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Help with delusional thinking

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I know without a doubt that this is delusional. I'm a diagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenia. I feel as if there is some organization who is after me. I know this is unrealistic.. Does anyone know of like banishing rituals or something else that could help me deal with this.. I have casted a couple of protection spells but I was wondering if anyone else might have some better advice.


An organization of interdimensional warriors that frighten and terrorize those that notice them. Which unfortunately are Schizophrenics and astral projectors... But never fear, you have come to the right place. I'll come over there and interdimensioanlly beat the crap out of them and send them back to where they came from with bloody noses, no questions asked!  8-)


Actually it's a little more mundane than that.. These are humans that I "sense" they are more like government agents. There just isn't any logical reason why they would be after me.


I'm sorry, but this isn't the right place of psychological help. You need more professional help than what you'll find here - prayers and well-wishes are about all we have.


I am already having Psych services.. I have a Psychiatrist, Therapist, Case Manager and a Outreach Worker.
I take meds and I'm doing ok on them. I'm just looking for an alternative approach..


Hi Tirosphere.

My understanding of schizophrenia is that there is a compartmentalization, separating, limiting your mind. In other words you separate your own mind into other pieces. You can re-piece them by understanding your own fear. Obviously your fear of being followed by some organization is strong for you. You state that you know it is delusional but on the other hand underlying this situation, you are still afraid.

The first step is recognizing the situation as it is which you have already done. Opposing resistance and making it go away by force will amplify it more stronger in your reality. Any protection spells or banishing rituals won't have any effect if you don't believe in your core that they may work. Any kind of ritual or tool is just a method for giving yourself permission to do and have the effect you desire.

You can start asking yourself by going further deep into yourself, into your mind - of what I'm afraid if I'm being followed? Sometimes people are afraid of fear itself and not the action. I'm sure you had in your life a situation in which your fear was bigger and then, after the event followed, you patted yourself on the back and said in your mind: what was I afraid of? If you respond for instance with the idea of being followed that it makes you feel insecure in your surroundings then you can ask yourself why do I feel insecure? and start again the process. Going deeper into yourself you will find the underlying belief and by effect the actual fear. One of the strongest fears is the one of death. This is a forum for astral projection. One of the main ideas is that you exist after death. You can prove yourself that.

You can learn to understand your own mind and your own fears. You become whole by integrating fear and not rejecting it. Remember the symbol of yin-yang. Yin and Yang comprises of both polarities. One cannot exist without the other. You can integrate fear and after you own it you can change it and choose something else like feeling love. You cannot change what you can't own. Transform the fear in your mind by making it your companion. Fear is there to say to you: Hello. You have a belief that is not aligned with your true self. That's all there is.

Fear and Love are the same thing expressed through different perspectives. They represent the 2 polarities. Fear separates, segregates,limits while love is that which unites, integrates, gives you choice. From the dark perspective you cannot choose other things to express yourself but from the positive side you do.

In conclusion unite all the pieces, all the parts of your mind into a single unity. Recollect and make the whole puzzle. All the pieces that are there belong there. Do not reject any one of them. Become the master of your own life.


you could be delusional or it's also possible that you are victim to organized stalking but I don't know you well enough to make a decision on that.



Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 08, 2010, 02:22:08
What is organized stalking?
We get a bunch of people together and create a schedule of when and where we can stalk said individual... then we all take shifts stalking!  \o/


Thats just it.. I have no power or anything.. Just hallucinations and Delusions.. So why would an organization stalk me? Because I can Astral Project? All of you can as well right?
There is nothing special about me..


What makes you think that they're stalking you?


They (voices) try to make me think I'm sort of special Schizo.. Which is just stupid.. It's alot like "A Beautiful Mind" but the difference is I know they aren't real.. It's just annoying that I have to struggle with the thought.


How do you know that they aren't interdimensional beings trying to talk to you?


Because they say that they are the CIA and not some inter-dimensional beings..


The Mental health Agency that I goto for treatment say that I am unusual in the fact that I can handle my disease alot better than most Schizos.. When ever I talk to them they always say how they are so proud of me that I can deal with it like I can. But I still deal with issues even though I can handle it.. I wish I could just wish it all away and have a normal life.. What do I mean by normal? Well.. How it use to be when I was a teenager with no voices and stuff.. I want that feeling of security and stability once again.


The CIA / NSA does possess technology that can allow for telephathihc communications and I would guess that a schizophrenic would be much easier to communicate with than your average Joe. Also, who would believe a schizophrenic that said CIA agents where stalking them telepathically! 

Can you tell me what you hear these voices asking / telling you to do?


They say that I'm a danger to organized society..Thus they want to kill me. But I say to them.. Why? You let people like Marylin Manson to get famous but someone like me who want to help people.. I'm the dangerous one?? Makes no sense.. I'm looking to make a business that raises funds for charity organizations.. how does this make me a danger to society? I've met schizophrenics in my time that are far more a danger than me.


So you here telepahtic voices of people telling you that you are a danger to society?

What is it they want you to do exactly?


They want me to die.. I feel as if they are gonna try to kill me and make it look like some kind of suicide.. But this is just not realistic.. I would never kill myself..


If the CIA wanted you dead then you would probably already be dead.


Eggs actlee!! Thats what I keep saying.. If this highly organized group with perfect stealth like capabilities as well as surveillance and tactics.. I would have been dead years ago..


Then you have nothing to worry about.  :-D

Keep up the good work with your charity organizations!



Well I don't have a business yet but what I wanted to do is have people vote on what we should donate to.


Not very many people have much money to donate these day.