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Spirit in the bathroom?

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I was having a shower this evening, when I heard something touch the shower curtain (from the other side, not from inside the bath.) I actually saw the curtain flap, as though someone had pushed it, or slapped it. And when I put my head around the shower curtain, and put my hand out, I felt as though there was some sort of presence there.

I also happened to be thinking about my spirit guide at the time.

So is it possible there was a spirit in the bathroom? Could it have been my spirit guide?
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


Do you have central heating in your home/apt/trailer?  Do you live alone or with others?  If you live with others, were they home? 

I'll ask more after these are answered. :)


Yes, I have central heating in my home. I live with my parents and my sister, and they were home at the time. Although none of them could have come into the bathroom, because the door was locked.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


Well it could be that the air came on and blew the curtain..  I know with one of my bathrooms when someone closes or opens another door, the bathroom door moves and could cause the curtain to move.  But hey.. I'm just saying. :)


i dont do the spirit guide thing,but once someone astral manifested in front of me and moved stuff(i could see th peorson)whoever it was got a nasty surprise tho,anyway it was a violet myst roughly my hight and it had white pranasparkles all in it, weird took forever to figure out that it was someone trying to mess with me lol, iff you feel that it was a presence then it was,always trust your first gut instinct,its psychic intuition,and is rarely wrong,just dont worry unless it gets violent.on the other hand who knows.
he who contends with nothing is always victorious


You could be right, TalaNay. I'm not completely sure it was a spiritual entity. It was just a feeling I got, and I could have been wrong.

It's nice to think it was a friendly spirit, though. And like you say, Bane, I suppose it is a good idea to trust our instincts.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


I've seen a complete manifestation of a woman in an old house that we used to live in.  We knew that it had some activity going on, but that sight only lasted all of one second.  My brother saw here much more longer.  She was standing at the landing on the stairs looking out the window and fixing her hat, then she looked up at him.  I also saw many dark shadows out the corner of my eye but I never felt anything negative from these things.   Those kind of sightings are iffy, in my book....corner of the eye thing.

It's just in your case Skippy there are so many things that could have been going on while in a bathroom shower.  The stream alone can cause curtains to flap..  When I saw our spirit I was sitting on the couch reading the tv guide, in the middle of the day.  When my brother saw her, he was standing at the top of the stairs on his way to the bathroom, in the middle of the night.  Not much going on in either situation.

I'm not saying what you experienced wasn't a ghost, I'm just saying it could have been other things due to the enviroment you were in at the time.  If you're up for it, ask them to show themselves in better situations. :)


Quote from: TalaNay on November 20, 2006, 10:44:42It's just in your case Skippy there are so many things that could have been going on while in a bathroom shower.  The stream alone can cause curtains to flap..  When I saw our spirit I was sitting on the couch reading the tv guide, in the middle of the day.  When my brother saw her, he was standing at the top of the stairs on his way to the bathroom, in the middle of the night.  Not much going on in either situation.

I'm not saying what you experienced wasn't a ghost, I'm just saying it could have been other things due to the enviroment you were in at the time.  If you're up for it, ask them to show themselves in better situations. :)

You're right. People here are so level-headed and sensible. And some people I've told about astral projection think people who believe in it are a bunch of crazy fools who are out of touch with reality! If only they could just see the personalities some of you guys have (and others from different AP websites) some of their opinions might change.

I'd never want to see a ghost at night time...unless it was one I knew somehow, or recognised as a nice person - say a family memeber, or Elvis, or someone like that. But I wouldn't want a stranger to just come up and spook me in the middle of the night. If a ghost that I don't know is going to show himself, I'd rather it be in the daytime. I would imagine I'd be less scared.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


Quote from: Skippy on November 19, 2006, 15:51:20
I was having a shower this evening, when I heard something touch the shower curtain (from the other side, not from inside the bath.) I actually saw the curtain flap, as though someone had pushed it, or slapped it. And when I put my head around the shower curtain, and put my hand out, I felt as though there was some sort of presence there.

I also happened to be thinking about my spirit guide at the time.

So is it possible there was a spirit in the bathroom? Could it have been my spirit guide?

Common places to see spirit the first time include the bath and the end of the bed . It is possible for spirit to move items and humans can develop clairsentience so they feel the presence as you describe . Why not close your eyes next time and look in dim light in that direction .

"Yes there are two paths . You can go back , but in the long run , there's still time to change the road you're on " ~ Led Zeppelin


Thanks, Hagethuriel, I'll try that if it should happen again.

There have been times when I've thought I've felt "presences" around me. I don't know whether these feelings are accurate, though. It doesn't happen often.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


  Theirs a spirit in my house, their has been for a few years now. It's pretty odd, and can be scary at times, but nothing petrifying. I really don't mind it here. I get no evil from it, only neutrality.

  What you experienced could be a spirit, too. Whenever I feel the spirit enter my room or something, it's the same feeling as when someone is right behind you, but you haven't turned around to see them yet. Except, instead of it just being an "all-around" feeling, it's more focused into one area. I believe that is where the spirit is.

  Did the atmosphere in your room change before the tap on your curtain?


I've been in houses with them before. At my cousins one night when I stayed over, one walked up through the front door, down the hallway and out the back room. Made a lot of noise as well and her dog was going nuts. It happened on a later date as well when we where upstairs. She ended up moving out because of it after a while. Some people are understandably a littl afraid of these things.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Quote from: Goober on December 05, 2006, 23:50:48Did the atmosphere in your room change before the tap on your curtain?

I don't think it did. Everything seemed to stay the same, except for something touching the curtain. But 'Nay could be right; it might have been something other than a spirit. I guess I can never really know for sure.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb


I think it's possible that some people attribute many things to spiritual phenomena that aren't actually spiritual at all. Not to say this is the case with you Skippy, but when somethings are ambiguous some have a tendency to lean toward spiritual explanations before anything else. Just something I've noticed.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


My first thought would be an air draft created by opening a door in another part of the house.


Thanks, Noddy.  :-)

Does it really make it more valid, though, if I think it's what I want it to be? I mean, if I was wrong about it, then I'd be wrong, however much I wanted to be right. (I hope that makes sense.)

It is nice to make things what you want them to be, though.
The Bee Gees and Andy Gibb