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Herbal help for OBE.. safe..good idea?

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KI Aura

I'm not a drug user, nor am I in to that kind of thing. I mean I used to drink a long time ago, but hey I grew up. Lately I've been hearing a lot about the herb Salvia. It's legal, and it's supposed to be used for "opening the mind" or "spiritual awakening". I honestly don't know, but it seems interesting. I've sen the videos on youtube of younger people doing it and tripping and laughing and freaking and going crazy, but what if you did it and were in a "strong state of mind", will wise to use the experience to feel your body, inside and out, and obe from it? Do you think this is possible? To me it seems very plausible.  I'm not saying, go get stoned, it'll cause an obe, i'm asking do you think this herb will help? Like i've said in posts before, I used to obe but the ways of the world just have me completely stressed out. Maybe this will "unlock" me  :-D what do you think?


hi Ki Aura, I wouldn't recommend the use of drugs for OBE.  Yes they might help you project.  But the question is where do you end up. 

From what I've been taught, projecting while under the influence of drugs will attract beings of similar inclination (law of attraction).  And you will not be at your best to defend yourself or make decisions, which is critical for maintaining OBEs (it's hard enough without the drugs!).  Remember the law of attraction is a lot stronger in the astral than here on Earth.  When you take drugs, you lower your vibration and easily enter into the world of psychotic post-mortems. 

I don't think that's what you're aiming for??  :roll:

"This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet." Rumi


I have used Salvia Divinorum several times before. If you want to be in control of the experience then this is definitely not the way to go in my opinion. Not to say you wouldn't learn from a Salvia experience. Do your research and if you do decide to try it out take it slow.

As far as lowering your vibrations when taking it, and this is just my opinion, it depends greatly on your frame of mind when you take it. As long as you go into it with a positive attitude your experience will most likely be the same.

Respect the herb and it will respect you.
"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal."

Aleister Crowley

KI Aura

I'm not saying I'm going to use it, but i really appreciate the advice. It was just something that interested me you know? If i'm going to do something I enjoy doing it the hard way, it's more rewarding that way and that way IIIIIII accomplish it ya know  :evil:  has anyone tried it and experienced and OBE before? :?


Well I'm not sure if it was an OBE or what but one time I thought the effects had worn off until I walked from my living room to the kitchen through the wall.
"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal."

Aleister Crowley


I've done it before and whoever said you have trouble functioning on it is right.  For a solid 2 or 3 minutes you probably won't be able to stand.  Your "thoughts" will hardly be intelligible, and everything you see will still have a geometry to it, but that's about as much as anyone can predict about what you will see.

I recommend it.  After you do it once you probably will need some time to think about what just happened to you before you would want to do it again.  It doesn't "feel good" in any way (it doesn't feel bad, either, just a strange flavor of neutral),  it just really plays with your head.  As far as affecting your "vibration,"  fear is what affects your vibration,  and the more fear you have (of ANYTHING) the more restrained you are.  All these people that poo-poo salvia because it is a "drug," ingest things that are 100x more harmful on a daily basis without so much as a whimper, I assure you (fluoride in your water? -- also calcifies your pineal gland).  They do it because they are ignorant.

I only tried salvia a few times, but then sometimes afterwards I would find staring at concrete on the ground or tiles in a building, and weird geometrical features would pop out at me.  Not that I was still under the influence of it,  but more like my mind was trying to wrap itself around properties and characteristics of the things I was looking at that I normally don't perceive or try to analyze except for exposure to salvia.

If you do it one time it will leave you thinking "what the...!".  If you do it more, try to train your brain to function intelligently while on it.  I'm sure it can be done, but the world you are faced with is so alien and bizarre that at first you don't even know what is going on.  There is absolutely no risk of become addicted to it.  More than likely after your first time, you will be overwhelmed and not want to do it again.  Just be in a safe environment with a buddy or two to (respectfully) watch over you.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

KI Aura

I've done research on it, it has a very low toxicity level to it, it's not addicting and it has no known repercussions (side effects after use). It's not really a "drug" (yet), you can still buy the plant legally at wal-mart, lowes, or herb shops. I really appreciate your input on it. That's kind of what I'm wanting, to have that "bizzare" effect go on, but before doing it "know" what will happen, and just know it's an illusion of what is really happening ya know? And try to use the neutral of thought and emotion to obe and project myself outward for a bit. In theory it make sense, mind at "ease" things aren't what they seem but I "know" better, so just let loose. Again, thank you for your input!  :-D


Actually, now that I think about it, I was able to initiate a lucid dream with salvia once.  I was laying down to bed, and I made sure it was quiet and all the lights were out (definitely helps) and used it right before I laid my head down on the pillow.  I laid comfortably on my back like Robert Bruce suggests for obe's.  I had a pretty vivid experience of flying around above a house, but unfortunately I don't remember much of it now.  I have it written down in a dream journal somewhere.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Of all hallucinogens, salvia is probably the worst for learning anything from. It's WAY too short an experience to even begin to center yourself in.

For certain types of individuals, some hallucinogenic experiences may be beneficial (like ayahuasca guided by a shaman). But NOT for learning astral projection. That's just not going to happen. Astral projection is a controlled experience, whereas with hallucinogens you're pretty much just going along for the ride - not an AP. At least a shaman can somewhat help guide an experience.

KI Aura

 :wink: Thanks for the input, I don't believe I'm going to try it, was just wondering if it could possibly help clear my mind and lead me back in the right direction.. if that makes any sense  :roll:


Quote from: Stookie on January 05, 2009, 11:29:30
Of all hallucinogens, salvia is probably the worst for learning anything from. It's WAY too short an experience to even begin to center yourself in.

For certain types of individuals, some hallucinogenic experiences may be beneficial (like ayahuasca guided by a shaman). But NOT for learning astral projection. That's just not going to happen. Astral projection is a controlled experience, whereas with hallucinogens you're pretty much just going along for the ride - not an AP. At least a shaman can somewhat help guide an experience.

As a former hallucinogen user, I will agree, I used to try different hallucinogens because I found that viewing multiple perceptions at once was fascinating.  I do not use them anymore.  They are a very guided experience.  I have attained AP off of a research chemical once, needless to say I barely remember anything except for a couple sentences and flashes of vision.  To be honest I believe it is frowned upon there because the whole time I just remember feeling unwelcome.  Seems like I remember hearing my higher self say "why'd you do it?".  I do not regret the experience because it changed my thinking pattern and opened my mind.  THERE ARE MUCH BETTER WAYS TO OPEN YOUR MIND!  as far as salvia goes, its a very minor "trip" and honestly is really out of control.

on the other hand scientific research has shown DMT to activate your "third eye". *so I hear*

anyways just some food for thought.


a very extremely rare hallucinogen, because of the fact that its about a 15-30 minute effect, but people describe it as the most horrifying experience of their life.  After though the gland in your brain people call the Third Eye, shows increased activity.


KI Aura

Don't B.S. you know you're gonna try
"Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing."

KI Aura

Quote from: philmon on January 06, 2009, 00:30:30
a very extremely rare hallucinogen, because of the fact that its about a 15-30 minute effect, but people describe it as the most horrifying experience of their life.  After though the gland in your brain people call the Third Eye, shows increased activity.

Hahah, probably because all the area's around it were destroyed by the DMT  :-D Jk...but sounds interesting, like what kind of horrific things would go on?

Quote from: bondgirl3007 on January 06, 2009, 01:37:41
KI Aura

Don't B.S. you know you're gonna try

I've seriously debated it, but if it wont help me in anyway other than "a better understanding of perspective" then I really don't need it; i'm not an art major  :evil:


There is no way I could possibly put into words what its like to be on a hallucinogen.

KI Aura

I've done a lot of research on DMT, it's highly HIGHLY illegal  but it cause no harm what soever, it's in plants all around us and our brain produces more than an average "dose" in heavy REM sleep. It's supposed to take you literally into other dimensions... any other ideas? Anyone used ?


Quote from: KI Aura on January 06, 2009, 14:18:44
I've seriously debated it, but if it wont help me in anyway other than "a better understanding of perspective" then I really don't need it; i'm not an art major  :evil:


Do you enjoy anything artistic, like music, poetry, literature, etc... ?  You seem interested in AP at least, and that's traditionally considered a part of the "Royal Art" taught by mystical philosophies and mystery schools, which is definitely an art itself.  I consider life, and living an art.

Anyway, the reason I ask is because the artist is only worth as much as their artistic vision, in any sort artistic endeavor whatsoever.  And while that artistic vision is only going to be as powerful as the artist's mind,  I can personally testify to the usefulness of understanding the huge role perspective plays in our universe, in all subjects, across the board. Perspective in art theory is a metaphor for perspective in all other fields. Perspective is the "observer" that's even creeping into quantum mechanics, but is already very well recognized in psychology.  Anyway, I would consider someone who didn't study the phenomena to be at a certain disadvantage, if not for just missing out on the fun.  Perspective is everything. :)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

KI Aura

I meant it as a joke :). That's just part of my personality. I am a Psychology major at a university here in Kentucky. I am a singer and I play guitar, so yes I love art.

Back on subject, my friend is currently trying to extract DMT and test it himself (he's not the smartest but he'll do anything that seems fun), so i figured hey.. i can get him to do it and give me his testimony, and see what happens. Is it cruel, yes. Will it be funny, most likely. Is it worth it, yep. Will it keep me safe until i POSSIBLY (not sure if i want to) try it, you can bet your butt! :D!


DMT is considered by many the most intense of all hallucinogens. Like, communication-with-basketball-dribbling-elves-in-kaleidoscope-universe intense.

Once again, in this case, it's illegal and unadvised to people who have only a curious knowledge of these things or with little or no experience with hallucinogens. It CAN cause psychological harm. And it will NOT enable you to astral project or make it easier. It may even scare you away from anything non-physical from here on out. You know those people who live their lives in constant fear because of "negs" attached to them? Is it worth the gamble?

KI Aura

I'm very psychologically sound. I know DMT can cause a lot of damage, but in the all-things-considered aspect, only if you let it. If you can keep a sane mind and know the difference about what is actually going on you should be fine. DMT is a chemical produced naturally in the brain during heavy REM sleep. The DMT you can get illegally isn't even a comparison to the amount your brain produces while you sleep and are dreaming. I've done a lot of research on it and the military used and did a lot of different researches with it. A general even used it to unlock his self from his body and associated it with OBE and astral projection. It's a very far fetched and complex thing to grasp. You go and watch a scary movie with Jason or Michael Myers, you know the outcome, you'll be scared, BUT you know it's fake. Only people who really do not have a full grasp on "reality" will become terrified of the night because the "boogy man" is going to get them. They create them in their mind thus they really 'exist', atleast to the child or adult. With that being said, i can completely understand why you're asking "is this worth the gamble" because it could very well possibly happen to me, but the key is to "stay alert" and use common sense (which i'm guessin will be wiped out  :-D )... So is it worth the gamble, quite possibly. You never know until you try, which is why I'm getting my buddy to try it first  :evil: .


KI, its easier said then done to keep a sane mind on hallucinogens.  Not trying to scare you away, or encourage.  Make your own decision, but seriously know what your getting into.  If you have never taken a hallucinogen I wouldn't recommend jumping right in at DMT.  But if you do just remember this.  "I took a drug because I wanted to change my perspective, I may not understand time right now, but it is passing.  Eventually this will wear off and I will be back to normal"  Can't say how many times this has kept me from doing some crazy stuff or breaking down and crying even.

KI Aura

Quote from: philmon on January 09, 2009, 02:21:35
  But if you do just remember this.  "I took a drug because I wanted to change my perspective, I may not understand time right now, but it is passing.  Eventually this will wear off and I will be back to normal"  Can't say how many times this has kept me from doing some crazy stuff or breaking down and crying even.

That's exactly what I'm saying, keep THAT in mind. The mind is a very powerful thing, and can over come serious trauma with help and rehab. There are many tricks to use, just like lucid dreaming. DMT makes you pass out and it's all a "dream". Just have to look for the right signs and keep the right things in mind, does that make sense?


It sounds pretty naive to me, but I've said my 2 cents. Good luck on your decision and again for your lab rat.
