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Don't try this meditation!

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EDIT: I found out that this meditation can open you up to the demonic influence, and cause geat harm that cannot be undone easily. Please don't try it, and avoid the whole JoS pages at all costs.
For more info:


Recently I've found these voice based meditations, and after trying them I can say that results achieved with them in a few days can be compared to years of work using  visualization.
It is taken from , and only hosted by site not worth of entering)
My experiences with meditation:

Third eye meditation:
For me after 2 days of meditating(10 min. per day) my third eye opened, I've started seeing many random pictures and colors when in trance, and seeing very detailed Negs in dark rooms in normal state of consciousness. It was extreme fun. Also it became possible to see astral RTZ directly from the physical world.
Other meditations were not as effective, because I didn't wait 7 days after using this one, although my solar plexus chakra was extremely stimulated too. I'll wait 7 days and try again.


Hi veggie,

Pleased to have a new technique to get to new horizons, but I'd like to ask some questions about your precontext in order to not goof it up.

1. Mr Bruce advices in his book not to overstrain upper chakras if we don't want to suffer from headaches, so: what's your experience in this field?, have you been regular with NEW meditation before trying your exercise?.
2. Have you suffered from side effects, as headaches or the like?.
3. Does the exercise affects the other chakras in some way?.
4. Shouldn't the bee sound be closer to the TH of "think" θ rather than that of "the" ð ?

Anyway I see this technique as a yoga practice: mudra, pranayama and raja... all together and all combined to inflame the third eye.

It is said that the bee breath (bhramari pranayama) does: soothes the nerves and calms the mind. The mudra is just as a lock or a multiplexor which redirects the energy in some way or other.

By the way, for someone who would want more energy instantly I'd recommend bhastrika pranayama. I've had really good experience with it, but be careful with its practice.

One more word, when I activate chakras in the "traditional" way, with visualization, I put in practice that advice given in the book and which indicates to rebound a wave of energy from side to side across the head... I use to start to lose my body's sense and feel a floating sensation... just a commentary.


Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
It is taken from , and only hosted by site not worth of entering)

Hey!, didn't browse the rest of the web!, it's a nazi web!!!, by god's sake!!!. What the heck is doing a chakra activation exercise in a filthy place like that?.

Even more, I've seen some incongruencies about runes, planets and chakras. It is said that the third eye is ruled by the moon... well, all sources consulted say that it is ruled by mercury, the planet of knowledge and communication. The head is related to fire in occultism, and moon is a watery entity, because it rules all pertinent to sea, inner fluids, pregnancy,...

The World card mentioned is clearly ruled by Saturn, the harder planet to the harder concept of existence (matter), and it is mostly related to the root chakra, muladara, than to other one.

Any commentary?


1. Mr Bruce advices in his book not to overstrain upper chakras if we don't want to suffer from headaches, so: what's your experience in this field?, have you been regular with NEW meditation before trying your exercise?.
2. Have you suffered from side effects, as headaches or the like?.
3. Does the exercise affects the other chakras in some way?.
4. Shouldn't the bee sound be closer to the TH of "think" θ rather than that of "the" ð ?
1. Working on chakras starting from upper ones is safer, because when the kundalini will start all chakras will be already unblocked. I've tried to open chakras with NEW first, but it's hard work. NEW is better for secondary energy centers. I am using NEW for more tan one year now.
2. Only a slight headache today, but nothing serious, and it lasted less than hour, without need to use painkillers.
3. There's exercise for every chakra here.
4. Bee sound is used  for crown chakra and that is done 7 days after opening third eye chakra. For third eye chakra the sound is "THHHHH" as in "the"

Hey!, didn't browse the rest of the web!, it's a nazi web!!!, by god's sake!!!. What the heck is doing a chakra activation exercise in a filthy place like that?.
Yes, probably Maxine's Dietrich husband is a neo-nazi. I've told you to not read it.

Even more, I've seen some incongruencies about runes, planets and chakras. It is said that the third eye is ruled by the moon... well, all sources consulted say that it is ruled by mercury, the planet of knowledge and communication. The head is related to fire in occultism, and moon is a watery entity, because it rules all pertinent to sea, inner fluids, pregnancy,...

The World card mentioned is clearly ruled by Saturn, the harder planet to the harder concept of existence (matter), and it is mostly related to the root chakra, muladara, than to other one.

Any commentary?
I've heard one person who is advanced in astrology mentioning that front of 3rd eye chakra is ruled by Sun and back by moon. I think that this person could be right, because he was also right on many issues regarding chakras. He was the first person I've heard of that found out that crown and base chakras are not chakras at all but entirely different energetical structures.


Well, for one, this site seems Satan-based, so i would shy away from it if possible:

Azazel was one of the watchers, who was banished from heaven after, with the other watchers (I believe there were 7 watchers), taught how to make weapons, use science, and kill proficiently.
I Will Spark The Brain That Will
Change The World - Tupac Shakur


The techniques look like a mix of yoga with runes. It seems reasonable to track them back to their original sources before working with them.


Well, for one, this site seems Satan-based, so i would shy away from it if possible:
I think that your fear is based on Chrsitan ideology. You should remember that some of it is propaganda.
Azazel was one of the watchers, who was banished from heaven after, with the other watchers (I believe there were 7 watchers), taught how to make weapons, use science, and kill proficiently.
Where did you found such information?


I have come across this before and I am still a bit discouraged from practicing the meditations, mainly for two reasons.

Reason number 1:
I often go too far activating my third eye just by building energy there and end up in bed for several days with a crushing headache. I can only imagine what this meditation (which is suppose to be much stronger) will do.

Reason number 2:
QuoteThese new meditations are filled with Satanic energy.
This is comforting to know. :shock:

Nonetheless I gave it a shot today because I was too curious. I haven't experienced anything yet. The mantras produce a sound that is not very pleasing; I guess that is with most mantras though.

The content on the pages itself is not bad but it would be much more encouraging if there was no affiliation with Satanism. CaCoDeMoN I understand what you are saying about the propaganda. But they wouldn't have gotten it so mixed up that Satan and God were put on the wrong sides of the pendulum (good and evil that is).

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


I've heard one person who is advanced in astrology mentioning that front of 3rd eye chakra is ruled by Sun and back by moon. I think that this person could be right, because he was also right on many issues regarding chakras. He was the first person I've heard of that found out that crown and base chakras are not chakras at all but entirely different energetical structures.

Mmmm, maybe,  maybe. I'm confused right now. It's said that Mercury rules the very final mystery of this physical world, perhaps because it rules communication chanels (even more than information), and our world's tangibility is a matter of perception rather than of touch.

But it is true that the final objective is to meet yin and yang, moon and sun, but... in the third eye?, when ida and pingala's energies converge in susuma, the overall energy discharge goes from muladara up to the crown center where it explodes in some kind of million-petaled flower of pristine white light which baths the whole of our being. But this happens in the top, not one floor below...

I've collected the next clasification... maybe could fit somehow:
Third Eye     Moon, Sun
Throat Centre    Mercury
Heart Centre    Venus
Navel Centre    Mars
Sex Centre    Jupiter
Root Centre    Saturn

Saturn restricts, and so the root center is restricted surrounded in three hard veils which contempt that center's huge energy current. Even more, Saturn (tarot's World) is seen as the janitor, the gate watcher, and the root is the very first main entry point.

Jupiter is known as a sex seeker in mythology. And he is the son of Saturn, so it must be in second place before his father. Even, we could thought of Saturn as the last survivor titan (more than a god) and Jupiter as the first god in a more ordered world. Take in count that Saturn devoured his sons and daughters, as an allegory of diferent energy waves returning to their source (microcosmic orbit's loop nature).

Mars stands, clearly, for energy and war. Isn't the subnavel center the energy storage place?.

Venus... nature, unconditional love, the mysteries of nature... maybe.

Mercury, comunication chanels, throat,... could fit, for sure.

But my doubt on colours continues there, standing in the middle of the path. What colour system to use?. If we thing of chakras as from grosser to finner, from down to up, from excited to calmed, the colours from below should start from the botton of colour spectrum, red, and finish up in violet. In fact, I've found several schemas in which, in order, they're put as: black (root), red (sex), orange (navel), yellow (plexus), green (heart), cyan (throat), blue (forehead) and violet (top). Of course this color system doesn't fit with that used in astrology... So, what colours do you folks use to visualize your chakras??

Well, I think I've quacked quite enough ;-), please, any light on colours will be of great help.

Thank you all.

PD: have a look at this link.


I use such colors:
root - white or very bright orange
sexual chakra - red
navel chakra - orange
solar plexus  - yellow and bright orange
heart chakra - green
throat chakra - bright blue
third eye chakra - purpe ot white
crown - white

This is comforting to know.

Nonetheless I gave it a shot today because I was too curious. I haven't experienced anything yet. The mantras produce a sound that is not very pleasing; I guess that is with most mantras though.

The content on the pages itself is not bad but it would be much more encouraging if there was no affiliation with Satanism. CaCoDeMoN I understand what you are saying about the propaganda. But they wouldn't have gotten it so mixed up that Satan and God were put on the wrong sides of the pendulum (good and evil that is).
I think that neither side is good or evil. They just have totally different motivations. Of course both sides have their own propaganda, and depict other side as evil. I think that you should read what Spiritual Satanists write about themselves at , and then judge it.

These new meditations are filled with Satanic energy.
I think that it's not true, these meditations can safely be used by everyone and this text was added so more people would dedicate ther souls. From what I read dedication has similar meaning to baptism in Christianity.


Hi there,

Found these words... may they be helpful for someone.


The Six Câkrâ in the Human Body.
{Transcription from holograph notebook of Aleister Crowley}
1. Mûlâdhâra the place of the Root or of Beginnings is at the base of the spinal column. It has 3 petals & 55 rays, & is the seat of Prithivi or Bhu.
Here Kundalinî lies coiled in 3½ coils in the form of a serpent, over the entrance of the Sushûmna canal, so closely knit together around it that no Prana can pass.
2. Svadisthâna. the "proper place" of Kundalini i.e. in the Yogi. Situated in the navel. Seat of the Apo tatwa.
3. Manipûra the "city of gems" so-called because very brilliant. In the Solar Plexus. Abode of Agni tatwa.
4. Anáhata also called Hridiyama means "sound without collision" or "heart". In the heart. Abode of Vâyu tatwa.
5. Vishûddha means "purity". In the root of the neck below larnyx. Seat of Akâsa tatwa.
6. Ajñâ between the eyebrows. Means "Knowledge". Seat of Mano tatwa.
7. Sahasrâra above the head means the "thousand-petalled"

There are 3 breathings:
Rechakam: throwing out
Kumbhakam: storing
Purakam: inhaling
First Breathing

for purifying the Nadi (rivers or {...})
Assume an Asana (posture) which keeps the spine & head in one vertical straight line.
With the thumb & ring-finger of the r.h. close Pingala & do Recakam through Ida.
[Note Also Pîngala is the Solar (Surya = 6) current on the r.h. side of the human male body; Ida is the Lunar (Candra = 9) current on the l.h.
In women these are reversed.
Sushumna or Devamarga (path of the gods) is in the middle & is the vehicle of Agni.]
Then without any intermission, do Purakam through Ida.
Then close Ida with the ring-finger & do Recakam through Pingala.
And so on.
One cycle may be inaccurately termed a Prana-yama.
Let him do 80 such 4 times a day; but not more than 80.
The times of day are
(a) one hour before dawn
(b) at noon before feeding (This applies universally)
(c) About sunset
(d) Midnight
Ascertain the rate of Pranayama each man for himself: the idea is to breathe slightly more slowly,but much more deeply, than usual.
Prana-yama means "control of Prana". Prana is the cosmic Spirit of Life.
By restraining breath, then, we restrain Prana: by restraining Prana we restrain thought: thought, departing, leaves room (Heb. in space) for nothingness.
It now becomes permissible, the nerves being purified to do a ore-correctly-so-described Pranayama, which is identical with above but internal Kumbhakam.
A Yoglet may know when his Nadî are purified by the appearance of the following signs:
1. Clear skin ü
2. Beautiful voice ü
3. Calm appearance of face
4. Bright eyes
5. Hearing constantly the Nada (silence)


I just took a look at:

I must admit I learned some new things about Satanism. But lets face it, it is a sect like most "Religions" are.
Most of the things that are said on this web page are probably true and spiritual. So, I just shorty mention what I don't like:

1: They realize that the Jewish god wasn't really good. This is obviously true (IMO) just read thru the old testament. But now they fell into the same trap as to think that Satan was actually the real God. I would strongly suggest that these people read thru some books by Erich v. Däniken. Soon they will realize that the old testament is a report about the landing of a alien race on our planet. Yahweh/Jehovah was an alien and Satan was an alien, no goods involved. They got into a fight and the rest is history. This is all very well documented in the Däniken books. Satan/Yahweh were beings like you and I, they lied, they got angry etc..

2: They say " Satanism is a life loving religion" but why then, I wonder do they write in red (blood) and their Symbols are covered with flames (destruction)? Satanism is usually perceived as I Life denying Thing, I don't feel as that they really try to get away from that image.
It seems obviously to me that they feed from being shocking.

3: I can't really understand what exactly their problem  with Jesus is, he obviously did healing, good things and preached Love.
" In order to arrive at a place you do not know you must go by a way you do not know "

-St John of the Cross


1: They realize that the Jewish god wasn't really good. This is obviously true (IMO) just read thru the old testament. But now they fell into the same trap as to think that Satan was actually the real God. I would strongly suggest that these people read thru some books by Erich v. Däniken. Soon they will realize that the old testament is a report about the landing of a alien race on our planet. Yahweh/Jehovah was an alien and Satan was an alien, no goods involved. They got into a fight and the rest is history. This is all very well documented in the Däniken books. Satan/Yahweh were beings like you and I, they lied, they got angry etc..
Satan as an alien? I think that it could be also a possibility, even Satanist at admit that demons are aliens:

2: They say " Satanism is a life loving religion" but why then, I wonder do they write in red (blood) and their Symbols are covered with flames (destruction)? Satanism is usually perceived as I Life denying Thing, I don't feel as that they really try to get away from that image.
It seems obviously to me that they feed from being shocking.
Flames could also mean desire and inspiration, red is a color of life(blood), and root chakra, that is connetion to physical world.

3: I can't really understand what exactly their problem with Jesus is, he obviously did healing, good things and preached Love.
Yes, but he understood spiritual development as Right Hand Path, and Satanists are Left Hand Path. I think that most of their hate is reasonless.


well, that third eye meditation is powerfull...

i tried difftent tones on that "tthhhh"...i am not very sure about the corect one maybe u will help me out with that

i was also quite tired when tried that...

strong vibrations in third eye region, stron presure, no visuals...i'll give it a go for sevral days now and report


Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
Well, for one, this site seems Satan-based, so i would shy away from it if possible:
I think that your fear is based on Chrsitan ideology. You should remember that some of it is propaganda.
Azazel was one of the watchers, who was banished from heaven after, with the other watchers (I believe there were 7 watchers), taught how to make weapons, use science, and kill proficiently.
Where did you found such information?

I have nothing against you, perhaps such an expression would be ovious with a satan-website if someone were to be religious doing chakra-work.

I dont like the website reguardless of being christian or-not. (I am not Christian).

Dont know why something such as energy work would be on such a website. No wounder people call pagans satanists!

I've read -

****There is a lower order of Demons. They have firey red eyes and the rubbery wings. They serve purposes such as protection, or chasing off enemy spirits and are assistants to higher ranking Demons.***

Some people believe these beings are called 'The Reptilians' and also believe they have a purpose but are the downfall of humanity.

I know this sounds crazy but thousands and lots more know about this 'space-being race'. Take for instance David Ickle wich his books can be quite scarce about them.

**assisting higher ranking demons indeed'


Well I have tried this now for 4 days and yesterday I was done with making the "thhh" sound so I decided to do some meditating on the third eye. But first I listened to some music and the base from the music got my third eye "pumping" :) and when I started to meditated I saw "stars" after about 10 to 20min but I started to move my eyes so they disappeared. I also get a small dot of some color like green or blue after looking with eyes closed for a while, but I think I had that before this I just haven't thought about it or it comes faster now (about 5 to 10 seconds).

The third eye has got pretty sensitive after this "opening" just by thinking of it for like 10 seconds can make it pulse. I've also got this weird smell I have never smelt before so I can't really describe it but I've started to think of it as a third eye smell :) .

I'm going to try to meditate on it tonight again and see if I get something new happens today.


so kind of stars i saw 2....

what was nicer that it was a 3D not 2D like most of my visualisation...

i was pretty tired this days and coudn't try this one...but as soon as i'll finish my work and get back on feet i'll do it again


ya good technique, thanks for sharing it cacodemon. ive always been able to trigger my third eye and get it "pumping" but this method works faster. I thought maybe this would finally help me open my third eye, but even after 6 days it still hasnt opened. Ive done a lot of meditating and energy raising on my third eye even before this, but it still hasnt opened. What the hell is wrong with me is this normal?


I wonder why everyone uses only 3rd eye meditation... In the link I've provided there are such meditations for nearly every chakra.
Some people believe these beings are called 'The Reptilians' and also believe they have a purpose but are the downfall of humanity.
So why many new-agers have Reptillians and Greys as their spiritual guides(more of a deceivers than guides really)? I've also saw HP Maxine's post in which she mentioned that Reptilians and Greys are enemies of humanity.
I personally don't believe in all these alien types at all.

I know this sounds crazy but thousands and lots more know about this 'space-being race'. Take for instance David Ickle wich his books can be quite scarce about them.
From what I know David Icke's Reptilians are only a metaphor for human organizations secretly ruling most of countries now. Typical conspiracy stuff.


My guess is because anything connected with Satanism is a compromise for most of us here and only the third eye meditation seems to justify it. Still, it really does look like it is just yogic methods combined with runes.


wow, you know im staying away from this....

[hey andonitxo, in what city you live in, i lived in Toulouse, and my grandma lives in Basque Country too, or very near it.  She's in Handaye-St. Jean de Luz, and my uncle in Biarritz.]


My guess is because anything connected with Satanism is a compromise for most of us here and only the third eye meditation seems to justify it. Still, it really does look like it is just yogic methods combined with runes.
Why only third eye? Do you think that meditations on other chakras in this link should not be used?


The meditation techniques themselves do not sound at all Satanic. I think they were just stolen from other sources and described in red print to get attention. I have no problem with the techniques. It just seems like they are mixing food with poison by describing the techniques as having Satanic energy. I found I am willing to risk it for more third eye energy, but that in general Robert Bruce's NEW and reiki work well enough for the other chakras. Like I keep saying, if we could track down these techniques to the sources they were stolen from, it would be a lot easier to get people to use all of them and not just the third eye one.


It is easy to claim that something was stolen, I'd like to know from where do you think it was stolen? Photos of hands were certainly done by satanists, yoga probably doesn't use runes too(especially that "sigel" rune, it's certainly occult/satanic, was used by German SS forces).
Also if it was stolen, it would appear at the site at once, not be continuously enhanced...


The Nazis stole some runes, too, by ripping them from their proper context. The swastika was once the hammer of Thor. The runes may be occult as in hidden, but they are not in any way satanic. When I say that the Satanists stole from runes and yoga, it is because they claimed that what they took is satanic rather than giving credit where it was due.

You wanted to know why the techniques were not being used more. I'm telling you that if you can go back to the original sources of the techniques and put them back in context, the techniques would be used more.