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Free Attunements to Kundalini Reiki

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Quote from: SquirrellyOh well. I probably used energy from my own body or something. If it's not that either, then it's probably a coincedence that my friend stopped crying and started running. *runs around in circles, then gets shot by the squirrel hunter*

A reiki side effect is after you're done using reiki, you sometimes feel tired.


Leilah, what happened to you? LOL.  Diarrhea is not an uncommon side effect at least in Usui reiki attunements, as the body is cleansing itself.  I think it's worth the discomfort if it means you're raising your vibrations.  

The Dark Chakra Each to his own.. I've never gotten tired from channeling reiki as it's not supposed to be pulling energy from you, but it can be very mentally tiring to focus on something for awhile, and physically tiring to stand in some of the same positions too long.  I also once treated a lady with a few other reiki practitioners and I was standing near her root chakra and got momentarily ill and overwhelmed and had to sit down.  She claimed it was because I wasn't grounding properly (Pish posh!) but later it was discovered that she had colon cancer.


Quote from: dea
The Dark Chakra Each to his own.. I've never gotten tired from channeling reiki as it's not supposed to be pulling energy from you, but it can be very mentally tiring to focus on something for awhile, and physically tiring to stand in some of the same positions too long.  I also once treated a lady with a few other reiki practitioners and I was standing near her root chakra and got momentarily ill and overwhelmed and had to sit down.  She claimed it was because I wasn't grounding properly (Pish posh!) but later it was discovered that she had colon cancer.

Reiki power can be increase to increase healing speed.


lol, dea.  :lol: Part of the reason I put that on here was simply to make my day. Every time i think about it - i just have to chuckle. Other reason is beacause one time i really did get diarrhea after recieving reiki. although it went away in a day, it wasn't all that pleasant.
Leaning over
Crawling up
Stumbling all around
Losing my place
Only to find I've come full circle.


today I got diarrhea 2 hours before my attunement

yeah, TMI?

thought so....
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


I'd rather not make a new post about this; did anyone here ever take Tachyon Reiki?


"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


Quote from: moogle_assassinyes, im level 3 right now

So did you try using Tachyon antenna? I am level 2 but I didn't feel anything when I made water my Tachyon antenna and drank it.


no, you need to read ahead, you are supposed to receive all attunements before useing TA
"They've been throwing rocks at Alito all week long, and those rocks have just been bouncing off that obelisk, boomeranging and smacking at Democrats upside the head."

"Club Gitmo- your tropical escape from the stresses of gihad


Quote from: moogle_assassinno, you need to read ahead, you are supposed to receive all attunements before useing TA

Where is that stated?

If that was so then there will be no point in dividing TA categories like TA 1-2 you can do this. They would said like 100 times to not use TA before finishing it. They are divided on the levels of how much you can handle using.


Well, very interesting thread this, I´v decided to request the kundalini 1,2,3 as well. The first one will be on the 28´th this month
I´ll write again then to share any thoughts about how it went.

A small fact: The more you learn, the more certain you become that you actually know next to nothing.


Hiya guys, it's the squirrel again. >_<"

Anyways, what's really weird is that Stefan sent me the confirmation email a day after the time I was supposed to get my 4th reiki attunement (already got my 1st-3rd attunements).

But the attunements really work. I have never felt anything during the attunements, but when I even think about my third eye, I start to feel a pressure in that area. I can do this with my other primary chakras as well, just that it works better for me with the third eye. And also, whenever I am trying to sleep and the room is dark with the lights turned off, I can see normal objects moving  :shock: . It really scares the daylights out of me.


Hey, I've just recently sent an e-mail to stephen about getting K1, 2, and 3.  And in response to the debate over distance or hands on attunements, I think that it really doesn't matter, becuase for reiki, no energy is actually being given to the person, all that is being done is opening the person up to receive more energy, and a differenty theory would be that when you get a hands on attunement that the master actually can't help but give you some energy while trying to open you up to recieve the reiki energy.  Just a thought.



So, i received kundalini 1 tuesday night, the following sensations showed.
Pressure in the third eye region, and sort of a slight hurting/throbbing sensation in the throat chakra, all the while a mild cold feeling spreading through out both my hands and arms,
Looking forward to the second one.
A small fact: The more you learn, the more certain you become that you actually know next to nothing.


Has anyone taken Kundalini Reiki 4,5 and 6 from Stefan...These 3 are call Booster Attunements and make Reiki 100% more powerful..Did you experience some more intense feelings after these attunements...I decided to take them and i will post my experiences.
Darkness is my Strength.Light is my Guide


I finished the KR series from Stefan...because the attunements are about a week apart, it gives you time to get use to the energy - so, for me, it doesn't feel any different than KR 1,2 or 3....The difference comes when you actually use the energy - I notice a lot more energy moving around when using NEW or doing energy stuff....after a while you get use to that also....


Hello everybody,

I have also requested my kundalini reiki attunements from stefan, its a luck for me that i already know stuff about kundalini since i am doing kundalini yoga for six months now. and on of the most common sensations in my yoga class is that type of cold feeling in your body that some of you describe, well that energy IS kundalini energy, so that stefan guy is problably someone whom can ignite the serpents powers in someone else at a distance.

and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


I got my first attunement yesterday and i felt some pressure on the third eye and some tingling around the crown and the hands.  They were subtle.  The amazing thing i noticed is that my auric vision has become almost instantaneous and i am able to see human auras now.
"Waking to these sounds again/I wonder how I'll sleep/Passing out is taking off into the stubborn deep/I'd like to meet a human who makes it all seem clear/To work out all these cycles and why I'm standing here"-morcheeba


Thats interesting about that aura thingy InnateBuddha, perhaps my aura vision will also improve with the attunements.
just a question can you also see colors in human auras?
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


Coud you please discribe how the aura looks and how you see it, does it take effort, do you look at the person in a special way, do you feel anything special when you see an arua,
are you usually tired or energetic when you see them?
Is it instantanius?

where goes the line from after images to auric vision?
example, when i look at someone for as little as a few seconds i can see a light band around them, stretching something like 3 - 5 cm out from their bodies, but when i do set my eyes on something else, the image of the person does follow and i see the whole image, usually in one color with some light variations.

A small fact: The more you learn, the more certain you become that you actually know next to nothing.


Well esoel those are interesting questions and i will do my best to answer them.

-When i see an aura it of a person it looks like a band of colored light around them expecially around the head and the shoulders and i can see some type of energys also, and no it does not take effort and i look kind off half staring half focusing at a person.
-I ussually see them better when i am tired so my mental barriers are a bit down.
-and yes i see them instantanius.
-and the question about the after imaging is very interesting because since i have began to develop aura vision the after images comes much faster then normal, so i really have to be carefull not to see an after-image as an aura, because it can be a thin line sometimes.
-In the beginning of aura-training i only saw a white band of light around the head about 6 inches wide. I only started see certain colours recently.

I hope this answers some of your questions
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


astraluminated- yeah i can see colors on the human was very difficult before my attunement to see it but now its easier.  

esoel- go to Stefan's site and download the e-book "How to See Aura" by Robert Bruce...its a very good resource on developing auric vision.

my auric vision wasnt instantaneous took a while but now it pretty much is instantaneous.
"Waking to these sounds again/I wonder how I'll sleep/Passing out is taking off into the stubborn deep/I'd like to meet a human who makes it all seem clear/To work out all these cycles and why I'm standing here"-morcheeba


Thanks for the feedback, it does sound about right as with what i am experiencing as well. the more haistly seen afterimages, and the light band around people as well.

I think i actually read through the guide on seeing aruas once, but it´s a long time ago, i might just pick it up again, Thanks.

Anyhow, i receved my KR2 attunement this monday, and thought i´d write a few sentences about it.

This one was not the same as the first one for me, the biggest difference being the intensity.

The first attunement was a sort of all over feeling, the second was alot more pointed to certain areas. more like needlepoints awareness of places.
The third eye was still prominant, and also the arms, but with the needlepirck feelings, not the all over kind. and also the same kind of needleprick sensations down my spine, but this was when i concentrated on it, so that might account for that feeling.

All in all, very positive experience.

A small fact: The more you learn, the more certain you become that you actually know next to nothing.


More sloppy affectionate love for you, Tantalord!

As I've posted in some other places, I got KR6 a few nights back and my, my, my... after I went to bed it started to stimulate a spontaneous OBE.  I was in the middle of a dream about showing someone about Tom Brown's Envisioning (whereupon you enter and interact with a 3D space vs. just viewing it 2D) when I started to feel something weird and uncomfortable happen, and I forced myself to wake up and found myself in the middle of an energetic storm of sorts; the symptoms pointing at a classic gear-up for an OBE.  Frankly, it was overwhelming and if I had been calm and lucid enough to recognize for what it was, I wouldn't have stopped it cold.  It was some seriously cool stuff... all my little electrons were quite excited; I was extremely hot, felt about 3 times my size, and heard booming/thumping all through my body and loud purring vibrations at my back.  It was like being thrown into the middle of an engine room, and all systems were go.




Well... I just got my first attunement (KR1) at 10pm tonight and I don't remember feeling anything... I was watching The Office on NBC, then went on to do something else and forgot about it... :[

Anyway, I've practiced it on myself tonight, on my left index finger to be exact, which I badly cut when attempting to cut ping pong balls in half (see "ganzfeld effect with ping pong balls" @ Welcome to Astral Consciousness!)

The blood finally started coagulating and normal color returned to my skin, but I think that's just the result of removing the bandage. If I am able to take a shower tomorrow without having to put plastic foil over my finger, though, I think it'll be proof that something worked :P

Anyway, I lied down for my daily OBE attempt, and thinking "Reiki" and concentrating on healing myself gave me the same effect as reciting a mantra, it does a really good job at soothing the mind.

I'm a bit disappointed that I'm not feeling any kind of energy or vibration, though. I do have this feeling that my whole body is hotter, but then again, for the first time in weeks Montreal isn't snow covered, it even rained!

So hmm... We'll see if anything happens as I get attuned to higher levels...
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006