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Channeling God!!

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OK God I am back and it seems that a few people have been here as well
Yep I see that , and yep I see the people as well. Ha
Ha What?
Religious people always to God about it, take it to God , speak to God about your problems......and when anyone does they get offended
Yea I saw that guy, he sounded like some of the guys early on , but its not all bad ...he reminded me that I used to write that was a good thing, how about the other guy?
He is OK, very open minded in many ways but a little close minded in others, of the making of books there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh
Are you talking about Karnautral
Nope the guy with the funny hat, ha
oh I get it Gandalf, I know him a bit, he is fair and always very factual that's a good thing
Yes it can be ........
I wanna ask about the other guy though, and those feelings he has, or whatever it is
whats it all about
tapping in
Tapping in to my Spirit
Is that what he did......but he does not even believe in you
well as someone said......I believe in Him.
can you explain how it works
Sure. Its like this, My Spirit is like a waterfall always flowing, just beyond the veil. Sometimes people inadvertently access this my power through selfless thoughts of love and compassion and for a brief moment they feel me, even if they do not even touch the water. They get sprinkled on so to speak, a mist a vapor, yet they know they have been touched, my spirit tells them
I see so that's what happened
so what should he do about it....anything?
well its up to him.......always is
yea I remember you are strong on free will
yep...... I am
so is there anything else to say about that
not a whole lot. It is up to people to follow. I mark the trail, yet they still have to have the faith to travel that trail. By the way that Karnautral should talk more to me, but he feels foolish as he has had his mind made up so long that I don't exist.....ha.
he has
yes but that is OK...not a problem. If he wants to receive all he has to do is ask, if he wants the door to open all he has to do is knock and if he wants to find....he has to do a little looking around...that's the way it works. You have to have an object in mind before you can search for it. Not knowing what you are looking for is confusion, its just driving around without a goal. He should ask himself what he is looking for, then he can start searching with a focused mind.
OK I will tell  him.....well I guess you already have ha I forgot how it works. See you later then
OK see you
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Questions for God :

Why do I get so angry and fedup with spiritual boards in general ? Why does a conversation supposedly aimed at the "spiritual" almost always ends up putting my stomach in knots ? (I guess it's the same with the political discussions).

Remember my youth, God ? When I read that book about Jean-Paul Sartre, and this thing he called bad faith ? I fell in love with the concept. Ever since I go around with my "bad faith radar". Sometimes I catch myself acting in bad faith, but, naturally, with this high opinion I have of myself, I most often detect it in others. Many conversations become imo useless, people defend views that do not challenge what they have to do, or specifically *not* do, it's always the fault of the *governements*, they always have some conspiracy theory at hand, then they think that everything will change when 1% of the population will get it "spiritually", they still talk about that urban legend of the 100 monkes.

They read books that preach to the converted : they think a book is great when the book reflects their views, when the book is some kind of confirmation of what they think -- from an external "trusted enough to be published" source. People are just lazy, intellectually and plainly... lazy.
And I am too, just like them. Which brings me to question 2 (if you could understand question 1).

I certainly have a difficult time putting my hands where my head is. I really want to do something, really do, and I don't do it. I want, for example, badly to contact an old friend, but precisely because I miss him very much, I wait till I am less "in want" and end up not calling him. As soon as the "want" is formulated, felt consciously, there seems to be a myriad of opposing forces... is that Satan ? Is that what we call Satan? Lack of courage ? Not doing something BECAUSE we decided to do it.
It's resistance, but not just that. Sometimes I feel like sleeping through my entire life. I resist to most kinds of investment, and "wanting". Buddhism attracts me : I want to take myself away from wanting, envy, ambition, I don't want to be caught up with any kind of ambition, except maybe the one that makes a positive difference in the world. But do I ?

Where does the resistance comes from ? You do seem like rewarding me with my effort, I admit. If I give enough, I get back. If I spend enough time working on something, the motivation gets stronger, and the inspiration too. But that might very well be only psychological.

I have decided to put you on a shelf. It's no time to talk about you, who cares about you now ? So many people are giving you a bad name. I'd rather pretend to be an atheist and have rational conversations where
you are not involved, if you don't mind. Do you approve ? Do you need me to worship you openly ? I don't think so. I have spoken about you in vain and vanity, time to stop now, and stand on my own 2 feet of rational thinking.

One of my teachers at the university said I was very rational, and it hurts. It seems almost like a fault to have : you are either rational, or creative. Well organized or creative. Boring or creative. So God, what should I do ? Maybe I should do a boring job, maybe that's what I am good at, organize those that are creative ?

I am angry God, why am I angry ? Why do I hate Americans ? But wait... why do I hate myself and others (it's usually in sync). I am disgusted by our human nature. This inertia. Not that we are bad people. We're good people, we are just .. well it seems like we don't have free will... we talk and act like robots... under the control of habit.

Also, I thank you for having taken sex away from me. It's one part of the equation that made the whole think suck for me, now it's out, and I thank you for that, no irony meant here. You know what I mean, right ?
(reference to a few days ago). Better without lust.



Flannery wrote a lot
Yes she wrote a lot......thought a lot too
well do you have anything for her
The plight of a searching heart.....the human condition
I don't understand
That's OK this is not for you
In much seeking is much grief, the life you have been given is often confusing and unless spiritually discerned it will seem unorganized and without direction
to everyone
as I said, unless spiritually discerned....yes, and even then it can at times be a puzzle. It is like Morse code, unless you know there is a message and someone is sending the signal it just sounds like ,......a interference....gibberish and nonessential sounds, yet if you have the key it unlocks the message. The spiritual life must be that way, to some it makes no sense so that in hearing they do not understand and in seeing they do not comprehend.
sounds very cryptic
that's a very good word to describe it
really is a mystery, and I love a mystery
OK so its up to us to figure things out.....but that is the whole point sometimes life makes no sense
not to you it doesn't at least not at the time you go through it
so what should she do
she should keep looking .....and she is, that is good. The only mistake she can make is giving up. Life is not what it is made up to be, there is a deeper level of living, deeper than most people comprehend. Sometimes it takes years for things to make sense, sometimes a split second. It has to do with focus. He that comes to me must believe that I am and that I am and that I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek me.....note diligently. This is a very misunderstood concept. I am not found in books, I am not found in self manipulation, my Spirit dwells in places often overlooked. The kind smile to a stranger, the selfless deed the trusting heart or the love shown in secret. I am like a bank of sorts, no withdrawing without deposits you could say, and yet around in every sphere, the chatter of voices thoughts and intents oceans of mindless self serving energy .....wasted. Focus is fixing your mind on a point, do few things and do them well, make habits good habits to drown out the voices and in doing so she will lay a seed that will blossom into a tree, the tiniest of seeds, yet a mighty should know
me why me
whats in a name.....Mustardseed
Oh I get it ha yes I guess I should
what would you tell Flannery, and Karnautral, and all the others
I don't know....I don't think I could tell them much
Go ahead give it a shot
OK well.......I guess I then would say that if I understand you is sometimes confusing, at least it is to me, but in times of confusion they should focus on things that they KNOW are right and then just keep doing that till things get less confusing....I guess
Pretty good
Well that's all fine but what are the things that are right then
what are they for you my friend
I think that in times when I go through it I concentrate on the little actually told me that before, sometime ago. I try my best to avoid introspection and analyzing too much, take time to speak to strangers, building others up and helping those who have fallen on hard times. It always helps me to get my eyes off myself and my own problems
In this you have stumbled on a great truth, ´for it is in giving you receive it is in loving you are loved and it is in letting go you will be held me, be an instrument of my peace and you widen the channel I use to speak to you, you deepen it so my Spirit can flow to you in the same Chanel in much greater me messure , no good deed is wasted no kind word will be overlooked, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.
we will be condemned...that does not sound so nice
Every man will be his own judge and one day you will see your life rolled out as a scroll, in that day we will take a look at it together. Don't worry about is a good thing
oh yea
that worries you right
a bit .....but listen I gotta go
OK till later then
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


At one point I wanted to avoid doing something that was senseless for me. The only way out was to get sick, the other option was to abandon 3 classes, which had consequences that I did not like, i.e. kissing goodbye to about 4,000$, anyway, God, you know my situation, this is more for Mustardseed - so I got sick, really sick. Thank you God. You gave me a ticket out, and I never regretted it. Now I am weary of something again, and I am getting sick... again. But should avoid what I have to do ?
It has to do with helping someone else with their ambition. A project where a person is kept isolated for 4 days, without food, in a glass jar, exposed to people walking down the street. To get attention, that's the goal. Get public attention. As we expect (hope, for some people) that the person that lives in such isolation will have a fit. We'll get him psychological help before and after. I volonteered with programming. I don't like the project so much anymore.

Is there a danger of sleeping too much ? I dream a lot, I sleep during the day mostly, because I wake up early now, with the sun. I have this habit of going to McDonald in the morning : my goal is to get out of the house with the sun. It's very slippery outside with my crutches, so I drive to a place that's cheap and open at this early hour and where I can sit and eat and read and write. ( I know it sounds bad to people : going to McDonald.. heeshh, well forget it, scroll down.. for Mustardseed : the filter coffee is good, and like I said it's cheap, and I AM cheap, that's why I can survive with a little.)

God, I value freedom, even when I don't know what to do with it. There is some shame in it : why should I be free ? What is it about me that I deserve to be on my own, independant ? Sounds like vanity, rebellion without a cause. But I think I need it, I am convinced I do : need lots of free time. To write. Which is another delusion. Been with me for so long that I feel as if it's written somewhere. New age people would say that I established a contract, before birth, that my life's purpose is so and so, which includes writing. Not so. I want to be an artist and live a bohemian life because I am selfish and think highly of myself and want to be free-free-free, as if I am part of some aristicratic class, above everyone else who has to have a job they don't really like, etc.

God, how can I pay you back? Where's my place in this world where I am not only a parasite but helpful ? What's my purpose ?

Just filled out a stupid questionnaire to find out how my chakras are...
don't laugh... seems like my head down to my neck is o.k. but everything below is closed. Of course the questionnaire sees as "wrong" the fact that someone doesn't express himself sexually, but that's another manner.
What are God's views about sex ? Is sex there only for procreation ?
(what's the pupose ? It seems it brings as smuch pleasure as pain, sometimes more pain, and I mean desire, lust...)


Just a simple question, Flannery. I'm wondering if you are male or female.

[Edit: Read your new post. The 'him/himself' threw me off in your post when Mustardseed had referred to you with 'her'.]
- Skeptical until proven otherwise -


I am female, lines.


Very well, I have just a couple questions.  Since meditating, reading about Buddha, studying theology and believing in Jesus my view on life has gotten 100% better.  So what can I do to better improve myself and those around me?  And when will I finally meet a spirit guide or my higher self when I OBE?



Someone is asking how they can better themselves....I guess you saw the question
I did
well then
Its not so complicated Mustardseed. The problem in bettering oneself as he calls it is, that it is not in studying learning and doing a lot of good things, that changes occur. The real change occurs when a person is so filled with my spirit and gives me so much leeway in their lives that they are finally able to be ME for each other.  
Be you, how can someone be are God
true but in a deeper sense of the word I am whoever I live in as well, people cannot see me, they can only see me in the love shown by those who loves me, and they in a way become my love for each other. Faith and hope, spiritual gifts and self sacrifice is nothing without my love. They are all good if they are done as unto me but any other motive will make them useless and vain. I mentioned that earlier in our conversation
I think I remember that actually....somewhere back there. The thread is getting so long
The world is full of people doing the right things for the wrong reasons, and when they do they gain nothing. I scope the heart and I see more than man. Anyway studying is a good beginning, it is in a way like preparing for the battle, much can be said for getting things ready ahead of time, but the real test is in how much the studies are lived
What about his spirit guide when will he meet them or it or whatever
Have you noticed how people all want the perfect life. They always talk in therms of perfect. She is a perfect 10 he is a perfect mate etc.
Yes but what does that have to do with the question
everything....people should consider this closer. Life is not a perfect set of orderly organized events, all lined up sometimes it appears a mess but the real issue is the process
I still don't understand what that has to do with the question he asked...sorry
The future of man is made up of the decisions and actions taken in the presence, it is not a set future, and so he will naturally have these experiences when he is ready, it depends on a lot of factors. Man has the ability to change a defeat into a victory, death into life, a useless existence into joy full living and when the pins are all ready I roll the ball. Think about it
all right then....I hope it makes sense to him
so do I Mustardseed do I.....he has a good start

PS someone wrote me a PM I will get to that soon, a bit busy at the moment, thanks for writing
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Well this is a good thread so far. Interesting answers you give Mustardseed. None of them are of "Christian" push ethic either, for that I thank you and have some trust of what is being said even :-).

My brother was able to observe me doing the thing where I get tears from sending the healing. He told me something real strange.  I start off white anyway to his "sight" (He has to close his eyes to "see" energy".) I get brighter, which is normal for energy work, however more white comes down from above-he describes it as coming from an energy band he feels is all around the Earth - high up..

All I know is today I was able to keep sending from the heart chakra to people-people I passed in cars etc etc for ages with the whole strobing, tears of joy thing etc...
ach I don't know... Will he tell you if this is something to do with some kind of partnership here? one where I acknowledge His/Her/It's presence and open to allow my intention to send healing and his/her will to flow with it? I can't express what I am knowing properly so there's some arrogance in the statement that I do not intend. All I know is I'm talking from a sense that I can't fully he willing to reveal anything to me via you here? I not quite trusting of my own verbal channeling ability.
May your [insert choice of deity/higher power etc here] guide you and not deceive you!



You know  God....I am not sure I understand the question you
Emotions are funny things Mustardseed, feelings are what set you all aside, just a little lower than the angels. Think about that just a little lower
I thought they were far more ....well above us i a  way
Not so, the only real difference is that they have been made with a set tuned station so to speak, you have to develop yours, through trial and error. He is all ready acknowledging me, he knows it as well. Nothing good, no loving sweet helpful and mercy full act can be even conceived without me being involved somewhere. People think its all their own idea, ha that's fine with me. I don't need a spin doctor or pr team to testify to my part. People feel it in their heart, if they listen. When they have been in touch with my spirit, there is a certain feel to it,and as they pass it on, others feel it as well...... they were "touched by an angel" in the flesh, for everyone who does my bidding is an angel in my realm.
wow that was a long one, I have to read it over a bit and think about it...thanks
you are most welcome my friend
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


I hope that everything is o.k. with you. That temperatures are warming up where you are. That you don't overwork yourself, and don't let the scorpio in you get too dark about matters of life.

If you have the time I have a general question for God. Maybe it's been answered before, it might sound like a cliché, but it does come up for me.

Why is it that you let people do "terrible things" in your name ? Some people seem to be sincere in feeling guided by you to do things that, to other people at least, are questionable. In my country, some gents fear the fondamentalist christianism in the States. What do you do about all this ? People getting very "hot" with you, yet becoming increasingly judgmental. That's what I mean (also). I know that we have to judge the "infuence" by the fruits. But some people don't see the same fruits as others. They see a rotten fruit where someone sees a beautiful fruit, and vice versa.

Also, if time permits, is there really any such thing as free will ? Aren't we, at any moment, the perfect and logical product of our past, of everything that lead up to this moment, and aren't our actions and decisions also, often just as unknowingly, the product of our environment (which is also the product of the past), our chemistry, genes, hormones, caffeine consumption, digestion and all those biological things...? Take pms for example  :shock:  It's an easy shot, but you know what I mean ? Our brain is constantly on drugs : natural and not so natural drugs, but mostly natural drugs produced by our bodies. We have learn reactions to stimuli, to certain events, etc... so where is the free will exactly ?
If we see the limits, the actual limits of everybody's free will, isn't there more room for compassion ? Compassion for ourselves and others I mean. We ignore the circumstances of other people, more often than not. Who are we to judge ?


Here is your next subject:

God, why does your personality, voice, and insight differ between channelers? How is the absolute truth between mediums absolute if it is inconsistent to another absolute truth, or vaguely related. As an independent, non-religious christian, I am confused by the traditional and modern interpretations of the Messiah, that he is the only way to God and those who do not believe he saved us cannot live in God or enter Heaven. Yet, we are all sons of God who will move on after death. Yet Christ is the Savior? What exactly has Christ "saved" us from, if not from entering heaven if we are already entitled to it? In short, I cannot seem to fathom a connection between fundamental Christian belief that "Christ is the only way" to the more open-minded wisdom that seems to make more sense.


I can field this one, Chaoslogic.


God? What's your policy on this?

Get over it.



Quote from: TelosI can field this one, Chaoslogic.


God? What's your policy on this?

Get over it.


haha!  :lol:



There were some questions, very good questions actually about the different channelers and why what they channel is sometimes different or inconsistent
OK so let us talk about that then,
Well why is that
There are many different reasons for this. Channeling prophesying or hearing from Me is not so easy for some it all depends
depends on what
The interference
interference by who..... or what
Ha ...mostly by people themselves
you mean people get mixed up
yes...sometimes people mix up my voice with their own thoughts or their own logic.Pride arrogance and self righteousness also play a role. I am neither proud arrogant nor am I always conceived to mortal men. My truths are often revealed to those poor in spirit, it all depends on the channel, the purity and the desire to hear from ME and that of putting their own thoughts away. Most people have a hard time doing that, this is why so many should learn to study to be quiet,my will not theirs my message not theirs. Imagine a large painting, if one focus in on only a corner a detail it looks as if it is a different scene all together, so in order to hear from me you must often come back several times, ask again, hear again, open minded and without preconceived ideas, after a while a larger picture will form.
OK that sounds interesting, actually I have had that happen to me several times, I think I know what you want me to do and that I have heard your voice but to be sure I ask again
Yes this thread is a good example of the greater picture
what about the fundamentalists and their views
People like to think they own me, .......they have me all figured out, and the rules are clear ....and everyone likes to be on  a winning team. It is so easy that way, being saved becomes a club, a physical thing almost keep these rules say these words judge all others, but my truth runs deeper than this
so these folks are ....well what are they
they are learning and growing like you all are, learning that my truth cannot fit in a box and a building cannot hold my spirit for what building will they build for me , Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool and I do not live in buildings temples made by man, but I dwell in the secret places in the heart.
so some of those fundamentalists.......they are wrong
some will come to me and say in your name we did cast out demons did great works so give us our reward and in that day I will say hey back off you missed the did not do it for love, there will be weeping at that time when people realize how much more important things they could have done, had they only loved
and the thing about Jesus.....what are people to be saved from
themselves. When all is counted and a life is measured when the last day is at hand and the scroll is opened you will judge yourself, I judge no man, at least not at that point,at the end of a life a man is judged by the very life he lived. Being saved is having faith in this truth that I AM, love anyone who loves knows me and anyone who does not love knows me not....its that simple. Through this love, MY love, and not yours man can connect with me and in doing so transcend his own inability, the human condition, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
is that it
ha well part of the I said its a big picture. The secret is in the heart and in the motive. The best and most perfect man who has lived supposedly a life for me can die and have a lot to learn and the simplest humble weakest man can die and go straight to my presence, for to whom much has been given of him shall be much required and to the one with the lesser gifts less is expected ......another part of the picture
sounds a bit complicated to be
well think about it and by the way get back to work....I have a ride for you....someone I want you to meet
OK ....let me close down bye God
till later my friend
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hi, im the brother of this poster. I have a few questions for GOD.

Yaldabaoth. Is this GOD you are in communication with Yaldabaoth, the Gnostic demiurge? If not, where does Yaldabaoth fit in?

Secondly, Why was El's gate destroyed at the tower of babel?

Is God still angry with El? (El being the lofty top dog of the elohim in the Canaanite pantheon)

(btw, gods starship is called his "Merkabah")


God, is it possible that you are nothing more than the product of the channeler's imagination. I understand that imagination is the software that allows the two languages of ours and the divine to be translated. We receive insight and our imagination processes it into something we understand. What is the possibility that you, God, are such a product of this translation?



You know something God........I have a few questions myself for you
Ha....he really got to you didn't he
got to me? mean Frank
yup.....he got to you!
yes he did actually.....but not in a bad way, he seems such a nice guy
He is
so how about you help me out with my questions
you ask the question and I will see if I can answer.....yes you heard right I will see if I can answer
hey.....I thought you could answer anything, whats that all about
I have certain rules that I stick to, just to keep myself in check, mostly so no one will get hurt you included. You wont get it so don't ask about that stick to that other question
........OK well what is reality, is this life as we know it only a construct and how does it all work, with phasing etc
OK so let me get this would like me t tell you how the universe is screwed together, how I did it and how I continue to do it in other words give you the secret of eternity
well ......yes If it would be OK with you....I would like to know
OK.....but only if you can keep it a secret and not tell everybody
well this is a public forum so I guess others will read it deal.  
but how do you want t do it then
Just kiddin Mustardseed, to be honest no can do. Think about what you are asking for, the secrets of the universe the kernel to the whole thing. I cant do that but I can do something else
OK well what can you do then
I can tell you where to start looking
Think about it this way, the power and energy of the universe is like a mighty current, all the rivers of the world all the wind all the fire, its like nature. Everyone has a part in nature everyone experiences nature in some way and everyone has a construct from where to do this. The guy who has a nice house looks through the window into the garden from HIS constructION and observes, some want to get closer and live in a camper or a boat, they experience more of nature and are more in the midst of the elements. Some want to go and become one with nature and live in a tent, they are really at the mercy of the elements and some just decide to sleep under a tree making that their construct.Nature is force full, so are my truths and I  have made it so that they are best enjoyed and experienced from within a construct. No scientist would do much good without a frame work from where he could examine what he collects, so its all for your own good
but what about lets say a very fundamentalist construct
that's the whole point, some people forget about the rivers the forests and the wind and weather. They live TOTALLY with in a man made environment, they solidify and forget ME they freeze in their conformity and they say to themselves, this is our world we see the whether on TV stay inside when its bad and only expose ourselves to the nice things, a bit of sun on the veranda, Sunday morning service. We have the answers to how it works in our remote control
its all a lot.....but you say that we all have some kind of construct.....does that include Frank.....he seems to have a lot of answers
he is just a little closer to the reality of nature, he accepts the fact that he is only one in a line of explorers a tiny link in the chain, someone else will come after him and go further and understand more, but he should change his question
what do you mean
He should not only ask how......also why, as I said before so much of the answer is in the motive
well......I don't understand that so you will have to tell him that
just did
then there is the questions about the experience I had
ask Frank
ask Frank.....I just did he sent me to ask you, it would not be so nice to go back and say you didn't know, ....God
don't get fresh with me MS......ask Frank what he thinks

this is very embarressing......
I think it is does Frank.....good sense of humor he's got..........note to self, "create future explorers with good amount of humor, it works well"
Note to self.....come on this is getting too long anyway I gotta go
ok CYA
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


To God:

-What is the propose of this thread?

-Is the god the old testament talks about, is that you?
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


QuoteNature is force full, so are my truths and I have made it so that they are best enjoyed and experienced from within a construct. No scientist would do much good without a frame work from where he could examine what he collects, so its all for your own good

Thank you Mustardseed & God.

Some people think (I am saying "some people" but of course you know who I mean..) that we choose a general path before our birth, that there are lessons to be learnt & patati & patata. I am afraid that I have NOT chosen to be single all my life. What the bonk is going on here?


Quote from: Flannery
QuoteNature is force full, so are my truths and I have made it so that they are best enjoyed and experienced from within a construct. No scientist would do much good without a frame work from where he could examine what he collects, so its all for your own good

Thank you Mustardseed & God.

Some people think (I am saying "some people" but of course you know who I mean..) that we choose a general path before our birth, that there are lessons to be learnt & patati & patata. I am afraid that I have NOT chosen to be single all my life. What the [edit] is going on here?

What if you wrote that into your life? What if the experience of being single and experiences associated with the confusion of being single were intended? Sylvia Brown, a well-respected author, like Robert Bruce, claims that we write it into our charts these experiences we go through.

I wonder why I'm still single and why my social life is so stuck in limbo. The only logical reason is that that one special someone hasn't come by yet, but it still feels like a make-shift answer.

Anyway, Mustard Seed / God, that didn't answer Frank's question. You're speaking in poetic metaphors, which really tells us what we already knew to begin with. Since you are the intellectual God, and all-knowing, you already fathom the legitimacy of Frank's challenge. At least go into some detail about the physical, scientific fundamentals of how the universe was concieved. Science is inspiried through the spiritual,
so why all the games and charades? Why are the world's most intellectually complicated questions unanswerable? Why must we climb
the mountain only to be told that the answers are there but are too good for us to know? Why is it okay to give us information by the most obscure means but it is not okay to give us the information we want when we contact you by direct means and ask for it? If the information
is there in the Askashic, anyone could simply access it and discover the cure for cancer (if not the idea / inspired idea from reviewing the instructions for the cure in the Ashkashic). So why can't this information be directly communicated and provided? Why are we given the shaft?

Are you too good for us, God?

Is there a reason why a few paragraphs on the nature of dark matter cannot be revealed, or perhaps some cryptic clues given to us to ponder over, inspire, and contemplate?

Also, if you are the almighty God, why are you not the fundamentalist bible God? How can you be the God that was written, but is not at present? Why are you a silent God that forsakes us to our own devices? Why are you a helpless God that writes about empowerment through other individuals. Why do you remain the silent God that disappeared after ages of walking on the earth based on those teachings?


Bismillah hirrahman irrahim
Alhamduhlillah hirabilah alamin
arahman irrahim malikiaomedin
iadinabuduh wa iadinastain hidina siratal mustakin
siratal ladina walhamta allahhim
raierilmactuba walahhim walla dahlin

That's about all i wanna tell god :)
And say thanks for this wonderful Religion



This is soooo interesting! Thanks for sharing it! :D much energy with it!


Quotegot to me? mean Frank
yup.....he got to you!

I can't find his questions, can somebody link me? Thanks
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross
