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Astral sight message about Light & Darkness...

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Hi, first of all!  

I was once told something similar to your post about light and dark.  He compared good and evil to a candle's flame.  As I meditated in a dark area with a candle, I was struggling with issues of being good or evil(due to my father's practice of dark magick--which I've never done).  I asked about this.  He stated, "Good is like the flame, whereas, the evil surrounds the light.  In the heart of people there is both.  There is no black or white, only different shades of gray.  Darkness surrounds the flame but there is always light shining through, penetrating the dark, offering hope."  I found this interesting.  

I also believe it to a certain extent.  There has to be a balance or the world would break apart in chaos.  Although I would love a world with no hate, violence, or despair, we would not as spiritual beings learn.  I have always had both.  Sometimes if something really good happens something just as bad happens a week or so later.  I find that their is a respect for light and dark even though we may not see it.  I will try to explain my view as best as I can by using nature as an example.  

IMO good(light) and evil(dark) is very much like nature.  A lion can sit for hours around zebras without making any effort to kill it.  But then, without any warning, it will strike out.  Also consider a waterhole filled with crocodiles surrounded by gazelles, baboons, and various fowl being forced to live in a confined area due to lack of water.  For example, baboon A approaches the water's edge because the temperature is 100+ F degrees and must have water to produce milk for her baby.  Baboon A risks the dark(waterhole filled with crocs) to survive.  The crocodiles do not kill baboon A because they are not hungry and want to conserve energy in the heat of the sun.  But then, baboon B approaches the waterhole for a drink due cool itself a half hour later.  This time the crocodile(s) go in for the kill.  Just like baboon A must take the chance baboon B does, thus, creating a balance.  Now the crocodiles are not free from the dark either.  A croc can succomb to the heat as the waterhole is depleted of water as the drought continues or to another croc as a food source.  Or a croc can find a way to survive by digging a 2-3 feet deep hole to stay cool and conserve a little moisture to survive until the rains come.  It is a touch and go environment just like everything in life is.  Whether we are deserving or not does not matter because such things as light and dark have to blend into the environment to make gray, a balance between the two.  Without the dark there would be no order.  Without light there would be no order.  Loss and hope are two variations of light and dark.  Sometimes the loss is needed to reach hope.

I hope I explained my opinion in a way to understand how I feel light and dark are both needed.  Sometimes it is not easy to accept it when we are dealt a blow from darkness but there is always a ray of light coming from somewhere--if we look for it.

That is my view.  I hope I explained it and did not confuse you.    

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.

Edited by - LadyLea on 20 February 2002  13:58:14


I think that we need light and dark, good and evil, in order to have the ability to choose.

Lehi taught his sons that there needs to be opposition in all things. He went on to teach his sons that with out the opposites there would be no ability to choose. (Book of Mormon)

As i am reading Raja Yoga. If i understand what is written. We choose our divine potential or choose the lower forms of emotions, passions and etc.

My guess is that Light and Dark are very much needed. We then choose our own attraction or desire for one or the other.


I agree with you. Without dark, how would we know light? There must be contrast or else there will be a complete breakdown of all things. If there was no darkness in the world, we wouldn't appreciate anything because we would be ignorant to it. We wouldn't seek to learn, improve or do anything at all for that matter. We would just be- sitting, completely content with everything, and unapprecitive to all. Light learns from dark.

"Look within, thou art the Budda"

Blue Light Mystic

Hi to you as well LadyLea! i love your father's comparison to good and evil, as good being the flame of light from a candle and evil's the darkness that surrounds it, what a very true way of describing it! and yes, there are also those who are neutral as well. They can either be good or bad, and we all have this within us as well. yes, i also like how one candle's flame lit in complete darkness can be seen as a symbol of hope. i like that comparison as well! it's kind of like the flame as being the one true spark that is what makes up even the most evil person's main being up! and someday, maybe centuries and as spending many other lifetimes in the future reincarnating into another being or person, that one spark will someday expand and grow, grow into something more beautiful and wonderful. and, that can also be considered why this one flame symbolizes hope even for the most evil existing being! one day, the flame will continue to grow and expand into the surrounding darkness that's all around it until it completely will diminish it and will be the only beautiful light that will be seen too! i'm talking about someone who will have lived so many lifetimes and have learned and grown during them so much, that they have expanded their inner spark of God light to the degree of engulfing all of their surrounding darkness until they have reached ultimate evolvement and enlightment. -smile-

now, you had said all of this, "I also believe it to a certain extent. There has to be a balance or the world would break apart in chaos.  Although I would love a world with no hate, violence, or despair, we would not as spiritual beings learn.  I have always had both.  Sometimes if something really good happens something just as bad happens a week or so later.  I find that their is a respect for light and dark even though we may not see it."

i agree with everything above that you had said too! light and darkness need each other in many ways, and one of these ways is that each side can grow and learn from one another. and yes, there has to be balance, and it seems that balance has to occur with many other things within this world including giving and taking from our Earth Mother, Mother Earth. we should be a whole lot more loving and considerate to her than we are. if we keep procreating, building homes to live in on her and continue to keep greedily using her natural resources that she has provided for not only us but every -other- living being that exists on her, then there eventually will be a great disbalance and there will be chaos too! we keep taking and taking from her and not giving back to her!

now, i could go on and on here about this, but i won't and will just continue commenting on how i can see and agree with your above views. yes, i also seem to experience having something really good happen to me, then something bad soon after seems to happen to me too! i wonder why that is? geez, right? for instance. say you've just hit the million dollar lottery, right? is all of it yours? no! the government gets 50% of your share! how horrible, right? so, you've won the lottery and then half of it gets taken away! however, you do get some of it and someone else gets half of it as well. if you see it that way, at least you've been able to keep and have the good thing that had happened in keeping some of the money stay with you. hopefully if something really good were to ever happen to any one of us, and then a really bad thing would occur, hopefully the good occurance would stay with us and the bad thing would stay for a short while but not linger around as long and would soon go away.

so, even though one side may hurt us and the other doesn't, we should also respect even the dark side or bad things that may happen to us. we should respect both opposing sides and even if something bad happens to us, maybe it's due to karma or a life lesson that we should see as having a chance to learn from as well as gain maybe spiritual growth from too!

i also loved how you compared the crocodiles and the baboons! that's quite perfect i'd say! yes, light and dark can also be seen existing in nature too. there has to be a balance between the two, and neutrality seems to step in to do this very well. I even liked how you further said this, "Without the dark there would be no order.  Without light there would be no order.  Loss and hope are two variations of light and dark.  Sometimes the loss is needed to reach hope." this to me if very true indeed! sometimes we have to go down and lose our hope in order to see hope and the light again. i wonder why that seems to work out that way sometimes?

and yes, you explained your opinions and thought on this very well and i loved your comparisons you gave me too, so thanks! -smile- maybe in having hits from or being smacked and attacked from the dark side is what may overall help some of us to wake up again and see hope and the light once more, especially if we are really feeling down.

here is a small story i had experienced only a few weeks ago that i'd like to share with you and the others who are on this forum about what may happen if you call on God to help you if you're feeling really down and even have lost hope.

i was really feeling very down for awhile to the degree where i was lying in my bed wanting to leave this plane of existence, i saw the darkness as well as many other forms and various mental images of beings of darkness that were all around me. (and, i had probably -attracted- them due to how low and depressed i was feeling at that specific time). the next thing i knew, i was wondering if God had cared about me anymore, or even at all. within a minute or so in lying there, i suddenly clairvoyantly saw a glowing white face appear several feet above and in front of me that seemed to be peering from inside of the darkness that was all around me. the face of the person who i was seeing then came out of the opening he had created within the darkness and came down closer to where i was laying on my bed at to me. i was extremely surprised at who and what i had then seen! it was an angel! this angel was glowing white and shined through the darkness so beautifully and brightly, i had instantly seen all of the darkness including the dark beings who i had attracted with my strong feelings of feeling down move farther away from me and quickly decided to turn their backs completely around to this white angel. yes, i actually saw all of that, because this angel was that strong in allowing me to see him and glowed in the darkness like how the sun would if it had suddenly appeared at night! he wasn't that bright, but he was bright enough for me to see what was going on around me spiritually. i strongly feel that this angel was Gabriel and he looked very concerned for me and know that he told me to not feel this way and that God still does care about me.

did seeing this white angel help me to get through my darkest time? yes, i believe that he has! do angels exist, are they real? well, they are talked about in the bible, but does that still make them real? i believe that they are real, as i'm still here now and you are reading this post! i've been through other darker times in my life, times that i actually have felt very down on myself and down in general and even whenever i've been in major trouble, spiritually, so, i'm still here to this day and age now, and i do feel that angels are real! you now may argue that they aren't real and so on, but i know what i know and feel, and you have the right to feel what you know as well.

thank you again for sharing your opinions about light and dark with me LadyLea! that's all i'd like to say for now. if there are any of you who are on this forum or who just happened to stumble and read this post, there is hope out there for all of us, and we only need to ask to be shown it, and it will be there for us to see, in one way or form or the other! -smile-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic


I agree with you as well!  I witnessed some evil doings.  But the word evil is nothing like the real thing I felt then.  

I was eighteen when this happened.  One day I was crying violently, listening to "In The Air" by Phil Collins while thinking of my father, the Barn(as I call it), and my friend that committed suicide.  I walked into the bathroom, shut the door and reached for a razor blade.  I felt alone.  My spirit was dying(from the pain I kept hidden inside) and I could not think of a reason to stay.  I wanted to be released from the pain.  As I was bringing the razor to my wrist I felt a presence and heard a male voice say, "What do you think you're doing?"  I was taken aback.  I felt a hand on my shoulder.  No longer did I feel alone.  I did not continue in the way I expected.  I cut my arm up though in an attempt to release the pain I'd kept inside for three years, maybe longer.  My mom came in and asked me what I was doing.  She knew all the things that I'd been through.  I began seeing someone to talk about my past.  A professional and she wanted me to write a book about it.  She was the first person besides my mother and sister that I told that too.  It feels good to share a small part of it here.  

It was not my father who told me about the candle and the flame.  He tried to turn me to black magick(Boy! do I have stories to tell about him).  It was my boyfriend who I call J on this site that told me about the concept.  I apologize if I confused you in my former post.  

Maybe I will see some angels!  I feel them though.  Oh, yeah!  I just remembered.  I was sitting outside, enjoying the desert night, wondering where I fit into the world.  I felt a presence.  Instinctively, I looked to my right.  I saw a wolf, not a flesh and bolld wolf but a spirit-like form, walk toward me.  It watched me and I watched it.  It stayed for three minutes or so.  It was a meesage to me that I have a purpose.  Besides, IMO if you commit suicide, you have to repeat the life again.  AND I DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT!  ONCE IS ENOUGH!  But when my guard is down I feel the negs as well.  I try to ignore the negs.  

I thoroughly believe in angels AND Gabriel!  

I have a question.  Why is it everytime I try to improve my abilities I have strange things happeneing?  Someone responded to a post I made on another forum that maybe it has to do with my past, i.e., my father for one.  

BTW, blue is my favorite color(referring to your username)!  A friend said my aura was baby blue.  I guess my mind and aura are color coordinated!  That was my rather bad attempt at humor.

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.

Blue Light Mystic

Hi KBear, what a nice name! I love bears, insects and animals! anyway, i liked your statement below and tend to agree with it as well. yes, in having both sides they can help us distinguish right from wrong and even give us this ability to choose like you had said to even choose to do right or wrong things as well. how boring it would be to not be able to chose to do something whether it's right or wrong! i being able to choose doing something that's wrong or right, doing both can further teach us and help us gain experience in what we should and shouldn't do. -smile-

"I think that we need light and dark, good and evil, in order to have the ability to choose."

"As i am reading Raja Yoga. If i understand what is written. We choose our divine potential or choose the lower forms of emotions, passions and etc." what's Raja Yoga? is it another kind of Yoga or is Raja Yoga it's more complete name? sorry for the question, i don't know that much about yoga but do know it's some kind of very complex looking exercising for the body! -smile- yes, i also agree that we can choose our feelings and emotions, but can also be influenced by others who are around us, including people who are both living and could be trying to influence us from a distance, say, negatively as well as others who aren't living. have you ever heard of others taking one's energy just by being around you, especially if they're negative? well, that's one way of how someone could influence another...

"My guess is that Light and Dark are very much needed. We then choose our own attraction or desire for one or the other." this is quite true too. yes, it really does seem as though both sides are needed. each seems to teach the other and show the other side how right and wrong is. whether both likes to acknowledge it or not, they can and do teach one another lessons and even gain experience from each other too. and yes, i'm sure we also have a choice whether or not we desire to be one or the other too. however, this is a very difficult world, and many times it's quite hard to stay good whenever there's so much bad that seems to flourish in our world. it sure does seem to take a very strong individual to continue to stay happy about themself and not get bogged down in the darkness that's within this world. if one thinks about all of the good things that still remain out there in the world, a good person doesn't really have to feel so alone though and that is good within itself! -smile-

thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions KBear!

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

"I agree with you. Without dark, how would we know light? There must be contrast or else there will be a complete breakdown of all things. If there was no darkness in the world, we wouldn't appreciate anything because we would be ignorant to it. We wouldn't seek to learn, improve or do anything at all for that matter. We would just be- sitting, completely content with everything, and unapprecitive to all. Light learns from dark."

Hi Bhikku. i think that you had said all of that very well indeed! it seems as though you feel exactly the same way about light and dark as i do! i'm sure that there are many others who do as well but is sure in nice to hear someone else here who does! thank you! -warm smile- yes, i also agree that we wouldn't really have the chance to know right from wrong and would probably be to ignorant to appreciate anything! and yes, why would we have a need to want to learn anymore or do anything as well? it's kind of as though the dark side gives us something to do and grow from! and those of us who are good what do we do for those who are dark? we show them that there is another completely different way to be! we show them that if they would just be good, then they would be able to have so much more! good is the one who has all of the knowledge and not only bits and pieces of it, including truths to many things! good also creates and doesn't hurt any living being and doesn't destroy like the dark does. without good, nothing but darkness would exist because darkness is void of the light, and there wouldn't be anything without the light!

here is a great example of how good can create and is more than the nothingness that darkness is. look at the ending of the first The Neverending Story movie. watch the very end of it where Sebastian's standing in complete darkness with the ruler of Fantasia, um, i forgot what her name was, darn! Sebastian was holding one grain of sand or light in the palm of his hand, and all he had to do was give the ruler her name. well, that's all besides the point here...what i'm trying to say here is that that one small pinpoint of light was all that was left of Fantasia and Sebastian was chosen to recreate it with his own creative imagination to help restore it! the nothingness that was talked about in this movie tried to tell all of us that the nothingness is the darkness that is the void of all that is including life itself that had once flourished on Fantasia until Sebastian was given the choice to restore it with his own loving heart and imagination.

now, one more example that i'd love to use here in describing why it is important that we have both good and evil. i will once again use another movie to explain this. also look towards the ending of the movie that Jim Henderson made called The Dark Crystal. eventually both good and evil sides existed in the tall bird like beings and whenever the dark crystal's missing piece was finally restored by the main elvin hero character, (what's his name, darn it again!) both opposing sides were once again reunited with their missing side. so, we need both sides to exist not only within us, but to exist in general! as good is an important part of us, so is our evil side. if we lacked either one side completely, then we wouldn't be whole! we shouldn't dislike one side any more or less than the other, as both good in evil exists within all of us! we are both good and evil inside, and we shouldn't deny either part of us.

thanks again for your comments Bhikku! that's all for now i'd like to say. -smile-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic


Hey all,
what a wonderful thread! I think I agree with almost everything here.
My view is that with only evil, there is an utter lack of co-operation and no desire to improve, which would cause a descent into complete chaos and anarchy. With only good, there would be no impetus for change, as everything would be perfect. The two bounce off each other to create a dynamic environment, in which we have the opportunity to choose and learn from both poles. But for perfection, the dark should be controlled by the light, lest it run amok and out of control, towards cruelty and other vices. Therefore you should aim to be the balanced positive - hey that's from "The Only Planet of Choice" I think. The more I read those books, the more I become convinced.
Anyway here is an interesting link which deals with the ultimate enlightenment, and so explains the nature of "above so below". It's a good one:

"No man is an island, whether you like it or not"

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Hi all,
I am new to the forum, so please bear with me.  I agree with kbear that we need both good and evil, light and dark.  My friends and I, here in Singapore believed that Hitler had ascended to heaven - because he had united the whole world/humanity against him.  So, on the same train of thought, Osama is an 'ascended master' - he had taught us all what we do not need in our life.


Hm, my view's a bit different--I don't think there is such a thing as good and evil--I think that we call something we like and approve of good, and something we don't like and disapprove of bad.  I don't think there are any universal concepts of good or evil--what is good to one person, may be evil to another, and so on.  We can't even agree among our own species, let alone other species.
Things just are as they are--all colors, not black or white.  To me, there's beauty in things as they are--harsh or kind, viscious or gentle--or all of those things in one, at different times.  Humans used to believe that wolves were evil, because they competed for prey and killed human livestock occasionally.  Now, we believe that they're beautiful, and we admire their family values!

All this talk about good and evil seems to me exactly the same thing.  Spirits are like above, so below.  (We are animals, too....).  They are not good or bad--they are as they evolved to be, or were designed to be--they do what they do to survive.
There's beauty in a demon as in an angel.  You don't want it around you, perhaps, but nonetheless, it's a unique thing, another type of "life".  I think everyone should have some appreciation for that.  There's no use hating something for doing what it needs to do to survive--you stop it if it's hurting you or yours, but what use to assign the motive of malice to it?
Perhaps this view is too much for most people....I may be the odd one.

--Winged Wolf
--Winged Wolf
"I will stare at the sun until its light doesn't blind me, and I will walk into the fire, 'til its heat doesn't burn me, and I will feed the fire...."


Thankyou for making that point Winged Wolf.

To all the people who have posted here having a nice little chat about 'good' and 'evil' - what you call good and evil is not automatically light and dark. You are fooling yourselves if you think that.

Why do you associate good with light and evil with dark? There is really no 'good' and no 'evil'...just what our own belief systems impose on our realities.

Back in the dark ages when all the religious crusades were marching around the place murdering at whim, they called themselves good and represented the 'light'...yet they were 'evil'? Or you could say the darkness is good, it helps the innocent hide from those that would do them harm...?

Just 2 basic examples off the top of my head...feel free to comment.

- Shimewaza.


Greetings Shimewaza!

Welcome to our forums

Interesting position you put forward regarding good and evil being belief system oriented.

A couple of comments - many of us here do not subscribe to packaged "belief systems", preferring to discover our own true spiritual paths and realities based upon personal learning, experience and knowledge rather than dogma.

Regarding good and evil specifically - how do your regard Angels vis a vis Demons, for example?

Best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


This is just a quick thought, I may be off point in places but I am trying to establish what makes something "evil":

I think, that good respects other peoples boundaries and perceptions of good/bad, whereas evil works solely for the self and does what it wants, often simply to cause suffering (cruelty, say for superiority).
Ultimately, there may be no good or evil, but in the physical world, IMO these things do exist. It could be said to be simply a matter of perspective, but part of the mystic path is to release yourself from the boundaries of "I" (subjective) and look at situations from a completely objective point of view. From this vantage only other people's belief systems become important (not your own), because they are what define those peoples realities. If someone does something which they believe is right to another, but that person does not want done, this can cause serious "discomfort" (assuming both those people are equals, eg not father/son situation where it may actually be for the good of the son). The person who believes themselves to be in the right is still acting in a wrong, even evil, way because they are disregarding the others rights to decide what is thrust into their reality (eg witch burning, they believed it was for the good of the witch, but it was still murder of the most vile kind)
As for the good/bad = light/dark situation, I am still trying to figure this out. I think, that both the light and dark can be acting as evil, but dark is more likely to. Although dark can be good (absorbing), just as too much light can be a bad thing. Experientially, negs always seem to work with the dark and angels light, so there must be a reason.
Winged Wolf: Yes I respect demons (though I have never met one, thank God!), I can even love some aspects of them for helping create the world we live in. But I would always fight against them, because I believe their motives are not for the best. Eg demonic possession where that "person" is then seen murdering their whole family (RB interview) - you cannot argue that this is pure evil for its own sake. On a lower level, negs which psychologically condition children and babies with corruption, OK they may be doing it to survive, also that person may grow older and because of ridding themselves of the influence grow stronger, but I cannot accept or agree with their mode of operation. I would always fight against it.

peace and harmony to everyone!

(wahey 50th post!!)

Edited by - Inguma on 03 March 2002  17:32:37
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!

Blue Light Mystic

Hi again LadyLea! sorry i've taken so long to reply back to you and the others, busy busy busy! why must life be that way anyway? it's as though the older one gets the busier their life has to be!

anyway, thanks for agreeing with me on this sort of subject of discussion! it really is encouraging to see how many others feel and think about some of the things that i do! -a warm smile given to you and the others here-

"I agree with you as well!  I witnessed some evil doings.  But the word evil is nothing like the real thing I felt then." quoted by LadyLea.  

"I was eighteen when this happened.  One day I was crying violently, listening to "In The Air" by Phil Collins while thinking of my father, the Barn(as I call it), and my friend that committed suicide.  I walked into the bathroom, shut the door and reached for a razor blade.  I felt alone.  My spirit was dying(from the pain I kept hidden inside) and I could not think of a reason to stay.  I wanted to be released from the pain." LadyLea's quotes.

my condolences for the loss of your father. i almost lost mine to cancer in 1995.....but he went through surgery and the tumor was half gone on the day of his surgery due to taking special kinds of herbs that were suggested in a book as well as taking Reiki treatments! the book also suggested to avoid certain chemicals, preservatives and other specific kinds of ingredients that were in foods including pop and aluminum pans that actually help feed cancer cells! thank God we have these kinds of healing alternatives given to help us whenever we direly need it!

there really can be many reasons why one would be wanting to commit suicide, especially to avoid feeling alone in this world! and, so is losing a loved one! stress and negative vibes sent in one's direction by others can also be horrible as well! if one were to really look as these kinds of occurances and feeling though, this is what the dark side really wants though! this is how they want us to give in to them!they want us to be depressed, miserable, be lonely and even alone! many times whenever we feel that we're alone, we really aren't! i'll further explain this point a bit later........

"As I was bringing the razor to my wrist I felt a presence and heard a male voice say, "What do you think you're doing?"  I was taken aback.  I felt a hand on my shoulder.  No longer did I feel alone.  I did not continue in the way I expected.  I cut my arm up though in an attempt to release the pain I'd kept inside for three years, maybe longer.  My mom came in and asked me what I was doing.  She knew all the things that I'd been through.  I began seeing someone to talk about my past.  A professional and she wanted me to write a book about it.  She was the first person besides my mother and sister that I told that too.  It feels good to share a small part of it here." LadyLea's quotes.

maybe the male voice was you father! even though a person may be or may have been a bit dark in their life, they do still seem to somewhat have love in them somewhere! if we all have a spark of God inside of the very core center of our being, then that spark at least knows of love! -smile- it must know, as it is a part of God! so, i believe that the male voice you heard was that of you father's or maybe even a spirit guide. a wise person has been telling me a lot, "We are never truly alone! There is always someone watching us!" you know what? i do believe that person! there must always be someone who loves us that we may or may not even have known that is watching over us in one way or another, whether it may be a loved one who has passed on, a spirit guide, friend or maybe even one of God's angels! --wink- now, think about that one! -warm smile-

i also believe that if someone we loved or was close to and they had just passed on, they are allowed to hang around that person who they also loved for a short while before they really choose to go on. for instance, i have had an uncle and my two grandfathers as well as other people i knew who have passed on. i wanted to see them again and was able to in a dream state! the visits with them were short and brief, but i was happy to see that they were fine, happy and healty again unlike how they were whenever they were dying in their critical condition. the wise person also told me that those we love who have passed on are allowed a certain given amount of time to hang around us. i believe that this is how they feel that they can love and support us through our loss. they choose to hang around us to see if we're ok and usually the voice in the back of our mind that says something like, "it's ok. please don't be so sad!" then, a feeling of confort and love suddenly comes over that person.

and yes, it's good to get one's feelings out and said to others. this for some reason does seem to help us out. maybe because it's due to us all being from the same main source, God and that is why it helps to let others who are all part of each other to let our feelings be told to them. well, i don't know how true all of what i just said is, but it may indeed be a little true! -smile-

"It was not my father who told me about the candle and the flame.  He tried to turn me to black magick(Boy! do I have stories to tell about him).  It was my boyfriend who I call J on this site that told me about the concept.  I apologize if I confused you in my former post." LadyLea's quoted statements.

that's perfectly ok, confusion is a small part of what we must go through in this life! I wonder what black magick could really do for a person? wouldn't doing that just eventually wind up coming right back, say, karmacally in a very bad way, ten fold to the person who sent it out to do who knows what to another person? as in, whatever one sends out, comes back to the same person who sent it out to begin with, and depends on if it was a good or bad thing. if it was a good thing, then they will be sent something good in return and vice versa.
i do still like what your boyfriend said about describing and comparing the flame to light and darkness anyway! i think it's a really perfect way to describe them! -smile-

"Maybe I will see some angels!  I feel them though.  Oh, yeah!  I just remembered.  I was sitting outside, enjoying the desert night, wondering where I fit into the world.  I felt a presence.  Instinctively, I looked to my right.  I saw a wolf, not a flesh and bolld wolf but a spirit-like form, walk toward me.  It watched me and I watched it.  It stayed for three minutes or so.  It was a meesage to me that I have a purpose.  Besides, IMO if you commit suicide, you have to repeat the life again.  AND I DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT!  ONCE IS ENOUGH!  But when my guard is down I feel the negs as well.  I try to ignore the negs." quoted by LadyLea.

i tend to agree with you too with the commiting suicide thingy. i've also heard others say that the one who'd do that would not only be letting themself down, they'd also be letting every other person down that they were planned to be in their life whether in a good or bad way! and, yes, i've also been told that we'd have to live the life we've taken again, and yes enough is enough!! and, furthermore, negs are probably hanging around a person who's wanting to rid themself of their own life, and they're probably also responsible for encouraging some people to do this too! that sure is a horrible thing to know! though, i wouldn't be surprised that they would encourage that kind of thing...........they're probably jealous of the person having a life in the first place! -wink-

"I thoroughly believe in angels AND Gabriel!" LadyLea's quote.

thanks! for some reason i like Gabriel and Michael and Sachiel the angels the most. i wonder what Gabriel and Sachiel's main purposes are? Michael's is well known, but i don't quite know of the other two? anyone here know? i really really would love to know!

"I have a question.  Why is it everytime I try to improve my abilities I have strange things happeneing?  Someone responded to a post I made on another forum that maybe it has to do with my past, i.e., my father for one." quoted by LadyLea.

hmmmm, this is a bit of a stumping question........what kind of abilities may i ask are you trying to improve? i've also been attempting to improve my abilities too and strange things happen to me as well. maybe it's just part of what one has to go through in order to further develop their desired ability is my guess......

"BTW, blue is my favorite color(referring to your username)!  A friend said my aura was baby blue.  I guess my mind and aura are color coordinated!  That was my rather bad attempt at humor."
LadyLea's quotes.

thanks! it's really neat seeing how many people love the color blue! i think that it's one of the most beautiful and attractive colors that we can see, ahemmm, with our physical eyes. baby blue's really beautiful too! of course, i believe that there isn't one shade of blue that i could ever see that i wouldn't like! -wink- i don't mind about your humorous cracks. my humors not that good either! it's ok, if we're no Jim Carey! everyone's humor varies, as we are all the same, but different in our own special ways! -warm smile-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

Hi again in Inguma! Thanks for your kind and appreciated compliment!
-warm smile-

"...what a wonderful thread! I think I agree with almost everything here." Inguma

"My view is that with only evil, there is an utter lack of co-operation and no desire to improve, which would cause a descent into complete chaos and anarchy." Inguma

i also tend to agree with you in your statement. in evil, it doesn't ever seem to improve or grow, or even ever want to! evil seems to very much be somewhat, comfortable in remaining the way it is.....and seems to also not also even seem to want to display change as well as grow. now, since evil seems to lack wanting to grow and change, will one who is this way always wish to remain the same and not grow? well, probably not, however, since each and every one of us are all different, and have our own wants, likes, dislikes and beliefs, that really would most likely be up for that individual to decide!

now, in another sense, one who is truly evil will someday be good, if that entity will keep surviving the ages and not be destroyed! growth and change must always occur, no matter how evil one is! growth and change is something that both good and evil light and dark must face. it is something that can not be avoided, as change and growth can even sneak into one's existence without warning if -it- chooses to!
-smile- change and growth are very important for light and dark ones, as it is what will eventually make all of us good whether we would admit to it or not! well.......that's what i believe! if one were to continue to not grow or go through changes of some kind during their existence, they would always remain the same, and nothing would really ever happen! in a way, this would be chaotic, as without change and growth, an individual would not ever be able to evolve both physically or spiritually! so, whether one is evil or good, change seems to be the most significant role player here! it seems to be what makes one ultimately grow into something more beautiful as time continues to tick on by. without change and growth, things would always remain the same and with this, the individual would just be 'stuck' in having to repeat a cycle over and over again, kind of like what a ghost must experience doing who is Earthbound! there are some people who must continue doing the same thing over and over again until they wake up and realize that they are stuck in this repetitive cycle. or, by chance, someone steps in and helps them realize that they are stuck in this cycle and help encourage them to break it! sorry, that's just how i think! -smile-

personally, if i were forced to not have the ability to change and see and do different things in my life, i'd go insane as well! change is important indeed! it's one of many things that helps make our world more interesting to live in. look at the time cave men were present on the Earth. look at the kind of tools they were using in comparison to our tools today! change can even help us evolve and make our lives a little more easier in a physical sense! i could go on and on, but i won't! just maybe think about it a little.... -smile-

"With only good, there would be no impetus for change, as everything would be perfect. The two bounce off each other to create a dynamic environment, in which we have the opportunity to choose and learn from both poles. But for perfection, the dark should be controlled by the light, lest it run amok and out of control, towards cruelty and other vices. Therefore you should aim to be the balanced positive - hey that's from "The Only Planet of Choice" I think. The more I read those books, the more I become convinced." Inguma's quotes

yes, i agree with you as well! if everything was perfect, it would eventually get very boring! what else would there be to do if everything already was perfect? i think in having both good and evil light and dark, this helps give us more variety in our life and even helps us learn from both sides as well.

one side or the dark can be more challenging and one could probably gain more through suffering. um, but why would someone want to choose to suffer more just to gain more experience? i really don't quite know! maybe by doing this that individual soul could gain more knowledge through more suffering as well as burn off more karma that way more quickly......i'm just throwing out some theories here that's all! -smile-

now, as for the good or light side.....being on this side could be a challenge within itself, as the dark side always seems to want to target and attack any who is unlike themself! believe me, i know..... however, i've been told many times before, "What you don't learn through wisdom, you learn through suffering." so, one would be wise to just watch and observe before doing like others first. learn by watching and observing what happens to others around you. see what will happen to them if say, they drink alcohol too much before doing it yourself! watch them have a hang over and see what they have to go through afterwards! be wise and learn things like this before doing them, or you will have to learn it the hard way yourself and suffer to the dark side and find it out all through and through for yourself! would it be worth having the hang over, or even ending up in a hospital for alcohol poisoning? that would be the way the dark would show one the experience of this! -smile, but not really-

well, i also agree with you Inguma. since good honestly and ultimately seems to have the upper hand in the controling of both sides, dark should more be controlled by the light! it seems to be chaotic and would do what ever it would want to completely if it were given this choice! it seems as though it behaves nothing more than like a young and mischevious least the dark ones do....but evil ones are a totally different case........

"Anyway here is an interesting link which deals with the ultimate enlightenment, and so explains the nature of "above so below". It's a good one:" Inguma's quotes

well, thanks for the neat and intelligent conversation again Inguma! i love to hear that you and a few others think the way i do! it really is wonderful to know that there are those who are so much alike one is out there. this just goes to show, that all of us aren't as different as many of us may think we are! we all do come from the same source, so why would we not all be alike in some way or the other? -smile-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

well, a new forumer! well, welcome here! -warm smile- i love your little, "bear with me" comment as you were speaking to kbear. get it? -smile- so, you're from Singapore? is that in China? sorry, i'm not all that geographically smart whenever it comes to cities! -blush-

"I am new to the forum, so please bear with me.  I agree with kbear that we need both good and evil, light and dark.  My friends and I, here in Singapore believed that Hitler had ascended to heaven - because he had united the whole world/humanity against him.  So, on the same train of thought, Osama is an 'ascended master' - he had taught us all what we do not need in our life.

yes, i also agree with you, kbear and others that light and dark are both necessary to have! without light, there would only be darkness. without darkness there would only be light. without having both, we wouldn't ever know what the difference was between the two! we wouldn't even know of an opposite side! we would be denied the opportunity to be able to choose, learn and somewhat even grow from having the two opposing sides! what if someone who was truly good really whole heartedly love someone who was truly evil? and suddenly, that evil one would be destroyed because evil would no longer be allowed to exist or vice versa? yes, i believe that even evil could know of love! if something or someone has a soul or even a small spark of God's light inside of them, then at least that spark would allow that individual to know of love, um, right? maybe by the good person truly loving that evil one would actually allow this dark one to grow more into the light more quickly or something. love within itself is good, as it can help others grow!

ok, now, i'm sure you've got the point! sorry about all of the babbling!

and, whether or not Hitler and Osama were evil or not, in a way they were great messengers of whatever they were trying to say. i don't know if they were ascended masters, but they in their own dark way did teach us something indeed! i don't really know what it or that may have been, but i'm sure that they had their own important teaching role for all of us.

hmmmm.......about them going to there really a heaven or hell? or, does one just pass on and go to wherever they were taught that they would eventually go to after their death while they were once alive? who knows for sure anyway! i'm sure that this would in it's own way work like how the astral plane does. if one believes that they were evil and would go to hell, then they will go to a place probably within an environment that's like how they would perceive hell would be like! if the person felt that they were good and would go to heaven, then that's where that individual would go too. maybe heaven and hell really don't exist, and maybe they do! but most likely, one may just go to wherever they -ultimately believe- they will go to once they die. too bad we can never really just have solid answers to anything on this physical plane, and we always just have to keep guessing about everything! i guess the only way to know the true answers is to........look within ourself! -warm smile-

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

Hi Winged_Wolf! i like your opinions too! who honestly knows who's right or wrong? i'm sure that this sort of subject has no one answer and we are all right, as whatever that individual believes is right to them, and that person should be respected for whatever he/she believes! right? -smile-

now, good and evil could just be something that man has created from his own likes and dislikes and the things that he may or may not approve of as like you said. what is good to another person may be evil to another. i liked that statement to, as it is very true! there could be so many examples given here, but i'm sure many of you who are reading this could use your own imaginations yourselves! -smile-

and yes, things aren't just black, white and gray, they're all colors too! everything in some way does have its own beauty that is alive and living! if one were afraid of spiders, maybe they were taught and brought up to fear them from their parents! if one were to really observe one and handle them, they would see that there really isn't nothing to fear as their beauty and life would shine forth! yes, there is beauty in a spider! look how beautiful their colors can be and how artistically talented they are in building their intricately detailed webs are! there is beauty in all that lives in their own special ways! -smile-

and, since your named, Winged_Wolf, i can see why you decided to bring up the wolf bit! i've always loved wolves! they are beautiful and intelligent and even very loving and giving creatures! you can see love and expression in their eyes as well as other living creatures in our world! they probably were killing the livestock to have something to eat to survive! if there was nothing else for a human to eat but a cow and we would be placed in the wolves position, we'd do the exact same thing, just to survive! they were only doing what they had to to live!

how are wolves and other animals giving? remember the tale about a baby human boy that was abandoned in a forest and was taken in by a female wolf and she raised him? that's one example! another example of this is, well, Tarzan! he was raised by apes, or was it chimpanzees? i know that's fiction, and there aren't many examples out there, at least none that comes to my mind for now, but the point is, animals at times seem to be more loving than humans are! i could once again go on and on here, but i won't, because i feel that i've made my point now! -smile- however, as there are good people there are bad ones too, and the same thing applies to animals too i'm sure... -smile

"Hm, my view's a bit different--I don't think there is such a thing as good and evil--I think that we call something we like and approve of good, and something we don't like and disapprove of bad.  I don't think there are any universal concepts of good or evil--what is good to one person, may be evil to another, and so on.  We can't even agree among our own species, let alone other species.
Things just are as they are--all colors, not black or white.  To me, there's beauty in things as they are--harsh or kind, viscious or gentle--or all of those things in one, at different times.  Humans used to believe that wolves were evil, because they competed for prey and killed human livestock occasionally.  Now, we believe that they're beautiful, and we admire their family values! " Winged_Wolf's quotes

"All this talk about good and evil seems to me exactly the same thing.  Spirits are like above, so below.  (We are animals, too....).  They are not good or bad--they are as they evolved to be, or were designed to be--they do what they do to survive.
There's beauty in a demon as in an angel.  You don't want it around you, perhaps, but nonetheless, it's a unique thing, another type of "life".  I think everyone should have some appreciation for that.  There's no use hating something for doing what it needs to do to survive--you stop it if it's hurting you or yours, but what use to assign the motive of malice to it?
Perhaps this view is too much for most people....I may be the odd one. " quoted by Winged_Wolf

oh dear Winged_Wolf! you are not alone in your kind of thinking! i agree with you too in what you've said! -warm smile- then that will have to make the two of us in "our" thinking! yes, spirits, demons, angels, wolves all have their own beauty. all of them can be both good, evil and even in between if they choose to be! each and every one of us out there have all of these given qualities within ourself! and no, one shouldn't have a spirit, entity, angel or even demon or wolf because of what it has to do to survive! as i've heard, hate could just make things worse! if anything, at the very least, one should respect and find the beauty within the being that makes that being up! and yes, if something's harming you or another, then that is when the individual should have to step in and say, "Stop!" but otherwise, yes, it really does absolutly no good at all to hate anything! unconditional love, acceptence and respect would be the best way to feel about anything in my opinion. -smile-

--Winged Wolf

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

Hi and welcome here as well Shimewaza. i really enjoy hearing all of these different perspectives and beliefs about good, evil, light, dark and the such. other's opinions and beliefs help me see other ways of thinking about what i feel that i already believe in and know. so, i thank you Shimewaza for your opinions too! -smile-

so, there is no good and evil and is only what our believe systems impose on our realities? i agree with this view in a way. maybe good and evil does just exist due to our own belief systems! maybe the two are just 'man made' beliefs! do animals believe in what's good or evil or right or wrong? no! they just go about doing whatever it is they have to in order to survive! and, furthermore, maybe what we consider to be good and evil light or dark or whatever are also due to what each seperate person not only believes is this way, but is also effected by what they like or dislike in the expression or act of doing something that they may agree or disagree on. right?

and, one must remember, that just because something looks good doesn't necessarily mean it is! such as the examples you gave on light and dark being used in the crusades Shimewaza. something could be portrayed as being good or of the light but really isn't once you see how it chooses to act out something and the reason's behind it's/their actions. well, if one were to put it in your way as you had described light and dark, (which indeed is a neat twist to it!) then one would be wrong in saying that light is good and dark is bad! things, beings, and people can deceptively portray or look like they are something that they really aren't! i guess that good, evil, light and or dark or even saying something is one of these given choices could not necessarily be what they may be 'labeled' as being, especially until one sees their choice of action in the two cases that you had described! -smile-

thanks again for sharing your thoughts! -and a warm smile to you too!-

"Thankyou for making that point Winged Wolf.

To all the people who have posted here having a nice little chat about 'good' and 'evil' - what you call good and evil is not automatically light and dark. You are fooling yourselves if you think that.

Why do you associate good with light and evil with dark? There is really no 'good' and no 'evil'...just what our own belief systems impose on our realities.

Back in the dark ages when all the religious crusades were marching around the place murdering at whim, they called themselves good and represented the 'light'...yet they were 'evil'? Or you could say the darkness is good, it helps the innocent hide from those that would do them harm...?

Just 2 basic examples off the top of my head...feel free to comment.

- Shimewaza." Shimewaza's quoted statements

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

Hi and welcome here to you too Adrian! -warm greeting smile-

i really liked your comment of saying that in order to base what we know we do this by gaining personal knowledge and experience we gain from our own true spiritual paths! that is another neat way of putting it! -smile- however, in Shimewaza's point of view, it also is true that good and evil could be just another belief that we all have as well as exist in other ways other than mere beliefs. i'm sure that both of these views are correct, but only up to a certain point. now, in the case of a demon vs. an angel. that's where i'd have to draw the line and say that this is where another kind of good and evil exists, outside of mankind's belief system! if the bible talks about them, then they must exist as well, um, right? -smile-

"A couple of comments - many of us here do not subscribe to packaged "belief systems", preferring to discover our own true spiritual paths and realities based upon personal learning, experience and knowledge rather than dogma.

Regarding good and evil specifically - how do your regard Angels vis a vis Demons, for example?

Best regards,


Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Blue Light Mystic

Hello again kind Inguma! -smile- yes, i also tend to feel that good does things in regards to others other than self, and evil does things for self disregarding others, especially for self gain, cruelty and superiority as you said.

hmmm, witch burning was for the good of the witch. all i can really see with that sort of act is a selfish act of fear, evil and murder. can issues like that really just be solved by killing the living person off? look what we do today with mass murderers! we murder them in electric chairs! that is just as wrong as what the murder was doing! right?! can there really be no other possible way to just resolve things other than just by killing others, mostly to protect ourselves? yes, i can definitly see why mass murderers get the electric chair, to rid the public of being victimized by the murderer, but, why isn't there another way, right? this is a selfish way to protect ourselves and our children from that person, but we're just as guilty as he is doing the murders by killing him and not finding another way to have him stop doing this, right? or, is there really and honestly no other way for this to be resolved?

yes, i tend to agree with you Inguma that light seems to be associated with things and people and the such as being good and dark seems to be things that are more on the mysterious, mishevious or bad side of things. but, as Shimewaza said in his comparison with the crusade battle with light and dark being opposite of what they were saying they originally were, maybe what is light is sometimes bad and what is dark is sometimes good. i feel that maybe it all depends on our own perspectives of what each of us feel and believe is right and wrong. the general masses do seem to think that murder, rape and sexual abuse and the such is bad, dark or evil. why? look at our law system and tell me that this isn't true! our law says that those things are bad or evil because many of us must 'believe' that these acts are! um, right? do you ever see the law punishing those who save a child from a burning house or does the law prosecute acts of heroism and goodness like how we saw our country come together more to support those who were in our recent terroism acts? no! oh yes, there is good, light, dark and evil and there are many acts we can see with our own eyes that we know deep down inside of ourselves as being right or wrong! do you feel good or bad in taking that last cookie off of the counter after you have eaten 11 and there being 12 cookies total for you and you brother that your mother had baked? maybe yes and maybe no! i know that i would, and i'd feel guilty too! this is where our mind's come into play! even our minds or our own consciousness tells us what to do and what not to do and what is right and what is wrong! if we can't at least have these feelings inside of us that tells us these kinds of things, then that person must be in a bit of trouble, right? -smile-

and yes Inguma, there must be a reason why angels choose light and demons choose dark. dark is void of light and light always clearly shines through dark no matter what! since angels are good, of course they'd choose the light, right? if demons are bad and like to hide especially from the light that can shine through them then of course they'd choose the dark! -smile- it kind of makes sense to me!

hmmm, i'm glad you've never met a demon too! -smile, and a small chuckle too!- i also don't agree with evil acts like possession and the such that demons, negs and even people would choose to do and would also act against whatever they'd try doing to me the best way i could too. and yes, maybe they are so bad that they have to do these things to survive too. that's probably the kind of bad energy they need in order to continue to stay black souled and not have their sparks of light inside of the core of their being grow. maybe they have to remain this way until they choose on their own to either want to grow to be more good or, change will happen to them just like it does to us whether we want it to or not! i mean, could a demon, neg or person really never change or grow? i'd go insane if i couldn't! change and growth is what makes things happen! -smile-

it's such a shame that we can't really seem to just get along with all kinds or opposing forces! i guess in case of both sides that would be asking too much! as this would be like God asking Satan to make peace with him! -now, that's a laugh on that comment- but, what if two people or beings or whatever were to be attracted to one another and both would actually love each other? what would this do or cause to have happen? would this not somehow benefit both, or would this just do nothing for both? now, those really are questions! -smile- i say at the very least, maybe we should at least not hate either good or evil and just except both as they are. hating and maybe even in the case of loving evil won't do a darn thing. we should just except what is and maybe not dwell on either side!

sorry, i'm kind of stuck on not choosing a side to be on! i don't see why one has to really choose a side. i tend to be neutral and only choose at my decision to sway on both sides to do whatever i want to choose to do! of course, i don't sway too much on the good, light, dark or bad though. i'm too wise to do something like that......

"This is just a quick thought, I may be off point in places but I am trying to establish what makes something "evil":

I think, that good respects other peoples boundaries and perceptions of good/bad, whereas evil works solely for the self and does what it wants, often simply to cause suffering (cruelty, say for superiority).
Ultimately, there may be no good or evil, but in the physical world, IMO these things do exist. It could be said to be simply a matter of perspective, but part of the mystic path is to release yourself from the boundaries of "I" (subjective) and look at situations from a completely objective point of view. From this vantage only other people's belief systems become important (not your own), because they are what define those peoples realities. If someone does something which they believe is right to another, but that person does not want done, this can cause serious "discomfort" (assuming both those people are equals, eg not father/son situation where it may actually be for the good of the son). The person who believes themselves to be in the right is still acting in a wrong, even evil, way because they are disregarding the others rights to decide what is thrust into their reality (eg witch burning, they believed it was for the good of the witch, but it was still murder of the most vile kind)

As for the good/bad = light/dark situation, I am still trying to figure this out. I think, that both the light and dark can be acting as evil, but dark is more likely to. Although dark can be good (absorbing), just as too much light can be a bad thing. Experientially, negs always seem to work with the dark and angels light, so there must be a reason.

Winged Wolf: Yes I respect demons (though I have never met one, thank God!), I can even love some aspects of them for helping create the world we live in. But I would always fight against them, because I believe their motives are not for the best. Eg demonic possession where that "person" is then seen murdering their whole family (RB interview) - you cannot argue that this is pure evil for its own sake. On a lower level, negs which psychologically condition children and babies with corruption, OK they may be doing it to survive, also that person may grow older and because of ridding themselves of the influence grow stronger, but I cannot accept or agree with their mode of operation. I would always fight against it." Quotes by Inguma

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic


I love the various opinions in this thread.  My viewpoint is a mixture of things.  Maybe everyone does not agree with each view of "good" and "evil" but some insightful observations were discussed.  I agree with Winged Wolf: just because something wears black or looks evil does not make it so and the same thing can be said about good.

If your focus your life on hate, anger, and regret, it is only your fault for what you get.


Adrian said:

"Regarding good and evil specifically - how do your regard Angels vis a vis Demons, for example?"

I haven't had too much experience with so called 'angels' and 'demons' myself so can only theorise on this at the moment...

I regard both as not existing how Robert Bruce sees it..I don't think there is any hierachy to it, or order or things, with different grades of angel or demon...when I say this I mean no natural order, if there is an order to it it has come about due to the human belief systems and nothing else.

I think there are beings you perceive as demons and angels, but again I think it is more to do with your belief systems than anything a religious person out of body might see an angel, another projecter nearby might see something else entirely.

It could also be the case the entity chooses to manifest as either an angel or a demon to conform more to someones belief system and so interact with that person in a better way.

What could be a better way to control religious people out of body than to appear as an angel and start telling them things they want to hear..?

Whichever way is the true way, I would warn it is best to always take things with a grain of salt as it were. Never assume anything. I'll be able to talk more about this subject as I get more information myself.

To blue light mystic: You are posting an enourmous amount of information replying to everyone, and I just get too tired reading though it all, sorry... Reading through all your posts just puts me off and I skip over most parts of them.

- Shimewaza.


Greetings Shimewaza!

As you say, ultimately the only way is to find these things out for yourself and arrive at your own conclusions.

But I would not be so quick to put the existence and ranking of these powerful beings down to "religions", when many of us do not follow a packaged belief system, only that which is a direct result of our own knowledge and experience.

Additionally, if you became familiar with the principles and teachings of the sacred text the "Kabbalah", you would gain alot more insight into these areas.

Best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas

Blue Light Mystic

Greetings again Robert Bruce, moderators and others on the forum. i love the site's new look! what a very wonderful and well done job in choosing the cool looking and calming color combination choices for the site! i also love all of the different options and links and folders we can no go on on the forum instead of it all just being a bit bunched up like on the other one was. winkle twinkle

well, to start out one of my first posts, i'd love to share with all of you an astral sight experience that i had had sometime this morning as i was beginning to wake up. i saw something that i feel may be a tad bit important for some of us on this forum to know, as well as to others in general. it's about light and darkness. we can not have one without the other as i've heard many others during my life say and have been told by others in person too.

so, what did i see as i was coming back into the waking state? i saw nothing but darkness, the darkness that is very cold and void of light that each and every one of us can see whenever we close out eyes to try to fall asleep.

as i was lying there in my bed this morning, i began to see something very distinct and clear that was suddenly beginning to come into my
astral sight's focus that still surprises me to this very second! i saw a very large and empty cave like place and quickly soon after seeing inside of this large and empty spaced cave and even more surprisingly, what looked like two cave men but they didn't totally look human but were in the main form of one. they had the basic human features such as eyes, ears, hair on their head, nose, arms and legs and so on, but they still kind of looked a little like something else as well. it's a bit difficult to describe on here in mere words but is the best i can do here. what i then had noticed was there were two of the cave men beings who were walking in the darkness of the cave towards the area of the cave that i was at and was lying there viewing. i don't believe that i was really astral projecting or
anything, but do feel that i was just 'viewing' the cave like area as well as the two cave men like beings. they kept walking towards me until they for whatever reason decided to stop, stand and stare down at me with a slightly angry expression within 5 feet of where i was viewing the inside of the dark cave at. maybe they had this angry expression because this was their cave, they were territorial and i
had just showed up there inside of their cave and had upset them.
at the time i was seeing them standing there scowling at me, i wasn't thinking about being there to upset them and just continued to stare right back at them in wonder. i believe that the two of them and i were just staring at one another but didn't necessarily feel threatened by each other's presence and feel that we were all
just curious about looking at each other too. as they were standing there staring down at me, i also had quickly noticed that they were wearing fur like clothing and weren't as hairy as many of us would think a cave man would have looked at one time whenever they were alive. they did have brown hair on their heads and was cut rather short but their faces kind of had a slight non-human look to them.

after a short while as i was curiously staring at them and they were
staring at me, the one who was standing in the front of the other had one very noticeable object that was sitting directly on the middle of his forehead that looked like some kind of large white circle that
glowed very beautifully and brightly in the darkness of the cave. it seemed to behave as though it were some kind of flashlight that the one cave man person was wearing directly on his forehead. maybe this really wasn't a flashlight or object as i had first thought it was was really just there on him to allow me to offer others an important message instead.

now, what could the message be in what i've seen this morning just by
seeing a dark empty cave full of darkness and nothing inside except for two built and tough looking cave men like people? here is the main message i feel that what i was suppose to get from seeing all of that.

darkness is cold, empty and full of nothingness and the light, no matter how small it may be that's within much darkness will always shine through as beautifully as can be.

as for light, it's something more, it can help us see through the
darkness and shows all of us that it's there to help us find our way through our darkest times we are having in our life and it can be there to help us as well if we are willing to embrace and except it.

now, i won't put darkness out of view completely. i've seen darkness
in many many of it's monsterous and even sometimes hideously demonic looking forms including it's one true form over many years now. one must realize though, that it's good to not completely reject or hate
-either- the light or the dark as both are -equally- just as important to have and even know as the other. both sides exist within all of us and is one of the reasons why we should not hate either one as well. in order to fully be able to understand the light one must explore it. in order to understand the dark, one must explore it as well, but in doing this, it wouldn't necessarily be wise to explore the dark too much, as it can lead one to great confusion, it can get one lost and it can even lead one astray, astray from the light and even one's own purpose or path. darkness can be beautiful and even for
awhile, but it can't hold it's beautiful form forever, as it must soon return to it's more true form, which is dark. one should not hate the dark though, and dark should not hate the light. we should learn to at least accept both, as both need one another to exist.

everything that i've now said here is what i know and believe about
light and dark and are just my own personal opinions and feelings on the matter. i'd love to hear how others on the forum as well as others who don't normally post on this forum feel about the two opposing sides. what do you feel you know about the two opposing forces? do you also agree that we should have both and that both need one another to continue to exist? i wonder why both sides can't just find a way to at least respect and accept one another. why must they always have a need to oppose each other and create battles with one another? is there not any way we can find a way to just get along peacefully?

Blue Light blessings
from Blue Mystic

Edited by - Blue Light Mystic on 20 February 2002  07:25:36