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Channeling God!!

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God is the god of everyone, but that doesn't mean the only way to worship is one way either.  Thats what I like about this whole topic myself.
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley


#676 :D
Anyways. Hi, I'm here. I'm     20.


Quote from: fireprooflighter on December 28, 2003, 08:53:57
Ok, I don't know loads of information on religion considering I'm only 14. But I do know that the Christian God hasn't been around forever. So my question to you God. Where were you for the couple million years people worshiped the storm clouds and sun gods?

In the sun and storm clouds.


Quote from: Mustardseed on December 28, 2003, 08:15:01
<center><span id='hl' style='background-color: yellow'>CHANNELING GOD</span id='hl'></center>

<font color="red">As usual this is me</font id="red">
<font color="blue">and this is God</font id="blue">

<font color="red"> Hello......God are you there</font id="red">
<font color="blue">always there, all you have to do is ask</font id="blue">
<font color="red">are you ready for a question</font id="red">
<font color="blue">as I away</font id="blue">
<font color="red">someone asked a question</font id="red">
<font color="blue">I was Beavis</font id="blue">
<font color="red"> knew..... ofcourse</font id="red">
<font color="blue">yeah....I was waiting for you to find out</font id="blue">
<font color="red">well what is the answer then</font id="red">
<font color="blue">I am</font id="blue">
<font color="red">huh</font id="red">
<font color="blue">you heard me the first time....I AM</font id="blue">
<font color="red">I...I was expecting a number</font id="red">
<font color="blue">I know , but you did not get a number...neither did he</font id="blue">
<font color="red">but he asked for a number, the answer to an equation</font id="red">
<font color="blue">no he did not</font id="blue">
<font color="red">I saw it with my own eyes</font id="blue">
<font color="blue">you think you did</font id="blue">
<font color="red">no I really did</font id="red">
<font color="blue">you saw your computer screen and what he typed.  </font id="blue">
<font color="red">well that was his question</font id="blue">
<font color="blue">nope</font id="blue">
<font color="red">well ok can you explain</font id="red">
<font color="blue">he was asking me to prove myself, asking for a sign. But there shall be no sign given him.
He was asking.....are you real....and I answered.....I AM</font id="blue">
<font color="red">Ohhhhh I see. sort of trying to trick you</font id="red">
<font color="blue">sort of</font id="blue">
<font color="red">wasn't that mean</font id="red">
<font color="blue">not really, he is ok. Tell Beavis that sometimes the answers people expect are not always the answers they get. This is an important point</font id="blue">
<font color="red">ok but just for the fun of about answering him anyway. It would be interesting</font id="red">
<font color="blue">you are also doubting, right son</font id="blue">
<font color="red">well........just a bit</font id="red">
<font color="blue">I know its hard to believe but , he that comes to me must believe that I am, and that I am a rewarder of those who dilligently seek me</font id="blue">

sorry......I want to believe</font id="red">
<font color="blue">I know you do, don't worry about it[/blue]
ok bye then. I will get back if anyone else asks anything</font id="red">
<font color="blue">ok bye[/blue]

Sorry Beavis that is all I have for you hope it means something to you

Regards Mustardseed

God would like to have a conversation with you about that, Mustardseed.  Neal would appreciate if you would find your own technique.  If you are not Neal Donald Walsch and you did copy that from one of his books, you need to refer to the copyright.


Quote from: greggkroodsma on September 16, 2007, 09:50:00
God would like to have a conversation with you about that, Mustardseed.  Neal would appreciate if you would find your own technique.  If you are not Neal Donald Walsch and you did copy that from one of his books, you need to refer to the copyright.

Hi there

I am already having a conversation with him and surprisingly he never mentioned anything about that at all :roll:
As far as referring to copyright, and finding my own style or whatever, for your information I never heard about  Niele Walsh till long after this thread had been started, and I have certainly not copied anything from any book.

I do not expect you to believe that, seeing you have already judged me with your previous statement, but to tell you the truth my friend ..............I am really not very interested in wether you believe that or not. I just chat with God the way I always have and always will. You should try it :-D

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Quote from: greggkroodsma on September 16, 2007, 09:50:00
Neal would appreciate if you would find your own technique.  If you are not Neal Donald Walsch and you did copy that from one of his books, you need to refer to the copyright.

Haven't people talked to God this way for years?  Maybe not written it down, but at least interacting with God was just like a two-way conversation?

You are kidding me that Walsch has copywritten the technique he uses to talk to God?  That's rather like me saying, "When I'm worshipping God I put my arms in the air in praise of his glory - and no-one else can do this because I've copywritten it.  You must find your own way of praising God."

If Walsch has copywritten the technique, then he's a lot further away from God than at first thought.  :roll:

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


This is the copyright from Neal's book The New Revelations: A Conversation With God.

Of course Neal can copyright anything he WRITES or he determines is his INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  I have not found any part of this book that has the exact words used yet by MS and there is nothing I can do, but Neal has written probably more than 20 books using the same technique.  Now, it is put into the hands of the publisher of his books as to what you can do with the information in the book, but MS WROTE IT DOWN.  Here is the copyright:

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. 

This is not bullying or getting ticked off it is a protective mechanism for anyone who wants to do that because this whole site can be fined and shut down because of the law and ignorance of the law is no excuse.


Quote from: greggkroodsma on September 16, 2007, 14:35:57
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

So it's not the technique as such (which was what you were originally purporting it to be), but copying directly from his book.  Well that's fair enough.  I'm sure if Mustardseed did copy and paste, he would acknowledge this - he usually does when quoting from others.   

Quote from: greggkroodsmaThis is not bullying or getting ticked off it is a protective mechanism for anyone who wants to do that because this whole site can be fined and shut down because of the law and ignorance of the law is no excuse.

If you care to read through every one of Mustardseed's conversations with God and cross-reference it with Walsch's books, then go ahead.  Do you work for Walsch or something?  :-)

I'm sure you'll find that Mustardseed's writings are original.

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I am not a judge and I know that MS writings are original, Neal Walsch does not know the people in this thread unless MS is Neal.  But, you have to know copyright laws.  A publishing company that is going broke and needing money can have employees that just scan books and the internet looking for any way to get that money and copyright laws are big business and they can bring millions of dollars in legal fees and such.  I have found two things so far that could be considered copies.  See, it's not hard to do if you talk to God.  Now, MS it does not matter that you didn't know Neal or never heard of him.  It makes no difference whatsoever.  You notice how popular this thread got after you started doing that.  There are questions even in this thread having to do with the stealing of energy.  Copyright laws are based on the Word of God.  God will not share his glory with anyone.  When God gives glory to somebody, he will not give the same glory to somebody else.  See, MS is not discussing Neal's books so he cannot use the intellect that was established by Neal and use it until 70 years after Neal Walsch is dead; that's the law. 

I guess I got off on that kick because I like Neal Walsch and his ideas.  And I noticed people were saying that MS was not really channeling God; well, he's not.  He's channeling Neal.


you say it does not matter if i never heard of him, well let me tell you does. This wholeidea is so utterly ludicrous, how can something God said ever be copyrighted. If it is The intellectual property of Niele then it was his idea, and not from God in the first place, when did he actually publish his conversations cause I have been doing this a long time. In any case its absolutely bull....and so sad that this is what the world has come to. Its like suing Santa in that movie. Ha
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


I thought the only similarities was that it was written in a dialog format, like a script. That format isn't copyrighted. Just like you can't sue someone because they write in a narrative prose. The words are original, they weren't stolen (as far as I can tell). I hope the day doesn't come when you can't say a prayer because of "copyright".


Quote from: greggkroodsma on September 16, 2007, 16:38:56
Copyright laws are based on the Word of God

never knew god made the american copyright law :lol: :-D

sorry, no offense^^
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


Quote from: jalef on September 17, 2007, 21:44:30
never knew god made the american copyright law :lol: :-D

sorry, no offense^^

hahah so true.

plus they call the bible the word of god but it was written by men who met a man who was sent by god? *shrugs*


I believe MustardSeed is having a conversation with God. It's saddening me that he didn't help me when I asked him before...


whats going on is this thread dead ? why hasn't questions been answered..



Quote from: Trancer1 on April 23, 2008, 19:45:04
whats going on is this thread dead ? why hasn't questions been answered..


The last post before yours was made last year in september!


Hi Guys
Yes this thread is dead, sorta, I have not been channeling for a long time. If you look through the thread you will see why. (besides being accused of Copying)
In any case It is closed , unless something special comes up


Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Quote from: Mustardseed on May 04, 2008, 14:59:24
Hi Guys
Yes this thread is dead, sorta, I have not been channeling for a long time. If you look through the thread you will see why. (besides being accused of Copying)
In any case It is closed , unless something special comes up


Regards Mustardseed

Hi Mustardseed
Could you please tell me which techique do you use when channeling God? I am just curious.

Alan McDougall

Channeling God??

Come on what nonsense God is the Supreme Being and not at our beck and call,

Prayer respectful prayer is the way to approach God

Take Care



Dear Alan
I have noticed your posts different places and you seem quite sure of your own beliefsystem, and meassure others by their relation to your own faith. This is not a very wise way of reasoning.

I am sure that the first native americans or whatever also said, a animal the size of a wigwam with two tails and huge blankets for ears.....what nonsense.

The very fact that God is omnipresent or seem to be rather would make the best argument for him also being personal.

Just a point of view

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hi Alan,

I too have read many of your posts, especially on Bruce Moen's forum.  You must surely see that there are many perspectives on on "God".  Can you really be the only one of billions over the centuries who has it completely right?

In my faith tradition we use the word "grace" to suggest that God loves us and is working to "save us" despite our human imperfections, and that he calls us to pass on unconditional love and grace to others no matter who they are as a sign of his love and acceptance.  That means that even though I may disagree with some of what you say, I will not be dismissive of you by calling your belief system "nonsense".

Does grace fit into your system?  Or what?  I'm just wondering where you are coming from.

Blessings, DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda

Alan McDougall


QuoteHi Alan,

I too have read many of your posts, especially on Bruce Moen's forum.  You must surely see that there are many perspectives on on "God".  Can you really be the only one of billions over the centuries who has it completely right?

In my faith tradition we use the word "grace" to suggest that God loves us and is working to "save us" despite our human imperfections, and that he calls us to pass on unconditional love and grace to others no matter who they are as a sign of his love and acceptance.  That means that even though I may disagree with some of what you say, I will not be dismissive of you by calling your belief system "nonsense".

Does grace fit into your system?  Or what?  I'm just wondering where you are coming from.

Blessings, DH

Yes without the grace of God in Christ Jesus where would we be .I absolutely do not have it "even remotely right". "I am a mere puny mortal and God is the "INFINITE" and "SUBLIME" DH dear when in Rome approach the Romans on their territory slowly rope them into the truth. I would like to ask if you are a born again Christian why do you inhabit these forums?

If you have being following my posts in some forums you would see that I am somewhat of an elder and have really been around the block many many times so I have gathered some wisdom over the years.

I stick by what I said about channeling God, If you know your bible not even Jesus the son of God did this. Yes prayer is the way to communicate with God and the bible is how he speaks back to us, not by some telepathic voice. God only once spoke to Jesus in an audible voice when he was being baptised by John the baptist God said "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased"

On this delicate subject can we dialogue by personal message?

Thank you!!

Take Care



So Alan if you are an elder, what do you think about Bible prophesy, and what makes you think that God stopped speaking to people..............does that makes sense.

How do you explain this verse:

Act 2:17  And it shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS saith God. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.

What is prophesy but a conversation with God.

A few more questions, why does it matter if DH is a born again Christian, should he not "inhabit" these forum in that case.

You seem somewhat stagnated and certainly does not come across an elder, but instead your statements seem quite disrespectful and stagnated.

What makes you believe that Jesus never heard Gods voice in what you call "telepathic" ways. You have no ground for such a claim. Not that I think myself a Jesus, be it far from it, but your statement is not correct, nor can it be proved in any way at all.

For my sake you can think what you like but I do find you a bit hypocritical and stuck in a beliefsystem where you have given yourself the "right" to state what is nonsense and what is not.

Take that around the block with you next time you  go for a round.

Regards Mustardseed

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Alan McDougall

Mustard seed you are a really big mustard seed that seems to be able to sum me up although you know absolutely nothing about me. What did I express that was unkind to DH I will believe what i like and despise exclusivity if that is any consolidation to you.

I am ant-religioun I have been disillusioned by these money grabbing shouting TV manics.

God by the way is the most anti-Anti-religious being in existence and views all this screaming nonsense and people wailing in long cloaks by just nodding his head and smiling. I am not a prophet, there is one point I would like to say about so- called latter day prophets that they are indeed consistent about yes absolutely consistently wrong every time, every time.

Now you seem to believe you are an expert of some sort on biblical matters. I have read the bible completely though a number of times have you. I can quote long verses from it , verbatum for all good it does me.

Now a lover of God does not come over in the unpleasant judgmental way yo did, it is even hurtful and most ungodly. Look first at your own righteousness before pointing fingers at a person you know absolutely nothing about

As I said on another thread I did not regIster on this forum to trade insults, but to make friends . If you indicate you would like to be a friend I would welcome that, but if you direct any more unpleasant comments at me I will not revisit this section of the forum again. You should  wake up the atheists on the other sections are much much more loving and dynamic than you are. Mydral who does not believe in God is a much nicer person than you, think about this. Your words should resonate and reflect the master you serve.Once you have said unkind judgemental things they become decaing bread on the poluted  rivers of human thought. You are not dealing with some idiot when you confront me instead of dialogueing lovingly like the Lord you claim to serve did. How is your daily walk in life? Think about this fact the One whoes will you do is your real master.

Prophesy is not a conversation with God, but God using a very special person as his mouthpeace for a very short time

QuoteWhat makes you believe that Jesus never heard Gods voice in what you call "telepathic" ways. You have no ground for such a claim. Not that I think myself a Jesus, be it far from it, but your statement is not correct, nor can it be proved in any way at all.

For my sake you can think what you like but I do find you a bit hypocritical and stuck in a beliefsystem where you have given yourself the "right" to state what is nonsense and what is not.

Take that around the block with you next time you  go for a round.

Is the above nice and Godlike or loving like Jesus? NO NO NO

And lastly but absolutely not least don't ever equate yourself or any other person with the Divinity of Jesus Gods only son, yes he had a unique relationship with the father, no one else ever came close. This idea that we can buddy buddy with the Infinite is as laughable as it is ridiculous

Take Care



Dear Alan

I will try to answer your questions in point fashion, and your many statements the same way.

Mustard seed you are a really big mustard seed that seems to be able to sum me up although you know absolutely nothing about me.

When did I "sum you up" ? I merely made some statements about how you come across, rather judgmental and sure of yourself. Your statement was that Channeling God was nonsense, and I responded. Besides that why do you say I am a really  big Mustardseed? I dont quite understand, is it irony or ....what? Pls explain

What did I express that was unkind to DH I will believe what i like and despise exclusivity if that is any consolidation to you.

I did not say you were unkind, but disrespectful, and questioned the following statement,

"I would like to ask if you are a born again Christian why do you inhabit these forums?"

My question was: why would you put inhabit in quotation marks and what does his faith have to do with where he posts, something I find completely unimportant. Tell me why you would ask that question.

What you believe is your own decision, but it was not me attacking you and saying your beliefs were nonsense, it was the other way around. (I think the word is consolation, by the way)

I am ant-religioun I have been disillusioned by these money grabbing shouting TV manics.

And what exactly does that have to do with anything discussed in this thread. ?

God by the way is the most anti-Anti-religious being in existence and views all this screaming nonsense and people wailing in long cloaks by just nodding his head and smiling. I am not a prophet, there is one point I would like to say about so- called latter day prophets that they are indeed consistent about yes absolutely consistently wrong every time, every time.

And I ask again what does that statement have to do with me.

Now you seem to believe you are an expert of some sort on biblical matters. I have read the bible completely though a number of times have you. I can quote long verses from it , verbatum for all good it does me.

Again I ask what does that have to do with the thread. This is not a competition in who has read the Bible the most. I would say that statements like "an expert of some sort" is rather hostile, and a bit on the demeaning side. Common courtesy would be in order, but yes I know the Bible better than most, and studied it in Hebrew and Greek for a number of years, not that it matter much. I merely asked your opinion on a verse.

Now a lover of God does not come over in the unpleasant judgmental way yo did, it is even hurtful and most ungodly. Look first at your own righteousness before pointing fingers at a person you know absolutely nothing about

I think you are a bit too sensitive Alan, but maybe others would be better at explaining this to you. If you were hurt it was not intended, yet you yourself seem quite rash with your pen and makes many bold statements.

As I said on another thread I did not regIster on this forum to trade insults, but to make friends . If you indicate you would like to be a friend I would welcome that, but if you direct any more unpleasant comments at me I will not revisit this section of the forum again.

I see no insults on my part but a few remarks made in earnest, questioning your opinions and wether you visit here or not really makes no special difference to me. I would like to be friendly to you but it is a 2 way street Alan.

You should  wake up the atheists on the other sections are much much more loving and dynamic than you are. Mydral who does not believe in God is a much nicer person than you, think about this. Your words should resonate and reflect the master you serve.Once you have said unkind judgemental things they become decaing bread on the poluted  rivers of human thought. You are not dealing with some idiot when you confront me instead of dialogueing lovingly like the Lord you claim to serve did. How is your daily walk in life? Think about this fact the One whoes will you do is your real master.

Honestly my friend I think you take things a tad too personal, loosen up, it will serve you better in the long run.

Prophesy is not a conversation with God, but God using a very special person as his mouthpeace for a very short time

Well here seem to be the core of the matter, what is Prophesy. In Hebrew the word for Prophesy is Na-ba and means "to speak (or sing ) with inspiration, for prediction or discourse. In Greek the word is translated from "propheteuo" it means to foretell or to speak under inspiration.

As you know the old testament was written in Hebrew and the New in Greek.

Is the above nice and Godlike or loving like Jesus? NO NO NO

Well I did not think it was meanspirited or abusive not even unkind, but instead critical of your opinion. I disagree with you, thats all. I guess you feel diffrently......I think you are a bit sensitive.

And lastly but absolutely not least don't ever equate yourself or any other person with the Divinity of Jesus Gods only son, yes he had a unique relationship with the father, no one else ever came close. This idea that we can buddy buddy with the Infinite is as laughable as it is ridiculous

Firstly Alan I did not compare myself or my prophesy or Channeling with Jesus, YOU did. You said "I stick by what I said about channeling God, If you know your bible not even Jesus the son of God did this"

Since you made the comparison, I merely tried to follow your line of reasoning. In a discussion forum this sort of exchange is called a "double bind", if I do not answer your statement, your opinion stands, yet if I answer it you accuse myself of comparing myself to Jesus. Catch 22.

You may call me Laughable, ridiculous.....I think not. My best argument is that Jesus was bust certainly both buddy buddy and very close to his disciples so why not I see no contradiction in the Bible that this has changed after the New Testament was written. I simply think you adhere to a sort of Old testament view of an impersonal Gd, one far removed from man. This was the very reason Jesus came to the earth to make God available to all, children adults old and young. Your view seem rather religious, while I favor the more personal God......and weather you like it or not, whether you think it is laughable or not, I will keep talking to him.......would that be alright with you, or do you get offended by that as well

Kind regards Mustardseed

PS you yourself have made a few discourses and seem to have had some information given to you. You seem to think that you are privy to some information from somewhere......maybe even a divine source I dont know. Consider the following observation.

Africans who beat drums to expel bad spirits are held in contempt by Americans who blow their horns to break up traffic jams. Pretty funny. Now don't go taking this personal....its just funny
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!