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Members' Artwork

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Hey, friends! I just had a thought that some of us might be making their own artwork, be it drawings, paintings, computer graphics or anything else in a visual form.
So, maybe we could share it with each other? Don't be shy, put the pictures of your self-made artwork in this thread!
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


I guess I will have to get this thing moving.  :wink:
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


ehhh why not

random sketch


this is my "peaceful place" in my mind
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


I love the colours you've chosen!
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


Cool. :smile:

I need to get another scanner to show newer drawings.  I had a dream of pullling worm things out of my hand.


Woah, this is scary!  :smile:  

:idea:  Let us extend this artwork idea! How about sharing also visualisations of beings - good and not that good - we've seen in lucid dreams or even the astral!  :question:
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


:grin:  It felt weird too.  Ok, here's a calming one.  I did this in oils..


Wow nay those drawings are amazing id love to be able to draw that good.
The rest of the images on this page are also good i like the painted 1s and that horse one rocks


Hey, thanks. :grin:  I too like the horse, I used to draw horses alllll the time.. love them.

I haven't painted in a while but I've been doodling all over the place.  I miss painting, it is such a comfort.. can't explain it.

Here's another pencil drawing I did long ago.  No story behind it... I just started drawing the bird dude and then just kept adding stuff.  Those are my doodles.  I have a really neat wizard one.. I'm looking for it.


oh my, if I posted my bird dudes now, would it be considered plagiarism? I saw several in quite a lucid dream recently and am sketching them now.  :roll:
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


No way! :shock:  That is it, do it!!  I would love to see them.


Ok, as soon as they are ready, you'll see them!  :smile:
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


You guys are all SOO talented ......... my artistic talent stops at stick figures -- and then they are androgenous unless I put clothes on them!   :roll:
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


:lol:  Funny visual and thank you for the compliment!  I've loved to draw since I can remember.


Yeah, Novice, thanks!  :smile:
Drawing is actually a good stress therapy, a kind of meditation. As a child, I used to draw my nightmares and then burn the drawings, believing that I will never see them again - and mostly I didn't.
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


Hey i guess doing that is a good idea because it puts the thought in Ur mind that they are gone for good.Iv never thought about that


Someone mind explaining how you attach your artwork to here??


Personally I use free services of the site , but it is in Russian - if you don't know Russian, you might find hard to use it.

Maybe someone can suggest an equal English site?
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


I can't explain it very well, certainly one of the many mods here can?  :lol:  This is a job for super mod!


QuoteThis is a job for super mod!

"Here I come to save the day!!!" (done in my best mighty mouse voice)

When replying to a post, if you look under the box where you type your reply, you'll see a dark blue line saying "Attachment Posting Control Panel". Under that is a button that says "Add an Attachment", it is directly above the Preview and Submit buttons. Click the button and then select the file you want to add.

Let me know if that doesn't make sense!
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


I'm going to test Novice's instructions - here we go.

It looks too big, but here we go...


[attachment deleted by admin]
We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I made it smaller.  Hurrah.  Here is another, sort of on topic.

Nay - the drawing of your hands is superb - I've heard that hands are VERY difficult to draw.


[attachment deleted by admin]
We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


LOL!  Novice :lol:

Sarah, that isn't too big, I like it!!  Very cool!  

EDIT: awwwww.. you made it smaller..


since it's all I can dooo...
