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UNDER 18 AP goers

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Even though this topic is from 2005 it's still active, so I guess I can post  :lol:. My name is Todd and I'm sixteen, I've been trying to AP for a year or so. I've done it once. Most of the time I am either in a very lucid dream or stuck in the vibratory state.
My list of ongoing projects doesn't stop with OBE's, but thats for another forum =) And that's it really.


I'm under 18 and trying ap for the first time! I got close my second time, my arm rose. Just saying. Love the forum!!! :-D
Let it happen.


im 15 but im turning 16 this name is Brandon, ive tried to astral project for along time, but only now using binaural beats "Astral Projection" am i getting anywhere...:( i got to the point of feeling like one body, floating into my ceiling and then the lights go out everything is blank and i get up...any help is very much appreciated


My name's Nick and I'm 14 (I'll be 15 on May 6th).

I just started trying to AP a couple nights ago and I've already felt the "vibrations" that everyone seems to be talking about.


Hey I'm Monika,

I'm 15, and since as long as I can remember, I've been in touch with this more spiritual side of myself, adn I've been seeing ghosts and have had many strange experiences. I've had those weird intense vibrations since I was a kid, and sensations of falling out of my body and lifting up and floating around up in my ceiling. The most i've had is a lucid dream.

I've been to scared to enter into an OBE, and I feel this is really holding me back. Now lately I have to tried to stop myslef from havning an OBE, but I don't want to do this anymore, I want to embrace it!


Im 15 and I have been projecting for 3 years. I am quite skilled at it and I own my own website. It is It has a forum with 56 members, 781 posts, and very reliable information. (Im not trying to advertise) I usually meet up with people on the RTZ and I either train them on how to do certian things (like create though form) or we just go on journeys. We also usually just do fun stuff like skydiving or something. I love astral projection and I experience it every night! Hope to see one of you guys out there some day!

You are in for a journey my friend.



Im  Isa (some knows me as Miyuki) , i'll turn 18 in some months, but still not there, soo.. xD


Hi people, I'm Anaghia, and I'm currently 15 and living in the U.S.  8-)

I've been APing for about a year or so. I've met up with my friends on the astral plane a couple of times, but I'm still working on recalling my experiences.

Sometimes I feel what others are feeling or the presence of a spirit, see auras, or even hear an occasional thought from a person near me.

Well, that's part of me in a nutshell. See ya!  :-D


I'm 18 years old, i have never felt any vibrations, cant see auras or project :-( But i have some other nice expierences and information, so if anybody wants to talk, is depressed or just need a little help pm me.

Just wanted to ask has anyone faced with expierence called child spirit within? If that child is already born, he must grow. Now i know it was one step forward.

Sry for my bad english.
Millions of reasons, cant count them all...


Hello andali ;3, as you've got a pic of yuna as your avatar, i guess you've tried to find the FF world over the astral plane.
just as i have, ha

My name is Mark. and I'm 16 years old..
I've been projecting since long ago...since i was a little child!
somehow i've been always able to do it without any kind of previous concentration..or that stuff..
but my projections ain't that long. at least, not long enough as to explore the other world very well!
anyway.. i'm under 18, and i love makin friends ^^!so i think this is a good topic to get in (;
i need help on bein able to last longer over the plane..any help you could give me?


Hey Andy here nice to meet everyone...I'm 18 and yeah i know it's UNDER 18 but oh well xD
I have always been open minded and have have interested in AP for a long time...I have only managed to do it a couple of times but I didn't really do much xP
If anyone would like to talk about spiritual matters on msn add my email.
Blessings x


I am 16 and still trying to AP.


am 17 and still trying to AP OBE too. but i guess it will happen when it is meant to happen.
But wow! nice to meet all of u interesting people!!!! Younger than me-- u guys can read auras/ see auras...have been APing for 3 or more years! wow! Hats off to u guys!  :-D


hi my name is rafal  im currently 15 n have been
attempting to AP for the past couple of months but usually i get to
the vibration state only
i always have that "flying " feeling but i never seem to fully get out
if anyone has any helpful tips im always welcome  :-D

Sorceress Sphinx

I'm Olivia and I'm 17. I've been frequenting OBE forums since I was 11. After many failed OBE attempts throughout my lonely middle school years, I sort of drifted away from the community, but since my accidental partial OBE last summer, I have returned.


I'm Mike. I'm barely 15. So far I think i have gotten VERY close but i have not projected or had an OBE. I will keep trying.


Been a long time since I've been on this forum, but I'm 14, can't remember how I got it into it, forgot about it for half a year and recently remembered all this and am trying to get into the loop of attempting OBE.



Welcome! 14 aswell here! Posted before but wanted to say I have achieved an RTZ OBE now and a few lucid dreams.
Do by not Doing.


Well, I'm to lazy to look at all the other posts, so I don't know if I'm one of the youngest or not. ;P
I'm 13 and I got into APing because of psionics. I started psionics about 2 months ago, and just started trying to astral project about 2 weeks ago. I haven't done it yet, but I hope I'll be able to soon. =)



May I ask what Psionics is? I have never heard the term before.
Do by not Doing.


I am 18 and live in the US. It really came to me as a gift out of no where. One night I was going to sleep, and I felt my first vibes, then I felt like a was going through some kind of change. I was in a forest of somekind and everything appeared really vivid, colors very vibrant. I felt wind blow through me, instead of around me like in real life.

After that it happened again, and again, until one night it happened and I got scared because I started to fly into an old cabin, which I felt an evil being dwelled, so I prayed to god for him to take me to my body again, and I woke up. Ever since then I have had the vibes but cannot seem to get out.

I wish I never did that I really want to experience the good aspects of AP again, and would do anything to fly like I did, and feel the way I did, in this mystical realm.


my name is mark, im 14, but turning 15 in a week, so ill say im 15! I stumbled upon information on astral projection while i was looking up things on meditation. I have always been fascinated with the thought that everything isnt really as plain as it seems. I always felt that we were more than most people thought, and regarding the universe, i always believed it to be more than we thought, and that there are definitely other forms of life somewhere. So when i stumbled on to information about metaphysics, and AP, and OOBE's, and remote viewing, alternate states of consciousnesses, and stuff of that matter i was amazed. I stuck to meditation for a year, and i recently re sparked my interest in this i started using the gateway experience. I experienced focus 10 (a very deep focus 10 at that!) today, only 3 days after i started prating, hell, even my first try i achieved it, i don't even need the tape to get into it anymore!


I'm Spencer from Canada and I'm 16. I've been at this since I was 15 and still haven't had a full on, controlled OBE but have had a few lucid dreams.


"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?"