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ROPE is falling

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I like rope. I can climb it for hours at a time. We seem to be missing something. At first we got a strong initial response, but it was too early and we met with resistance. There was something different about how we initially approached rope.


I wonder what it is that we are missing.The only thing i have been able to think of is maybe that we were so excited about it the first time that we easily put huge amounts of desire into it.I do hope to recreate the intensity of my first attempts at ROPE because like you, i also can climb it for hours.Point is though , it shouldn't take us more than a few minutes.



you can try this to remove the resistance, go to sleep 5hours wake up for 30mins wash your face, then try the rope technique while you drift off to sleep but don't sleep if you can try the rope technique you maybe able to pull it off at the conscious level instead of falling asleep and lucid dream (be aware you are dreaming).  This way your mind is alert but body is a bit groggy/loose which will help loosen the resistance a lot.


for me,rope has never worked.I can't seem to control my imajination, and the rope would break off the ceiling, or the ceiling would collapse! I just couldn't control it.
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


to me the rope was never great, i liked the falling feeling better, but I have noticed that it has been less effective for me. I always alternate 2 techniques though, recommended by RB.
In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Yeah, I have to say that ROPE never did it for me, but many other techniques have... and yeah, now they dont. That pretty much stinks.

Its like the more you do one technique your body or mind or whatever builds up some sort of resistance to it. Thats realy makes things inconvenient when trying to master this thing. Its like one has to invent a new technique every time I want to project. [:(!]

I recently discovered the now known "Brain Technique" and it worked wonders (although I did'nt project coz I was'nt realy expecting it and was not prepared the FOOL I was! should have known better than to think that it would work just as well the next time... and of course it did'nt)

I realy dont know WHY its like this.  ...and I've already forgotten why I bothered to post a reply to this. hmm.
Well, at least tonight Im gonna try out my new "Playing guitar glued to the ceiling with a monkey screaming in my butt"-technique. [:P]

...Wish me luck, guys

lucid dancer

I think that if you can do the rope technique for hours, it would be relaxing, but not successful. It's not meant to be done in moderation. You should go for it with all your will for about two to three minutes at the max. If you are determined, and you still didn't project, take a break and try again later. Furix, take it easy on the monkeys.


It is true that the rope technique was not meant to be applied for hours at a time, but it is not easy to give up after a few minutes, either. I seem to recall that Robert Bruce suggested an upper limit of twenty minutes for projection attempts with rope.

lucid dancer

You're probably right Tom. It has been a long time since I read the book. I read an article about it a while back where he stressed doing the technique for a short amount of time. Every time I tried to project consciously, I'd have some kind of problem. I took a break to try to enhance other things. Maybe it's time to try it again. Who knows!


I never seems to have much success with rope.

Sometimes I hit the ceiling and other time I'm surprised that there are something on the end of the rope that scared me senseless.
For me the best method is just to relax and playing on the border of sleep/awake line. Much like teasing yourself "I'm going to sleep, I'm going to astay awake".

It hits me that those who have trouble projecting are trying too hard. They have complete control over the sleep/awake line that they effectively stay on the border for eternity. IMO you need to fall alittle bit then try too catch yourself back. At least that"s what I did.


Hi everyone.
I have been shamelessly slacking off with my OBE work [:(]
but I think that the ROPE and the ladder and the falling
might be just techniques to begin with.

The essence of OBE control might be either purely mental or
in energy raising. Perhaps after you get the initial taste
with ROPE youre supposed to mentally control your OBE's (w/ no
imagery) ?

Just my cent + 0.5


Here's an experience I had with a 'rope'. Against the wishes of some of my 'friends' since I'm particularly 'vulnerable' around water, I ventured unaccompanied into the middle of the Yaque del Sur river. There's a lot you can 'do' in a strong current of water. Suddenly I was 'awakened' by a change in pitch of the rushing water, and when I looked upstream the water had increased in volume and velocity. It occurred to me that the floodgates of the Sabana Yegua dam about twenty miles upstream had been opened to alleviate pressure due to the recent heavy rainfalls. At this realization, my feet were slipping on the coarse river bottom and I was afraid that if I lost balance the raging waters would tumble me against the bottom rocks unmercifully. I had to stand sideways with my legs open in order to keep my balance. It was then that I saw the end of a rustic jute fiber rope wrapped around my right arm and hand, and the other end about fifty meters away. By pulling on the rope I managed to extricate myself out of the water, and by the time I was on firm ground, the 'rope' had dissapeared. This really happened, I swear that it is true!


Im not sure I follow Mirador.
Was this a dream, a projection, or a physicall plane experience?



Hi all.
When i first came across ROPE i had had little success with OBE.I read the techniques along with Roberts Treaty on OBE.I was so exited i tried it out that very night and it was amazing! Within three minutes i was in trance and about two minutes later i was vibrating like crazy.I got too exxcited though and my racing heartbeat put me off.However two weeks later i had my first successfull real time projection using the ROPE method.

The problem is, the more i use ROPE, the less effective it is becoming.Has anyone else experienced this or is it just that my enthusiasm is waning?
