the earth (new earth, ascension, fifth dimension, whatever you want to call it) will act as a seive of these "dark", or manipulative non physical energies, keeping them out and us of the light in--able to experience what every culture has defined as some future paradise, or God/Man incarnate (the Second Coming, in Christianity, for ex).  This moment is just around the corner, this birth that they call it, and the dark knows this.  They are and have been for a long time working feverishly to find their own solution to the frequency problem (their nature is at a lower frequency and they cannot embody God consciousness--instead, they embody what might be called Lucifer consciousness).  

In the process, in these days before the "birth", which some people define as 2012, some say sooner, some say in the next hundred years...whatever--in the meantime, many people are being experimented on by the dark.  Thus, abduction experiences, madness, psychic attacks...and yes, they do primarily attack those of higher vibrations or light, mainly because such people are more aware and loving spiritually and more receptive (their desire to help humanity or others often makes them prime fodder for deception).  It has been my experience that females are vulnerable in a particular way for their loving/receptive nature, and men tend to be manipulated more by their ego (having a Messiah complex, wanting to save the world)

I am not saying I understand or embrace every conclusion in her book, but after years of a living hell, she got through it by demanding that her guides and oversoul (so called Higher Self) and consciousness mix be of only 100 percent pure light.  She eventually got well again, and finally, healed.  She wrote another book called Earth Two and died this past year.  

She said that there is a war going on in other dimensions about this--but the situation is such that if you want to raise your vibrations and not be manipulated by the dark, you have to do a lot of house cleaning.  And part of that may be demanding a NEW oversoul, new guides, etc.  

I repeated her suggested affirmations when I asked someone for help with my own horrible experience (where I felt an entity's energy try to merge with my own, quadrant by quadrant of my body for hours).  
But I had doubts...I did not know if I wanted to give up my consciousness mix.  I have experienced negative emotions and suffering and although I have had enough and do not want to experience anymore, I did not want to disregard the wisdom, compassion that these experiences have taught me;  and yet, I knew that whatever or whoever was my guidance system was not compassionate or respectful towards me.  I began to wake up years ago and have seen things, experienced things to let me know that free will is for the most part illusion on this world right now---except for the relatively rare and fortunate few who have a mostly pure light filled oversoul and guidance mix.  

Take it for what you will.  No laying of claims, just another few points to consider.   It sort of makes for everybody's truth to be true for them, while taking into account, we may all have a different truth.  If that makes any sense.


thx for contribution
actually i never had guidance, well, frankly speaking, that was the orginal reason why i never ventured into astral, to met some entities claiming that they know the truth and confusing everything
another reason is that in 4 months i didn't manage(never tried :)) to develop senses to interact with them "properly"(telepathy only), there were hunches from high self exclusively, later small talks with it (should i or should i not :P), and by the time i knew that i need to talk only with it and demanded that, and always treated it as a part of myself, equal to me, in fact, almost me

no sacrificing for the others folks, i worked exclusively on myself, when i tried to help someone i got lessons from which i learned not to help someone, for they won't understand what is going on (or i won't), with few exceptions
oh, and first i worked on emotions and conditioning, not abilities, it is actually the other way round, funny how little do that
you should listen only to yourself, for you are your ultimate truth, and are equal to angels, etc, who just happen to be more aware of themselves (or they don't :P), and everything is equal to you, is, in fact, you
lecture, lol

luckily i don't have messiah syndrome, i'm concerned with my progress only, + whoever happens along, and changed ego to follow this path only (and standard ego issues are severy limiting so changed them too), there is always something in yourself to work on :)
the tension is indeed raising along with progress, corrupt them toward the light for the best and ultimate effect, they are little pests anyway :D
earth transisted into 5 D recently, so now they have harder and harder time
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Hi Kaili,
Firstly, I have to say how much I enjoyed reading your post above.

Like you I definately agree with a large portion of what you shared.  Especially the information about the war between dark and light, etc.  This I know to be correct, from my own experiences 'out there' we could say.  

And also like you I do not agree with some of what is said nor the conclusions the author reached.  Obviously what she wrote is truth from her perspective, just as our's is for ourselves.  

Perhaps she was being used to convey some Disinformation, albeit wrapped in very attractive details ?   We know this is how Disinformation works,  hooking you in with the nuggets of truth and slipping in the agenda-laden disinformation so that you experience some benefits while being waylayed through the non-effective info they slipped in to stop you getting to clarity.   Like the Zeta Project here a few months ago.

There are many beings working from the lower astral realms to waylay people in transit, people who are journeying, people in communication, etc.     And there are just as many working on up to the hierarchy/higher awareness levels.  We would be a little silly to think it must be otherwise.

The descent of Dark upon the world is happening as it should.  I also see 2012 as a Birth and not a destruction, even though I've 'seen' it will incorporate change in all levels, including massive physical events.  I only trust Sight because of my history of it being accurate.

About Perceptions.   I tend to see us like moths looking at the same light, each one has a specific view from their location, each one is slightly different to the moth next to you.  So each has a different perspective, giving them a different perception.

Some moths do get to see much more of the Light-picture, and in doing so they also see much more of the Dark that exists in these Duality levels.  

One woman has claimed these experiences, it  doesn't mean that any one else will, even if we know inside that a lot of what she wrote is part of this reality we all chose to experience.

I see what you are saying Kaili, but I see it does not apply equally to all Moths in this Light.  

Like RB, all I can say is, I am what I am and I know what I know.

Love Always.


I think I posted something similar to this about a month ago. I didn't convey it quite as well as Tayesin did, however.

Anyway, I have learned to change the beings from within myself, as we are all connected. All I do is imagine myself as the entire Universe, find the being within myself, and change it through understanding. I believe that David Bohm's theory of the holographic universe, which is how I came up with this method, is at least partially true.


QuoteThe descent of Dark upon the world is happening as it should. I also see 2012 as a Birth and not a destruction
No creation without destruction.


Thanks for sharing your story with us Tayesin.  Also I have read all the other posts with keen interest, but I refrain from commenting since its not my battle.  I will try the techniques you mentioned when I get a chance to, and see what happens.  Again, thanks for sharing your experience, I may be a bit of a lurker around here but these kind of threads are golden opportunities to open my mind a little more.


You can exist outside the destruction if you process your own shadow. It doesn't matter if lava pours down directly on you. Your body may be vaporized, but your soul will survive, and for me, that is a comforting thought. In the physical world, there will be destruction. That is inevitable. There is too much secrecy. Evil loves secrecy and fear. Those are two things running rampant these days all over the world. There is no stopping it. The people caught up in it think that they can actually make peace through war, but they'll get served by reality. Unfortunately, it'll kill a lot of innocent people, but what else has changed? If I live through the destruction, great, I can live on earth to see the new birth. If I die in the destruction, that's even better, because then I can go on to the afterlife. At least there, we have power over what happens to us individually.


QuoteEvil loves secrecy and fear
like my mind does. :lol:
Criminality against morality.

Even the spirit is envolved in destruction.
A spiritual war is much powerful, cause you get very fast a compfort feel, that you can turn to evry side being personaly involved in it.
Wars had brought much destruction and killed lot of people, but they brought
the most technical advances , for today you would hard survive without.


Quote from: TayesinHi all,
I'm sure there are countless words out there to describe what we call the higher-self.  Over-soul, over-self, Soul, etc, etc.

Yes as Tayesin so nicely stated, our Higher Self is part of us.  The average person on Earth at present has not reached permanent fusion or union with their Higher Self.

Other names for the Higher Self are the Soul Man, the Solar Angel, the Master of the Heart.  It is truly a Solar Angel.  The Higher Self remains in deep meditation while the Lower Self is incarnate.  There it guides the Lower Self with the greatest agape love imaginable.  It feeds us with energy.  It is our protector.  Yet it will never override our free will and the path we have taken by our past choices.  When the Lower Self is in a state of chaos it cannot reach us.  When the Physical, Astral, and Concrete Mind reach a level of stillness then a small inner voice is heard.  It is that part of us that has surrender to the God consciousness, the Divine Self.  When the Lower Self has reached union and perfect stillness, then you will only see the reflection of God in that face.

Our main goal is to surrender to that Master of the Heart.  This union even in the harshest chaotic physical life one experiences the unimaginable Joy of the Soul.  Once the Higher Self has reached the Lower Self and union takes place then the goal is for complete union of Lower, Higher, and Divine.  This is an Adept, an Avatar, to be your own Master, and brings about infinite Bliss.
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


Development needs freedom and governing (both)


well, as it is you, there is no surrendering
and it is not end, in any way, i can assure you of that
and it IS different from oversoul
as well as from enlightment
enlightment is percieving the world as you
merging with high self is acting as whole, no internal struggle whatsoever, and you really know what is you and what isn't
for the sake of clarity, this is not my theory, this is my experience
and bliss can be a real bi***
take care
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Dang, I was go0ing to stay away from the defence forum but here I am again.  :cry: Someone please kick me.


I think I agree with Tayesin's approach to dealing with the perceived negative, only with one slight adjustment in th epoint of view.

I don't think it's really a matter of sending or projecting love but rather reminding those entities of what the have forgotten of lost.
And to keep the record straigth, Love, here,  isn't necessarily a fluffy-and-pleasantly-pink idea but an expression of the underlying unity.
Love can tear you apart, reduce a person to tears and make the world seem like living hell. But do pay attention to the word  seem.

I still maintain that the positive/negative categorisation is arbitrary and based on a soul-separatist point of view for the lack of a better term.

2cents & L&L


Quote from: jilolaLove can tear you apart, reduce a person to tears and make the world seem like living hell.

Dear Jilola,

There are many levels of love.  What you've described is attachment, not Selfless Agape Love. :-)

Peace & Love,
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


Quote from: jilola
I still maintain that the positive/negative categorisation is arbitrary and based on a soul-separatist point of view for the lack of a better term.

I agree Jilola.  I see it as us making value judgements about it from our little human-based perception.  Since this is the smallest part of what we are, the perception must also be the most confined.

Also,  I agree that this Love is not the fluffy kind, not the various things we call love or think it must be.  From my experience the energy I feel is unconditional love... or Big Love as I call it, and it has a liquid-gold color to it's energy.  This is the Agape love that Pmlonline wrote about

And, you are correct about not actually sending the Love to the 'negs'.  I always scan them for light and tell them what I see in them... usually there is still some light in a 'being of darkness',  and then direct gold energy from me into them.. because they have switched themselves off from being open to it from other ways..  this way is so direct they aren't able to block it.  

Your post on the higher-self was well said.  While I may not agree with every aspect of it, I think you did a brilliant job on explaining the concept.

I've always seen Higher-Self and OverSoul as one and the same thing.  

What are the differences you have experienced ?




first, it turns out that we are using the very same technique on entities, my differences is that from enlightened perspective i am them, and thus can change them in any way i want, this being pure light

well, high self has direct knowledge about this specific soul fragment, in fact it is overviewing it's evolution, and that is it's main purpose, gather experience and send it to oversoul to reprocess
it has many actvities on many levels, obviously, but it guides only one fragment

then oversoul is original creation, with it's fragments scattered across dimensions and universes as probes to deal with problems it experiences on higher level, our lives are mirroring this problems, and because  we have slow motion slow vibration here data can be analysed easily
maco and micro cosm, everything is mirroring each other, power struggles within politics down here are not that different between power struggles within divine hierarchy (as there is no ultimate balance and everything has some level of dissonance in it) etc etc

this fragment is said to be 1/100000 of the original soul, rather rough estimation, but gives idea

likewise in ascension you finally embody high self, opposed to this extension here, where we have merged, but only part of it is in ourselves, and rest extends freely because this form cannot hold it due to vibrational rate

at least this info has been confirmed by oversoul in initial contact
and still, this is not the end, that's why i love this multiverse, the horizon is always there :D
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Quote from: daem0nfirst, it turns out that we are using the very same technique on entities, my differences is that from enlightened perspective i am them, and thus can change them in any way i want, this being pure light

then oversoul is original creation, with it's fragments scattered across dimensions and universes as probes ...

likewise in ascension you finally embody high self, opposed to this extension here, where we have merged, but only part of it is in ourselves, and rest extends freely because this form cannot hold it due to vibrational rate

at least this info has been confirmed by oversoul in initial contact
and still, this is not the end, that's why i love this multiverse, the horizon is always there :D

Thanks for clearing that question up.  I had seen what you call Oversoul as the inevitable extension of higher-Self..  just more aware of the more.  

Early this year I had an experience of returning to the place of my original creation as Great Soul.  I see now after reading your reply Daem0n, that this was a 'higher' aspect of Self.. higher than higher-self.  The feeling was different, the place was markedly different to anything I have experienced in the Astral and Higher-Self awareness levels.

Perhaps that was my call to climb this next High Peak of Awareness ?  Methink so.


Tay. :D


Quote from: TayesinThanks for clearing that question up.  I had seen what you call Oversoul as the inevitable extension of higher-Self..  just more aware of the more.

Dear Tayesin,
Some groups define the definition of Oversoul as that higher than the Higher Self.  I believe my reference to the Divine Self is what daem0n refers to the Oversoul.  We have the Lower, Higher, and Divine Self.

Dear daem0n,
These are all just definitions which may differ from group to group / philosophy to philosophy.  When one achieves union with the Higher Self then one is guided to one or more groups.  These groups usually meet at night out of body to aid humanity and the world-- Lay brothers / sisters, Elder brothers / sisters, etc.  Initially one learns quite fast that there is no one single philosophy amongst these groups.  It is really a beautiful thing when so many Initiates of such a wide range belief systems can gather together in unison and harmony to be of service to others.  :-)
NOTE: I believe a moderator may have edited some of my posts on mysticism. I will no longer post here until users can know when moderators edit their posts.

Free 700 pg online book from an Initiate:


heh, i transcended duality, but this helps to illustrate the point to some, doesn't it
i don't astral project, only mental

have you found some root causes of some of your conditioning there ? or have you searched for them for that matter ?
have you been searching for parts of your soul in different dimensions/universes ?

what i wanted to indicate is that we have parallel lives as soul, and solving problems on human soul fragment level doesn't really do anything except for feeling nice

also when you operate on oversoul directly you solve all problems on all levels within all that you are, and as we are mirroring aspects of it, learning life lesson and passing them to oversoul should be of utmost importance to ensure complete healing, also finding lost parts that are cut off from contact with oversoul is of primary importance

now something you won't like, living in the now means that you RISE ABOVE ego problems, and is not equal to solving them, this state just prevents them from manifesting, and, from evolutionary point of view, is waste of time
take care
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing