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UNDER 18 AP goers

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Werp Weg Alles


Does everyone know about the Our Ultimate Reality forums? 

At least, everyone under 18  :-D

"What you do in life, echoes in eternity"

"I am not afraid to keep on living"

"Be not afraid of greatness"

"I hold it true that thoughts are things"


I totally agree with cavernstoy about the shwag thing. I usually only smoke chronic and everything's usually okay, but i have noticed that if i go a couple weeks in a row smoking every day i get a little bit slow, but it goes away after a couple days. Smoking too much is bad though, like my boyfriend smokes a lot b/c he can not deal with his problems @ all, so i think it makes his depression worse by allowing him to not deal with anything he is feeling, and now he feels like he has to smoke, which he doesn't like. He's also gotten into acid b/c he's getting bored with pot.

Embodied Words

Man, this got way off topic. lol, ya'll arn't even talking about APing anymore.
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)


Chris/11/Male. i have premonition but only see wats gonna happen to me
i turn 12 on july 24
Never trust trust!


hey im 15,
but im not to good at whole astral pro.
better at mediatation, just still having troublewith metaphysics.


I'm bill. I just joined today lol.

I learned about astral projection through isochronic tones. (P.S. Isochronic tones are actually found to be way stronger than binaurals) I didn't exactly know what it was. This was about 3 months ago. I started to look up a whole bunch of articles on the internet. Ever since about 2 months ago, I've been trying to astral project. And, whenever I get a detachment feeling, I focus on my eyelids and fall back. It's very hard to explain. If somebody could help me out, pm or email:


 :-DHi! I'm Cameo.  I live in America, Virginia.

I used to astral travel all the time.  But I don't remember it.


Quote from: CamiGurlRox on July 03, 2008, 10:42:06
:-DHi! I'm Cameo.  I live in America, Virginia.

I used to astral travel all the time.  But I don't remember it.

You do realize how funny that sounds right? :D but I've read your other posts so I understand what you mean. You might want to consider meditation as a means to tap into those memories (although it make take much more delligent practice than you think) which might in turn jump start the rest of it all together.

Quote from: bill121 on June 26, 2008, 20:34:14
I'm bill. I just joined today lol.

I learned about astral projection through isochronic tones. (P.S. Isochronic tones are actually found to be way stronger than binaurals) I didn't exactly know what it was. This was about 3 months ago. I started to look up a whole bunch of articles on the internet. Ever since about 2 months ago, I've been trying to astral project. And, whenever I get a detachment feeling, I focus on my eyelids and fall back. It's very hard to explain. If somebody could help me out, pm or email: XXXXXXXXXX

just a note, most spamming engines and programs scan for emails, so you should probably just edit that part when posting it up is just sticking your neck out for no reason when you could instead use the nifty private message features converse and perhaps exchange emails too. ;)
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


Quote from: GANAMOHA on July 04, 2008, 04:06:09
You do realize how funny that sounds right? :D but I've read your other posts so I understand what you mean. You might want to consider meditation as a means to tap into those memories (although it make take much more delligent practice than you think) which might in turn jump start the rest of it all together.

lol I just read it again and it does lol.  but I never thought about using meditation to tap into the memories.

I feel really alone though.  Cause practically everyone I've told about this so far is like, "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, sure ok."

That's why I'm glad I found this forum!  :-D

Embodied Words

I felt the same way when I first got here, Cami. It's a VERY helpful forum, and the people here are usually very friendly. ^.^
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)


hello :D

am shady/16/UAE(AD)

am newbi u can say :/ but i am giving my best though to astral projection and trying to survive even though whenever i meditate i feel something disturbing though but i am gettin used to it and doing progress lol in someway

well i am the next one to conquer the world >.> muahaha


Hi i'm Kyle, i'm 14.  I live in Florida in the United States.

I used to have dreams when I was younger and I would consider them Lucid Dreams since they were very vivid. I can't astral project, but I am trying to use binaural beats to help me have an OBE.
Everyone is an angel, no matter dark or light


hey all!

I'm Ellie, 14 and from Kent, England.

I stumbled across this post in the last 15 mins 9:05-15 ish... (found the forum recently) and was relieved in a sense to know that I am not the only under 18 intrested. I have always had to keep these sorts of things to myself "'cos it's weird!" as many at school have quoted.  I've always been intrested in this sort of thing ever since i was little and had a weird "spinny sensation" when falling asleep several times. I was too young to understand and there were other things too (possibly linked? :?) I was also really intrested in hypnosis and what these sates of minds are like. I haven't as of yet been able to AP when i wish to and am attempting to do so with many tools (hence all the questions on the mp3 post by g n o m a d ...) and I think one thing i would really really love to be able to see/meet and or speak with my dad who died when i was seven. (If it is possible?)
Glad I found the forum and good luck to all!



Hey, I'm 15, and I just tried astral projecting for the first time last night and apparently I was extremely close...but was distracted by my mom coming into my room to turn the light off. x_x


Hi, I'm 16 and I've been trying to astral project for a few years now. The first time I almost did it was when I was meditating, but that was before I knew about astral projection at all. Then I researched my experience (it felt like the room was shaking/ I was shaking) and I found this guy's website and found out that I was about to astral project, but since I didn't know what was going on, I quit my focus and went about my day. Since then I've been trying to astral project before I fall asleep, but when I almost do it, I get scared and stop. I don't know what I'm scared of, maybe not knowing what's gonna happen next, but I hope to overcome it soon! I think the farthest I've gotten was getting my arms out of my body. :P


Hi im David and im 15. Live in Florida and got introduced to AP by a friend. I have read Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality by John Magnus. Have never astral projected but workin on it :)


Helluw everyone! My name is James, I am 16 I'm from Macomb Twp Michigan. What got me interested in Astral Projecting is when I had what I believe to be one out of the blue and I have been trying to AP since I 14 and I have to say, its a pain in the tush!
One Bad Day. Thats what separates me from the rest of the world. Just One Bad Day...


"strictly under 18", you make me feel old and I am only 18 :cry:


Hello Guyz!I am Stevie and i live in Greece!I am 15 years old:P!I always like paranormal stuff and stuff like this:P They own:P!One person that my bro knows well told me about the astral projection!I got home and started looking for AP ...and i found this great forum:P i have some newbie AP experiencies but i have not traveled yet !But i dont quit...i will make it i am sure:)



I'm Nina! I'm 16 and love playing guitar and reading and writing. A while ago I read somewhere that when you're younger and feel like you're falling out of bed, or about to, that's when you have some sort of astral projection experience. Apparently I've had them because I've had plenty of times when I was younger and nearly caught myself before I fell out of bed. (I mean I never did fall out of bed, but I always felt like I was about to). I started looking up AP, and found this forum. So far I've only managed to get as far as near-minor vibrations. I hope to get farther soon. :-)
I will be away on vacation to Italy and Sicily from June 4 to the 22nd. I will try and get on when I can, but that time will be very short, if at all. I'll reply to any and all of my threads when I get back home though. :-)


Hi I am Keitake! I am 15 this year, on the 26th may! I live in Singapore, which is quite far... I love things like this and have started learning it since last year, when my uncle introduced me to this! I have been making good progress so far, but my next step is to achieve AP!! Yeah, just like the person above me, I have experienced the falling out of bed sensation a lot of times, especially after camps or a very tiring work... But recently I have not been getting it anymore... I wish I would have known this stuffs since I was a kid, and I hope I could teach all the future generations about these!!


Hi I am Pierre, 14, new mexico.  when I learned of AP, I was 12.   I still haven't projected... i have tried a lot, off and on...  I'm a trumpet player...


Hey all, my name is Tyler.
I'm intensely interested in Astral Projection, though I have been unsuccessful.
I've read a few articles on the subject, and a few different techniques that I've yet to try.
I am 16 and live in North Carolina.
Ummm...well...that's it :D

Embodied Words

I remember posting in this thread! xD I was 18 at the time, me thinks. Now I am 20. x.x

:: sigh :: Growing older is not fun.
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher, that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.

- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)


Hey im Zino and im 14 years old from the UK :) today i attempted AP for a while and instead fell into a lucid dream which was the first time ive done it by wanting to :P im very mature my for age but i still have fun like a kid :P

yesterday was my first attempt and i got to the point of having a big fuzz in my head, a tiny bit past the vibrations, but then i didn't know what to do next... :( id seen that you can just try to move your body but your soul moves instead. but my physical body moved instead of my soul :)
Do by not Doing.